So the age of ruin timeline confirmed, its just more meta than we expected.

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember: everything is ruined forever.

Also you have to pay for Hard mode.

Ride the tiger brah.


Nintendo dumbass, you think i made it up?

Fucking hell. Just when I decide to bet back to playing a Zelda game they do this shit. Well, I was going to wait and see before buying a Switch+Zelda anyway (if the diferences are not that great between WiiU and Switch versions, I might just stick with WiiU).

Okay, but source?


Also, OP downloaded a pic to his PC just to post on his faggy thread, but couldn't be arsed to copy/paste a youtube link

It's a thread on Holla Forums, you have to believe it

Nintendo sure loves to shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly before their launch hits huh.

Just play the game and praise it if the base is good while condemning that shit. That cancerous shit doesn't apply to overall quality.

DLC and Season Passes are the beginning of the fucking end, user.

"New Map Feature"

I'm not liking this, the game was made for you to explore e find things without relying on symbols in a map, if those "New Map Features" are anything like an ubisoft map, then I'm honestly done with Zelda.

Nintendo confirmed for making a Ubisoft game, everyone get off the train while you still can

Okay, tumblrtalefag.

It's just a picture, user

Don't fucking touch me.

He said "if" you dumb sonygger mongoloid. Honestly when didnall these shitposters get on this board? This place has gone to hell over the last year.

Check em

Okay, I'm fucking blind. Sorry.

Shut the fuck up both of you fruits

Hey, don't go around telling people to shut up, you fucking homo! You shut up!


Ur gey

Ur gey 2

Moral of the story- both groups should commit slow and painful suicides.

Well any doubt i had vanished.
Fuck you, Nintendo, from the bottom of my broken heart.


Darkest timeline indeed.

I would have been fucking furious if Koei had done this with Hyrule Warriors. Although Koei has added harder difficulty levels in past Xtreme Legends expansions to justify the power boosts those same expansions gave characters.

This never happened, especially since amiibos never locked things behind them like on-disc DLC due to all games offering other ways to unlock the content


Why would they? (Exept for shekels of course?) Why would they willingly end an awesome game series like this?

Let's just calm the fucking down, I see two possibilities for the outcome of those DLCs:

1) They'll be good DLCs with a lot of new and unique content like the Dark Souls or Witche 3 ones

2) They'll be worthless additions like a Hard mode where enemies just do double damage without affecting their patterns or making them more agressive, Map features like in Ubisoft's games, uninspired shrine-like Dungeon without new items and playable female character without a unique moveset just to appease do SJWs.

Let's just hope for now that it's the first possibility.

Gen V pokemon was fresh and amazing, after skipping 3 and 4. I played 6 and it was underwhelming and reminded me of all the lingering issues in the series that continue on because of grandfathering. They wont reboot the mainline games. I skipped Gen 7 altogether and surprise people are already done talking about it.

I havent gotten my hopes up in a long time. I was last genuinely pleased with Link Between Worlds, but it was a half rehash of LTTP so it wasnt even completely fresh. I have a Wii U that I used for about 6 months and now its been boxed for about 3 or 4 years.

I was *hoping* this Zeldo wouldn't be shit, but it looks like I wont be buying it either

Kirby Robobot has an amiibo exclusive UFO power.


Why is it called the Nintendo Switch?

Well, because you take one look at it and switch to another console.


See, the difference with Nintendo DLC is that they at least put out a complete and fulfilling product on launch. I can't speak on SMT, but MK8 had a full 8 cup listing before adding 2 more with an 11 dollar pass- not to mention the characters added at that point as well. I can't say I'll be getting this particular pass. Nothing looks like it'll appeal to me except maybe the exclusive clothing and the new dungeon.

Honestly at this point I think you're all just kneejerking. Regardless, I'll remain cautiously optimistic and see if the game's actually complete before I consider getting it.

God damnit.

One that can be obtained by 100%ing the game. Way to prove my point.


Koei has done fucking worse

Now you are just exaggerating. I'm not saying it didn't have pretty cool games, but the series as a whole isn't exactly great

I collected all the cube shit and keychains, I was too burnt out to do the arena with bullshit bosses that dont appear anywhere else.

Wii-U version confirmed best. I'm pirating the shit out of that download content. Fuck these Japanese con artists.

Do you mean Samurai Warriors 4? Dead or Alive 5?

Some people have always complained that Nintendo didn't keep up with other companies. Well, now they're doimg exactly that. How does that monkey paw feel now, faggots?

Maybe this will make some of the weebs plaguing this board leave.

If you don't like it, don't buy it you autistic spergs. Why can't you just let other people have fun and support their favorite game series?



personally im gonna buy the game and season pass, then play it once and never play it again.

Nintencucks are really the most insufferable faggots on this board. Whenever there's a thread on some nintendo exclusive game it's nothing but rampant faggotry and shouting about how nintendo can do no wrong and it's fine as long as those slant-eyed jews do it.


I wish i could say i was surprised but this has been long coming now.

3/10 made me reply

You just want silly reaction images don't you?

It's been gearing up to be trash from the get go. I had some hopes that it wouldn't be, but the presence of amiibo shit was plenty of warning.

Yep, correct

Nig what

I'm pretty sure that the three or so fags defending this may be shitposting

I'm not going to stick around for the 750 replies, this thread's already gone off the deep end.

You know what grinds my gears?
What ticks me the most about season pass and DLCs?

It's the fact that they are not even trying to hide all it's bulshittery anymore. They don't even BOTHER to make it feel like ADDITIONAL content.

Why not wait 1 month after the game's release to advertise it? Even if it was your plan all along to stiffle consumers, if you wait a bit before saying "hey, the game was such a huge success, we are going to EXPAND it" then consumers would go "wow, there's MORE?!" and i wouldn't feel so ripped off.

