Overwatch General: Purest Form of Love Edition

Alternatively: Mike Pence Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


let's have silvagunner thread instead


I finally got my elf Tracer skin, I coulnt care less about this event right now.

whats the deal with the current competitive placements?
I ended up in 2500 last season and this one I won 7/10 placement matches and got rank 1900.

What was your average season sr? I mean, if you spend most of your time under 2000 and then only at the end climbed up briefly to 2500 your new season rank is kinda understandable.

Can't Overwatch Marxists stay on cuckchan?








Why the fuck don't you kids just play some motherfucking DooM(TM), it's free, it's fun and it doesn't have microtransactions.
It can even have waifus if you want it too desu.


I hereby commission that 'Undertale get out' user also apply his craft to Overwatch as it is a poor quality moba/fps hybrid with genuine marxist brainwashing characters.

You may begin posting 'Overwatch get out' at your leisure.

Overwatch get out.



Wow, how original.
After the Last of Us, Gone Homo and every Bioware galeever I can't believe there can be lesbian characters in videogames
thank you Blizzard, ever leading the way and not being bandwagoning tards

This is now a DooM(TM) thread.



I don't play the game, but this was funny.

Does Overwatch have a Jewish character yet anyway? If not, they're a filthy bunch of ANTISEMITES for not having a jewish character in the end of [CURRENT YEAR]


Anons why are you posting about overwatch in this lovely DooM(TM) thread?







Do you want me to praise the lord and saviour of Doom, SgtMarkIV?




Thank you user.

p.s. I laugh at the idiots who bought the origin edition when it was on sale a week or two ago

Fuck that hue, bit you van proxy the praise by playing as Lucio :^)

user-kun just play DooM(TM).

It's the current year and redditors are posting on Holla Forums


Also thanks for proving Kotaku right by actually being the "furious virgin" ITT.

You mean the video dumper?
How the FUCK is he samefagging?
Or is it e74729?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and an opportunity to explain yourself here.



Mashup thread it is

Time for >>>/suicide/ Blizzcuck shill

Just post more porn already.

Overwatch get out.


How is anyone mad about this, really? Anyone "mad" is just putting it on for show. Lesbian porn is hot as fuck, and now canon. Even waifufags ahould be celebrating, now you can imagine lesbian threesoms and it's actually close to canon, assuming Tracer would let you join.

You have the right idea

This thread is worse than Undertale general.

how can anyone hate this?

nu-nu-nu-Holla Forums sure is amazing.

Come on, user.

I've never even played it, but the porn is hot.

Kill yourself these characters are fucking disgusting.
They look like pigs, all of them.

Were you not expecting this?
The generals becore the game was released were just as bad.

It's badly drawn so as an artist, I can safely say that I hate it.

This one's…ok looking

I tried saying nice things about Overwatch, but all I can muster is "D.Va is the only good Overwatch girl." And she's a kike of Asia, so even she's tarnished.

Well then why are you discussing it on a VIDEO GAMES board and not a porn board user?

The game is OK, Blizzard is not. I may get, because my friends are playing that shit. That's all though. I see no other reason for buying except for my friends are here.

/vg/ is full of the gayest faggots of 4chan. What have you expected?

I mean the SJW pandering isn't a good thing, but it's not like I was giving them money anyways, so I ain't mad about it.

No its not
I could combine these with DOTA or LoL characters and you wouldn't see a difference.

same tbh fam lmfao smh

It's far from ok. It sucks that nobody draws modern shit in this style anymore. I'm 100% sure everything would look pretty dank.

Get the fuck out if here

I traded a TF2 hat for it.

I don't even like this game, but what's with Holla Forums and their really intense hatred for specific games? Is this what they call "sperg rage"? I came to these threads solely to enjoy this sperg rage.

Only good does not really equate to "best." You need to have multiple good for there to be a best. And since she's a dirty latina spic who sucks and fucks everything that moves, Sombra is the worst.

Then why's she fucking all these men?

Checkmate, atheists.

That gif should really be like 300x that, you should see the movement trails, but she should always be on all three dicks to indicate just how fast and hypersexual and aggressive she is.

I think it's mostly tongue in cheek. Overreacting is kinda what we do.

That style's shit just like your taste user.



It doesn't matter if Blizzjew makes Tracer gay or not. She will be still sucking and taking plenty of dick in those SFM videos.

