Are there any games out there that manage to be as aesthetic as most digital paintings, and how do they achieve it? The key here being aesthetics is more than rendering accuracy, style and complexity - it's emotion, composition and distillation. In essence, wallpaper worthy. Exploring in most games feels downright unimpressive; the structures and vistas are uninspiring, the forests are eye diarrhoea and the characters are almost plastic and seemingly out of place.
Aesthetic Vidya
Hey! You're a lot like me!
The only game I think of at the moment is Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.
After that, Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers.
Outland is the only one I can think of, and gameplay wise it's pretty meh, but in terms of visual and audio design it's a treat
The towns in the Bravely series are really pretty. They are hand drawn and with the 3d on look like pop up books. Pic related isn't concept art, it's the actual map.
-Inner Chains
-Alien vs Predator 2
-Alien Isolation
-Amnesia Dark Descent
-System Shock 2
-Deus Ex
-Dark Seed
-Shadow of the Colossus
I'll say EDF for the scale alone, less the environmments.
Resident Evil and Final Fantasy as well
what, are you fucking autistic? do you even draw? I bet you don't because you're full of shit
Wow, I was really worried this thread would die because >muh graphics shitposting. Thanks for proving me wrong.
You're right, I'm not an artist, but I don't need to be one to recognise beauty. Scenes that evoke an concentrated emotion are beautiful. Scenes with balance and clear direction between their visual elements are beautiful. Scenes that abstract away from the noise of the scene to give form are beautiful.
Many games lack an overall emotion to any scene to the point where all I feel is apathy when looking upon the desolation/jubilation/awe/etc that's supposed to be there. Many games have shit composition, the worst offenders abusing BROWN and having background detail shove the foreground out. Many games devs think adding more resolution and noise to textures with miniscule details is a win because >muh photorealism, when all they get is confusion over what the thing is even supposed to be.
Compare and contrast fucking Bethesda with the suggestions here and you'll know I'm right. Heck, compare the OP video in Oblivion with the actual game, and you'll know I'm right.
Purely due to respect to those digits, how is gameplay? Please tell me it has combat and not just some point and click/puzzle platformer.
Art style =/= graphics.
Megaman Legends still looks fantastic despite being even lower poly than most PS1 3D games.
All garbage picks for aethetic artistic vidya, except Shadow of the Colossus.
What a waste of trips. outland is just riding off the coatrails of Limbo with the minimalist silhouette look.
I dont know what you're looking for with your autism but Ori is definitely like youre playing concept art through the whole game.
Cel shading, lot's of cel shading.
My kind of aesthetic can be split into categories. Aesthetic to me means open world immersion
Anime aesthetic/rpg-lite:
-Some Tales of games, but the gameplay and linearity is garbage. Nice world map when you sit on a cliff and look at the bright colors.
-Which reminds me of Zelda WW. And other Zelda's, strictly 3D though, as 2D is not really 'aesthetic'
-Dragon's Dogma it was fun for the brief time played, but has map loads, and quest garbage WoW-like
-FF7 has a very dark mechanical aesthetic that will stick with you for years.
-Xenoblade for the maps again, but the game is terrible.
PS2 aesthetic:
-Shadow of the Colosus
-Gran Turismo 4 simulator driving experience, why not
FPS aesthetic:
-Deus Ex good map design and futuristic cyberpunkish
-Half Life
-VANQUISH (ps3, please Platinum* give a PC release). Very good setting showing scaling of Colonies in space.
-Elder Scrolls? Why not..
-Kingdom Deliverance for its medieval setting
-Why not Dark souls/Demons souls for the dark medieval aesthetic..
Some MMO's give a nice sense of scale, but don't deserve a mention. Sandbox: Wurm online has a nice wordly feel, that you can see far away for miles, and terraform the land to your aesthetic desire.
A lot of others are mentioned in other posts so I won't include some on my mind.
I'd like a game where you travel with a friend through a crowded Europeans only, dark futuristic city. You wear fashy black suits with sunglasses and rat out corruption, degeneracy, and subversive organizations. Your headquarters can be the 88th floor, and the building is connected to an underground water-way, sewage system for who knows what. Also throw in robotic mech suits for urban warfare.
