#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Lazy >1 bread




- Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag



pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated October 8th, 2016)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]

4. Report Gamespot to the FTC
- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/gamespot-fails-to-disclose-and-identify-affiliate-links/12971/


- infogalactic.com/info/GamerGate

- thegg.net/opinion-editorial/censored-gaming-is-being-censored-on-youtube/

- twitter.com/kincannon_show

- oneangrygamer.net/2016/11/pc-gamer-says-they-chose-to-ignore-corruption-gamergate-uncovered/16151/


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!
• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go

730+ and no one baked

Other urls found in this thread:


plz do emails plz


It's some okay bread OP. Was an emergency so not blame, but the lack of redtext and mistaken spacing in some places kind of levels down the entire thing. Also the subject is imperfect as well. Overall i'd give it a 7/10 because we definitely needed one fast.


Well, it's your first time under pressure, we won't bully you too much user.

Warning: shills on bread.


Please filter and have a nice bread!

Are we sure it's safe?

Thanks user.

So, apparently kotaku is STILL massive garbage


Yesterdays bread
please never make me bake again


Are we being raided?


Let's be honest though: the way the KKK acted regarding their endorsement of Hillary made it pretty clear that it was just because Trump was losing face by association with them.

They withdraw support from Trump after the MSM starts latching on to the "Trump/KKK association", then they decide to support his opponent Hillary citing their support for a "secret plan" that she has that the grand dragon can't say anything about, but clearly has no problem revealing the existence of.

It's pretty obvious that there is no "secret plan" and that they were pulling support from Trump because it was giving the media ammunition against him.

Of corsh.

looks almost like a bot onii fam

Or it's just a pretending to retarded post.

(from last thread)

Reminder: the 2016 election chose the most pro-LGBT republican candidate ever

I don't like to bring attention to myself. So, I stay quiet most threads and just read them.
Outside of emails of course.

My life has been threatened by other Holla Forums users, no one donates to me.

It always comes down to asking for money. Nay, not asking, trying to guiltshame you into handing it over. It's an extortion racket, nothing more.

What does the KKK even do these days?
Do they just shitpost on Holla Forums all day?

what the fuck's going on in this thread

I don't know, might be time to start a new one.

Working on their Galactic Program

The KKK has been a honeypot since forever

Party. Whip your dick out and claim a waifu.

Not much more than any other secret society. Meaning mostly secret dinner parties, secret shoulder patting and secret self-fellation orgies.

So shitposting on Holla Forums all day indeed, huh
not like Holla Forums's any better

that bad?

With anime becoming real, who will you be fighting for in the Great Waifu Wars?


Depends, which girl's got the best legs ?

best imas of course


Why does she wear the mask?

I saw them burning a trailer once while on my way home from my job in a rural school.

Everyone insisted it was empty, and that they just do that every so often. Seeing as nobody went missing, and it wasn't reported in the local paper, they were probably telling the truth, but that still sort of spooked me.

I think he's only pro-LGBT in that he doesn't really give a shit about gays either way, but I wouldn't know since I don't give a shit about gays either way though they shouldn't get a tax break for being married But neither should the usual comparisons in the marriage vs. civil union argument

All of them, for though I may not have a waifu of my own, any who would deprive a waifufag of his waifu is an enemy of freedom.

Who would dare tainting the dreams of a young nippon faggot?

Good night gamergays, take care of yourselves and don't forget to play good games once in a while and to stay well hydrated

The qt tomboy's dad.


No one cared who she was until she put on the mask.

Let us not rail about justice as long as we have memes and the freedom to use them



Also, Archive.is is looking for help translate its landing page to different languages.


oh man i could sure go for some doritos and mtn dew right now

Drink water and snack on saltless almonds.

