Fucking LOL

>>117408652I was the only one here to complain about what Disney has been doing with Storm, Storm is practically a brown Giselle Bundchen, skinny without butt hips and without the facial lines of a black woman, of course Disney will pull this whitewashing Storm for all media

Attached: 1574544748923.png (781x695, 787.27K)

>>117408652'Correct' solution for this matter

Attached: 6d2911a72c128ae9b9ddaecdaefbd5b5.jpg (596x339, 29.25K)

>>117409043>She was a black skinned asian with white people hair and eyes.Everyone here knows, but the character changes with the years and if Disney wants the Black Panther audience, Ororo has to be black, black black in a way that the black audience like and not the way Disney likes

Attached: S t o r m.jpg (809x1199, 121.93K)

>>117409563No hipsEVERYTIMEI would be delighted to fire the people who do this

>>117409241My thoughts exactly. You cannot win with non-white people. So don't even try.

>>117410493i don't know if you know but Alexandra Shipp was the biggest miscast iAlexandra Shipp is not a reference to anything just to be put in a dictionary what a miscast means

its even more funny when you see her in game model still looking "white" yet the icon looks so dark

>>117408814This. Twatter needs to be shut down it's a fucking cancer that represents nobody but a mentally ill minority yet for some reason is fucking pandered to.

>>117409563>>117409760>>117408652Get read for a Woke miscast in MCU guys>they are preparing the ground

>>117410502No, that's the midtone. The shadow shape would be just next to it, ie. the side of her head.That said, the value of the midtone is dependent on overall lighting. Game models (I assume this is a game?) aren't always true to whatever the environment lighting is.