Fact: Cel shading makes everything look better.
Cel shading: Super versatile
Cel shading beautifies everything, while reducing resource consumption.
You can't go wrong with cel shading.
Indeed, when I was a kid I played the shit out of Starfox Adventures because it felt like an actual adventure in a captivating world. Each level had distinct style that fit within the over-arching theme. With regards to topic, the game had no noticeable visual artefacts or glaring compromises. Having come from PS1's obviously painted flat ground, it was amazing.
Honestly this whole thread was an attempt to steal good style and rendering techniques for a prospective /agdg/ idea of mine mostly borne of frustration that concept art looks more interesting than the actual game most times.
Cell shading's hard to do right, and more often than not ends horribly in practice. But I have to say, it works excellently in autist supreme Syrsa's game.
This thread was inspired by THE WALL thread >>>Holla Forums8932446 looking more impressive than any of the megastructures I've seen in games yet, even though it's an extremely simple scene.
Your taste in cell shading is shit user. If you want games that look like the art they were made for, fighting games pull this off pretty well.
Mate consider suicide, no ones buying your shitty game, fuckoff.
Next you'll recommend Limbo, Abzu and Inside, kill yourself my man.
that wall looks nice, but not enough expansion joints
OP's specific request was "Are there any games out there that manage to be as aesthetic as most digital paintings" and Ori is way fuckin closer to that than anything you suggested
On second thought the only real exception would be Pathologic since it was made by real artists and E.Y.E. because of the Beksinski influence, even then The Void would have been the more relevant suggestion
to be fair, OP also said some stupid autistic shit about emotions. The pixelated trash of System Shock does get you tense but it's not aesthetic. Doom was just a retarded addition though, the only emotion you have in that game is KILL ALL THESE FUCKING DEMONS.
Inside looks like you're playing a pixar movie. I think you lost this argument nigger.
Kill yourself you cunt
Even my senile father could spot you you dumbfuck nigger, kill yourself already.
It sure wasn't the first, but I think it did the most to popularize cell shaded graphics out of any preexisting cell shaded game out there.
Those scenes make me think of Armored Core.
THAT is an aesthetic, but was poorly implemented thanks to the limitations of the console.
You are up against a massive enemy, or corporation, its either be killed or be the killer. Raw power through missiles, lasers, and grenades, or fast stealthy sniper picks.
Some areas are vast, the structure you reach is a hundred times as tall as your Armored Core, and ten thousand times your height.
Yeah it's not possible TWO separate people could think you're an idiot for dropping a generic "Holla Forums recommends" list that could be palatable to any thread out there, not just one specifically about aesthetic games
You are a retarded faggot just shoving your taste everywhere ignoring the OPs main request.
Stop replying to yourself and play a videogame in your fucking life before killing yourself
I used the trailer because it is a powerful example of the power of cel shading
I think that's a mod, the actual game has a lot more colors, besides it's like 10 years old. Cel shading is timeless.
Put a little more thought into your posts than just googling "doom aesthetic" and posting the first video result
Btw, Xrd is beautiful, absolutely magnificent.
This is an aesthetics thread.
Wind Waker was not exactly a breakthrough, but i agree that it gave cel shading a nice boost.
No it isnt. Guilty Gear's engine is far more involved than the shit Uber came up with. but at least it's better cellshading than that other shit like Crew League. Your only argument is "cellshade=good" so I just have to assume you're a dumb ass nigger.
he thinks because it has "aesthetic" in the title it will prove his point.
Kill yourself you retard
I never implied it was cel shading you fuck, Xrd is just an awful example to what OP wanted you arrogant plebeian.
Not an argument
Find a rope and a chair already
It's not just good, it's the best and most underrated rendering effect The yt vids, including the one you posted speak for themselves.
I mean, it's a pretty good video.
Again, just using the word "aesthetic" doesn't magically make it fit the criteria, neither does "atmosphere", neither does posting microscopic screenshots. No idea why you misspelled aesthetic when you spelled plebeian correctly, you need to calm down when you're furiously typing responses
The cognitive dissonance is something else. Why not just admit to the fact you have a fetish for shitty low res textures? If you want a game that had low res and high atmosphere then do it right faggot.