How the hell Blizzard was ever a successful company?

Great? Why thank you, my good sir. You have yourself a lovely evening.

Who said that? I said it's factually wrong. Tracer wouldn't move that slowly. I hate Tracer, but everyone knows Tracer is supposed to be super fast and hyper.

Stop trying to fit in so hard, Reddit.

where do you think we are

shit game for shit people



Some people like games that we don't like bros.

What's so great about fucking, anyway? Sex obsession is for cucks.

Joke's on you. I'll stay don't get that fucking game. Its OK. Does it justify gamble boxes, the gay fanbase, the cramming together of certain mechanics, the devs being cucks who hide that they want blatantly pander to waifufags and the useless grind? No.

I also know for a fact that the game moments are disappointingly similar after a while. Since you don't want to discuss the game in depth let me tell you how my friend's day looks like. He wakes up every morning, eats a slapped together breakfast, because his tiny kitchen has no space for eating like a actual human bean. Then he goes to the train station, gets into his train to work. 9 hours later, he comes back and all he does after this is playing Overwatch and smoking weed (he is a pain patient). Sometimes he streams that shit. I have serious worries about him, because he is lonely as balls and all he has now is that stupid waifu shooter, weed and netflix. I may not show it, but its true.

Perhaps 'he' should realize how shit the netcode, servers, and hitboxes are too?

And there are nice things you can make with just a fry pan, look it up

I know. Can you make space and a kitchen chair in a frying pan?


Here you go user.

Gave me ellipse/10

The shitposters here are just a very small clique of dedicated autists, who constantly swap ip to not get banned and filtered. 99% of Holla Forums doesn´t give a shit about Overwatch threads.



Perfect, now she looks like the true slut that she is.


This is not TF2.
Every game has a gay fanbase, what the point here?
But they did the exact opposite by making her gay.
Mitigated with the weekly additional boxes given by the arcade mode..

Is that really what you believe? You fags have grown pretty deluded in your mark created safe space.

You're welcome user.

If it helps you sleep at night, sure

Tell your friend he might as well kill himself and that you like to blogpost his life.

Doesn't surprise me, you cunts try their hardest to prove Overwatch is a good game.

I bet it's the same faggots who make the thread.

Please, this very thread has one user who posted 17 times just to try and prove to a group of online strangers that Overwatch was a bad game.


Are we not supposed to talk about video games here?

You may only praise overwatch

You are blatantly missing the point.

The story of the furious virgin is fake and gay fanfiction. Nobody is mad about canon Yuri.

You're just pretending to be this retarded right?
who am I kidding we both know you're retarded


No I'm just ignoring it because it's retarded.


Remember to link to WoW threads and vice versa to help each keep video game threads active : )


Not all of us can lurk in a thread dedicated to a shit game, vehemently defending it user

The most dedicated people in that thread have nothing better to do than flooding it.

Not all of us can lurk in a thread dedicated to a good game, vehemently shitposting about it, user.

Feels good man.

Back to reddit with you, cancer

See, the anons who posted the videos above (let's believe it's all diferent people for now) aren't talking about videogames.
It looks that way at first, I know.
But consider that 8ch let's you upload 5 pics/webums per post.
Yet he does it one at a time.
The only reason to do so is to take up MORE posts and hasten the eventual auto-sage and 404 of the thread.

This of course, is a fools errand: the thread limit has been raised lately (something like 700 posts) and whenever one thread dies, another gets made.

The hilarious thing about this whole situation is that the anti-Overwatch brigade constantly claim that Overwatch fans praise and defend the game 24/7 on this thread and others.
Instead, you guys bash it 24/7 here and on other threads. You're effectively putting in more effort in bashing it then anons who play and enjoy it do at defending it.

Old rule of trolling: if you put more effort into it than the person you're trolling, you're the one being trolled. Food for tought ;)

Did platinum get that bad? It used to have quality players last season.

You do know that there's an upload limit on this site, right you tard?

Why do you newfags always out yourselves.

You retarded faggot, why couldn't your whore of a mother suck a few extra dicks to pay for your abortion?


It was more a psychological hell for me, because i just wanted to get to Diamond and then when i get like to rank 2980 i got pushed down immediately to 2600. The matches were fine though.


Apparently Overwatch is getting a server browser, hopfully this will pave the way to community servers.

wew, you certainly are deluded

You're right, at least TF2 doesn't charge a retail price along with having loot shit anymore.