I don't think Trump gives any shits about social issues or wedge issues. Seems like all he cares about is the economy, jobs, trade, infrastructure and fixing all of Obama's fuckups. Even border protection and illegal immigration is more of an economy issue when you consider that illegals cost us over 100 billion a year and all the economic damage the drugs that pour in from Mexico does to the US. People (especially the dumbasses protesting against Trump) are going to quickly realize within a year that everything they were scared about was nothing but pure fiction manufactured by the MSM and rich assholes like George Soros.

But are these almonds activated?


And is it smart water or stupid water?



Did something happen recently regarding censorship? I keep seeing the standard crew bitch about how censorship is good and burnouts talking about that as well and pushing goons.

You left someone really butthurt val. Did you refuse to send them nudes when they threatened to kill themselves?
I hate namefags but this is top tier autism.

im going to murder trump if he doesnt make anime real in 4 years

All you had to do was eat healthy and not snack on Doritos.

I'm waiting for Mark to get the bright idea to change the default name to "Val".

Facebook has some new creepy policy in the works about censoring "unreliable" news sources. You can be absolutely certain the mainstream liberal media won't be affected.


The Truth About Fake News - Paul Joseph Watson

A crackdown seems to be starting against alternative news sources. Vid related.

Yo val, if you are in the thread would you want to take a look at the French translation of archive.is?


I did it quickly but French never was my forte. I work mostly in English now.

Didn't they try that before? Without any major announcements that they were doing so? And they got tons of flack for it?

I'm sure nothing will go wrong when they do it again.

Don't forget that you won't be the only one fighting for your waifu. And there will only be one of her.

Everyone else is waiting for Val to get the bright idea to kill himself.

Punpun only has shit waifus

Haven't you ever played double dragon?

Not gonna happen.

I can take on the world for her, I ain't worried.


This book has #notyourshield mentioned in the dedication.

Also Twitter's banning / shadowbannig alt right figureheads and accounts.

Twitter's on it's deathbed. Facebook may follow soon if they keep it up.




Buzzfeed is spreading the EC dox and encouraging people to "contact" them and make them change their vote.

How is this shit legal?


Assuming she'd be a sadist though

Maybe one of the chaikas. I'm not picky, as long as it isn't the blue or black one.

Why greentext that?

I like how when Val is brought up elsewhere people claim no one likes or approves of him in this thread, but that's obviously a lie since you always reply to him anyways. Again, why is Val being a pedo tolerated here?

Don't support Pepsi products. Not until they get their act together and realize STOP SHOVING YOUR POLITICS DOWN THE PUBLIC'S THROAT!

Why haven't you killed yourself like was suggested?

It's not doxing, it's "activism"

Typo, was working on something else in another window and wasn't giving the reply to you enough attention.


You first. Stream it.

Val speaks French and it is a French translation, if you do speak French you are free to look at it too.

Those people are hopeless.


I dont even know why name and tripfags are tolerated here, acid is a massive faggot who works for one of the alphabet agencies and sabotaged GG and val is just a massive faggot

found the revoltard

Do you still use FF Shrine to download music? Again why are you even talking to this fuck at all?

Not only that
Niggers can't into the state system at all.

Trump is going to make anime real, but he never said anything about video games.

What does Revolt have to do with Val being a fag and a pedophile? Is this just the go to deflection now? Does that mean you like Val?

You say that, but, let's not forget, there were plenty of people saying Trump had no chance of winning the election.

I'm not saying I think the electors are going to misbehave, I'm just saying, don't discount the possibility.

He made a sticky about reproting people to the FBI like a total autist and sunk the Holla Forums GG board over it. It's almost as bad

It's probably going to happen anyway.

He is talking about acid, apparently hating a tripfag actively going against digra digging is being a revolttard.

It isn't. You can't harass someone into changing their vote. Feds are probably watching like a hawk right now.

This is different, the EC bowing to bullying and mobs would be catastrophic. Don't worry about this, the SJW are just clinging to their last thread of hope, it is never going to happen.

Oh, cool, filters don't just minimize the post, it makes it disappear completely.

Here's an old photo of myself cutting myself in my edgy teens. Maybe that would satisfy you (NSFW).


French people can be fat?