It's got gameplay and combat, yeah. Best way to describe it is the N game mixed with Ikaruga, as it has ikaurgas color shifting mechanics and bullet hell elements to go with it, and the controls/player character/view remind me of the N game a lot.
But it's not nearly as mechanically deep as either of those games, Outland is pretty shallow gameplay wise, but IMO it's got *enough* gameplay to it that the overall package is worth it even if the visuals and audio does more of the lifting in the equation.
I can't stand how what you posted looks.
Why even make 3d models if they are going to animate and look exactly like sprites. They could have made the animations actually fluid and smooth but they didn't on purpose.
What a waste.
Indeed it is
Maybe you should tell the self important SanFran fucks who listen to vaporwave in this thread to either play more vidya or actually figure out what in the fuck they're talking about
Also, Halo's skyboxes are pretty fucking aeshetic, H2A's MP stuff in general.
Halo 2 and CE had very impressive skyboxes for their time as well, but they've ageed too much to post here. 3's still look pretty good. It's also one of the few area's 343 is just as good as bungie was in
Last one here looks a lot better in motion, the entire atmosphere animates like it's on fire, because, well, it sort of is, the covenant ships in the skybox are melting the atmosphere away with their glassing beams
Oh boy now it's time for me to tell YOU to kill yourself
Maybe you should learn to shut your mouth once in a while instead of making a jackass out of yourself and then pouting about it
Holy shit you are a fucking retard, kill yourself already.
Are we really lowering the bar of aesthetics that much to just include "nice skyline"? we could be here all week with that sort of shit. I only played up until Halo 3 , but the Half Life 2 (and episodes) had a hell of a lot more interesting environments. That desert pic is nice on Halo 4 tho.
Fuck, this is so simple but it's so good.
This looks so simple, yet so pretty
I'd say why live, but there's at least porn.
It has naked chicks too, you should play it
Don't know why the site is shitting itself but it's happening here too
Try not to choke on that Starbucks latte hipstershits.
God your taste is literal garbage. filtered
google doesn't have a clue what this is. Source?
I have tons of halo skyboxes saved but I need to sleep for last set
To me, it's not just about having a nice skyline, it's like… just the visual design going on. Composition, I guess? A lot of halo skybox look like complete paintings on their own with a really subdued, pastel-y aeshetic i really like.
A shame I can't post my favorite one since there's no place to get a good angle of it from, and it's cool in 360 degrees around the map, and even if you bug out of the map to try to get shots of it from far away, the texture files and stuff all deload.
The thing is user. I hate danganronpa, I only like the music.
I apply my own imagination to it.
Same goes with Undertale and other videogames and shows.
I never, ever take anything at face value anymore. My standards are too high and I'll face disappointment.
I agree, taste is subjective. We are all beautiful in our own way.
It is shitting itself inside out. its been doing this since last week, also, thanks. I will be sure to check it out.
The Void, the screenshots with slightly worse textures are from the ruskie version
Shit, 4th image
Is your third image there the skybox from Episode 1 of DOOM? It's always been one of my favorite gaming vistas, too.
I can understand and respect your opinion.
I should mention LOTR themed games have very good aesthetic in terms of nature with buildings (elves), dark brutal dwarven mines, and whatever areas you remember.
LOTR: Conquest (PS3 game)
This game has a single player campaign revolving the entire story somewhat, with maps of every historic place, Minas Tirith, the Shire, elven cities, the mines of moria, Minas Morgul, every important place that Sauron held power to, to Osgiliath can't remember half the names anymore
Great gameplay, each class had amazing mechanics that you can learn and master, and abuse mechanics to attack better/faster.
Also the LEGO's games had a nice open world of LOTR. Interesting aesthetic, great gameplay and unlocks of different weapons. It has a comfy aesthetic, especially in the town that rains at night with Strider.
Can't find any good pics or videos from the games, but if you find these for a dollar or for free give it a try.
Here's Zestiria.. only good for its cell shading.