But you won't even bother to make an effort to jew me out of my money. Fuck this shit


because it's not for you

it's for the faggots with the short attention span who will pay 60 USD for a game, play it for an hour, and brag on facebook about what a nerd they are, and then promptly forget it and never look at it again. Can't advertise to people who have already forgotten about the game

The majority of gamers today are too young to remember when "DLC" was called "Expansions" and came with a whole game's worth of new content (usually).

Yeah, this is probably what hurts the most. We're not catered to anymore.

Friend the weebs have been in Sony's pocket since the PS2.

But Sony consoles tend to have games that appeal weebs more, such as Neptunia

You mean the company that already made 2 dudebro consoles?


Because it was another 30 mission campaign with a huge number of additional maps and units, to the point where the base game was unplayable.

DLC for Zelda would be acceptable if it continued the main quest by adding another 50 - 75% onto the campaign length, with a shitload of optional sidequests and dungeons.

Kids these days just see how horse armor or some other cosmetic shit gets sold for $5 and think that's how it should be.

I miss those days

Nigga how many weeb games does nintendo and Xbox'es had in the past generations?
Fuck, I'm a weeb myself, nothing wrong with it. But trying to deny that sony has been our house for the past decade is just silly.


remember you are here forever

Don't forget to buy all the new Zelda Amiibos!

They look like shit.

And a failed handheld that ended up being weeb, yes

Um dlc in Zelda. Not only that but day one dlc? WTF Nintendo!

As much as I want to agree with you and people here would like to call me a Nintentoddler…

Amiibo was a good idea for Smash but Nintendo quickly went overboard with them

Maybe these are more to your taste?

the one with all the weebshit on it? yeah.

spoiler: nintendo makes one weebshit game for the 30 the playstation and vita gets.

Can anyone explain season passes to me? They don't make sense. Is it like buying DLC before it's even released? Why are older games still selling season passes when it's obvious the game has been abandoned? Isn't there some situations where if you buy the season pass, you still miss out on some DLC?

Pretty much, you were supposed to get all the DLC released for a period of time but then companies would release DLC that wasn't included with the season pass so you'd get screwed either way.

To see everything in the new Zelda you will be spending more than the cost of a bloodborne machine or a new 3ds.

One company being shit doesnt excuse another company being shit

They convinced goyim to pay for dlc under the license agreement it might never release or include what they say.
Nintendo has gone full Electronic Arts. Its over.

pre-fucking-cisely. It doesn't even give you any exclusive content for getting it ahead of time. You can wait untill all the DLC is out, and if it's to your liking, just buy it later for the same price, holy shit

No one is trying to start anything, i just said that Sony is more weeb than Nintendo

Nigga how many weeb games does nintendo and Xbox'es had in the past generations?

x360 was prime weeaboo console with all the otakushit poured into it including [email protected]/* */ and Wii just had plenty of japanese games in general

Plebs and mainstream think japanese=weebshit.

Back when PS3 had nogaems to play japanese games you had to import an japanese xbox

Anyway I gave up calling out for wrong use of "weeaboo" since reddit and normalfags effectively took over that word

Not surprising at all. I knew Nintendo was going full on kike when they announced paid online. Fuck the switch and fuck the Nu zelda.

They've been hyping up botw saying shit like "It's returning Zelda to its roots!!!!!" Even though it seems more like a modern generic empty open world action game #26893. You can't talk sense with nintendrones.

I pray for the day fanboyism becomes unpopular in the mainstream

You guys think the cemu version will have all this stuff?

Oh no, that sucks.
I'll wait to reserve judgement because I'm not a foaming at the mouth retard that thinks any downloadable content means it was cut from the product.

I have seen that particular argument used many times to defend the "high quality" of amiibo figures as being worth the price of purchasing them. Furthermore, while many amiibo do very little to their respective games, there are plenty of others which lock you out of real content. Splatoon, for instance, has three quarters of its single player content locked behind amiibo, and without them you can only play a single minigame while waiting in a multiplayer lobby.

That gets to me, too. Something as simple as releasing the game first would go a long way towards making me feel better about it. I believe Mario Kart 8 did that, and the timing of the announcements in addition to the reasonable value of the DLC made me a lot more forgiving.

On a totally unrelated note, do you think the board quality would increase if there were no console users save for retro enthusiasts?

The fucking thing went gold less then two weeks ago. If you buy the pass there's already day one content unlocked. You're telling me that shits not already on the damn disk right now.

Sure it does, and game development goes on until the day before they go out on store shelves. Look I'm not going to even defend this bullshit but the "cut content" DLC bullshit for every single piece of dlc really needs to fucking die because it dilutes things like Borderlands 2 having map data and weapons for nearly all of the expansions on launch just inaccessible until the DLC came out.


Those four are confirmed to be 100% optional, thankfully. You just get a random bundle of items once per day.
Wolf Link's one is neat (for an amiibo); if you completed Twilight Princess HD's bonus dungeon, it saves the data to the figurine and becomes a stronger companion in BotW (ie. You need to 100% Twilight Princess and beat the bonus dungeon with the best possible score to get the best Wolf Link companion).
Nobody knows what do yet, but I'm hoping it's just random item drops like that Anniversary set.

Just waiting for that twink Link porn dump to drop

It's really annoying seeing Nintendo do this sort of thing since the Mario Kart DLC was actually quite a decent expansion. They had it right before, why start selling Horse Armor now?

Only thing that matters.

There will be downloadable full versions. Wii U release is a saving grace.

DLC will include (probably on disc) extra quest/dungeon + hard mode. The pass itself gives largely cosmetics and a few neat tools.

