Telepath genocide when?

>>114926872Just make him forget what a penis is.

>>114926730You get other people that can bend minds to their wills, that's what Martians in DC did, they were called Manhunters.In fact, mind rape was an actual thing the Martian Manhunter's brother was punished for doing.

telepaths are the #1 argument against mutant scumabsolutely NO regards for personal privacy and the violation of one's mind is the highest crime a telepath can commit and all the telepaths do it on the regular like breathing airwho /sentinel/ here?

Attached: Sentinel.png (1024x1024, 515.96K)

>>114926534This is why people hate mutants. You've turned a hypothetical into a reality. Congratulations, you've played yourself.

>>114926983I'm for it if it's just mind readers/controllers.

>>114926714>Telepaths should be forcibly raped by Robots.You can't make us do that. Never put it in a mutant.

Attached: Master-Mold-Marvel-Comics-Sentinels-X-Men.jpg (500x887, 143.84K)

>>114926730Magneto's helmet was enough. I'm surprised Tony hasn't replicated it for his own use. Hell, one could make a killing off anti-telepathy headwear, especially in a universe where they are a proven thing.

>>114926730>he doesnt know about drone strikesSad!

Would him reporting this get them in trouble?

>>114926983Without a proven, reliable method of rooting them out and separating them from the rest of the populace any attempt to wipe them out will be impossible.I can only imagine the rampant paranoia that would spread if people were made aware that telepaths were all around them in plain sight.The panic has the potential to be just as harmful.Additionally, a deadly, automated army combined with invasive, world-wide mutant tracking technology would be way too easy for our overlords to abuse.We'd likely see that same technology used against us the near future after they've completed their original mission.However if some highly-efficient, incorruptible, robotic titans fell from the sky and proceeded to eliminate all telepaths and leave following the completion of their objective...? Well, I couldn't complain.