Can´t wait for this feature honestly. I was playing with a friend once, back on the free weekend and the search time goes through the roof when there is too much difference in levels.

Aren't you happy this unfinished piece of shit you were retarded enough to pay for is getting features that games over a decade old have?


That Symmetra is too cute, i refuse to believe she isn't a cockmongler dom.

Here guys, have some OC.

/ss/watch is canon as far as im concerned



Its almost a direct improvement. It turned out better than I expected.

All this sex and somewhere D.Va is complaining about parking tickets applying to war mechs. I can appreciate this.

>buttchugging and drinking from it

pure pandering for the sake of it pisses me off, faggots already drive me up the wall, hopefully they will quit like they said I doubt it though
Also, is the new Symmentra pretty good?

No, not this. This isn't yuri. True yuri is what you butchered /u/ for. Go back to 4/u/.


this is from Kotaku? hahahaha they're still fucking salty about the Hoganing


Holy fuck. Thanks for that. I will never play this trash.

You're so wrong you bunch of retards. Western art is fucking ugly, first off, as any decent yuri fan would admit. Don't come at me with any "postmodernist" talk about how beauty is subjective because quite honestly everyone can tell that your ugly dykes with their hairs cut off strangely look like antiFA faggots or whatever other political bandwagon those hipsters have joined recently, I don't want to think about it because they're all obese cunts that don't really like men or women but they think being gay is progressive so they chose to do it and no man is going to come along because they're ugly fatasses as you already know aren't very attractive to the common man other than the fucking virgins(Such as those in this thread) that see a easy point for losing their virginity placed around(even though those women in question are too far up their own asses and think they can score with some top Alpha man somehow). If that's what you truly seek then congratulations: you're the average common man who's a cuck by anyone's ratings. You can now go ahead and commit suicide because your hopes of getting out of that ditch are apparently very fucking low and the rate of male suicide is so high anyways, we've got to keep it up for the sake of political appearances over there and your suicide could be a great page starter one day. Thanks for your contribution, virgin faggots.

Every shitposter here is either a fanatic tf2 shill or paladins shill. Make of that what you want.

Also on a different note, i want Blizzard to work on Doomfist already. This game could really use some more ora ora.

fuck off




I just know there's a loss in here somewhere

Kill yourselves you delusional Tumblr faggots

Yes, of course. It's the beer that you should worry about. The underage sex is perfectly natural and doesn't fuck his head at all, the small percentage of alcohol in that single beer is the most damaging factor for that boy's future.
Fucking Americans, I swear…

I wish you'd shut the fuck up already.
All you do is give Portugal a bad name and we don't need that after inventing Brazil, Angola, Moçambique and India.

Cuckwatch is shit

Considera suicidio

How do people even like this game?

Why is a team of 3 offense, 1 tank, and 2 healers worse than a team of 3 tanks, 2 healers, and 1 offense? Why do tanks do so much damage? Why does Roadhog have an auto-aiming ability that stuns people and puts them in melee range, and can do 300+ damage in a single shot?

Why is Widowmaker focused on bodyshotting? Why are the hitboxes so hilariously enormous?


There's webms posted in this very thread though you stupid faggot

Nobody watches those. It makes the fact that some autist posts them in every thread funnier

But it's been mentioned in this thread multiple times. And I watched it and helped me not get duped into buying this shit.

Not sure why you're pretending you're on a higher horse when you're the retard who paid for this piece of shit, and filters factual posts for triggering you.

The Kotaku article was blatantly a piss take but people ITT are actually acting like complete autists over Tracer being a lesbian and it makes them look vindicated in their shit opinion.

It's not like we have some global service of data exchange that lets us forward data from one place to another at high speed and allows effortless patching of bugs and balance issues. It's not like pretty much all these issues are fixed.

Fire up son. I don't filter anyhow because it always makes me smile. They would have taken time to make and they don't matter at all. The people playing the game know that hitbox size adjustment is part of the balancing or know that roadhogs hook is some bullshit. Still going to play and still gonna post. Hell i only post occasionally to make sure the thread keeps triggering the autists.
If you were actually considering playing the game you could try it out on a free weekend. As for the shit about line up meta,it really doesn't matter. I played on a team lastnight with 1 healer and 1 tank and we destroyed.