I've given Nintendo every single chance I could to sell me on the Switch. They've swung from 'damn near sold' to 'WHY' over the course of every leak and announcement to date, even when it was still unnamed.
Every time I get back, and get back I did, there's some bullshit like this that makes me never want to touch a Nintendo product ever again. I know and understand that, make no mistake, this is what games (doubly so console games) look like now. Dark Souls did it, Witcher caved and did it, Microsoft and Sony set the goddamn standard and there was no rally to show any sort of support for the only competitor and Nintendo got the wrong signal from that and decided 'industry standard' would solve their problems. I get it.

But damn, am I tired of it. I have alternatives that don't tire me out and don't sell already made fucking content as DLC. The Switch is likely to be the last console I even consider buying instead of the last console worth buying.

The fire emblem awakening's dlc were pretty bad.

day one pirate

At least he didn't have to see this

The first pack adds hardmode, a "Cave of Trials" and an additional "map feature".
I don't see anybody with a brain thinking that's good.

How do you pirate on the Switch tho

You cant, but you can on the Wii and Cemu.

There's a WiiU version my man

I swear the god if that new map feature is just the ability to draw on the fucking map with the touchscreen.

I get the impression they felt obligated to make it something big because it's Zelda, but BotW's troubled production cycle may have impacted their ability to do that cleanly. The announcement video mentions "extra challenges" and an "additional dungeon," but we have no idea what that means in terms of size. Almost the only thing we know for certain is hard mode will be locked behind a paywall.

What a world we live in. Titanfall 2, an EA-published game, has the best microtransactions I've seen in recent memory (to the point where the cosmetics don't even affect the silhouettes of a character model), and a fucking Legend of Zelda game is fumbling the delivery of multiple waves of DLC.

Why would you have a WiiU

speaking of piracy how long do you guys think piracy for the switch will be possible?

Judging on hardware availability and exploitable features a month at most.

By all means if the game comes out and the shit is already on the cartridge/download fucking riot, but don't dilute an actually shitty practice companies do on a regular basis by fucking lying.

I will sue them for rape becouse my childhood just got slapped by a massive corporate dick.
Fuck you Nintendo i will forever pirate your shit.

Titanfall 1 had horrible microtransactions from what I've heard, which made an already bad game even worse. The devs seem to have learned from this, but I think EA has shafted them because of their decision not to push microtransactions hard. The release window was chosen really badly and a sequel might not happen.


I bought the DLC for Hyrule Warriors, and this seems like a ripoff.

Shame it's all just going to be cuck shit like all other zelda porn where link is being fucked by gannon while zelda watches.

No it wasn't you could have implemented progressing AI without locking out content with toys

as much shit as I've heard about this game I've never heard "returning to it's roots" as a pro

What proof would you need to believe that It was cut out?
How does day one DLC not prove that to you?

They were probably talking to him about it too

I'm surprised you can feel buyers remorse

How much longer untill this shitty company goes full Konami?
Killing fangames left and right, charging money for playing online just becouse they can get away with it, always online bullshit, waggle controlls ruining otherwise fine games and now cutting games into pieces to milk their fans even harder of their money?

Nintendo has fallen.

The worst: look at those youtube comments, with people not only defending this move (fucking pre-launch DLC announcement, in 3 waves) but they're voicing their fondness of DLCs at general!
What the fuck is wrong in the world, can't people see that those are held-back content? That developers didn't included them in the full game purposely to milk them in the future? That they're releasing content in December, 9 months after you finished the game (if you play it at launch)?
There are some gems as well, the Nintendrone meme proved itself real again, when dozens of people there said that "When Nintendo does it, it's good".

I don't feel buyer's remorse, that DLC was worth the price. But I also love Musou games and don't really care about mainline Zelda, so my perspective is probably not typical.

Iwata assassinated?
The only way I might got the switch is to get the system pirated and many good games I want. Don't expect much from kidtendo though.

Actual fucking files. Not assertions. Borderlands 2 you could go out. Rip the CD and you
Fucks sake it's not something hard to ask.

This was all on you, enjoy bitching
We all know you'll still buy it and a Switch like the little cucks you are.

If anything there's a significant amount of dislikes. You can tell there are number of people who pay attention enough to nintendo games and hate this kind of shit.

You have to see the files in the CD but not bother to put two and two together to realize that in order to have day one DLC it has to already be made.

If it's not in the CD what do you think about the content in the Expansion Pass Bonus?

For me the worst part isn't even the practice anymore. It's the reasons people will go to justify it and thus further supporting the degradation fo this hobby. The same people who, at the time, were rightfully smug assholes making fun of all the other companies being greedy fucks and screwing over gamers with these anti-consumerisms. Now that they do it too, I can't wait to see how all those people who used to rightfully make fun of everyone else coincidentally disappear and just be replaced with apologists and "y-your entitled!".

It really is a shame how this company has fallen since the Wii U. I may have hated the Wii but it didn't have shit like this.

The worst thing about Jews and Jew wannabes is how much normalfags will defend them despite being fucked in the ass by them.

Sometimes, literally fucked in the ass.


So here's a question. DLC is shit, but expansion packs were awesome back in the 90s/early 2000s. RTS specifically were really using them to their full potential.

How much content, and at what price point, do after-release additions have to meet as a criteria before it becomes "holy shit more of what you love" and not "I can hear the dreidels from here".

Pirates always win

The ones laughing at the others disappear because it now affects them. They just simply stop talking or go to hating nintendo. That doesn't stop the idiots from defending it though.

How about Video game companies start actually making DLC part of the main game instead of separate products so I don't continue having piecemeal games.

Things like Witcher 2 enhanced edition, that's the only thing I'll accept. It retains all the features and content of your game so it can all be experienced 20 years down the line. I play arcade games and emulate RPGs that don't have to deal with this shit so I don't need to hear more bullshit about why I should deal with another anti-consumer practice.

