Fucking LOL
Fucking LOL
These comments. twitter.com
Please tell me this is fake.
>>117408652>Holla Forums hops on the metaoutrage train after the issue's already been resolved
It's a mobile game. Who even cares like that? Fucking honestly.
Marvel really has a problem. They really have no one happy anymore.
Damn FF is still around...
>>117408711>IvX StormIs she secretly a male pro basketball player like the comics?
>>117408652Still looks brown to me.
I don’t understand how people can be upset about how someone isn’t black enough.
>>117408789Twitter is a cesspool of self entitled pricks with nothing better to do. Its that simple
>>117408652Wasn't Storm envisioned to be ambiguously interracial? That's why Halle Berry, who's mixed herself, portrayed her in the films, right?
Shut the hell up.
>>117408818Ehhhh, not really.That idea was introduced by Claremont years after his run began. Plus she was introduced before he was on the title.But damn do I miss the cat eyes.
>>117408818Storm was always been darker skinned.
>>117408814so what you’re saying is ... it’s 4chan, got it.
>>117408789They're racist.
I hate Mohawk Storm. Give me a long full head of hair any day
>>117408711Hilariously all they fixed was her one character icon. The model is still the same as well as her other two unforms.
>>117408652Big part of Storm's character is that she never looked black enough. She was a black skinned asian with white people hair and eyes.
>>117409014I was gonna say that Mohawk Storm only worked under Claremont, but really Storm as a character entirely only worked under Claremont.
>>117408677They also bitched that Kamala was whitewashed because her hair was lighter.
>>117408818Comics, cartoons, action figures. She was dark as fuck more often than not.
How do you measure blackness?
What's way more annoying is when people change Sunspot's ethnicity.
>>117409043She's got prominent lips and seems to be using the same color selection as the other black person on the page. Only thing weird is her cat eyes, which i wouldn't attribute to any human race.
>>117409155>Only thing weird is her cat eyesREAD BEFORE POSTING
>>117409155>comic outlines that she looks like a blend of major human physiological types>also displaying rare pigmentation in eyes and hair>even carefully shown with a white, black and asian person on the page>nah bro shes gotta be blackIts all a moot fucking point anyways. The people who feign outrage over shit like this do it for attention, not because they care or anything. Remember how the X-men are MUTANTS?
>>117408652You know, if this didn't come after 3 days of nothing but >Fuck you incels! Peach, Rosalina, and Daisy are black now! You better not say shit about it because that makes you racist!!!!this might be a tad hilarious
>>117409043>Posts a pic of a black girl>Guys, this shows how she is not black!!!You pretty much HAVE to be a racist fuck to get anything out of this
>they want her to look more like an ape
>>117408652It's hilarious how these creatures and a lot of Holla Forums for that matter think they're not racist.
>>117409358Are people trying to blackwash all the princesses now cuz they've been shown in official art with big lips? They'd best leave Bowsette alone.>>117409080Some people use statistics, but thats racist.
>>117409043What the hell, oldschool Storm had cat eyes? She should get them back, it looks super cute.
>>117409398This look is fine
They want her to look like this twitter.com
>this is white in amerikkka
>>117408652>Whitewashing bad>Blackwashing good
>>117409358>Peach, Rosalina, and Daisy are black now!WTF that's a thing?
>>117409043Yes Alexandra Shipp was perfect>>117409155And the hair, on average she isn't that black
>>117408981Yeah but the anonymity of 4chan prevents it from affecting your regular life. Twitter becomes part of who you are, much to most people's detriment.
>>117409760And obama is apparently blacker than coal.
>>117409913>Yeah but the anonymity of 4chan prevents it from affecting your regular life.lol nah. The anonymity of 4chan is like being drunk, it doesn't change you you are in the real world day to day, it reveals and amplifies it.
>>117408652That's the same people telling you race or gender doesn't matter when a character gets blackwashed.
