Telepath genocide when?
Telepath genocide when?
>>114926534I knew, but for some reason, i forgot.
>>114926534Zoophile is immoral op
>>114926534BLAC-oh no OH NOOOO
>>114926534Telepaths should be forcibly raped by Robots. Male AND female.
>>114926534How can you genocide a group of people that can bend minds to their wills?
Ever watch Babylon 5?
>>114926730By using sniper rifles and weapons of mass destruction.
>>114926534>forget what sex you areI'm sure he'll be reminded pretty quickly.
>>114926872Just make him forget what a penis is.
>>114926730You get other people that can bend minds to their wills, that's what Martians in DC did, they were called Manhunters.In fact, mind rape was an actual thing the Martian Manhunter's brother was punished for doing.
telepaths are the #1 argument against mutant scumabsolutely NO regards for personal privacy and the violation of one's mind is the highest crime a telepath can commit and all the telepaths do it on the regular like breathing airwho /sentinel/ here?
>>114926534This is why people hate mutants. You've turned a hypothetical into a reality. Congratulations, you've played yourself.
>>114926983I'm for it if it's just mind readers/controllers.
>>114926714>Telepaths should be forcibly raped by Robots.You can't make us do that. Never put it in a mutant.
>>114926730Magneto's helmet was enough. I'm surprised Tony hasn't replicated it for his own use. Hell, one could make a killing off anti-telepathy headwear, especially in a universe where they are a proven thing.
>>114926730>he doesnt know about drone strikesSad!
Would him reporting this get them in trouble?
>>114926983Without a proven, reliable method of rooting them out and separating them from the rest of the populace any attempt to wipe them out will be impossible.I can only imagine the rampant paranoia that would spread if people were made aware that telepaths were all around them in plain sight.The panic has the potential to be just as harmful.Additionally, a deadly, automated army combined with invasive, world-wide mutant tracking technology would be way too easy for our overlords to abuse.We'd likely see that same technology used against us the near future after they've completed their original mission.However if some highly-efficient, incorruptible, robotic titans fell from the sky and proceeded to eliminate all telepaths and leave following the completion of their objective...? Well, I couldn't complain.
>>114926690This is why we have to kill muties AND there sympathizers.
>>114926534>hello handsome>shows a chimpanzee
>>114926730What weapon would people without eyes use against the sighted? Blinding light. Build the psychic transmitter version of the "Russian Woodpecker". People who aren't psychic notice a tingle. People who are have a constant barrage of noise destroying their ability to think coherently.
>>114929561>The Art of Telepathic Self-Defense, by Doc Samson. Turn your greatest traumas into your strongest weapons through coping mechanisms and mindfulness exercises.
Reminder Xavier was canonically so powerful that, with Cerebro on, he could give every non-mutant in the world an aneurysm if he wanted. Why should one man have that much power? You can't even equate that power to gun ownership because no gun by itself can kill literally 98% of the world's population in a single second.Telepaths deserve lobotomy.
>>114929709Stands to reason. If my mind is a fuckfest to be in I expect it probably wouldn't be fun to visit either.
>>114929824Lobotomy first, and then to be made into sterile pleasure slaves.
>Problem isn't you having some basic courtesy to not objectify people around you and rape them in your head>"No, telepaths are the problem"-Holla Forums
>>114926983>absolutely NO regards for personal privacy and the violation of one's mind is the highest crime a telepath can commit and all the telepaths do it on the regular like breathing airExcept, the only superhero telepaths that really do it often are the Cuckoos, and even they only do it under Bendis. Ever notice how people only ever post these specific Bendis pages when trying to prove that mutant telepaths are evil? It's because everyone is out of character in his run.
>>114926534Actually thought that was an edit at first because of how much the black guy looked like the shieeeet meme
>>114929824And Doctor Strange could turn everyone on the planet into dildos made of macaroni. Tony Stark could destroy all tech and plunge mankind back into the stone age. Reed Richards could destroy humanity in any one of a million ways he's dreamed up in his spare time. Thor could obliterate the planet and everyone on it before any of the other Avengers could stop him.Mutants aren't really special in this regard.
>>114930280I mean if it's just a thought, it's not really an issue.