Bugger off mate

I don't understand.

Filling out police reports while waiting for retards to join the honeypot

See people, you need to meme shit harder

Also, if everything fails…..theres always the Memeteor

Epic m8, simply ebin :^)

California alone has 5,225,675 registered republicans and 7,932,373, giving them a 2.7 million vote edge.
If I'm a republican in California, I have ZERO incentive to vote. That's why Hillary is leading by over 3,000,000 votes in California.
As long as the electoral college in effect, the popular vote is meaningless because people are dis-incentivized to vote in strong-leaning areas.

The good news is we already have the rebuttal built in. The ENTIRE NATION wanted Trump. California was needed to put the popular vote in Hillary's favor. Hillary has no mandate. She doesn't represent what the people want.

For some reason, corporations still think virtue signaling to court leftists is a winning strategy. They still don't know that leftists are all talk and will buy whatever shit they want no matter how much they say they hate a product or company.

Popular vote doesn't mean shit even then, it would only matter if everyone voted, not 55%.

Clinton's popular vote is completely worthless.


reminds me of this


Never forget the massive amount of rigging she did

They are seriously completely missing the fucking point of the electoral college, that the big cities don't get to completely dictate how shit is run, she already conceded the vote so these pussies need to man the fuck up and accept the results, utter fucking hypocrites

Niggers just don't understand that the way the electoral college works is that each state counts its popular votes then whoever won that state gets its electoral votes.
Clinton may have won the popular vote of the nation as a whole, but her vote count probably came entirely from California and whatever other democrat-ruled shitholes there are.

That must hurt. I would have given everything to be a fly on the wall in Clinton's inner circle during the election night. She must have lost her shit.

she did

"Its my turn"

It was supposedly pretty bad, i mean, everything the secret service people have said points to her being a fucking psychopath

If popular vote did matter, you can reasonably assume people who don't vote are wholly indifferent. At the very least, it should increase turnout among those who do care.
But we don't know. either way how accurate a vote is.

Is a guy who votes for Gary Johnson not a Trump supporter just because he didn't check his name off instead? There's no way to tell.

It did. Without Commiefornia, she's losing the popular vote by 2,000,000.

I love this meme. It assumes the US is evenly populated across the country, as in a million more in popular vote represents a million more across the country and not in California or NY or any other blue, massively populated, urban area.

I can't believe people can't even grasp an abstract concept like this occurring

They're not missing it, they just don't care because they lost. It's like when someone's team loses in the playoffs because of a legit rule and then they automatically want to get rid of it in anger; it's just a gigantic tantrum. If Trump had lost, the first thing we all would have done is check for vote rigging – democrats won't do that because they know they're the ones, by far, that cheat.


Can't be bothered to webm so just have the .mp4 instead


Imagine a wold where they overturn this because of that.

Is that rat looking motherfucker wearing lip gloss?

Those secret service guys must have seen some shit.

Considering republicans control the house/senate/presidency i think shit's safe for a while

I'll protect her smile

trump should sue for that

Gilda is number 2 in my heart.


ayyy Obama commented on the rioting finally.


I think Breitbart has first dibs after CNN tried to smear them by falsely accusing them of being a white supremacist publication.

Watch out with what you post, kiddo

Purge at CNN when?

Hopefully soon



They might have no choice but to purge most of their talent in a year and go back to pretending to be objective since their ratings are tanking. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually get beaten by forensic files repeats on HLN.

That's some grade A ice skating right there.

You had to search for that image didn't you

Hash Browns are probably the best most of the time. If french fries are done proper, then I'd probably pick those.

Are you fucking kidding? They're going to double down and bitch about racism and misogyny as the reason for why they're going under.

yes, pls no bully

There are very few hockey-related images/webms out there. I don't blame you.


God, to be a fly on the wall when it finally sets in on these cucks



It is why the C-SPAN streams are always so damn interesting, you always get retards that think they are somehow smarter than Congress simply because they have a fancier position.