>>117409760are they gonna go after beyonce now also? because that bitch bleaches her skin and dyes her hair blonde.
>>117408652>Rosario DawsonWho cares what Corey Booker's beard has to say about anything?
>>117408652I doubt koreans would even distinguish latino from black. To them that storm would be 'super black'
>>117408652>>117409760Looks to me like they just made her look more like the current actress.Values of the skin midtones aren't much different. Actually lower in the illustration.
>>117410493noticed you did a color swatch from the part thats clearly shadowed
>>117408652I was the only one here to complain about what Disney has been doing with Storm, Storm is practically a brown Giselle Bundchen, skinny without butt hips and without the facial lines of a black woman, of course Disney will pull this whitewashing Storm for all media
>>117408652'Correct' solution for this matter
>>117409043>She was a black skinned asian with white people hair and eyes.Everyone here knows, but the character changes with the years and if Disney wants the Black Panther audience, Ororo has to be black, black black in a way that the black audience like and not the way Disney likes
>>117409563No hipsEVERYTIMEI would be delighted to fire the people who do this
>>117409241My thoughts exactly. You cannot win with non-white people. So don't even try.
>>117410493i don't know if you know but Alexandra Shipp was the biggest miscast iAlexandra Shipp is not a reference to anything just to be put in a dictionary what a miscast means
its even more funny when you see her in game model still looking "white" yet the icon looks so dark
>>117408814This. Twatter needs to be shut down it's a fucking cancer that represents nobody but a mentally ill minority yet for some reason is fucking pandered to.
>>117409563>>117409760>>117408652Get read for a Woke miscast in MCU guys>they are preparing the ground
>>117410502No, that's the midtone. The shadow shape would be just next to it, ie. the side of her head.That said, the value of the midtone is dependent on overall lighting. Game models (I assume this is a game?) aren't always true to whatever the environment lighting is.
>>117409760This picture was confirmed to have been edited to stir shit up
>>117408789But make a character too black and they’ll say it’s a racist caricature. There’s no easy way to win except by finding the absolute most razor thin perfect balance.
>>117408652But wasn't she like a weird looking' i remember reading she looked multiracial, as in caucasian, mongoloid and nig features. If anything she was more like a capoid.
>>117410763The easy way to win is to make whatever the fuck you want and don't give these maniacs the time of day. Don't respond, don't acknowledge, and don't ever, EVER, E V E R, apologize.
they actually edited the picture too?
>>117410706I know she was miscast. I'm just saying they probably were designing this Storm to look more like her, but not close enough where they have to pay her money for her likeness.Personally, my mental image of Storm has always been Angela Bassett. So to me, all of the movie Storms have been miscast.
MCU has to be fucking carfeul when they cast her.
>>117410553>without the facial lines of a black womanThose were more under Romita Jr. and earlier, no? And it generally fits with the theme >>117409043
>I DECIDE WHAT'S ACTUALLY BLACK It's funny because they can't even tell this is a mirror to Holla Forums's>I DECIDE WHAT'S ACTUALLY WHITE
>>117410827>my mental image of Storm has always been Angela Bassett.Best post it's a shame that today's artists don't look for the best sources
>>117409563I've NEVER liked the bald Mohawk
>>117410802That’s true, but Marvel has already opted to play this game.
>>117410896People who say the horseshoe theory isn't real should just spend a week with the worst of twitter and a week with the worst of Holla Forums
>>117410903I can imagine, back when they were casting the first X-Men, they were thinking they needed someone younger because they want to make a decades-long franchise. But even now, Bassett could still pull it off. She's fit, her eyes are sharp. They chose wrong.More than looking the part, Bassett has a certain gravitas, a commanding presence that Halle Berry never possessed. That's what Storm should be.
>>117408652Practically a white woman with brown skin
out of ANY character, they chose to fuck up Storm. That's the one character you don't whitewash.
>>117411110Hush, Karen, hush. She's still black.
>>117410935?>>117410645In game she has hips.