Guess you have to be this retarded and/or autistic to pay money for this shit and defend it to top it off

I play the game every other day and never notice any serious problems outside of Roadhog's hook still being a bit janky at times.

Maybe you're just bad at video games and assumed that every time you got killed or failed to kill someone was because of broken hitboxes and bugged shooting mechanics and not the fact you're a hamfisted manchild with no skills.

People who bought this game but then refunded it as soon as you realized what a piece of shit it was, WW@?

Feels good not being an autistic shitstain defending shit games for free.

Sorry you're so shit at videogames you can't notice the faults that's been illustrated time and again and mentioned numerous times by people who aren't retarded.

Yeah there was a free weekend a few weeks ago, that was my point. If you were actually serious about possibly buying the game you would have tried it. Instead you decidwd to watch some vidwo put together by some guy who has nothing better to do than make videos about a game he hates. Are you literally retarded or just as autistic as the guy who posts those videos?

Was waiting to read this.

I can't believe how fucking retardation there is from obnoxious fanboys making shit assumptions like even samefagging or being a handful of "hurr butthurt" shitposters.

In fact, this literally reminds me of the retards back at /vp/ with their shitty Ashnime general and insufferable dismissal of anything outside their hugbox. At least whatever particularly faggot mods apparently aren't being faggots about criticism. And it better fucking stay that way as well.

Once again, these webms are ancient problems fixed ages ago, apart from hook. Stop being fucking autistic.

People played the free weekend faggot, and we know that this piece of shit is still shit.

Your autistic ramblings trying to defend this shit game that people have played themselves and judged to be shit is pathetic, kill yourself.

You mean modern western art is shit.

Cartoons used to be good and charming for more than just everything that made us laugh and made characters endearing and memorable to us.

It's pretty funny watching you double digit IQ retards try to defend this game only to get immediately shut down to be honest.

Please stop bullying the mentally retarded


yeah, fucking fags, they should be more like us crying that webms are old despite it showing new content, or that people who don't like this piece of shit are just bad at video games right?

You're the one posting on on korean picture board about a game you don't even like haha. That's sad. I literally said the only reason i post here is to rile you autists up and you still can't help youself.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

ikr? Fucking faggot posting about video games on a video game board.

They should be more like us cool people, defending a shit game for free.


Here I found this photo of you

Haha i bet you fags don't even play enough games to post in other threads.


if you're going to have a gay internet slapfight at least post porn while having it

Lol i can post unrelated pictures too

were your hands shaking so much from the butthurt you accidentally selected an unrelated image too?

You know you could post in a thread about video games you like instead of shit posting in a thread about video games you hate. Or does the big bad Overwatch General keep pushing your Call of Duty Infinite Warfare 2 thread off the front page?

I love it when newfags try this. It must make sense in their small autistic minds.

Nigger you are some whole new breed of fucking retarded.

Oh you retards are hilarious

I can understand actually shoehorning in gay characters, but some of the shit I've seen even just from thumbnails about it sounds like legitimately pathetic asshurt from fanboys.

Wasn't it literally just a comic not even apart of Overshit that confirmed it? Ridiculous.

You didn't have to waste so many lines to say 'yes' you faggot, geeze

Hahaha nigger you so butthurt you can't even read

That wasn't even me. Do you know how ids work? Hahahah gtfo summer

Anyone else find it hilarious that 84c65d is samefagging on his phone as 0fd9fa and thinks no one knows?

shhhh let him keep posting this is hilarious


I'm seeing a handful of retarded highly vocal IDs in this thread.

Stop before you start looking to me like a reverse shitposter.

Oh no some faggot crying about 'mah yuri' is going to call someone a reverse shitposter for outing a samefag

Fucking shut up, you exaggerating moron.

You don't have proof. You're going to look as bad as them if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

It happens every thread:

It's kinda sad because the first time it happened, you could genuinily believe it was 3 diferent people. Then the pattern repeated 5 times in a row in 5 threads and it became obvious it's one sad shitposter.
Kinda depressing to be honest.

I like that pic. I'm cleaning the Overwatch and paladins part just so I can use it to shitpost about Portugal.
The other portuguese fags that constantly goes (93) hating on the game needs to go though.

I thought the moderation in this thread was complete fanboy shit? Did Mark remove them?