Those are fun to see, I should look for more of them even though I'm not murrican.



I can't even get mad at something like this. It's so stupid all I can do is laugh at it.

Shitlords. He's trans-Trump. Respect his fucking gender.

Why do they even cal the cops? Like what are they supposed to do? Jail him?

Refusing to leave the property, maybe.

The next 4 years are gonna be rough on SJWS. I can already see the teachers marking an answer wrong for listing Trump as president.

I was born without a libido.
I have no desire for a waifu, 3DPD, or any kind of intimate encounter.
In the world of Real Anime, I will be the stoic swordsman guarded and lusted after by a harem of aras, monsters, aliens and CLANG CLANGs, who perpetually pisses off everybody by never getting it on with any of them.

Try 8 at the rate that things are going, they are just doubling down on the stupidity, not that i'm complaining


An interesting vid.
Some Jap dev thought western people wanted censorship.

Because they only hear Kotaku and such speaking for us.

Use Ronin and Mombot's work more often.
Find Japanese inboxes more often.
Speak up more often.

I wonder if they got arrested or fined for making a false police call. Fucking children. At least Rich Evans doing a George lucas impersonation had a few laughs at their tempertantrum

Can't tell if the smug kid dialing the phone is waving cause he thinks he's in the right, or just recognizes how ridiculous this is.

Also that esports kid named Trump is about to have a real hard time with this kinda shit, I just realized.

Klei publisher having a sale on steam. Might get some games.
Any of the devs SJWs? Don't want to give them money.

We can send emails to japanese devs, but will they really listen? Nintendo basically said they didn't care about Nintendo America did with FE Fates didn't they?

Even so- might as well help them.
Report all Electoral College Threats you find.


So just because a bloated, AAA company ignores you- all Jap devs are lost?

Nah son.
You know AAA is lost both sides of the world- focus on the rest.
Let big games for normalfags be censored- while the games we actually want to play remain uncensored.

Then when Nintendo and Sony are scratching their head on how 3rd parties are getting more sales than them- then they'll catch on.

Compile Heart and Senran developer are based already.
We need to let others know they should follow suit.

And of course- if enough emails roll in, almost anyone will roll over.

lel, a german moderator comes back from a toilet break and says that he just send Obama into the white house

Why describe it like that? We're consumers, and we're letting producers know what we want. "Roll over" makes it sound so sinister. We're just giving feedback. This is capitalism.

So organize another email campaign then where Mombot/Roninworks translates?

What did he mean by that?

Obama is the poo

Find them, talk to them.
FFS, Twitter should make it easy.

And who's the white house?

Holy shit.

Even if the guy was full of shit, why wouldn't you just go by the book to cut down on rumors? Mishandling it this badly makes even normal people wonder if there was foul play going on.

The toilet.

Wouldn't it be the sewers? Because that's where the turd is ending up.

Obama is black, the toilet is white, he says that he send obama into the toilet. What he means is he took a shit, he send his dark shit into the white toilet. Germans do a lot of those racists jokes, like "freeing Nelson Mandela" or some would say that they just dropped a nigger. It's harder lately since all the pc shit came to germany too by now, but like 5 years ago those jokes were perfectly fine.

Problem is- we'd need specific targets first.
IMO, make an OP on HQ (or find simillar), and look for who's releasing something in the west in 2017.

And send something to all of them, and by everyone.

However I have also heard Japan does not respond well to the tactics we use against western devs and publishers (preferring a more polite tone, and enmasse inbox deluge comes across more like a campaign).
Ask MB and other Jap speaking anons.

Not every company is nintendo, by what was said in the video is that cygames is catching hell on steam, so much that they did an interview with techraptor for pr. The good news is that we can use the fact that granblue fantasy cygame's other mobage has a strong western communty and it also has a English patch on the Japanese version which means no censorship. If we contact cygames we could reverse the censorship on shadowverse and preemptively save granblue's Ps4 game from censorship.

Why expend any more effort than necessary investigating what is merely a coincidence?

