Putin sending food to stop Venezuela starving


Are the tankies right? Is he, dare I say, /our guy/?

Other urls found in this thread:


Better than western "leaders".

that will probably end up "disappearing" before it gets to people, like everything.

He just understands the geo-political significance of a non-US ally in the US's backdoor, and the threat of the US getting its dirty hands on more oil.

He's not a "good guy." He's just acting against the interests of the empire, strengthening his own.

Right. Aid under neoliberalism is almost always propaganda before anything else.

Yes, we are.
No, and that's not what we're saying. We just comprehend basic geostrategy and how to get some hold for favorable movement.

Not to mention that Maduro has most lukely sold his soul to Putin to hit a deal out of desperation.

Russian military bases when?

ITT: Tankie Putiniks acts like le boss is just a pawn in their long term, viable strategy towards World Bolshevism.

Rather than them still implicitly following KGB directives like a salivating, Pavlovian doggo.

Russia is a capitalist country. Make no mistake. Putin does not wish to promote socialism.


should send weapons to get rid of that maduro retard tbh

If that were to happen, the US would move its "agents" and create some type of military conflict between Brasil's right-wing government and Maduro/Putin.

And to be honest, Brasil could easily storm Venezuela and make it Paraguay 2.0.

Tankies have got their shit together, their personal lives not a shambles, their ideology not nonsensical, their strategies not dated by a century, their "morality" not a paper-thin mask, their very existence not a blight to any coherent left movement, I see.

t. General Secretary


Brasil taking over South America: Vargas 2.0 to the extreme.




stay mad, irrelevant fringe wannabes

fuck off. Leave Maduro alone.

name one relevant thing the soviet union, its satellites or china before the market reforms accomplished

>brotip; you can't


first man in space

Name one relevant thing your fringe "socialist" shit ideology ever accomplished.
Memeing Bernie Sanders into Clinton-Cuckoldry?
Sucking Tsiparis dick and then pretending not to have ever cared for him after he fucked you over?
Still doing so for Corbyn in good faith in the bourgeoise?
Whining about Stalin in every instance him not serving your retarded fringe believes and attempts of fucking up?

The only thing you have is talking shit and being pretentious. It's all you'll ever be.

space is literally the most stupid thing there is

china under a market economy did it better


the west would have won the war without the ussr, all they needed was to drop a couple of bombs in italy and germany, plus without the ussr we wouldn't have had the iron curtain, other satellites and a general hate towards communism because of the failures of the october revolution

all of them ended in failure

lolz, literally grasping at straws

i am not cult worshipping anyone but myself, don't need to prove shit

tankiddies btfo as usual

no one's disputing that militaristic bureaucracy, by severing worker's power, and with a qt ideological patina, can rapidly industrialize a "backwards" country with nonexistent proletariat, large agrarian base of production and leftover standing army, with a few small "sacrifices" of course, much like Italy and Germany after WWI

nice non-sequitur


a small loan of 100 million workers

They where already industrial nations you complete ignoramus.

It didn't. But nice try, since "better" is vague you don't need to provide any argument to go with this claim. Typical anarkiddyism.

The west drove fascism into the war against the USSR. Besides that, no substance to your claim, but again, that's nothing new.

Not during the guidance of Stalin and Marxism Leninism. 0/10, the best an anarkiddy can do.

toppest of keks, screencapped

Yes. Yes you do.

Maduro sucks. Putin is not friendly towards socialism or workers. Hope everything crashes and burns.

#Posadas Will Free South-America.

So even while ridiculing both, you make "tankies" still look better, by default, as there is nothing anarchists have ever achieved other than literal faggotry and shoving things up their ass while whining that others arent following their lead.
I love you.


I'm not interested in being seen as good by you or the other anons.

Derailment shouldn't be a thing. Fuck both of you.

