It’s official

>>117477604>or try to find another network, netflix greenlits anything anyways.Are they allowed to?

>>117476372>hire man because he's an old conservative boomer expertly capable of portraying hilarious conservative boomers>fire him for being exactly what you wanted from him in the first place

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>>117477827See >>117472222

>>117477921okay, so they can just move to a different network?

>>117477604VB getting on netflix will result in instant outrage manufacturing by people who don't like the portrayal of Dr. Girlfriend or Hunter Gathers. Even a silent, unspectacular goodbye like this is better than the show going down in flames in the midst of a politically correct shit throwing contest

did frylocke's va ever get that blm money? why not hire him as the new voice for toonami tom?

>>117458801I own the 1st 6 seasons and a few of the shirt club shirts

>>117477841To be fair, they hired him back in what, 2005? They didn't have the hindsight that culture would change so much to the point where that could be a problem.

>>117462777And it seems to have worked for GW. Stock prices are at an all time high. They're higher than some british oil companies.

>>117478031most super woke people i know love venture bros