Especially considering this is the business to business contact form.

Take Raging Golden Eagle's vid- but rephase it politely.


Operation: Something Related To Granblue- because I don't fucking play it
Is A Go!




DEAD !!!


Fuck's sake, Marche, stop messing with the cloning machine.

There, sent. If/when I get a reply I'll post it here




user, I can't get lowly 3D woman to care for me, glorious 2D girls would not care either.
But who knows. We will see what happens. I will fight for her nonetheless.
By the way, why the fuck Holla Forums is salty about GG and it's celebration of Trump's Triumph? Those people really need to hold on the LARPing.

Let me try user.

By the way:

I don't play Granblue either, but even I know that this needs to be called Operation Shortstack.

Why do horns look so good on girls?

you gay

Trump stood up at the RNC, held a rainbow flag, and said he'd defend the LGBTQ community. The ones bitching about Trump acting like he's going to gas all the gays are fucking retards.

horned girls are bad an snuggling tho

This Lesbian Cutie Pie

Sometimes i wish i was gay, just so I can experience true love with a gay friend of mine.

Won't ever happen.


New filter system is weird, don't think I can ever unfilter Val out of curiosity as his post isn't even visible to me.

That's not nice.

Good morning, faggots!

Val just said he wants your big throbbing man meat in his tiny french boipussy.

Under [Options] there is a filters section that should allow you to remove filters. Doesn't have ID filters, though.

Good evening, cunt!

Stop that!



Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline


Depends on the type of horn, personally I like the small forehead horn style.

It must be suffering not to be able to turn your head lying down.


I had a spergtastic post type up but fucking short answer user:


These are B and C level studios, and even then these are people that regularly listen to fan feedback. Kotaku is all they hear from the direction of the states. Do you not think that's a problem? Do you not think that is misrepresentation? Kotaku doesn't fucking speak for us. We are in the fifth estate. The REAL fifth estate: where communication traffic is thick and instant. News sites are now irrelevant in this estate where creators can directly tap their markets and vice versa.

Talk to them. Polite, well-meaning, honest messages. Tell them you like the games. Tell them you want the games more challenging. Tell them you want more T&A if it's allowed. Tell them to encourage localizers to knock off the silly localizations. Tell them SOMETHING.

Just stop letting Kotaku & its ilk tell it for us.

Futuba a cute



You many not be aware of the recent management reshuffling over at CyberAgent (Cygames' parent company), and that the producers of both Shadowverse & Granblue Fantasy have effectively switched places:



Something to keep in mind.

There's also a /gbfg/ thread in Holla Forums over here:

Also, something else of interest: archive.fo/zOiwY (You may want to snag the .pdf if you're interested in CyberAgent's 2016 Fiscal Year Report mentioned in one of the comments.)



So both Hillary and Worst Korea's President Park are under "medication". I'm seeing connections that shouldn't be there.

its like you cant think for 5 seconds





And the Godesses have connections to Germany, where Merkel resides, having all media shout against Trump, even still after the elections and falls over herself to suck Obama's cock.

Suika usually has much smaller horns, and that other oni is just a question of positioning.

This is the second fucking time.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

People like you make me sick

You monster

Things not to do with an oni:
Both will most likely result in your impalement through vital organs.

I bet you'd put horns on Vivian, the tans or even /christ/-tan if possible

Maybe we can get mombot or ronin to talk to hrt on twitter.

I mean, why not. Vivian would look good with the curly horns in pic 3 of

who dis?

you have to use protection


you lie


Drawfags really need to make more monster girl versions of Vivian.

Why do you really namefag at all? Be honest. You said once you started because you were depressed. But after all the things you've done to make people hate you and you continue to bring attention to yourself, doesn't that actually mean you aren't and weren't depressed and you really are doing it just for the attention? It really shows you simply have no conscience like the SJWs you claim to oppose. You clearly are the epitome of an attention seeking namefag and have no regard for what damage you cause let alone responsibility for your actions.

post them

Just filter the homo


The Granblue Fantasy setting is a little… odd in that respect. Draphs (the horned race) have petite females while men are hulking behemoths. And it's not just physical: male erunes (the cat/dog furry race) are extremely conservative prudes, while their womyn are total sluts (even the lolis, no exceptions).