Oh man, I AM retarded. I forgot this board has IDs and thus has ID filtering.

in b4 shitter shattered shit posters attempt to reply while I have them on block

If you and that other 84c65d/0fd9fa weren't such terrible newfags, you'd know that people have experienced samefag for many, many years since 4chan days and know how to spot one.

Maybe if you ask him nicely?

So you're just a little bitch who'd rather run and hide?

More like, you're fresh of the boat from 4chinz and trying to fit in because you're 15 and got reject by the Anime club in Highschool.
Protip: take a bath next time.

Every time!

The faggot took a confrontational attitude with me first just for saying calling samefag is tricky.

Fuck no.

Was adding lesbian shit and even more identity politics cancer into video games really necessary?
How can you people support a company like Blizzard?

Newfags are hilarious

I hope he apologizes for hurting your feelings

Took you long enough to unplug your modem.


Well they support an overpriced game with shit netcode, server, hitbox, and gameplay so they're clearly not 'gamers'.

Guess it's just autists crying 'mah waifu'

This is my first post itt.
I just want to hear it from an average blizzard excrement eater what they feel about this move and when will they stop supporting a company promoting such degeneracy to mentally ill people.

Class based isn't inherently shit.

People gladly accepting marxist shit being pushed on children in a video game don't belong on this board.
Leave now, you have been warned.

Ask nicely.

Yu minecraft players really need to fuck off back to your thread.

Homosexuality's been around all the way back to Rome, you fucking retard. It has nothing to do with Marxist shit.

As long as they're otherwise normal with the exception of helping control the population, good riddance. I know how to heavily encourage it as a lifestyle, but at this point the reason I'm not going to make strong support is because of all the tumblr retards poisoning the well and trying to use it to push transhit.

*not to

Now I'm irritated.

I think your definition of Marxism is slightly diferent than that user's.
Marxism to you is about politics.
To the other user, it's "the other guys".
And the other guys are clearly faggots, so that means Marxism is faggots and thus homosexual.
Just saying that you're wasting your time, the Marxists and anti-Marxists you see on Holla Forums don't really know what Marxism is, other than a buzzword you can attach to a group of people to claim they're bad/good.

I am telling you, leave this board and stop talking about this marxist propaganda game, or i will make you leave.

Where does it say class based shooters are inherently shit?

Holy shit, please no, Don't unsheathe your katana, user sama. It hurt like hell when you tipped the fedora, the katana is gonna kill me.
Please, don't do anything drastic, I beg your pardon!

You sounded 15 before.
Now you sound 13.

You can't be serious.

You have to be funposting.

Isn't the gameplay entirely based around using classes with different perks and abilities to win a less conventional FPS?

He's gonna spend his NEET money to pay captch-solving-pahjeets and spam Holla Forums.

You have been warned…


There's more to 'gameplay', like the way characters play, how to win, character movement from maps etc

You don't scare me.

I was trying to encapsulate all of exactly that.

Slight diference there:
That's shit.
If your class behaves in an autistic (independant) way from the other's, there's no reason to play as a team. Your abilities don't feed into your team mates and vice-versa.
A good class-based team game makes sure folks have to work together to win.
Frequently, the team with the Best Player doesn't win.
Rather, it's the team with the worst player that loses most of the time, because the game ends up being 5vs6.
And before people harp on the "that's the HUEHUE and retards on MY team", no. That 6th deadweight on a team is usually the retard that wants to play it alone.
It's small things like this that doom people like that to eternally be bad. Yeah, you might have a gerat accurancy. Doesn't matter how fast you aim when you got 5 people aiming back at you.

Laugh all you want, but i will make you cry soon enough…

I can't stop laughing.
After months of innacurate webms, shitposting and general shitflinging, this is what you guys got reduced to?
Empty threats?
I mean, sure, everyone knew you were autistic but… DAMN SON.
Please, do something. Actually do something. Cosplay as Sephiroth and firebom 8ch servers or something, I want to laugh my ass off at how desperate someone got to hate the fuck out of a game he doesn't play.

Nto only that, but it is "hot chick is a lesbian" out of the blue. It's literally the most transparent form of using sex to sell. "This hot chick is a lesbian, guys! Which means that she and her girlfriend will be posing touching each other in suggestive ways, because that's hot!". It IS hot, don't get me wrong, but I'm also not stupid; it's a transparent gimmick to pander to both the waifu faggots ("Tracer is pure, she never got dick, lesbian sex isn't real sex") and the Tumblr faggots ("OMG SO PROGRESSIVE!"). It's something that you expect the kikes at Blizzard to be masters of.