It's really a simple content to price ratio. One expansion pack I fondly remember was AvP2: Primal Hunt. It added new classes to the multiplayer, new single player campaigns for all races and improved graphics. And even that doesn't even come close to what RTS expansion packs brought to the table.

In modern examples, Withcer 3 Blood and Wine is an awesome expansion pack regardless of what you think of the game. It added 50 hours of gameplay and a bunch of new mechanics.

5 fucking horse models for $5 in comparison is just fucking criminal. For the sake of simplicity let's say that the entire game's price is base on the number of models in it. If the game has 10000 models at $60, that means the value is ~167 models per dollar. So for $5 they should've made ~835 horse models for the content pack to be of the same value as the base game.

Obviously it's an oversimplification but you get the point.

Predalien was pretty dissapointing though, I was expecting new mechanics with him and got nothing but the base Alien gameplay.


Reported for consolewars, take your consolefaggotry to cuckchan and don't come back

Muh Vanilla nigga!

Well the full game will be 60 bucks and all dlc will be 20. so the dlc should ad about a third of the content the maingame already has.
But to get access to all the content on the disc you will also need to get 9 amiimos for lets say 20 each if you get lucky that is.
Thats 260 - 300 € to get the complete experience.
You tell me which game you would pay 300 bucks for and not feel ripped of.

Is it bad if this is all I can see in the thumbnail?

Nigga they are already doing that
Capcom had half the Street Fighter cast as Disk Locked Content
They sold Asura's Wrath ending for separate
Bioware did the same with Dragon Age and Mass Effect with the Protean DLC in ME and the rockguy *don't remeber the name** DLC in Dragon Age
All of these were developed as part of the main game and they were cut off to sell as extras later
The Bioware stuff i know for a fact
I used to work as a QA in Globant wich tested ME3 and i remeber the Team Leader of the ME3 project once threw a bitchfit cus because the Potean stuff was going to be cut of for DLC
I pity the guy, he was a ME fanboy and i could see his blood boil when he got to test the ending
If you ever heard any rummors about EA exect rushing the unfinished game out the door and Bioware writers being pissed off at them, they were all 100% true, for what i heard, the original ending was that the Reapoers were trying to create a powerfull psychic species because a Big Bang style cosmic catastrophe was comming, somthing like a big crunch or something where the whole universe would be compressed

If you want it in simplest terms, $1 per hour of play time. There are a lot of variables that increase or decrease that ratio on a subjective per-person basis, and all bets are off if the content is just locked on the disc.

Just when I thought Nintendo couldn't disappoint me more.

Its a shame, at least she has huge eyebrows

Well fuck, Nintendo selling unfinished games now.
You guys are fucked, ditch the jews or find another hobit.

It's rockgirl, and she was pretty insignificant. Also she was free. You never had to pay for her.
Same thing was with Zaeed in Mass Effect 2. I suspect it was some sort of anti-piracy measure.

Wouldn't that be for Wii U? I remember hearing Switch games will be ~$50, cheaper than disks of the same game.

Whelp, guess I'll just go back and replay the Zeldas in chronological release order this year instead. Fuck you too, Nintendo.

Why cant we get more expansions like that though? Maybe that was the intention when it started but DLC as a whole has left a rotten taste in my mouth I usually refuse to get it. Sometimes it seems like they do that like with Dying Light but that seems to be the exception.

In that case add the price of a new switch on top becouse untill christmas zelda will be the only relevant game on this piece of shit.

Well. Cant wait for swtich emulation

$350 for Switch + game, $20 for DLC, amiibo maybe $10-15 because generally only one amiibo actually does anything worthwhile for any one particular game, this one seeming to be Wolf Link.

Can you people just admit you were gonna vote for Bernie Sanders?
Your entitled demand that a private company sell their products the way you want them to is fucked.
Holla Forums has taken over this board. It's time to move.

Oh shit, Holla Forums has discovered Holla Forums was secretly the alt social liberal fiscal conservative den of sin all along!

On some level i'm sure he wondered about all the traps.

maybe to get the earliest firmware for hacking and pirating all the games
not buying this game though, nintendo games start costing 70€ instead of 60€, and im having none of that price hiking

You're not fooling anybody, schlomo.

Uuuuuhh, i need more eyebrows.

Based on the pictures here the only day one stuff are some cloths, which is indeed bullshit, but thats it. You also get some ''helpful items" from some chests which implies that you get some good items at the start of the game making the start easier, which in my opinion ain't too bad because the items are still in the game regardless its just that you get a boost at the start.
The rest of the DLC just seems like additional stuff they will make over time which is ok. As long as they aren't actually cutting out stuff to be sold later i am fine with this, aside from the fact that they locked out an entire difficulty as DLC.
Far Cry 3 on the other hand gave the 4th/hardest difficulty for free in form of a patch plus gave you extra abilities like reseting the outposts and such, all for free.

Now is some of the worst shit i've seen pulled.

You must be new on here, Shlomo


Wh-what kind of eyebrows, user?

Nice, big, rich, THICC eyebrows??


Oh look, Holla Forums falseflagging as Holla Forums.

Where are the anons posting the eyebrow porn

Because state services are notorious for giving people what they want.
At least /faggitypol/ is consistent in their idiocy. Unlike you

Why do I get the feeling your just trying to start shit?

To be honest, horse armor is the least offensive DLC I can think of. It's purely cosmetic, affects nothing, and you're not missing anything if you don't buy it.

Remember how games were released as solid products with al lthe extra bells and whistles already in the game, but you had to do things in the game to unlock them? I believe they were called unlockables and you could do things like infinite ammo or other costumes or secret quests and stuff like that.