And wait until you meet their goblins.

I really want Le Pen to win in France but I don't think it will happen.

monster girl versions of all the tans. I vote cowgirl for Danielle

those comments

At first I thought it was 受 as in "I accept /k/", but then the outward stroke on the left tells me whoever made it meant to write 愛

It's missing several strokes

Calm the fuck down Dr. Moreau.

I can't vote for her. I'm sorry.

Flip leftists are still salty over that. From >>>/pinoy/15744, enjoy the Flip-brand salt.


But Russia is the big evil huh

You voting Hollande surprises noone Val, everyone knows your opinions are horrible.

that food is radioactive and with the swine flu

Le Penises are a political dynasty just as clintons and bushes etc, just not as successful.

So much for white people being the superior race. :^)

Mein neger.

Those sound like black American names.

I don't really have an issue with political dynasties. I liked the Kennedies, its not famliy members being in politics that's the problem its what the Bush/Clinton politics were. Anyways Hollande seems a hell of a lot worse.

They're french, they're all garbage.
Politicians are almost always corrupt, dynasties are always corrupt.

So your entire basis of her being disqualified is that her father was a politician? That's pretty fucking dumb.


The Ganergate-tans cosplaying Granblue Fantasy characters would be good to have along with .

what, so they're /fit/ now too?

this joke works better if you say it out loud


They're more /fit/ that whatever's in the anti-GG side, that's for sure.


He's just a vile, bitter cunt. Nothing left of worth.


How cute.

What a waste.


Anonymous representative here.

The GamerGate movement, started by us, is no longer something that is desirable for us, gamers. It has outgrown being a simple ideology of denouncing and shame corrupt journalists. It is no longer useful for anyone but trolls and internet nazis.

Because of that, we Anonymous have decided that 8ch has until the 11/25/2016 to terminate all activities related to #GG, or face the consequences.

We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.


namefag pls




Who let you back on the internet?


Next you will tell us you are the king of Antarctica

The anonymous name hasn't meant shit for an eternity. The only people who knew a damn thing about computers are all in jail.
I'm impressed somebody as retarded as you could figure out how to use a trip.


Oh god the first one


link please

its over guys!



Jail or a sellout to Google, microshit or the goverment.


So the president elect is not allowed to keep notes on the media who purposely went out their way to try and sabotage his election? What were they expecting?

"Yeah we did everything to try to publicly smear you but its all good right?"

Way to be hypocrites you fat, ugly, virgin neckbeards.

This is exactly the kind of thing that shouldn't be allowed. Who gave you permission to post my picture? DELETE THIS RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous representative here.

I have more seniority than . I'm here to tell 8ch that he was sent the wrong coded message. Please ignore his post.

We actually wanted to bring you new leaks about Nintendo Switch. More details coming soon from another representative.


And in the future, you'll tell us that you're a Nigerian Prince and we need to sponge cash to ya, you twit.


I wan 2 fug Vivian

I want to be Vivian



Basically, yes. Remember that these are the type of vermins who would not blink an eye trying to ruin someone's life with lies and equivocation, but they expect you to never ever call them out on their bullshit.



Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever

California here. I know California is "Blue" state but thats only the fucking coast, the rest of California is Red.



Seriously. I figured that out from just watching ITEHATTSD on Youtube and I've never read a book, bought a mini, or played a campaign.



Keep up the good work toshi

chaos is not that bad in moderation

needs more wojak

Time to start up Downpour and this new op in joint power?

Assuming you're serious, you're just as confused as the protesters working for the 1% by burning New Balance sneakers because they opposed the TPP.

You didn't hear the story behind that?

