Why doesn't Holla Forums talk about this? It's so fucking good? Does no one talk about it because it's actually good? The music is top tier the characters are good and the atoey and development is solid. My only question is why the fuck does no one acknowledge that she is fucking purple?
Why doesn't Holla Forums talk about this? It's so fucking good? Does no one talk about it because it's actually good...
>>117471595Everybody talked about this when it came out. The problem with Netflix shows is that the discourse runs dry in about two weeks after a season drops, often less, with the only exception being shows that come with S-ter waifus, which kipo is not.
>>117471612Was there rage comments over one of the main characters being gay? I honestly saw that scene out of left field. I was expecting Kipo to be the gay one considering its Netflix. It was very unexpected.
>>117471698i don't remember there being any but that isn't the problemhaving all of the content released all at once is satsifying but it means discussion about the show isn't going to last more than 2 weeks as >>117471612 saidmaybe if netflix released its shows on a weekly basis or there was a character for waifu fags to waifu fag over it'd be more popular
>>117471595Is season 3 announced yet?
>>117471595We don't like to talk about shows where the protagonist is a dyke
>>117471806but she ain't
>>117471806Could have fooled me with all the amphibia Shera, and owl house threads. It's also funny because Kipo is canonically heterosexual.
>>117471819>>117471806>That scene where Kipo got friendzoned by Benson but they stayed as friendsaww
>>117471595I do not care for Kipo
>relatively good show comes out>gay character's gayness is swept aside the moment it comes up>despite Holla Forums allegedly hating gays in their cartoons the show is almost never brought upamazing
>>117471595>because it's actually goodFuck off, your show is irredeemable trash like every other modern cartoon barring maybe Primal.
>>117471866>>117471874Why come?
>>117471882Because 4channers love outrage
>>117471873It's because it's something that happens rather than a whole fucking plot point. There is a gay character in the show. That's about it. Thats how gay characters should be. Just a regular fucking character who happens to like the same sex.
>>117471882She's kinda cringe in season 2 tbqh. Season 1 Kipo was a cute tho
>>117471882Because faggots like you need to be reminded of their place, otherwise they would feel comfortable here like Steven Universe, Owl House, Amphibia and She-Ra fags.
>>117471907no i mean the show isn't talked about in general despite handling a gay character how Holla Forums likes it
>>117471917So it's okay if you talk about the other shows? Jesus man how cringe. Just cope already.
>>117471917jesus christ you're worse than Holla Forumsmblr
>>117471942You ARE Holla Forumsmblr so of course you would say that.
>>117471595how her clothes come back on during after transformation is beyond logic
>>117471993She's also purple the entire series in a show where people have generally human pigment. How did no one think she was a mute earlier is beyond me.
>>117471819>amphibiaAnne hasn't shown any homolust either.
>>117472027Blonde one for Anne.
>>117472011I always thought it was poetic license.
>>117472035Anne hasn't shown any homolust. The blobde obe is bi. Matt Braly said so
>>117472004You're the one coping, fan of a shitty cartoon for teenage girls, lmao.
How about you don't post in thread for shows you don't like?You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threads
>>117472080>You don't see me shitting up Rick and Morty threadsToo bad, that show deserves to be shat on at every opportunity.
>>117472080Posting in threads you don't like is Holla Forums culture
>>117472035fuk off
>>117472110then why do you like it so much?
>>117472139There's nothing wrong with liking shit
>>117472154Yet you oppose homosexuality.
>>117472139But I don't.
>>117472175>denies likeing rick and morty despite shilling it constantlyuuh yeah sure thing buddy
>>117471595The show is dramatically sound but so incredibly stupid when it comes to basic facts.
season 1 was on the verge of genuine kinoif season 2 had kept to the "new mute tribe every episode formula" and refined the animation i have no doubt it would be way more popular
>>117472226>shilling it constantlyWhat are you on about, schizo? The only cartoon I "praised" is Primal and even that is mediocre at best.