The game is aesthetic, t-trust me! The designer for that knight-suspender outfit and the 3 girls needs a promotion.
Indeed it is user I would just sit there in awe when replaying the game.
Now check this, done by a single autistic Korean on UE2
Now this is shitposting
Back to reddit.
I love you baby
I want you to answer this honestly, you seriously think that ENB bastardization of The Talos Principle in the first screenshot looks good? You posted by far the worst DX mod earlier so I think you're just grabbing whatever screenshots of these games you can find even if they're really, really poorly indicative of what the visuals of the game are supposed to be like
I got spoiled by rayman legends and expected this game to be fluid as fuck. sigh
Well I didn't say I was personally a slav, somebody made a fan translation and I liked the game enough to play it several times
Did you play Origins? I have to hand it to Ubisoft they created a fucking beautiful and flexible engine to use all their artwork.
You know very well thats not what OP asked for you, now filter me you hipster faggot.
Post hand drawn eyecandy all you like, you'te still a pleb.
I posted it just to trigger you
Legends is good to. Easier but good.
Ooh, this one I like!
I love me some PC-98 art.
More asthetics
Keep shitting up the thread, you are clearly a retard who doesnt know how to read.
This thread has taken a life of its own; I didn't ask for any of this tbh fam. I'll start a new thread tomorrow that's more on point. Still, thanks for the game recs, they all seem rather intriguing both for study and potential fun.
Those are some great tits.
I love balding guys. Makes me laugh.
Sure thing faggot
At least we know where youve been pulling out of your ass googling these random screenshots. Maybe 1% of it is what OP was after, like Transistor but 99% of the list is just nostalgia faggotry over a pile of randomly selected games as "aesthetic" because you linked to it saying so.
Take a look at the images OP linked at the start of the thread and off yourself, fucking pleb.
You might want to fill her mouth with cock first though
Maybe post a few of your own examples to set the tone next time, from games, not digital paintings
That's how I see it going down honestly, I bet she'd be a fun lay.
What links newfag?
All images are hosted as links on dipshit,
Jesus christ just go back to reddit, you google a random flickr album to shitpost with because you have no actual taste. You're clearly not from around here.
By the way your hipster flickr album has Child of Light.
I'm shit at expressing myself and spend most my time lurking because autism, so I'm going to vomit in the textbox and hope something sticks. Polite sage because the frontpage doesn't need my ramblings.
I'm interested in doing some /agdg/, and wanted to push the bar because I'm a cocky piece of shit. A thing that immediately springs to mind is that my wallpapers are almost exclusively drawn with the sole exception being Space Engine, even though they are great inspiration for games. I hypothesised that it's due to vidya lacking the aesthetics common in paint. Comparing the pictures in the OP to memories of games I've played recently, I deduced it's because 3d vidya lacks focussed emotion, intentional composition and good idealisation (distillation and abstraction are too vague of terms but I couldn't think of better ones until now) generally. So ideally, vidya would be wallpaper worthy if it had all those elements or something that I missed.
Hence: Are there any games out there that manage to be as aesthetic as most digital paintings, and how do they achieve it?
Are there games with wallpaper-worthy visuals and most importantly, how do they achieve it? Ideally the discussion would have been about improvements to technologies like cell-shading, level-of-detail and design using games as examples.
The thread ended up being about games with good style and lack of artistic sins, which all things considered is pretty comfy.
Theres being elitist for the sake of quality and then theres being a hipster for the sake of approval.
Hopefully your next thread goes smoother qnd with less of said hipsters OP, you massive cocksucker.
But that implies she will shut the fuck up
Why are you refering them as links when they aren't direct ones you fucking hipster?
I found Flickr on a journo site
Child of Light fits right in with what you've been posting.
My god lad, just direct all that hostility and anger towards yourself and commit suicide.
Here, I think this takes all of those into account., hasn't been released yet though.
Mario Galaxy is also a pretty good example I believe.
I refered to them as images you colossal nigger. All you're doing is proving how much of a giant autistic retard.
Kill yourself.