The government blackmailed New Balance to get them to shut up about a trade treaty that would have given corporations the power to overturn labor and environmental laws. Because of that, the "protest movement" is boycotting them.

What else are you not being told?

We continue to uncover plots by the powerful to control populations by controlling the public's access to information. Shutting down the free internet is on their agenda. Governments, corporations, and political parties are in on this. The EFF has been captured and is on board with this program.

Help us out.

Alright which one of you did this?


I highly doubt Pakman is on Holla Forumss radar so I know it was one of you guys.


I love this picture series so much.

Whatever it takes. Just imagine if draph girl tits get pre-censored in Re: Link in anticipation of a western release like Square Enix games and the newest Sword Art Online game.



That was only censored in Japan, actually. The NA version was uncensored. Weird as shit.


I think a patch made it censored in the West later.

Its getting shilly in here user .

I think we should gather all our meme magic and do a plan like we did for fates and plus we need more downpour oc and plus downpour needs to be more active, persona 5 has been delayed so we should be on guard for that.

This also could help bring Downpour back into gear with the cygames stuff being a nice sup Op cause we haven't done much for downpour since the salt party we pulled on Treehouse.

From a Holla Forums drawfag.

The way I heard it was that even when patched up to the same version as the Japanese version, the Western version still lacked censorship.

2016's been a pretty fucked up year, and it doesn't look like it's going to let up until the stroke of fucking midnight that heralds 2017.

I'm curious to see how they would do it. Like "Draph women are just tall Harvins now."

The new Berserk game also got censored in Japan. Maybe if this keeps happening people over there might start rallying against censorship.

Year of the fire cock is supposed to be even crazier than the year of the fire monkey.

Eagerly waiting to pirate the new marvel comics.

absolutely perfect


Looked around the internet for more info, thne found this.

Is this why Val won't vote for her?

I think most people are turned off by the neonazi connections thing.

Val is a socialist


Watch out faggots the Left Wing Death Squad is going to try and subvert Holla Forums

They seem to want to target smaller boards, keep a close eye on them

Cygames are mobile games. Doesn't Holla Forums hate mobile games? :^)

pretty much

and a cuck for dune coons

In what way? I'm seeing it on censored gaming.

NOT seeing it, that is.

Apparently, if you put enough top quality tits in a game, people will play.

That's been happening since we got here after the exodus.

I'd like to see them try.

Supreme Court audio is also very interesting to listen to in my opinion.

It's quite interesting to hear the Justices grill both sides hard as hell over their arguments.

Makes sense, there's a faggot over at >>>/pinoy/ that's shitting up threads with blatant leftist D&Cs.

Shadowverse is on Steam now.

Violence was toned down. It may or may not be uncensored when it comes overseas.

Not unheard of in Japan. That's something I could easily see restored in the west.

Found the video.

This might be one of the few this board loves seeing as we have a general and actually got 4/vg/ users to come cause our general isn't cancer like on halfchan.

Dem Draph, man.

Also Dat Ferri

Hope you don't like Trump then. The accusations against Le Pen are about as specious as the ones against Trump as far as that goes.

considering they've been mostly a source of entertainment and self-esteem boosters for everyone here, I welcome some quality refocused efforts

I sent emails to Blizzard

You mean bribed then weaseled out of their bribe.

There's a difference between advocating the occassional racist bs, and being one of the 20 neo-nazis left in a country.


Let's see what we need to refocus on now that the meme wars are over.. for now atleast




I'm still surprised by the sheer level of lewdity in the official art.


It's not really that odd. Due to Japan's screwed-up censorship laws (thanks, post-WW2 Occupation America) lewd bits are required to be censored, while outside Japan the same product can be showed it all its uncensored glory, barring local censorship laws.

And it's not just in Japan, but in Worst Korea too. Here's an example that was posted on Twitter many months ago. Promo art of the Shadow Dancer for Dungeon Fighter Online (Dungeon & Fighter in Korea) was censored locally, when the same art wasn't censored for the global version.

