Comunism does not work

prove me wrong
and no bs like(User was proven as a shitposter)

Other urls found in this thread:


Read theory tbh famlam

that meme is bs
and is a copy of this

development of what?
poverty and famine?

"Communism" is not supposed to work right now, it has never been attempted to implement, except by anarchists.

Read Marx.

fun fact marx also said that is just an abstract idea that will never work in reality

No, he didn't.

yes he did
it seems you are the one that needs to read


No, he didn't.

yes hi did
read his memoires also he was a fucking leecher of his buddy
something similar to the advocates of marxism bs today
all beeing leechers on society espectyng govermnt to hand them money and free stuf

i lived in comunism so no need for wikipedia
all that was permanent were secret police and temporary shortages of everything

Either provide a source or fuck off.


the book it's on amazon

You're a such a baby.

Really? Did it have no state, no money and no classes?

I can play the game of "what about the huge humongous poverty and famine in capitalism is about that killed and took so many lives thx to capitalism exploitation of 3d world country's " BUT

But instead i will go about it this way
development of the relationship between the labor and means of production in witch we go from class society where most of us work for the few at the top while do nothing to our society to a just and fair system where those who work get the most out of their work and labor.

Communism has never existed.

This is the part where you get Marxism-Leninism confused with communism and leave in a huff.

Not a source.

No can do, checkers.

No he didn't. I guarantee I have read more Marx than you. I'm well aware he "lived off his buddy", the petit-bourgeoise like Engels would be instrumental in the revolution because you can't write theory when you are slammed at a wage slave job.

No, read actual Marx.

This is the part where I ridicule you for worshipping a system that can never exist.

It can exist, but only after global socialism has been established.


Really? Argumentation 2/6.

never mind I understand why know>>1202229


sad board tbqh


No OP, you did not.

I still stand by my point

seems you fagots can't handle free discusion
but it's to be expected after all your argument falls flat in a free speech society

Holla Forumscucks always seem to try to say we are triggered or something before running off. My hypothesis is that it has to do with there anuses being connected directly to there brain. Once there little white boipussys are destroyed by us they seem to develop cognitive dissonance. This connection makes sense being that most of there ideas also come from there ass

refer to above

Nobody ever attempted to implement communism. Read or fuck off. Communism can't be established until the conditions are right to do so, and to get to those conditions we need socialism.

But you are so assmad you just want to shitpost, so kindly go back to whatever shithole you came from, classcuck.

leftypol is a socialist cuckold safe space for 17 year old high schoolers

I think we might have proven the hypothesis
What discussion.
You made it clear that your intent is purely shitposting.

When communism kills over 50 million people but it's ok, we all want communism because

it's 100 milion ppl

More like 100 bazillion

his memoires is actual marx just not the bs book of theories he wrote
his autobyogaphy to say so

Stop bumping shitposter threads.

don't act like a jew

Looks like you were right.
So why do they want this exactly?
To cause death and poverty? To eradicate humanity in the first world countries?


they are beeing duped by global banks that can't thrive in open society
they are the so called usefull idiots


by the act like a jew is the

That is an understatement, we all know those commies killed 300 trillion quintillion.

Also is this the "autobiography" you are referring to?
Because thats written by someone other than Marx, so its not an autobiography, and not a source of Marx opinions. Anyone can write memoirs about anyone and just write shit about them.

since your still here would you kindly mind verifying my hypothesis

never change, Holla Forums

I made a mistake, upon further investigation I believe the proper number to be a sickeningly high
900 trillionquintillion decillion.
This has to be stopped!

Okay, one I'd like you to link to the exact pass. Or to post a picture of it. I'm guessing that you own the book since you instructed me to buy it. Marx wrote no memoirs.

tell me about the plans on making a Nuclear bomb or Sarin Gas.

Yes, thats the same book. Its written by a guy named "Liebknecht", not "Karl Marx".

Don't be anti-semitic goy! Holla Forums has always been a jewish board!

it's a false hypothesys
most Holla Forumsacks that post here get banned in a few seconds after they try to start a discusion
while on the other hand on Holla Forums all political ideologies are free to debate altho some get laughed at

he just published it he did not wrote it

do you have the proofs
because the smell of anus blood says otherwise

Oy vey

No you only get banned when you bait, because its against the rules.

Theres plenty of nazis and nazbols here, anyone can come debate if they want, but just spamming your opinion and plugging your ears will get you banned.