>>117472266ok ok buddy no need to get aggressivewe alll know how much you love rick and morty no need to hide iti mean look at this thread aloneyou're really gonna try and deny it?
>>117471993It annoys me so much. I mean lots of stuff annoy me.What do the giant dogs eat? How can they even move given the square/cube law? Where the fuck does Kipo get all that extra mass when she transforms and where does it go when she changes back? How even does the transformation work? Why does everybody except the Disco Bees speak perfect English? Why do the animals emulate human culture when they hate humans? How did Scarlemagne pump that much gold up a tree? Who built that pump? How did he smelt that much gold? Do the writers not know there is outright not that much gold in the whole world? How is it that Benson's tapes are still audible after 200 years? Where does he get batteries?
>>117472305>It annoys me so much.>I mean lots of stuff annoy me.t.average Holla Forums user
>>117471595I didn't bother to watch the second season because the first one was so awfully bad at worldbuilding. The main story is fine, but I can't take seriously any mystery or intrigue in a world so haphazard and inconsistent
>>117472289Lmao, Kipo-brony is trying to force a meme.
>>117472360hey man you're the one who fell for the most obvious bait i've typed
>>117471595>sjw shit number 10465 about a empowered group of Marie Sue women and minorities Stuff like this just really overdone and generic at this point. I really just want something more unique and diverse. Every show is the same sjw/feminist power fantasy but there hasn’t been a single show in over 6 years now with a cool, heroic and smart white make protagonist. Every cartoo these days rally just goes out of their way to push feminist and sjw power fantasies yet every white make character is always represented as either, stupid evil, incompetent, emasculated and the butt of every joke. I really would like to see a show witness positive representation of white males/boys for once. A show where white men/boys are written as cool heroes who save the girl / day and are treated with respect instead of being written as damsels in distress or stupid comic relieves to make women and minorities look good.
>>117472392>Exactly one response to your post >Within 3 minutes "hahaha xD you fell for my bait lol xD your the stupid one"
>>117472462cope harder faggot
>>117472392>I was merely pretending to be retardedOkay, retard.
>>117472481yeah thats what baiting is
>>117472454>I really just want something more unique and diverse.>a cool, heroic and smart white make protagonist.oh look it's user pretending there isn't hundreds of years of this shit again and that because it's not oversaturating the market right now then it's gone forever and the protagonist has to be cool AND smart AND heroic as if that doesn't add up to a lame mary sue, even most of these female-protagonist shows aren't dumb enough to make their MCs like thislet me guess you jerk off to batman
When did Holla Forums start hating this show all of a sudden? Where were these fags a month ago?
>>117472510Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.
>>117472531thanks user
>>117471595Because there's nothing to talk about? The show is mostly boring, the characters are uninteresting. Also, remove mute scum
>>117471595I put this shit on the other day. I thought it was so boring and generic. Cool art direction and animation, but it's like if danny phantom were made in 2020. What do you get out of it as an adult?
>>117472563Because this is sooo riveting, isn't it?
>>117472602>What do you get out of it as an adult?jesus christ
>>117472563Oh hey, and what's up with Netflix cartoons and shitty takes on morality? Dragon Prince and now this
>>117472620well? what do you?
>>117472524>oh look it's user pretending there isn't hundreds of yearsThat is literally facist speak and not a good counter argument for why white boys don’t deserve positive representation in modern media or why every show needs to be the same strong wyman Marie Sue sjw shit.Muslims literally used to invade, in slave and murder white Europeans for centuries should we make political decisions based on that past now?Also nice double standard of there’s are millions of shows where female character are represented as smart, food at action and never written as the butt of jokes is ok why is it suddenly such a huge problem to that make a few shows with white male characters being written like those Marie Sue female characters instead of just another “idiot white me loser who is represented as worse the women and minorities at everything”Are you really so insecure that even a single white male character who isn’t a loser triggers you?