>>114930394>the telepath trio didn't actually mind that the guy was thinking of some deeply perverted shit, they were just grossed out that he was black
>>114926534Telepaths are the niggers of the superhero world
>>114926983But then what’s to stop the robots from genociding all organic life?
>>114926924biology will figure it out, memory or not.
>>114929709Speedball is immune to telepaths?
>>114931423I'm not a New Warriors fan. Have they ever gone up against a telepath?
>>114930901>But then what’s to stop the robots from genociding all organic life?Robots aren't all Ultron, fellow human. Most of them are our friends and just want to protect us from mutants.
>>114930901Human Robot hybrids are the future, user. Mutant scum got btfo by technology.
>>114930056Anon the only way you could achieve that is if you yourself where a telepath.....
>>114926730Play on blast in your mind, the most annoying song simultaneously with everyone else in the world
>>114930439The difference is that Reed and Strange actively limit what happens in their fields, and keep most of it away from Earth. Tony's too inconsistent a character, but he used to do that too. Xavier actively and constantly pushes for more power in the world.
>>114929709Is that Emma Frost?
>>114926534Congratulations, you are now Bobby's new cock sleeve.
>>114932214Nonsense. The lobotomy makes room for the cortical implants.
>>114930327>Except, the only superhero telepaths that really do it often are the CuckoosAnd Jean.And Emma.And Xavier a couple times.
>>114928546>>114930394>>114930649>>114932819>>114932865There's no getting around it. The closer a sketch comes to approaching the face of a typical nog, it slowly turns into the meme until is eventually hops into photo-realism.
>>114932578Stop it, Jean.
>>114932520Nope. I forget her name, but some nobody telepaths let themselves get taken in by the Thunderbolts on purpose so they could use their powers to make the team implode (not that it took much effort). Bullseye kills them all when he gets out of surgery.
>>114926730Aren't gods in Marvel immune to telepathy?
>>114933082With the writers that Marvel have!? It honestly wouldn't matter if they were immune or not when selective canon is a thing.
>>114930280>Rooting around in other people's heads without their permission I'm pretty sure that's sexual assault at least.
>>114927767Especially when the plans for making one are on the damn internet. Meanwhile everyone keeps on using anti telepathy tech that the telepaths can learn how to get past. Makes me Wonder if Emma Frost used Cerebro to make everyone forget there are better options for psi shields.
>>114930327emma is known for it though. she bodyjacked bobby and found out he was an omega
>>114930280I have a lot of bad thoughts but I have the courtesy and decency to not act on them and instead repress them and act like a good person; telepaths rooting around in my brain for any wrongthink is unfair and demeaning.
>>114932840>>114933440Hummingbird does it constantly
Are there any characters with the ability to negate or fuck up telepaths specifically in Marvel?
>>114926534>I have concocted a perfect plan to solve your little ordeal, Fury. A plan that makes things equal you see. An eye for an eye. A mind violation with a->We'll have the troublesome ones wearing an depowering collar around their necks, and the only way to snap these chokers is by-
>>114926534>Just because you think of something doesn't make that though happen in real life. Telepaths have fucking powertrips and let power get to their heads. How would those Blonde white turbo-skanks like it if Chocolate-boi was sloashing around in the vast caverns of hollow spaces they call their heads. >This unwarranted invasion of private in-acted thoughts is a violation against the freedoms of manhashtag #DeathToTelepaths
>>114926730Send The Sentry in to kill the telepaths. He’s immune to psychics.
I would love a twist of a fat, ugly girl who was a telepath who actually wanted men to think of her as sexy.
>>114933790Isn't that what Emma does?
>>114929709Immortal Hulk shows why all telepathic /super-hypnotic mutants and aliens should be exterminates and your best defense is a combination of Gamma radiation and crippling mental illness that can manifest in various ways but the best is severe Dissociative identity disorder
>>114933880Although Gamma has a slight side effect of Satanic possession / unconditional forfeit of your soul to hell
>>114926714>Male AND femaleHow do you know the gender of a robot?
>>114933857That's close to how Blondie explained it. Huh.
>>114926534Even Scott has had enough of telepaths.
>>114933532My guess is if you shoot them between the eyes it will stop the telepathy.
>>114926534why does he have yellow teeth?
>>114934703He’s black.
>>114934703Skittles and Soda.
>>114934252>So just women in general.Sage advice, Scott. All women are whores, and telepathic women are cunts.