Now that the movie's out, what did you think of it?

>>117440940I have no interest. My bf is asian, and even he has no interest.

>>117440940Didn’t watch it.

>>117441412How does yellow cock taste?

>>117441306The Lion King remake was kino

>>117440940Ignoring preconceived notions about what Mulan should be, and only as an action film/wuxia homage? Terrible.Disney blew $200 million on a film that uses gimmicky shots and too many cuts to hide its weak and under-rehearsed choreography. Not only is it inferior to Asian films made 20 years ago on 1/1000th of its budget, it's not at an acceptable level for modern Western-made martial arts films either. I would put the fight scenes in this below Birds of Prey's.


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>>117441533I bet like bananas


>>117441004Wow This is the power of Disney

>>117440940Even China, the country Disney bent down and over for, hated it. Let that sink in.