>>117472524I mean he is right. Having a cool white male protagonist now would honestly be really diverse and unique in today’s cartoon landscape I
>>117472616At least it has way more characters that also have more potential and they also have way more personality. Also there's shipping fuel which always brings a lot of attention.
>>117472343Agreed so much>>117472689Well...
>>117472620heres some advicedon't spend time on 4chan when you're a literal child you'll become like the rest of the faggots on here
>>117471595I imagine if your show is never talked about on Holla Forums, it's genuinely good.
>>117472652There's gonna be two new He-Man cartoons so there's that.
>>117472637>used to:^)
>>117472343watch while microdosing on lsd i actually found it hard to differentiate between the show and reality its so wack
>>117473054Anon do you live in a city of uhhhh*Draws from a hat*Depressed ; call center employee ; monkeys?
>>117472602Cool art direction and animation. You said it yourself. Are we animation fans or not? Also I like the rule 34.
>>117473106>I gotta eat any shit because it looks good.Ahh, the Rise of TMNT fan.Well, except Kipo looks like trash.
>>117471874Why are Primalfags such obnoxious shills?
>>117473466*slurp slurp slurp slurp*aaah imagine being such a*sniff**shhhhlorp* absolute fucking mongoloid and not appreciating*guzzle guzzle*quality Based Gennedy animation. He is after all*licks lips*the only good animator left in The West.Yes I think I'll have another glass of Thick Virile Tartakovsky Ejaculate (vintage 1992) please! It is an excellent batch, compliments to the Master.
>>117473466>PrimalfagsIf you read past that post, you'd notice I said it's mediocre. Just better than the rest of the trash we have now which is not even a high standard.>>117473557Literally seething, lmao.
>>117471920There is no need to talk about it, being gay is OK not something you parade or get outraged about, there's really no need to discuss it and that's honestly a great thing
>>117473106yeah I'm a fan of good animation but I can only take so much boring ass kid writing
>>117473637>If you read past that post, you'd notice I said it's mediocreoh damn, you're right. Sorry Anonymous, I usually real all your posts in any given thread in order to understand your full perspective, but I must have missed that one. I have to say, you are one of the smartest guys on 4chan.
>>117474083>literally seethingKipo-fags on suicide watch, lmao.
>>117474095You're free to go back to discussing your dykie Disney dreck.
>>117473106dude i love kipo dont get me wrong but the animation is good maybe like once an episode maybe twice fi you're luckymost of the time its so basic i could fucking do it
>>117471773Apparently november-december. But i got the info from a friend who takes rad's storyboard classes, so it might as well be a rumor
>>117474136>he actually thinks his godawful trash is not on the same level as Disney trashLook at him. Look at him and laugh. There's literally no difference between trash like Owl House and your shit show, Kipo-fag.
>>117471920We talked about it... in the two weeks after the seasons were released.
>>117474400I'm laughing at how obsessed you are for this show.
>>117474422thats been said like 4 seperate times in this thread my dude
>>117474462>obsessedIs that what you call coming in here to laugh at shit-eating faggots?
>>117471862>she's HORNY as fuck>"uuh gei?"i am sad Kipo is such a freak no one will fuck with the jussy (jag pussy)
I'm not a fan of any show that tries too hard to make the main character likable and also has the secondary cast talk about how much they like the main character. Feels like self-masturbation from the creator.
>>117471595>why the fuck does no one acknowledge that she is fucking purple?Because that would be very impolite and no one is shameless enough to bring up her skin colour during conversation.
>>117474547You mean the one sperging out for half a thread because a modern cartoon dares to have fans?
>>117474663>sperging outThat's what you're doing.>a modern cartoon dares to have fansMore like "laughing at people stupid enough to enjoy a modern cartoon".