Agreed, care to report the anarkiddy shitposts initializing this and get them banned for deliberatly doing so repeatedly all over the board ever since they showed up?

the soviets never had double digit GDP growth

you are arguing using bourgeoise economics, i can do the same

the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the west wanted to end both the ussr and nazi germany,

they already had the bomb and had to help the soviet union after they got fucking raped by nazi germany during the first stage of the german invasion, they reached leningrad and stalingrad ffs

top kek

any other tankiddies here? i want to kick your asses!!!

just because you are an incles that had never had sex doesn't mean you can use such thing as an argument


Not strictly true, they helped Makhno rape a bunch of people, they stabbed the Spanish republic in the back and helped Franco come to power and they helped those fascists pull down those Lenin statues in Ukraine.



This thread now reeks of r/FULLCOMMUNISM.

You know China was already an industrial economy by the time Deng got in?

I see.

no it was not, stop fucking lying

the """"""great"""""" """"""leap""""" """"""forward"""""" was a fucking failure, and most of the time took industrial workers and sent them to the rice fields

Are you honestly saying you don't think China was an industrial economy in 1980? Because that's fucking mental tbh m8

Everyone make steel in your backyard furnaces!

the reforms started in 78

doesn't counter my argument rather than your previous one
and yet the soviet union was just starting to produces their military equipment and growing rapidly after moving it behind the ural, a massive organisatorial and industrial feat never achieved anywhere else in history.
without the western intervention, as admitted just at the point before, the soviet union would've steamrolled entire europe and its fascist regimes before they'd set their fascist boots anywhere in their neighbouring states.

In other words: No argument available, simply because it's a matter of fact.
Just as it is that your fringe believes have accomplished nothing but faggots just as you yelling stupid shit and whining about others actually getting things done

nothing new, again.

why am i not surprised

interesting counterfactual alt timeline

*1958 was the third edition of
Mao used the 3rd, post XXth Party Congress.

I'm showing State Marxism in its historical Leninist and Fascist guises, is more or less equivalent, it's the state direction of rapid industrialization to play catch up to England and USA, the empowerment of the bureaucracy and the total subjugation of workers and their genuine class interest

So Britain during the industrial revolution was marxist?

to >>>/reddit/ with you.

look dumb dumb, you are between rock and a hard place here, either you accept the fact that you intially used bourgeoise economy to justify the """"advances"""" of the ussr, in which case i can use other bourgeoise economy to prove you wrong, or you can drop that all together, and adopt a proper marxian perspective, in which case the ussr is still a fucking failure because it was state capitalism

it doesn't counter any arguments made by me, it counters yours, the west knew that making hitler belive attacking the soviet union was the easy option, hitler was fucking stupid and decided to do so, and utterly raped the ussr, it was until the lend-lease deals and the inherent disadvantage of hitler's blitz strategy that the soviets could recover

the soviets had fucking 30 years to industrialize since the october revolution, same as other WW1 powers, hitler managed to do so, thats an excuse to try to make up for stalins and lenin's retardation, instead of purging ukranians, the soviets or killing everyone in his team they could have focused on military development


what part of "hitker reached stalingrad and leningrad" was hard to understand


marxism leninism is fucking trash kid

how stupid are you?
from '78 to '80 actually experienced a higher growth than under mao

not any different from marxism-leninism
if your banner doesn't end at engles then it's trash

nice strawman, but very obvious shitposting


lol no, but the subsequent reaction to Britain's precocious industrial base was legitimized via the two main currents of Marxian historicist subgenres

tankiddie btfo

i'll boost your spooks anytime

sorry forgot about the Anglo Empire's satellites

again, they'd have steamrolled them before they'd conquere europe and squeeze it out of resources to develop the capacities that enabled them to move into the USSR to begin with

you're a fucking reading inept shitposter of the lowest class

Sure, have your "victory", anarkiddy fringe believer that wont grow out of shitposting here, just like his impotent believes never took of anywhere.
To quote yourself


check those digits, fags

stalin couldn't even defend west ussr, what makes you belive they could have engaged in an offensive?