I know this is really strange concept to wrap one's nose around, but it actually was rather commonplace before the advent of horse armor and achievements.

this is why lolis aren't allowed to make decisions


Cosmetic DLC is ok in f2p games, not on retail games you paid full price for


Oh user…

The season pass is basically a DLC bundle released periodically. You can either purchase the dlc as it comes out or purchase the bundle (which is/should be cheaper). The thing is that you are paying for something that you don't know if its going to be garbage or not, so its gamble. If you are willing to fork your money to these jews i would wait until all the dlc is out to see if its worth it or not.

Not to mention waiting for the usual "complete edition" as well.

Thank fuck for Wii U piracy

So in order to get the full experience in this new Zelda you have to
Time to wait for Switch emulators and just play Odyssey instead

No, board quality would not increase. There will always be elitism and circlejerking in these kind of board no matter what you do.

it already got confirmed that Wii U owners can get it, meaning piracy ho


how fucking new tho


Yup, I believe you, especially Matt Rhodes. hell, the whole "Shepard becomes Saren and your choices, even the nice ones, are increasingly more questionable" was a strong plotline and was going to let your decisions dictate:

A: if you lived
B: If you died
C: If you were mind controlled
D: If you were simply getting your hands dirty doing what needed to be done

So this is how vidya dies.

He is.

What episode is this from? I don't remember it

Dubs = new meme

I miss RTW's APB

Bonjour, Marc.

nice try mark.


Oh mark, you classy sexual Jew, YHVH smugly smiles upon your general direction with disdain for your lack of gains but equal love in that creepy Lawful evil kind of way.


"The Kike Mod is immunized against all dangers…"

He gave the green light to the amiibos.

No, there was a season pass (map packs) that separated the playerbase. At one point they decided to release all the map packs for free.
That's why there are no season pass in TF2.

Oh, so it's like a Bethshit game where the DLC adds one new area and a questline and two side missions and tries to justify the $20 asking price. Well at least now I know I can ignore it without missing anything important

Is like you faggots didn't learn your lesson with Twilight Princess.

$20 of DLC in a Musou game usually equates to 200+ extra hours of gameplay, so the price is easy to justify if you enjoy those games.

You'd be surprised how full of shit some people can be.

Just reading that gave me more grey hairs out of stress.
I know ninty aren't (in actuality) all that great but I remember when they actually used to make games. Now I just see everything I love to be dead or undead

Compared to most of the other shit Amiibos are almost small fry compared to the amount of other fuckery Miyamoto and his (un)merry band of kikes have done **coughCustomRobocough*

People fell for it back when it ported to Wii (I confess I was one of them if only because I never had the original GC game.)

also I think the imp midna porn may have something to do with it
human midna > imp midna

I know it's said every year, but this is where we'll see the crash begin.

When even "plug & play" Nintendo is releasing half games and demanding DLC, they'll drive their audience away. Now the big 3 are no different from each other, only in specs and exclusives. And anything decent will end up on PC.

We can only hope normalfags grow bored and have something else to move onto.

Bring on the crash, long live whoever survives and isn't shit.

What the fuck is even the point of hard mode? Zelda games are supposed t be about puzzles.

They want the Dank Souls audience.

if those were inaccurate reports as you called them, why did this mod feel the need to phrase it this poorly?
are you completely out of control, has the cake left your brain damaged?
are non vidya threads now lawless?
and how is it that for example the waifu threads are very well moderated since they are non vidya?


I'm done with shittendo after they started to censor everything like in the good old days.
This shit is just the cherry on the top and gives me reason to laugh at the fucking drones that defend and buy it.

You're retarded

No its bullshit because people are expected to pay for a product that isn't even out yet

So you saying its okay even though it breaks your standards of what is fine. Why don't you just admit you are a nintendrone because your standards will always meet the expectations for Nintendo's wallet

How long are you going to be willfully ignorant of what accepting Horse Armor DLC into the industry was?

Uuuuuuuuuuuhh, more.


How long until the masiefags start posting pics of their goblin?



Now I know waht they meant when the Switch was "For Iwata!".

A region-locked handheld came out under Iwata's dictatorship. Present Nintendo could sell people 10 season passes for BotW and they still wouldn't be as terrible as Iwata's Nintendo.

RIP brian

Reasons to hate Nintendo:

Well, I can't even add any new reasons to the list. Amiibos are just DLC in figurine form, so that this game has DLC is nothing new.

Niny, are you high? At least base PS4 and Xbones had 500gb, which gave space for at least 10 AAA games through digital download. Yes, I know, BotW could be play from cartrige, but not everybody will have access to physical copies (sold out or not available at some regions). If they would want to play big N or other AAA titles, then, they are screwed to shuffle 2 games on hdd with knowledge of shady digital store (that binded console to account). Enjoy loosing your library over and over, unless you get a micro sd card.


Great, even more costs :^)
Your next post will be "poorfags"

See that

So Switch is 300 bucks + 50 for Zelda + 20 bucks for sd crad, which gives 370 bucks. Pro controller, spare joycons, joycon charger, spare dock, subscription, backpack, spare charger and other games not included.

Is it really so hard to admit that both companies have insufferable fanbases comprised of weebs?

Well shit.

Nah, MS is pushing windows 10, fuck that.
I'm just embracing my backlog and ignoring vidya that comes out, most is shit now anyway.

Another reason to give the wiiu version a pirate through Cemu

Thanks nintendo, every fucking time you're digging your grave deeper

Don't forget amiibo bullshit.


If Jewtendo still had people with great ideas, they wouldn't have done that. Gimmicks, gimmicks always gimmicks and now they want what Microsoft and Sony have (paid online, DLCs) without the proper infrastructure.

Speaking of microSDs, anybody has an idea of the lifespan of those things (compared to a HD or a SSD) when they're subject to a lot of activity?