Marx died years before the book came out. If you actually read the first paragraphs, you will see that the author is liebsknecht

and my ban earlier is just proof of how much of a ideological bouble this board is

Also this is a SFW board, so your picture is a no go.


it's perfectly censored
+no reason for ban was given

I go over the experiment time and time again
but we get the same conclusion
Holla Forums is full of shit

Unlike you degenerates, we on leftypol are puritans.

this aint a court niqqa



hey he might have a point
what should I have expected

Oy vey

מה לעזאזל עשה לך רק מזוין אומר עליי, מנוולת קטן? אני צריך לדעת שאני סיימתי בראש של הכיתה שלי הקומנדו הימי, ואני כבר מעורב בפשיטות סוד רבות על אל-Quaeda, ואני יש יותר מ -300 הרוגים אשרו. הוכשרתי בלוחמת גורילה ואני הצלף העליון בצבא ארה"ב כולה. אתה לי כלום אלא רק יעד אחר. אני אחסל אותך לעזאזל עם דיוק שכמותו מעולם לא ראתה לפני כן על כדור ארץ הזה, לסמן מילות המזוינות שלי. אתה חושב שאתה יכול לברוח עם אומר חרא כי לי דרך האינטרנט? תחשוב שוב, מזדיין. בזמן שאנחנו מדברים אני עמך קשר הרשת הסודית שלי של מרגלים ברחבי ארה"ב ו- IP שלך הוא להיות לייחס עכשיו אז כדאי להתכונן לסערה, רימה. הסערה שמוחקת את הדבר קצת פתטי אתה קורא את חייך. אתה מזיין מת, ילד. אני יכול להיות בכל מקום, בכל עת, ואני יכול להרוג אותך יותר משבע מאות דרכים, וזה רק בידיים שלי. לא רק שאני מאומן בהרחבה לחימה ללא נשק, אבל יש לי גישה ארסנל שלם של חיל הנחתים של ארצות הברית ואני אשתמש בו כדי מלוא שלה כדי לנגב את התחת האומלל שלך מעל פני היבשת, חתיכת חרא קטן. אם רק היית יכול היה לדעת מה גמול קדוש "החכמה" התגובה הקטנה שלך עומדת להפיל עליכם, אולי היית שתקת המזוין שלך. אבל אתה לא יכול, אתה לא, ועכשיו אתה משלם את המחיר, אתה צריך לתקוע אידיוט. אני מחרבן זעם בכל רחבי אותך ואתה לטבוע בו. אתה מזיין מת, ילדונת.

Also may I just emphasise the irony of this?

Kek, please try and read an actual book. I suspect whatever passage Liebnecht indicates Marx thought communism was idealistic is taken out of context as well.

Pretty sure Communism will never work because of humans being inherently greedy.
It's all about sharing and in a big country, it'd never work. That and good luck changing a country from non communist to communist. A high percentage of people wont like it.
Then you'd have a civil war and instead of communism you'd have a lot of dead because of a bunch of uneducated fucktards such as yourself.

Communism is bad, look at Russia during their communism times.

cheka did not kill innocents



this shit killed me

t. kulak

Remember the people who constantly make helicopter jokes?
The "innocents" cheka is killing actually did something similar and are now paying the prize for it.


serious question for my fellow lefties
is this joker a fair representation of Holla Forumsacks or are there some respectable ones

>Defending the capitalist jew and his system

There are some but they dont usually say they post on Holla Forums

Yeah you people probably realized by now but I'm shit with arguments. I just wanted to put my part in.
Communism doesn't sound good to me. Given that it's killed 100 million people I sure don't want that shit near

No, I'm not. Others could argue better.



If my sample only consisted of Holla Forumsyps, I'd say retardation is human nature, not greed. Kill yourself.

Yes, please tell me how a backwards, agrarian empire becoming the second largest economy in the world, improvement of literacy, industrialization and living conditions, on a rate never before or after seen, precisely because of socialist reforms and socialist planned economy somehow is proof that communism don't work.

You didn't put your part in at all.

You walking into a chess club, shouted
And when told we dont play checkers, you said


he gets it

Stalin for one. I dont know enough apparently. I should lurk more I guess.

We need 100 more obviously. Then we can have glorious permanent revolution.