>Rosario DawsonSo a racially ambiguous woman is complaining that a character is racially ambiguous?Why does Rosario Dawson's opinion matter more than anybody else's? Her only qualification is that her tits looked good in "Alexander".
>>117411184>storm>racially ambiguousNigger what?
That's it. Slip further and further back into segregation. You're helping. No really, you are. Maybe next we can get separated sections on bus seating based on skin tone.
>>117410896Exactly. It’s maddening. They’re just like the people who argue a hot black woman can’t be considered black because of what they associate to be inherent racial characteristics. What will happen if one day they look in the mirror and gain the self-awareness to realize they’ve become what they claim to despise?
>>117411271People who lived through actual segregation would mock you for calling this segregation.
>>117411276>What will happen if one day they look in the mirror and gain the self-awareness to realize they’ve become what they claim to despise?That won't ever happen. The conviction that has taken place to reach the level that they are at is so absolute that I honestly think they would kill themselves if they ever manage to see through their own bullshit.
>>117411324You're not one of them so why should I give a fuck what you say about it?
>>117408981There's dissenting voices in 4chan and your reply doesn't get buried or outright deleted for wrong think.
>>117409080We got a chart.
>>117410654>Everytime, the Holla Forumsnigger thinks its brown people doing this shit.I guarantee you that 98% of people mad on both sides are white people. No actual minority person with brain cells cares that a specific artist drew this a character a bit lighter.
>>117411453That’s a brown chart. “Black” specifically implies African descent, whereas brown is more inclusive. Also, you could’ve posted one of the Holla Forums ones.
>>117408750And it's still crap.I left when they started charging you a subscription in order to acquire the newest characters. The Japanese gachas at least give you the illusion of having a chance to get them using free premium currency.
>>117410241You know that strategy could still work on Heracles now
Its funny because dark black/brown people are actually racist against lighter colored black/brown people.Even if in the future everyone is some kind of brown mutt, we'll still fight and kill eachother because we are different shades of brown.
Am I going crazy here or is this just the light from the lighting lightening her skin? Do they want her to do black lighting like Black Lighting? I legitimately don't understand what's the complaint. Assuming most are movie fans, she looks blacker than Halle Berry and the new girl too.
>>117409043You're right, Storm was designed as a multi-racial mutant but that hasn't been mentioned since the 1980s panel you posted. Its "bad optics" when Marvel wanted and needed a strong black female representive to whisper out of the side of their mouth "but shes not really black". You will NEVER see this aspect referenced again, not at least until this woke witchhunt has ran its course.>>117409155The art doesnt do it justice but she has very non-african facial features. A narrow button nose vs the more broad black noses. Epicanthic fold (asian almond-eyes). For coming from the heart of africa, she doesn't look african but a kid of generations of african-asian-caucasian mixed-race. with cats eyes.
>it's another episode of "your not drawing her how I think blacks should look like"
>>117408789>I don’t understand how people can be upset about how someone isn’t black enough.Holla Forums got upset that Shantae wasn't brown enough. The devs ended up changing all of the character art in response.
>>117411691That pic does look weird though.
>>117409978>lol nah.Nonymity absolutely makes all the difference. When no one knows who you are, you can say whatever you want without social repercussion. Let me ask you this, has anyone on 4chan(nel) ever been "cancelled"? An employee can come here and shit talk his company with very little risk. Can't do that on twitter.>The anonymity of 4chan is like being drunk, it doesn't change you you are in the real world day to day, it reveals and amplifies it.Right. But the 4chan experience doesn't affect your real life experience unless you take 4chan with you. If you can compartmentalize like a mature adult, then you're fine.
>>117408677So none of these people understand how lighting works on skin... alright.
>>117408652Amerikeks, why are you like this?
>>117411691To be fair that probably wasn't even a virtue signalling thing, it just looked fucking wrong to everyone. She had always been tan, and they made her pale as fuck for no discernible reason.