Depends entirely on what amiibo do or how worthwhile the resultant effect is. For example I could blow a couple hundred dollars on getting all Super Smash Bros. amiibos for the AI fighters but that'd be stupid when most people just want one or two specific ones.

Sounds like some kind of special addition bonus. Nothing of value lost, most likely. Fallout: New Vegas had this too but that didn't tamper with the overall quality of the game. Just meant you weren't gonna buy the DLC standalone.
Jewey as fuck. But the "additional" map feature has me feeling slightly optimistic
Mainly because I think it's gonna add quest markers, meaning there's than extra fee for being a retarded casual. I don't support the business practice, but it makes me happy.
This one I don't mind because it looks like just a normal expansion pack. It better be a damn good one, though.

Overall, I ain't gonna defend Nintendo's business practices. Even the most hardcore Nintendrone knows that Nintendo is extremely anti-consumer and that their own redeeming factor is that they make good games. I'll probably buy it used on the Wii U because I've been looking forward to it since mid 2014 and none of the gameplay footage has disappointed me yet.


They don't user:

I don't get it. They knew that 3rd party abandoned them because specs and they were in good position with new console (they could go with beefed up decent console for lower price) but instead they decided to replicate wii second time. It looks like, Nintendo execs were suprised in 2014 that wiiu failed. Then some random exec or shigeru seen somewhere nvidia shield. They show it to the board, got greenlit, contacted Nvidia. Slapped their logo on it, added wiimotes and presented it to us. 2-3 year old retail overclocked tech and thought: 100 milion units sold!

They try this over and over again since wii. That is definition of insanity. Nintendo is insane. Worst part: insane usually win. I fear that normalfags will catch the hook.

I honestly think Nintendo is being run by a bunch of lobotomized baboons who don't understand that the Wii was a fortunate "flash in the pan' and it will never happen again with a gimmick.

The switch turned it's sane fanbase away with how shit the launch lineup is. Anyone who got a WiiU isn't gonna buy that shit because Zelda will be on said wiiu, and the Biswitchual won't have any decent games until, at earliest, LATE this year.

the naturally retarded don't count

but funny thing now that you mention it; all these faggots screaming for damage control most likely won't be getting the damn thing, they are just white knighting for it.

Anyone who was excited for this shit game deserves this.

More pictures of medli please.

Exactly, and this time it might get worse for Nintendo since they aren't planning to make a portable console. They think that the Switch will be the best of both worlds but it's an hybrid device that is too powerful to be a real portable console (can't use it more than 2 or 3 hrs) and not powerful enough to compete with Microsoft and Sony.

Guess I'll buy it used in two or three years then.
I just really wish Nintendo would stop shitting up their IPs, but they insist on being completely god damned incompetent.

Daily reminder that there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who honestly don't understand why companies do this.

This shit makes money hand-over-fist you retards, anyone who's surprised that Nintendo's doing this is a fucking idiot. They're simply copying what nearly every other publisher is doing at this point.


Wait 10 yeras. You will get entire Zelda bundle collection on Steam. Nintendo is going Sega route.

I thought Rito couldn't grow their own feathers, and that's why they require the dragon scale to grow their own.

Dubs confirm, we all knew it would happen one day. Some of us just didn't want to admit it.

WiiU emulation is still improving at a somewhat decent pace so fuck nintendo. It would be great if this is the console that pushes all the fanboys away though

Rule 2. You must be 18+ years old to post on Holla Forums.

WINGS, not feathers. The dragon scale allows them to change their arms into wings, but everything else is still the same.


Show me where they are said to have feathers, everywhere I look says "brown skin."

I think the additional map features means new content to find on the map. This pack looks way too sparse for the price, which is a shame because the Mario Kart 8 expansion pack was actually really good value.

It's too much time and too little reward to put out a large content expansion six months to a year after the fact when you can instead chop up the original game and sell the rest as DLC a few weeks to a few months later. Faggots these days have too short of attention spans so if you start development of expansions after the fact and release the expansions 6-8 months later people will have moved on to another game already and you won't get as many sales of your dlc.

You will get much more sales if you release dlc closer to the game's release because it will still be fresh in everyone's minds. That combined with removing the cost of additional development makes it vastly more profitable to continue on releasing shit dlc

Feel you. Nintenyearolds are gona be btfo when Nintendo becomes a full time app makers.

Nice dubs.

You mean Ninty is too ashamed to admit they're going out like Sega after years of that whole Mario v.s Sonic shit.
It's actually really fucking hilarious how it all turned out looking back. Sega really does what nintendon't

If only. I seriously doubt it though.
Some of those faggots are so goddamn complacent with being fucked over at least more than once.
As someone who used to be a diehard nintendrone myself (pre-Wii years) it irks me a lot seeing people just okay with this shit like I once did

keep dreaming guys.

we all know how it goes, nintendo makes a piece of shit console with no games and people still buy it by the millions just to play the newest garbage mario and zelda.

been going like that since 1995

Nintendo today is pretty much an entertainment front for Banks. Also notice that the company has 48% of it's Shares abroad, and only retain 15% of it for itself.
It's easy to realize then why Nintendo is approaching Universal Studios, or launching smartphone bait-games such as Pokemon Go!, Mario and Fire Emblem to be cash-cows.
And now, to put the nail in the coffin, Season Pass and DLC in Zelda.

so what I'm hearing is, pirate the wii u version and wait for someone to make voice acting selectable to whatever language or at least for god's sake be able to remove it entirely because

Holy shit, that Splatoon amiibo info is completely wrong. Timed myself with all 3 amiibo's content (which aren't the full campaign as mistakenly said by the image here but are just a selection of 15 levels and all 5 boss battles) and only got a total of around 5 hours. Around 2 hours for both Inkling Boy/Girl and 1 hour for the Squid, because most of it's levels are speed runs. And they could probably be done much faster. You are not even getting close to quadrupling the campaign and getting 24-28 hours of content, that user in the image is uninformed or retarded.