>tfw you give up and accept them thinking the Khmer Rouge was communist, so you show them the nationalist elements of them to gain their sympathy and begin their conversion to the left


Fuck, was meant for

No, it's 200 million people you idiots, and we're gonna ramp it up to 200 quintillion next.


Prosvijetli me o čarima toga utopijskog "ne kao ostali" komunizma.
Da ti izađem u susret Tito nije ni bio toliko loš, barem nismo bili tolike prčije. Zasigurno bolji od Fagelića

I thought you where on your way out


Why do you all even want to change? Isn't the current state most countries are in perfectly fine with capitalism.
Instead of arguing just explain. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.

If you were referring to the person who said bye xd, that was me.

But isn't that classcuckery as you implied earlier?

No, u?

It's when the workers own the means of production, not when big gubermand does bad stuff

so what are you doing in the door way? you can leave now

it's closer to claiming that a space ship can exist, but you must throw all of the material that can be used to make a space ship into a volcano first.
People will never give up their property willingly, they'll only do so under coercion of force.
Revolutionary leaders are bloodthirsty psychopaths who don't know how to run a country.
Giving an armed dictator the force of power to enslave his people and then asking him to relinquish that is asinine and will never work
Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, trotskyism, etc. are all true visions on communism because a leader will never relinquish the power they've accumulated. That's the same principal of reasoning behind seizing the means of production.

also marx was a faggot who understood nothing about economics.

No. Unemployment is rising, standards of living are dropping, wages are dropping, hours worked are rising, economic stability is decreasing, wealth inequality is growing.

And all of this despite the fact that technology gets better and better and that me and my ancestors broke our backs to create for society, and now are not getting anything in return, while the bourgeoisie gets richer just because they or their ancestors already owned things before.

And no, a few examples of people who "made it" does not fix it. For every person who gets richer, another must become poorer, and its easier for the rich to become richer than for the poor to do the same, simply because of ROI, rent and profit.

And thats just skimming over the top. I can't explain the depth of the issue that is capitalism in a few chan posts. Thats why people like Marx wrote massive books about it.

I'm just checking
what does "private property" mean to you?

private property is any physical item. possession, or form of wealth that persons or corporations not affiliated with their governments possess.

I to znači šta? Jesi mogao dati nejasniji odgovor?
Zar u zlom kapitalizmu radnici nemaju opciju posjedovanja dionica?

Naravno daleko od toga da je današnji outsource kapitalizm imalo dobar, ali vlada je ta koja spriječava ekonmskom i općenito društvenom politikom (pobuđenje zajedničkog duha i pripadnosti da skratim priču) da kapitalizam izmakne kontroli.

Marksizam je protiv privatnog vlasništva, pravi Socijalizam nije. Postaviti graničnike cijeloj državi, zbog zavisti na nečije bogatstvo je najblaže rečeno idiotski.

Speak english you degenerate

Proving you don't know the difference between private and personal property.


ok what's you're special snowflake definition?

The socialist definition is that its private ownership of the means of production. Something that isn't used for personal use, but to produce commodities by society.

But im out of this thread.

Why, what insight into Jugoslavija can you give me that my Jugonostalgic friend cant?

oh I forgot everyone in this thread can't get their heads out of their ass and speak in general ideas and terms and have to keep thinking about everything in a marxist lense.

to everyone else, how's the labor theory of value doing for you guys?

pretty good fam


Once you go dialectical materialist you never go back

I'm not Yugonostalgic I can't even speak Serbo-Croatian, I just like the system of governance in Titoist Yugoslavia

Oh, kek more ebin than I thought.
At least he knew how to milk the US out of their shekels (main reason why it was a successful system). But a house of cards system if there ever was one.

Got fucked over by the IMF and inbred nationalist. That being said, I know a Serbian who's family moved here after Malosevic got in power and they said that Titoist Yugoslavia was amazing.

meanwhile Holla Forums is a Nazi classcuck spooked safe space for 17 year old high schoolers


It got kiked* over. Milošević*
When compared to war years, and post war years sure it was heaven. Out of curiosity what is their status now?

You do realise that came after Titos death, right?

got an uncensored version?



I never said Yugoslavia was utopian though

What do you mean? If they are citizens or not?
IMF debts started before Milosevic.

I think Russian hackers have infiltrated the thread.


Report shitposters or you are in the same level as them

Sage the thread you faggot, or better, delete this shit.

Bless you, Papa Francis.