Why doesn't Holla Forums talk about this? It's so fucking good? Does no one talk about it because it's actually good...

>>117472035Anne hasn't shown any homolust. The blobde obe is bi. Matt Braly said so

>>117472004You're the one coping, fan of a shitty cartoon for teenage girls, lmao.

How about you don't post in thread for shows you don't like?You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threads

>>117472080>You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threadsToo bad, that show deserves to be shat on at every opportunity.

>>117472080Posting in threads you don't like is Holla Forums culture

Attached: 5643987527.png (728x682, 271.38K)

>>117472035fuk off

>>117472110then why do you like it so much?

>>117472139There's nothing wrong with liking shit

>>117472154Yet you oppose homosexuality.

>>117472139But I don't.