Look no further than "Nintendoom" posts for a dictionary definition of delusion

Just keep running that word into the ground faggot.
Weeaboo doesn't even fucking mean anything more.
It used to be a pejorative referring to the autists who hot glued anime figures and dakimakuras, added nip honorifics into their spoken english, had a collection of "replica katanas, deluded themselves into thinking they were going to move to Japan and teach English classes and it would be just like their favorite cartoon show, these were the people who couldn't go 3 seconds without defending the honor of grorious nippon in an argument.
Now a normalfag who casually enjoys Dragon Ball Z is referred to as a "weeb". It's a fucking joke. You shitposting faggots killed a great word.
Now we'll have to go back to the original "wapanese" because calling someone a weeb means nothing.

Breast of the Wild.

Yeah, just like pre-orders. I am not saying season pass is ok i am just saying that the rest of the DLC seems harmless aside from the difficulty.
Are you dense? Do you have bad reading comprehension? Do you not get what it means when someone says ''aside"? I said its ok if the DLC isn't cut except for the difficulty which is bullshit and i even provide an example of a Ubisoft game which gave that away for free and yet you call me a Nintendrone?

Are you just trying to find a reason to bitch?

I shouldn't have read this shit.
The worst part is that I firmly believe that some of those retards are actualyl serious about this shit being a good thing.

Wasn't their goal to become the Disney of vidya?
Or am I thinking of another company?

They still make enough money to have a net positive at the end of the year.
The WiiU might have been a failure on pretty much every front, but in the end they still managed to make money out of it, if not much.
The only way they would ever go the SEGA route, would be a monumental failure, bigger then the WiiU so that the shareholders would force them out of making consoles.

Christ, as if paid online wasn't enough. I didn't expect them to go this far with something like Zelda. Their DLC wasn't even that badly done on Wii U.

Why would you have a switch.

What are you on about? Yeah, the season pass is bullshit and all but the amiboo bullshit was worse. It is pretty embarrassing for them to make day 1 dlc and a season pass for Zelda of all games tho.

The samurai have always been jews, you've just been too blind to see reason.

This is gross

Their DLC wasn't even that badly done on Wii U.


I never expected this game would actually be worse than Skyward Sword.

Every time. Always some dumb niggers that don't see how they're being swindled.

And that's how they get away with it.

No, you're right.
They'd tried to become the Disney of videogames since the 80s.


Something about a fool and his money.

Truly, Nintendrones are the worst of people.


Fucking Nintoddlers.
And to think I was a big Nintendo fan awhile back.

That's the most mild comment from there. The worst ones are white knighting nintendo from criticism.
And it goes on and on, it's insane.

Is it so hard to just not buy it? This DLC announcement is irrelevant.

Everyone has a different breaking point.

Fuck you. Nintendo has had years to get this shit done. It's pretty clear now they had to rush to get this out for the Switch launch which is why hard mode at the very fucking least isn't included. Plus there's the fact they waited until AFTER all those idiots pre-ordered the game/console to announce this just screams Jewishness.


Then don't buy it. I'm sure the base game is fantastic.


I was going to before they announced this shit, now I'll just emulate it. Congrats on losing a sale.

holy shit you're right.

Haha, wow. It's like these people never heard of EA before.

You guys seriously aren't excited for the DLC? I bet you jerks aren't even excited for the New Switch Plus which will have even more power than the Switch.

Not that user but
I like games with more difficulty though, to think they're worthless in the first place sort of shows how new(?) you are

insane?? fucking understatement, this is maddening retardation and hypocrisy at possibly its worst.

that's what I thought about TP and Hyrule Warrior's DLC announcements*, look what happened there.
*this can especially go fuck itself after the Legends rerelease

Nintendo is either going to release a more powerful Switch or abandon the thing if sales fail to meet expectations. If you buy it in 2017 then you are dumb.

Nintendo was already jewish as fuck like $ony or microshaft, but now they're now just objectively more jewish in every way possible.

Well, at least the dislike is at 10K. Maybe there's still some hope left in man.

All those fanboys defending Nintendo in the comment section.

Might make for some decent pastas tbh

So why do all these nintendrones keep defending shitty practices that EA were reviled for then and now? Is it stockholm syndrome?

Just another thing to add to the fucking list.

To all the idiots that are freaking out that Nintendo is doing expansion passes and DLC, they been doing this since the N64 Era with F-Zero X Expansion Kit and Ura Zelda, this is nothing new. 3DS first party games have DLC and Wii U's Hyrule Warriors had an expansion pass. For all those freaking out that the pass was announced before the game launched, they did this also before like with Smash 4, and all triple-A developers do this when they got DLC. The base game is gonna be great and have hours of content, and hey if you want more buy the $20 expansion from the sounds of it another Zelda game at least Nintendo keeps their DLC prices low most of the time (I paid like $60 for most of the smash DLC) unlike other triple-A developers that charge $60


Well not buying this shit day one. My minds not gonna change much by the time the summer pack releases either. The only way this can be redeemed. Is if the second packs original content and story is you literally sailing to the island in Link's Awakening and it becoming a new place to fuck around in. But of course the chance of that happening is probably never ever. Maybe if they had the entire team work on it for the next eight months. But I doubt they'll do that either.


Because EA continued getting worse and Nintendo is one of the last big companies to jump on the bandwagon.
This is in no way justification, just explanation.

expansions and DLC is not the same thing. Expansions actually added a whole load of fresh new content to the game. The DLC is just a token amount of supposedly new content designed to grab as many shekels as possible.