>>117409203Yes, I read it. What's your point? The dialogue doesn't reflect what we see at all. And it does a really bad job explaining how the fuck she simultaneously looks like a bunch of different races but also doesn't.
>Why are you whitewashing this african qween, you bigot? She was always drawn with nothing but black facial features in the comics racist!!
>>117411691>taking away the delicious brown tummyIt's not the same user. If you don't understand why I can't help you.
>>117411691But her without a tan is just ugly.
>>117409760>she's blacker than the mullato bitching about her
>>117409043Thats just people not knowing how to draw black features, super common to this day.
>>117408652We warned you this would happen. But you didn't listen. The slippery slope has been greased.
>>117409760fucking argentinians
>>117409778In this case whitewashing will put her with a flat ass, shit tits and that skinny disgusting legs, just no thanks
>>117411144Hips, where motherfucker?
>>117411202you fail at reading comprehension
>>117409043That was a retcon by Claremont that was undone after he left the book. Claremontfag pls go
>>117412091this was a time that artists were shitting for thatand probably none of these must have seen a black woman in their life
>>117409867No. Some twitter nobody did fanart of them brown to bait outrage. It's nothing.
>>117408652>>117408711Shit She-Hulk at fortinit and now a shit Ororo Storm, keep up the good work of destroying Marvel women your fucking Disney fags
>>117409913>the anonymity of 4chan prevents it from affecting your regular lifeYou'd be right if the people here ever left here to go outside and have lives. You know as well as I do most of the people on this board are shut-ins living off their parents or disability money for autism.
>>117408711makes me kek thinking of an office of frantic bugmen shouting "blacker! we need to maker blacker!"
>>117413023livin the dream
>>117411691>Holla Forums influencing anythingI doubt it. 4chan isn't as important as you think.
>>117408677>>117408652this is so fucking retarded in so many FUCKING WAYS
>>117412940how can she even breath with that jean?
>>117410553>article written by someone calling themselves Princess WeekesWe should never have left the basement...
Who is Storm married to?
>>117409563Wish it could have been this
>>117408736They put 10+ years of very hard work into it.
>>117410654>>117411499This. I know it's popular to be retarded on purpose on 4channel dot org, but it's white people that do this shit.
>>117413835ThisLet them burn in the bed they've been shitting in.
>>117409043So she's Ethioipan?
>>117408652that's racist against mulattos.
>>117413748Nobody, she's divorced.
>>117411071>>117410903plus her voice is quite commanding, fit for a goddess
It's not only a mobile game, it's a korean mobile game. Of course she would be lightskin as fuck.
>>117410553I thought Disney was purging the company of all these SJWs.
>>117408818No. Halle Berry was miscast. Storm is Kenyan and African American. She should look like Lupita but taller.
>>117408736Disney no longer allows fun
>>117412091Some of those remind me of Rupaul
>>117411677This is an amazing strawman
>>117408652Imagine writing articles on twitter fights that are barely a blip on anybody’s radar and calling yourself a journalist.
>>117411691That was an actual upgrade, though.
>>117415392>>117415450>ESLanon here to shit up another thread
>>117408652>lol who cares if the character was white in the comics the movies are free to take artistic liberties>NOOOOO YOU CAN'T MAKE THE BLACK CHARACTER LOOK SLIGHTLY LESS BLACK THIS IS WHITE SUPREMACY
>>117408789>I don’t understand how people can be upset about how someone isn’t black enough.normally a person with a flat ass included all disney fags would never understand
>>117415508Kelly Thonpson in da house
>>117408652Woke white people and black people being retarded. Nothing new.
>>117408652I know she's often paraded around as a black heroine, but I thought Storm was egyptian or something
>>117416032She's African-American of Kenyan descent on her mother's side, raised as a street child in Cairo.
>>117410763Or give the art duties to a black person. They can draw whatever the F they want then, and fuck'em if they're criticized.
>>117413025>"Hire the emergency artists!"
