>>117472035Anne hasn't shown any homolust. The blobde obe is bi. Matt Braly said so
Why doesn't Holla Forums talk about this? It's so fucking good? Does no one talk about it because it's actually good...
Angel Scott
James Miller
>>117472004You're the one coping, fan of a shitty cartoon for teenage girls, lmao.
Jack Davis
How about you don't post in thread for shows you don't like?You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threads
Luis Allen
>>117472080>You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threadsToo bad, that show deserves to be shat on at every opportunity.
Liam Perez
>>117472080Posting in threads you don't like is Holla Forums culture
Jeremiah Hill
>>117472035fuk off
Cameron Wilson
>>117472110then why do you like it so much?
Brody Peterson
>>117472139There's nothing wrong with liking shit
Evan Hernandez
>>117472154Yet you oppose homosexuality.
Hunter Lopez
>>117472139But I don't.