Link's Awakening
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Ages
Ocarina of Time
Link to the Past
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Spirit Tracks
Zelda 1
Minish Cap
Phantom Hourglass
Faces of Evil
Zelda 2
Wand of Gamelon
Four Swords Adventures
Four Swords
Zelda's Adventure


The Legend of Zelda

A Link to The Past


Everything else.

DLC just means downloadable content, expansions were called as such since they were based on the concept from TCGs.
I can name many expansions that back then were DLC levels of today:
All modern expansions are technically DLC today, and cataloged as such in Steam for example. The problem is that the birth of the term coincided with the cancerous cash grab.
The typical nintendrone is right in that you shouldn't be scared of the DLC acronym, but it's clear that the content here was not only cut, but it's not enough to be worth 20 dollars.

i have a bad feeling about this. but ill wait and see till i make any real judgements. i felt like they handled mario kart 8s dlc properly.

Nintendo is incompetent, you'll be able to run homebrew on the console in a year or two and it will snowball from there.

In theory there is nothing wrong with DLC. In practice, however, it falls apart. I want dlc to go back to the good old days where i can buy 50-75% of a games worth of extra content for half thr price of a new game. There are so many games that just feel too short for how good the gameplay is (see MGRR) and DLC fixes that. I dont want to buy cosmetics and weapon packs, i want more gameplay.

IMO the Shivering Isles for Oblivion should be the benchmark for DLC/Expansions.

For what reason did they go with this rather than the fish or gerudo girl?

Tbh, i liked postal 2 paradise lost better as an expasion. and i never played oblivion that far

It comes out 3 months after release, I don't think it's cut, we don't even know what is meant by increased difficluty, it could be a masters quest, Nintendo are too vague. I don't think it's worth $20, that's the point where you need to give me something like Solstheim. Maybe it's poorly communicated and it does end up being worthwhile, of this I am doubtful.

Has anyone else noticed this meme among Nintendo circles? Do you think it's true? Or is it just a convenient rhetoric to excuse Nintendo's bullshit?

Without specifying the desired outcome of DLC, it's impossible to argue about whether or not it's "done right". For the publishers, there's a very clear goal: profit. But someone who tells consumers that this DLC is being done the right way probably isn't trying to convince us that it's profitable to the publishers, but rather is trying to convince us to buy it in spite of our misgivings.

Holy fucking shit, I've never seen one comment section have so much whiteknighting and fanboying. What the fuck happened to Nintendo fans? What happened to being aware consumers? The video itself isn't completely positive either and completely labels the flaws as well, but the comments section is not having it, everything is gravy. Also "entitlement" journalist rhetoric is thrown all over the place.

Yeah that makes sense. I just don't see how Nintendo DLC is much different then all the other companies objectively, it seems like something that's far more subjective about the them liking the content itself.

That's the new boogyman I persume.

There was once a horse armor and the exact same arguments were begin thrown around back then as well.
And now look where we are.

Anyone wanna help me bully a Redditor?

Nah, plebbitors gonna plebbit. The whole site is a shills wet dream anyway

Yeah, but it's still nice to make 'em cry a little.

Don't worry, just wait a few months and they'll cry.

I've always hated these dumb arguments, Its like because a coffee costs $5 means that paying $5 for a skin is worth it.

Alright, the added difficult DLC better be more than just more hp on enemies/harsher environments. They did the 200cc difficulty for Mario Kart 8 and it added new life into the game and playstyle so hopefully it'll be akin to that and not just numbers increased and decreases. I understand this places obsessions with shitting on DLC because its bullshit, but come the fuck on. It's not day 1 except for 3 chests that gives shit that will probably not be useful past 1 hour and it was done AFTER the game was finished developing. Fucking hell. I hate bullshit DLC, but until we get more details out of this shit it's not worth getting and anyone jumping on season pass shit is cancer at day-1 because of buying shit before knowing what the specifics even pertain, but knowing how nintendo has done DLC, it could be good or possibly it could be shit. Mario Kart 8 puts me in the camp of 'it could be really good' and I lean that way, but god damn you all act as if this is the end of the world.

is the dlc going to bring anything worth while for the price thats coming in? i mean it seems not to be the case, especially when something such as "hard mode" is add-on content instead of being a part of one game. I wanted for nintendo to at least not try to fuck things up with the switch, but it seems like thats not going to happen with paid online and other uneeeded tacked on shit.

DLC is ass no matter what format it's in. End of story.

Go back to reddit.

Yes, always. Games should ideally be done on release, and devs should planning for the next game.

You're trying to redefine the word, typical tricks schlomo

Its not a bad idea to focus on the next game but if the current game is good and the devs have even more plans for it that couldn't work in the next game then i don't see a reason to not make the DLC. Better that then to make a game and then re-release it later with the extra content at full price.

Oh yeah i am totally a jew, trying to redefine words and all.

Then the DLC should be free if the devs genuinely cared about wanting more content. They got their money from the initial sales. No need to charge additionally. Any argument you make will never benefit the consumer when it comes to DLC. But if it's free, then there's some righteousness in it.

All paid DLC is jewish.

So by that logic, expansions that require the base games are DLC and therefore bad. Is this what I'm hearing?

That's called an expansion, not DLC.

And last I remembered, Nintendo aren't PC developers.

The only time stuff should be free is with stuff like patches and having the digital OST free because it is pretty jewish to ask additional money for a soundtrack that was already payed for.

You do realise that the only difference between expansions and DLC is the fact that one is downloadable and the other usually came on disc? They are the same concept you moron.

You just defended paying for DLC.

I'm going to stop talking to you now. It's clear you a brainless shill.

I should stop talking to a moron who clearly has no argument.

Christ, every one of those comments has such a shit-eating tone to it. Why would you begin a comment with a written "eh"?