>>117474615>>I'm not a fan of the Godfather>>It insists on itself Lois
I liked the concept better when she just turned parts of her body into hybrid jaguar parts. I started lose interest when it shifted the concept into to full blown jaguar and a super kaiju jaguar final form.The stylistic choice of finding different ways to fit the title card into each episode's beginning was a cool one though.
>>117472970And I bet both shows are going to introduce a shit tone of female and minority characters who are all presented as smarter, more mature and more competent then him with He-Man getting sideline as comedy relief who is the butt of every joke or damsel who need to be rescued or told what to do by the "superior" female and minority characters.That has been the same shit for over 5 years now. liberals just don't allow for white male characters to have positive representation in media anymore.
>>117474736Yes, it does. Coppola is a fantastic director/writer though so it can be forgiven. Kipo was made by a concept artist and it shows.
>>117473466Genndy nuthuggers in general have been insufferable here since the trial days. He's above average but not some sacred cow that has never made a mistake, Dexter's Lab and Jack had plenty of bad episodes under his watch.
>>117472658>At least it has way more characters that also have more potential and they also have way more personalityNo it doesn't and no they don't. And shipping fuel is objectively awful, especially gay shipping fuel that attracts the cunts from tumblr and twitter.
>>117476486The point is, those are still better than modern cartoons. It's not about "muh sacred cow", I literally said Primal is mediocre >>117472266it's just modern cartoons are fucking trash.
>>117471595>too wokeYou can do stuff like have a diverse cast and not have it seem in your face, Glitch Techs managed to do this much better than Kipo imo.The kid literally turning to the camera and screaming "IM GAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!" is a little too on the nose.>too furryLets face it, this isn't the talkies era or the 90s, people just prefer humans and are offput by furshit. The Amphibia effect, people are more interested in the world itself or the human characters rather than the animal. The one bug guy constantly cycling through life is an interesting concept but kind of makes him a hard character to remain interested in.>Netflix dumpAll discussion is burnt out within a week or two, and the last ones standing are coomers. Kipo just isn't as popular for smut artists as, say, Miko, or the disney dykes.
>>117472658so you're saying that the only reason the show is popular is because of the shippers, got it.
>>117471595I don't really like the artstyle of Kipo and will watch shows with artstyles I find weird/bland if I see good enough stuff said about it i.e. Infinity Train and Amphibia. IT's backgrounds are shit (half of the graduates out of my Illustration major could have painted better bgs) and the characters look stiff as fuck but the story's pretty damn good. I was also similarly offput by Amphibia's Gravity Falls-derivative artstyle but was pleasantly surprised by the color design, worldbuilding, and comfy atmosphere of the show. I haven't heard much at all about Kipo so I haven't given it a try yet.
>>117476825>the characters look stiff as fuckfor some reason it was decided to animate the show in 3's. Why? i have no fucking idea.
>>117471595we did talked about it a lotwhen it come out
>>117473637>If you read past that post, you'd notice I said it's mediocre.True.In this case, what cartoons are actually good according to you? Japanese ones? You sound like /a/ tourist, or one of those nostalgia autists who spam vintage cunny and wank to capeshit and 80s toy commercials. What even are you doing on a board dedicated to "irredeemable trash"? Looking for reasons to be mad?
>>117476851It's cheaper that way.I think if Netflix original cartoons have a reputation for anything, it's being cheap as all heck. You know how when they were doing a lot of anime, they had tons of 3D animation and it was all animated in 3's?It's cheaper. 3D can be cheaper once you have your assets built, especially if you want to have a lot of action. Animating on 3's can be jarring but it saves a lot of time and money in the long run.
>>117476964>what cartoons are actually good according to you?Lots of things before 2010s. Funny how after that everything went to shit.>You sound like /a/ touristNaw man, most anime is shit too. Few I like are lucky to get more than 10 posters on /a/ anyway.>cunnyI'm sorry, I'm not a pedophile.>capeshit Some of those are still better than modern cartoons, especially Kipo.>and 80s toy commercialsNever watched anything from the 80s.>Looking for reasons to be mad?How am I the one being mad when it's enough for me to say a couple of words just to derail this thread?