So what where the highland clearances? What where the acts of enclosure? Why where there more British soldiers fighting ludites than fighting Napoleon?

Industrialisation always requires massive state power, the question is what is the class character of that state.


stay btfo


Marx was pretty statist himself, the Commie Manifesto's SocDem talking points prove this.
He also disliked markets and coops.
I don't see why people say he would be against the USSR other than their lack of industrialization prior to the Revolution.

Yes I understand that. The class character was more or less the same, from a worker's perspective. Only the intelligentsia quareled over semantics, hoping their faction would survive the purges.

These historical reflexive justifications and revivalist movements need to go into the trash, basically. They're dreaming of a Great Return to a time that never was. Tankies have a far more Fascist character than the modern nationalist movement, they just have the backup of a KGB-inspired revisionist Western academic literature following the 1970's, which tried to remodel Fascism through a purely Leninist lens.

not true, have what engels had to say about it


Marx explicitly renounced the recommendations in the communist manifesto in favour of abolishing the value-form and the state

Zizek is an obese overrated hack. Fuck him.

Holy shit that Hungarian dude was actually sent to the gulag!

rip comrade

Why do chans let people delete posts anyway.
Now most of these replies make no sense.

so… what happened before i got here?

What did he mean by this?

The Necessity for Planned Development of the Economy in a Socialist System

As is known, every social formation requires for its existence and development definite proportions in the distribution of labour and means of production among the different branches of the national economy. Under capitalism the essential proportions in the development of production are arrived at spontaneously, through constant fluctuations, disproportions and periodic crises. In directing their capital into one or other branch of production, capitalists are guided by such spontaneous barometers of economic life as the fluctuations of market prices, rates of profits, rates of interest, quotations of shares, etc.

In socialist economy, as a result of the socialisation of the means of production, the spontaneous barometers of economic life are abolished. Socialist society cannot develop blindly and by drifting along of its own accord. In socialist conditions the necessary proportions in the distribution of means of production and labour-power between branches of the economy can only be achieved in a planned way. Planned development of socialist economy is made necessary and possible by social ownership of the means of production. Engels stated that the passing of the means of production into social ownership makes possible “socialised production upon a predetermined plan". (Anti-Duhring, English edition, 1954, p. 395.) In contradistinction to private ownership of the means of production, which disunites the commodity producers and gives rise to competition and anarchy in production, social ownership unites a multitude of enterprises into a single national economic whole, subordinated to a single aim arising from the requirements of the basic economic law of socialism. Large-scale socialised production in a socialist society can develop only through Ii general plan, which provides unity of action for the whole of society and ensures the necessary proportions in the development of individual industries and enterprises and of the national economy as a whole.

Demonstrating the need for the planned development of socialist economy, Lenin pointed out that the economy cannot be run without a long­term plan, and that one of the gigantic tasks of the socialist revolution was

“the transformation of the whole of the State economic mechanism into a single, huge machine, into an economic organism that will work in such a way as to enable hundreds of millions of people to be guided by a single plan". (Lenin, Selected Works, I2-vol. edition, vol. VII, p. 287.)

Capitalism is inconceivable without competition and anarchy in production, and the consequent waste of social labour; and in the same way socialism is inconceivable without planned development of the national economy, which enables social labour and its products to be utilised rationally and economically.

Thus social, socialist ownership of the means of production, and large-scale socialist production both in industry and in agriculture, make the planned, proportional development of the whole economy objectively possible and necessary.

The planned, proportional development of the national economy is an economic law of socialism.

Meanwhile, in China and it's "two digit GDP".
Economic growth ≠ Economic growth
As per usual, anarkiddy went full retard.

This is weird, why are we only seeing one side of the argument?

Fucking moderators

How can a person speak so much, and yet say nothing?

Loud obnoxious shitposting derailing the thread, nothing of value lost.

Has one of the mods taken to purging marsoc faggotry? Pretty funny if so.

