What happens when more Americans adopt white nationalism...

wew lad.

t. nazbol


Posts Jew.

Because the Millenials never saw that it hurt themselves as they were in a white liberal bubble where diversity hires meant these balding white fags could drone on and on about bumping whites out of work, but never had to give up their own job.

The next generation has to deal with this shit and doesn't get to say 'we are priviliged and must step aside' because they will have already been sidestepped and branded. They will be wide open for the Jared Taylors to say wait a minute, we're the bad guy's? Look at our schools, look at the crime in the streets, and we have to somehow prostrate before this nonsense? No, they will be jaded and thinking about killing by age 25.

This also more older people voted for Trump in fact baby boomers came out in droves for him. Millennial's despite being blamed for shillerys loss were one of her largest voting groups.

Killing is a necessity sometimes but not for something like that.

Can confirm. Friend's bourgeois boomer dad voted for trump "to shake things up a little."

thats Piccolo dweeb

Antifa is fucking stupid. Try bashing bankers instead. Or better yet, try actually learning Marxist theory (I know reading is hard for a lot of you but trust me it is worth it.)