Well, let's investigate, shall we?


Hm. Searching about him in particular returns no particular indication of his ethnicity, because he's a fucking nobody. We know that he's from Orange County, New York, however. What do we know about the surname Kaplan?

>Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim), similar to the etymological origin of the common Hebrew surname Cohen.

Well! Perhap's it's just coinc-


Justa small correction:
I actually screwed up. He lives in Orange County (Blizzard is a Commiefornia company), but he's from New York (I was looking at his Linkedn profile). The only thing orange in New York is Trump's old tan :^)

Oh, and it gets better:

If he wasn't a kike, he would be a roach. Fucking hell.

Well, props to you. At least you picked on something that people haven't discusse in at least a year.
Still, that also outs you as someone who joined 8ch in 2016.
Kaplan and his past exploit have been already discussed, we've had our laughs (someone should post the pic and the compilation).

You should really learn to at least use google or something to not look like a dumbass.
Even the knowyourmeme guys are way ahead of you by now.

you seem to be quite frustrated.
Is there something bothering you?

Do humanity a favor and kill yourself.

I only clicked on this thread because I thought it would be funny to see how people were reacting to the "Tracer be lesbo" gimmick. I usually skip Blizzshit related threads because there's literally nothing of value in them, not even the porn dumps.

Well I dunno then.
His adress is publically listed, listed, go visit him and shoot him?
Are you gonna do something about it, or just sperg on imageboard abot "da joos"

Oh shit, we got Holla Forums here with >(16) and he thinks he is allowed to post here and that anything he has to say is worth a damn.

Oh shit, we got Holla Forums here with >(8) and he thinks he is allowed to post here and that anything he has to say is worth a damn.

OMG, you really are a triggered little commie piece of shit, aren't you?
No wonder you are defending Blizzard.

The Holla Forumsack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, fascist, retard, autistic, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Holla Forumsack and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Reported both the thread and you.
Enjoy your ban, antifa faggot.

Only the like of Holla Forums request bans: their inability to argue or comprend simple arguments leaves them unable and unprepared to face other humans.
Go back to your shitty board, you false-flagging antifa faggot.

Rules for radicals is required chan reading material now, leftist filth, don't you dare even try and pull that one on me.

Double goes for you, you commie piece of shit.
Your D&C between Holla Forums and Holla Forums won't work.

Reported again for insulting my intellect.

Niggers have no intelect. I didn't insult you, I stated a fact.
When the day of the rope comes, you and your melanin enriched brethren will hang from trees.

keep trying, that is until you get banned.

Get a sex change, asswipe. It helps you trannies come to terms with suicide.

How does it feel knowing that starting tomorrow these threads will be history and you alongside with them?

How does it feel knowing that starting tomorrow you're still living with your parents, reblogging shit on twitter and the world doesn't accept yout tranny shit because you're mentally deranged?
Trump won. Deal with it.

Shouldn't lesbians that are actually sexy trigger the unholy shit out of retarded feminazis, especially if they actually get along with male friends just fine?

We can tell (((user))).


They do.
Half of Tumblr is having a shitfit because Zarya ins't the lesbo.

Keep leaving your fantasies. Right Wing is here and it will not be stopped by non-memetics pricks like you.

Keep trying skinwalker, your sticking out like a sore thumb.

You mentally ill people have to understand that your thread does not belong here, it is not moral and normal to have things like this game disguised here at all.
I will not allow it, so take your leave for 4chan, reddit or tumblr, as you are not welcomed here anymore.

Good, it seems a mod listened to me and anchored the thread.

But this is the Big Faggot's favorite thread on Holla Forums?

They anchored the previous thread too, then a few hours later removed all the posts that triggered the retards who bought this this game and removed anchor

Of course. Good riddance.


What I want now is for Zarya to get a comic and her husband to be some /fit/ russian general. Especially one who doesn't take shit from noone. That'd be great. Especially if he was some Doomfist-tier STRONK character and joined the game aswell.

Based Putin.

Joke's on them, I find Zarya hot.
Still don't want her to be a lesbo though, but that's more because I don't like any fictional lesbians

youre really pumped for doomfist. i hope it doesnt end up disappointing you.

well this ended up being a pretty accurate representation of the thread

The problem is, that there are always one or two people who actually try to have a "discussion" with a clique of retarded autists.