Good post. I'm not a fan of stalinism (leftbabby here) but this board really needs more posts of this quality.

it was anfem and, yet again, pirate flag shitposters

please no complimenting, ever, only looks like samefags flattering themself and doesn't add anything to the whole, but thanks anyways.

I think it's a mistake to think Russia's actions are motivated by capitalism or socialism- Russia just wants to counter US influence by whatever means are possible at this point. They'll support communists or fascists as long as they oppose US geopolitical influence. This is why RT praised both Trump & Castro- even though they're ideological opposites, both serve to reduce US military interventions. For this reason, Putin can be a conditional ally to socialists, who tend to be against US imperialism, but we shouldn't be fooled into thinking he's Our Guy just because he's likely to support communist countries & movements.

why are many leftist so hypocrites Holla Forums?

also what the fuck are there so many deleted posts?

Lmoa, he does everthyng, but help his own nation.
Anyway, I am having mixed feelings about it. I despise pu and all of his croonies, but I support helping Venezuela

Probably some uppity Holla Forumslack, the current vol loves deleting all posts of a given poster which makes reading threads hard

Venezuelan oil heated American homes while our own government was letting us freeze.

Sad that Russia has to be the one providing them aid in their time of need. I don't like Putin, and he's blatantly doing this because of geopolitical power games, but he's feeding people who would otherwise starve.

We'll have to wait and see if this food actually gets to people. There have been a shitton of shady deals on Venezuela with another country (usually China) where money just disappears along with whatever the people from the other country were going to import/build.

More Leftists should be Pro-Putin.

He likes China, DPRK, Vietnam, and Cuba.

He is our guy!

Is it bad that I really want Venezuela to collapse? Populist third world patriarchal """socialism""" needs to die.

b-but aren't they """"socialist"""" and against """"Western imperialism'"""" and meddling? then we must support them!


If you faggots don't stop making these threads im going to take drastic measures and start moralfag posting daily

I'll do it. I'll shit the whole place up with biological appeals to morality. Don't test me

If you think the fascism that will replace it is better you're a fucking moron.

you're saying the opposition is fascist? do you have any PROOFS

protip:the places that were being filmed as ghost cities 5 years ago are now well populated

they look cool but do not really look male

thanks and sorry bro i tried did not get one response on there

How about pretending you are an arab refugee?

Maybe you need to read a book

because everyone knows shota > loli
for sure if its fem shota

New wallpaper
picture soon

It's hard for me to tell if Putin is a good leader or not, mainly because of the media who like to paint him to be a horrible leader.

It's also woman hateric and antisemitic for some reasons, wonder why these two groups feel threatened by the simple application of immigration laws.

Do you have sauce for that, senpai?

I like bara black guys, tho

Did they?

Why does Blair Williams sweat from the head so much?

Every scene she does she looks like she's stepped out of the shower by the time it's over.


Defiantly, I use to be a faggot marxist until I got red pilled. Most of the youth is Marxist, and hopefully they grow up and realize how fucking retard they are, and if they don't then well fuck.

I do, but who is running it ? Is it open source, well no.

Yeah this. Fuck Trump and also fuck white people.

the digits be speakin of truths, lads

As with most cosmetic surgery, she looked better before.


"Holla Forums BTFO"
"Drumpf" anything
"He's right you know"
"Really makes you think"
"Well Holla Forums?"


Come on! It's the current year user!

I just can't even… Uh… Your no-guns muh privilege is showing

no, they are not, and that's not how the situation unfolded or the powerplays being made
nobody needed to be "saved" or was asking for it, these are things forced upon the people without discussion to implement a certain world order - the EU, the Euro, the NATO


why is your flag Taiwan but it writes Myanmar

Ordos is still fairly empty but it's not half built– actually it looks really cool now and tourists go there lol

*shrug* Aspies gonna asp.

Maybe because it makes it easier to search for his threads later to check on how many replies he got.