>>117408789Well, if you disregard people complaining for the sake of complaining, there is a long-running vein of criticism that is about how lighter-skinned or mixed-race black women are given preference in roles, especially if the role calls for an attractive woman. If you use a light-skinned black woman to play a character that people know is darker, they notice.
>>117413690As I understand it, that's her actual birth name. Not sure why you'd be surprised about a black woman having that kind of wacky name.
Do black Americans really measure blackness?
>>117412942Oh whew, you never know these days.>>117412915To be fair, most any serious X-fag is a Claremontfag by default.
>>117418600Black AFRICANS really do measure blackness.
1. It’s from a shitty mobile game2. None of the people bitching play this game. Who cares?
>>117408652Who cares? Storms not even human. She's a filthy fucking mutie!
>>117418792Alright, who let Graydon pick up the phone again?!
>>117411691Making her pale sucked the charm and sexy appearance away from her.
>>117416134>She's African-American of Kenyan descent on her mother's sideWhat's her father's lineage/ethnicity?>raised as a street child in Cairo.How the fuck did she end up in Cairo?My knowledge of Storm's backstory is relegated to vague memories from the 90's show.
>>117418903Her dad was an african-american photographer from New York. Her family moved to Cairo where her parents died in the same accident that gave her claustrophobia.
>>117419049huh, I thought she got claustrophobia because... shadow? The petty crime lord would lock her in a closet if she didn't perform well enough.
>>117419241A plane crashed on their house and trapped her in the rubble.
>>117408652Literally a white woman
>>117415593Worst writer orWorst writer?
>>117409423Terry Dodson drew them sometimes.
>>117419241That wasn't a petty crime lord, that was the Shadow King. And yes, he did that because she was claustrophobic.
>>117411823>lightingGod I hate that this excuse is going to become the "it's just my style" for /beg/. Her skin is the same in both the concept art in the promotional piece. It's not lighting.
>>117411885It's the same here though. Storm looks more like a tan white woman.>b-but back in the old comicsAnd the design has changed since then. Otherwise she'd still have her cat eyes.
>>117409080With a paper bag.
>>117408981Except that 4chan is self contained and since its an anonymous board you wont get shit like cancel culture and blue mark/reddit gold cancer
>>117411408>There's dissenting voices in 4chan and your reply doesn't get buried or outright deleted for wrong think.Holla Forums mod totally does that though. Pretty selective and biased at it too. Anything remotely offensive about blacks? Post deleted and you get either a warning or temporary ban. Anything remotely offensive about a non-black race? Nothing happens. Also according to them, a white Black Panther is considered offensive. Holla Forums mods are basically the shitty mass media.
>>117420587>And the design has changed since then. Otherwise she'd still have her cat eyes.Then every woman in the X-Men is a clone of each other, now. Thanks, Greg Land.
>>117421304There's a big leap between having a dissenting opinion and being a shitposting nigger.
>>117409563>>117413804>>117411144Ok, in hard, you made your point
>>117408652But turning all white characters niggers is fine
>>117412940They did and realized they were ugly
>>117408789Dude, I've seen people call people who aren't dark enough 'not black'. Happened to a mulatto who showed her black father because no one believed her because she said the N word, and then people said her father wasn't black because he wasn't black enough. Legit the skin tone war shit pisses me off. I say this as a mulatto who also 'isn't black enough'
No one cared about Storm in MVC3vignette.wikia.nocookie.net
You know what's funny? Even if they do "fix" her to make her darker. All they will do is use a brightness slider on the image to make it darker.
Funny how nobody ever complains about Korra having 'white features'
>>117408711>issue is resolved>make her BLACKERlel I genuinely hate this world
first appearance of Storm in the comics. Looks about the same. This claim is bullshit.
>>117422025Why she got chickenpox yo
>>117422071This is an accurate twitter response
>>117421304That was a cute and funny comic!
>>117409423She has them in Coates black panther
Same skin tone as hulk hogan