Stay mad hipstershit
Yeah that's a pretty fucking tall order since the level of technological competence to get the artistic message across would require an enormous amount of talent, even if you had the artistic competence in the first place
I'm obviously biased since I personally recommended it earlier but I still think The Void might be what you're looking for in the department of intentional composition and idealization. Hard to communicate exactly what the 3D space is like in a screenshot but maybe look up a few videos if you're not interested in playing it personally, here's a magnet for the DRM-free version if you are
Yeah Galaxy is a good example, maybe a little cartoony but the planetoids have a distinct look to them
It's already established you post random shit from fucking flickr, newfag. Your projection is cute though, can you even defend how random screenshots you pull out of your ass from flickr is objectively anywhere near a painting's aesthetic like how OP asked for?
You guys have really managed to fuck this thread up.
I just wanted to see cool video game stuff.
Like I said, fuck her until she shuts up. I assume you kiss her as you're fucking her, more romantic like that?
She can't talk if you kiss her.
Reminds me of The Tomorrow Children in how it looks like a offline render even though it's (presumably) runtime. The AO helps focus the eye and the unified design helps a lot.
I'm a Holla Forums crossposter from when Holla Forums was good, so reason why I want to push the bar is that I honestly can't believe all of the additional compute we have today fails to make let artists make games actually beautiful instead of bland shit with notable exceptions. I figured it can't just be the art guys since they're the ones pumping out amazing concept art, but instead the level designers & engine monkeys. Already I've had an algorithm bouncing around my head to emulate composition through level-of-detail and palette restriction. I will freely admit I don't have an artistic bone in my body, merely a very large collection of art I can pattern match against.
WRT The Void, I have to say while not technically impressive (unfortunate clipping, unintentionally plastic people etc.), it's the most far-out thing since I've played Morrowind; it has a really strong and well put together style. Too dark for my taste in wallpapers, but definitely worthy.
Having evaluated it, I should just shut up about the art and talk more about the medium ie. how to reduce clipping, plastic people, texture mismatch etc. next thread. Seeing as there's plenty in this thread to gather about style and it's obviously not the problem.
I really get that Studio Ghibli vibe from the game. Even down to the logo.
Well that's one of the reasons I thought it might be relevant for a second recommendation, maybe not now that I know you're from tech, it was made by technical amateurs. Just a few years after their first game, a way more obviously amateur effort, but through a handful of tricks their second game manages to still hold up years later despite that it was made on the same proprietary in-house engine
When it comes to really technologically impressive games I'm out of my depth, I only have a cursory knowledge in that department
I fully believe compositions have to be designed with intention and youl never get anything worth a damn out of algorithms unless by pure luck. Ignore the faggot from earlier, youd probably get a lot out of studying INSIDE from playdead. Every use of the camera, lighting and colors in that game is expert use of controlling composition.
I'll be back tomorrow or the day after depending on your timezone, hopefully with a more coherent post and and OP not gutted by social anxiety on a fucking anonymous competitive cheese rolling forum.
To be honest it reminds me of Dear Esther which was mentioned ITT. I'm surprised it's a custom engine, considering it looks just like Source, so kudos to them.
While in an ideal world, technical knowledge isn't necessary to appreciate technically impressive things - we also tend to fail to notice things when they're working as they should. Then again, I think it's fair to say that a certain influence or two has reduced gaymen into a half-assed money farm for normalfags.
I was concerned on that point, but I think in some way it's closer to bringing an architect's vision to life: it should work from any (sensible) angle. The algorithm's just there to keep the details in line. Still, playdead sounds fun.
Bald guys are cute doe
Even if I was it would be better than your jewtube embeds.
Thanks for the stiffy
The techniques do look similar
I think Gothic 2 looks amazing even now, the art style simply beats the technology, which isn't bad for it's time.
Because they were meant to look like and animate like the sprites of previous Guilty Gears.
Depends on the game. If it's a stylistic choice like Wind Waker or Okami, then I'm OK with it.
If it's something like Jet Set Radio, or pic related. Then I want to die.
Muh nigga.
I'd say Silent Hill and Bloodborne do an excellent job with it. Bloodborne in particular has some amazing city areas.