Why is this show even called 31 Minutos?Also, best song?
31 Minutos
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>>117454812>best song?Baila sin César, without a doubt.and also El Dinosaurio Anacleto
>>117454812boludo, no me vengas a hablar de títeres en un board de cartoons.
>>117454854Puppets are /co
>>117454854Puppets are animation. Pendejo
>>117454880>Puppets are animationWell, not technically, but they have a place here./co is where I've seen the best 31 Minutos threads ever.
>>117454875>>117454880coño, son live-actions. No me vengan con esas mariconadas.
>>117454854>boludotenias que ser argentino, pinche puto.
>>117454933My dude, check the archives. Search 31 Minutos, you'll see hundreds of threads that reach the bump limit, image limit, last for days and engage hundreds of users. /co is a place for puppets.Some of the threads go back to 2012, and those are only the ones archived. Don't be autistic.
FMI Corchetis.Did you know she wrote a second, currently unreleased song?
>>117454854let me tell you about the FALKLANDS
>>117455540Let me tell you about Corchetis.
What the fuck even is Tulio?
>>117454909I was expecting cringe but that wasn't that badWhy is the Gringo market not ready for 31 minutos?
>>117456271No dubs?
>>117456140a sock monkey
>>117456140a beautiful man
>>117454812Because the contest said the project needed to be more that 30 minutes to be picked up. granarenamonticello.cl
>>117456140A monkey sockpuppet.
>>117456140A stand.
>>117457527Fuck, I'm out.
>>117456442Makes sense.
>>117456271Most of the songs are pretty catchy.
>>117454812IIRC it's a parody of a chilean newscast>>117454854títeres son Holla Forums, ahuevonao de porquería
>>117456140Un mono viejo con cara de tonto.
>>117454812>Also, best song?youtu.be
>>117462041don't-hug-mebros... I'm scared...
>>117454933esperaba un chileno ser el pendejo del thread
>>117461780Cringe? Why?
>>117462537Anime versions of characters are cringe by default.>>117454933>titeres>live actionCierra la puta boca si no sabes una mierda del tema del que estás hablando ¿Quieres?
>>117454812Parody of 24 Horas.
>>117455540You could sing a song!
>>117463681Galieri is my waifu.
Still the king.
cucky best girl
>>117465403>the fucking duckGood.
>>117465403The perfect lifeform.
>>117454812>why called 31 minutosit lasts 31 minutes, also something abot a parody of a chilean news program
Lewds where? I dig that cueca nerd.
This may be one of the most recent addition to my collection of niche interests thanks
>>117456593> A la mierda.Me sorprende que hayan usada esa palabra enlugar del usual diablo.>>117455171Do you mean Primavera?>>117454812That's Ritmo sideralyoutu.be
>>117454812Chileanfag here.31 Minutos it's called that way because it's suppose to be a parody of 24 Horas (24 hours), the name of the real newscast of the chilean channel where 31 Minutos originally aired.The joke is that it's a half-hour show so it's called 31 minutes
>>117454812for me it's doggy style youtube.com
Marilu's song should have been in the show but I think it came out after the return ended.youtu.be
>>117470172>for me it's doggy styleSure, but what is your favorite song?
Post the best momentsyoutu.be
>>117463781Finally someone posts it
>>117454812>Why is this show even called 31 Minutos?because the channel wanted a 30 minutes long show, so they called it 31 minuts
>>117456140a jojo
>>117454812>best song?Dracula Caligula
>>117465505That name didn't age well, did it
I wanna marry that puppet. Or at least finger it.What do?
>>117475557Considering the character, i'm sure she's into such things...
>>117475875You can literally fist a puppet
>>117476983You sick fuck.
>>117476904What gives you that idea?
>>117469448You are lying man. "The name and logo of the program are a parody of "60 minutos", a newscast of the same channel, broadcast in the between 1976 and 1988." Fucking wikipedia.