I´m pretty sure everyone is pumped about Doomfist. What´s not to like about a tank who fights with his fists JoJo style. I´m sure not even Blizzard can´t fuck this up right?

Has Blizzard ever explicitly said that Doomfist is going to be a new character, or it's just speculation?

Personally I'd be more excited if they announce more maps or even a new game mode. Hopefully they took notes from the Halloween event and add a PvE arcade mode.

Honestly, this whole Doomfist discussion is only based on rumours. But Blizzard would be kinda dumb to completely ignore the wishes of most of their fanbase. And i don´t know on which other heroe they could be working. Maybe Athena?

I think they have already announced new maps. Oasis is coming soon after new year and they are working already on another map.

Doomfist began as merely a reference from the trailer of the game, but he has been referenced a lot more and there are hints around about him.
You can see in Numbani the 3 posters about that guy with the third one being blacked out.

Now, the funny thing is that those posters have his name and epitome below his pic but the third one is written in a weird language that's assumed to be Omnic stuff. So we could be having an Omnic pugilist there, which would be awesome, ala Man of Steel.

However, there has been a lot of talk about Terry Crew (the Old Spice comercial guy) and his recent interest in Blizzard games. Apparently his kids like videogames, he was enchanted with them and wants to learn more about DEM VYDIA, so Blizzard sent him an initiation kit with their stuff and he is psyched for Overwatch.

And now there's talks that MAYBE he's the guy that's gonna do the VA for Doomfist. If that's confirmed and true (and you know it is) you're gonna have FULL BODY ODOR BLOCKING POOOOOOOWEEEEERRRRRR!!!

Also, I'd very much like to know what rule did this Thread infringed that warrants it to be anchored.
I get that there's a lot of autism upstream, but that's something for moderators to delete+, not bumplock the thread.

It happened before. Normally the bumplock will be lifted after 2 or three hours. Sometimes mods are just lazy i think. I think they just do it, so the autistic shitposters who spend most of their day in Overwatch threads can have some sort of fullfilment experience and leave the thread alone for a while.

Well, that's dumb. All it does is give them the illusion they actually have some kind of power over the thread. It's pandering to the shitposters and all it does is make sure they'll come for the next one, but now they expect mods to be on their side.

If Overwatch threads are to be banned, so be it. If they are to be allowed, so be it as well.
Moderate the shitpost and ban the fags that only post to derail the thread, rule 8 exists for a reason and not enforcing it because their autism flares up to other threads is bad moderation.

probably someone with a vpn shitposting and then mass reporting the thread, claiming its become cancer.

At least it´s not as bad as on cuckchan here. There, the tactic of shitposting a thread to death so the whole topic gets banned actually works. This is why i think that all those shitposters are recent cuckchan refugees. They are just used that this tactic work and try it out here, too.

also why is there no yuri elve tracer art? The best skin, the best hero and also the best form of love deserve more attention from artists

no, it works here too. rule 8 is upheld less and less.

dunno about that

Do ya want to fite me boi?!


You'd better not ever retardedly bitch about yuri.


I know this is bait, but to clarify for people who didn't play one or the other, let me tell you something, as much as I hate blizzard for ruining their best franchise (diablo) and going full on jew with wow and it's terrible patches and lore butchering of warcraft 3 all this years, overwatch is miles ahead of paladins in almost every aspect and a decent game.

if they somehow keep improving the game, not only in a competitive aspect, but in regards of optimization, character roster, aesthetics and design (paladin art and 90% of characters look like garbage) the hi-rez game can't hold a candle to blizzard's.

Overwatch needs some better matchmaking to reduce queue times and an option for choosing specifically what kind of game mode and/or maps you prefer to be queued in and that'd solve most of it's most urgent but minor problems.

Paladins in the other hand just literally ripped blizzard characters ideas since the overwatch hype flourished and has been at it since then, it seems like they were late to the party and tried to rebuild their former idea of the game to become an overwatch clone as a desperate try to draw players, and for a studio that has a reputation of abandoning games that don't do well like hi-rez did in the past, there's no competition nor hope at this point, the moment the playerbase begins to sink you can say goodbye to paladins.

Hope you're just pretending to be this retarded
