Wow, the boys is getting reviewbombedWho did it piss off and why

I think for the most part, I prefer the overall story structure of the comics, but I like the characters and their general interactions with one another more in the show.What do you all think?

>>117479696Only parts the comics was much more interesting with is the boys having superpowers early on, plus the supes not aging so you had cool shit like stormfront being an actual Nazi, and having flashbacks to things like 9/11 with the same seven members, whereas in the show they age normally I guess

>>117478292Nothing about this tweet is actually critical of the show. It's not saying the content of the show is bad, just that it might be too graphic for some people, which is objectively true.For someone not familiar with comics or WWII history, Stormfront murdering an entire building full of black people would be a genuine shock.This tweet is just a overly polite way of saying "don't watch this show if you're an oversensitive crybaby."

>>117478450>>117478479based. I think I might watch this

>>117479447The Bible was a containment board for the part of the human psyche that needs to be told what to think. Now that part of our brain is running wild, assuming that every symbolic representation of reality is intended as a metaphysical claim

>>117479745Yeah I'd agree.

>>117479664They're right you know

>>117478463>superheroine lowers crime rateNice

>>117478292>>117478325Secondaries being completely oblivious and then horrified to what a character named STORMFRONT was really about is the most hilarious thing I've read all week

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>>117478325I want her to annex my sudetenland