>>117477020sure, but under that logic a lot of cartoons would be made in 3's as well, specially the new ones. i feel that this was made in purpose more than anything, specially because it seems that they made the three seasons (or at least the two that have been released) continuously.
>a Kipo thread with more than 100 posts is just people fighting over unrelated bullshit.
>>117477081>instant replykek>How am I the one being mad when it's enough for me to say a couple of words just to derail this thread?If you aren't being mad, why would you come into this thread about a show you dislike and try to derail it, and spend all this time monitoring it to boot? Don't you have any hobbies that aren't bitching and seething?
>>117472027Creator confirmed there will be lgbt so too late for you
>>117477081>Lots of things before 2010sfor example? because you might be blinded by nostalgia
>>1174771542's has been kind of the standard for cheap(ish) cartoons for a long time now because that's as few frames as you can use without audience members noticing. You watch this stuff Netflix releases that's animated on 3's and you absolutely pick it up visually. You probably also notice just how many smear frames Kipo uses, though you may be inclined to give that a pass since it can be a stylistic choice as well as a cost-saving one.She-Ra, made by the same studio, had some pretty clear indicators of being underfunded as well. My personal favorite from that series is how every populated area has maybe five people in it total, and then there's a big scene where a bunch of Horde soldiers step out from behind bushes, rocks, buildings, and whatever to try to establish that their base isn't completely empty except for Katra. They were just hiding, and now that they're been established, conveniently off screen.
>>117477445Because I enjoy watching puppets dance? What a stupid question.>>117477492For instanceRebootTMNT 2003Both Ghostbusters cartoonsCourageAction Man 2000 (yes, I know it's ugly CGI shit)All of those had more likable characters (actually likable, not forced "she's such a perfect good and quirky girl" like Kipo) and way better villains than the boring scientist bitch
why is she so cute, bros?
>>117477682>Because I enjoy watching puppets dance?Cringe.So, your actual hobby is being a pest? That's somehow even more pathetic.
>>117477682>not forced "she's such a perfect good and quirky girl" like Kipoexcept you realize that this is used as a handicap against her, right? her naivete is used against her in most of the episodes and thanks to said friendliness and overconfidence she gets her shit kicked at the start of season 2.
>>117477726Does it ever get boring being a ghost that haunts the purgatory of 4chan, cursed forever to post meme nonsense until the light of the universe goes out?
>>117471595>>117471612Fuck off Holla Forumsmblr
>>117471595>It's so fucking good?go back
Pretty good show blasians are highly underrepresented but pretty based
>>117477920>she's TOO nice, that's a flaw you guys!
>>117478374it is when she's almost getting killed by said niceness.
>>117478374That's a common flaw for characters in general, user. Jesse from IT, Steven from SU, Aang from ATLA, and other nice but doormat characters have to learn to say no and/or drop some of their naive, overtrusting nature to mature.
>>117471595Is this actually good or is another Netflix queer woke bait?
>>117479080It sounds like, as a reproving school Sunday school teacher who is concerned that DnD is turning kids to Satanism, this and indeed all forms of entertainment are probably not for you.But otherwise it's a pretty good show.
>>117479080all in all, its good
>>117478757All of those are also boring shit characters.
>>117479368I don't give a shit about your taste in characters.
>>117479080there is definitely woke bait and it can become annoying at times but not enough to drop the show.(at least for me)>>117471595i didnt hate it but im very annoyed that the world twist itself so that kipo is always right.
>>117479482You should because it's much better than yours, Kipo-cuck.
>>117479770>implying I've watched Kipo
>>117480009So you're either a SU-cuck or an ATLA-tranny, that's even worse.
>>117471595I watched the first episode. It was baby's first cringe.