As an aside, DFO is now run by Neople, which is separate from Nexon. Maybe another possible dev studio to reach out to?


say please :^)



pretty please?

They've lost it since their era is coming to a close and we've pushed them out to the edge

Since the Korean day of the rope is going on you anons think we might see the censorship in Korea change?


fucked up the link

Re: Marina

The ending felt a little rushed but I quite enjoyed the ride. MC has some naked H-cup girl fall through his ceiling claiming to be his wife from the future. She came back to save his life and get him on track to succeed and make something of himself, so they live together and sometimes do lewd things.

Another thing we need to target internally is the recent wave of anti-Japanese game hate. It got turned up 10 or so notches about a year ago, and nothing was done. In the past two or so months, there's been another sharp increase in hostility to all Japanese games. The kind of shit in this pic shouldn't be acceptable here. We need to make Holla Forums as inhospitable to normalfags as we possibly can so they don't bring more of their kind here. God knows Mark isn't about to do anything about it.


Why is she so perfect, Holla Forums? Why?


Full name?

I liked her better as a blond honestly

That is the full name



I like her whether she got a short or a beautiful long hair. She's still beautiful.

We can only hope.


I'm actually a recent Holla Forums migrant, though I've come over here to fullchan since 2014. Usually here for /a/, /gghq/, and /m/. Wandered over here since /a/'s mods are hotpocket fedora tippers, and the latter 2 boards have slowpoke levels of movement. Initially stayed away from Holla Forums due to similar anti-weeaboo threads that you posted–haven't really grasped the idea that those might've been D&C and not Holla Forums's usual intolerance showing at the time. Only recently have I been proven fortunately wrong, of course.

Is she retarded? How is him having dinner and not telling press a great disservice. Didn't liberals get mad a while back when people publicized about Obama eating hamburgers or something?

Every time I look at her, I see Freya and wonder if they're sisters

I like Walsh but I don't think she's yet realized how much of a mockery her field has become. She says in there somewhere that she's never been made to kill a story but we all know that journalists have.

Short hair is easier to manage in combat situations. Hopefully we will never come to that.

IIRC it was present from a while back, remember this gem from phillip "choke on it" poisson?
And funny who else made an appearance back then, inafundme. :^)


CANNOT UNSEE any drawfags?

her point about if something happened to Trump the public would need to know is valid, but her stating the media gave Trump a fair shake is pretty weak and very easy to prove

Our board has become absolute shit honestly. Its not that its anti-weeb its just that everyone's going to shit on whatever game the thread is about. Its the cancer that I thought we'd successfully left behind but have since devolved back into.

She does bring up a fair point about the dangers of the government having the sole knowledge and discretion over information on what went on somewhere, but it's kind of wasted on the fact that it was just a steak dinner, and that it's a bit odd to expect to be privy to everything the president does. Were it something more important or more related to his role as president (like a meeting with Pentagon officials) then it would be more valid.

Also, she still doesn't seem to acknowledge that the MSM is blatantly biased against Trump. I suspect from her earlier behavior that it's more because she doesn't want to admit to herself just how shitty journalism is nowadays.

Hmm, I could see it working. Are Marion's boobs big enough to fill the role of Danielle?

Implying that info is not already filtered through corrupt and colluding MSM and gov't for some time now, implying that the press is completely innocent and did not ruin their own reputation and credibility by pushing agenda based reporting instead of factual journalism.

Walsh is either stupidly naive, or stupidly retarded.

She's really beautiful, isn't she?


It was good at first. it was at least mediocre for a pretty long length of time.

Splatoon threads are nice, but they are slow as fuck.

It would be a bit strange considering that Danielle and Freya are supposed to be twin sisters.

No I'm not.


Oh, there was a time when you could talk about Japanese games here without shit like this showing up. Like I said, it was only about a year or more or so that things got bad. That's how SJWs colonized cuck Holla Forums, too. They started by shitting up threads for games like Senran Kagura or Atelier, and by the time the exodus came out, any discussion of Japanese games aside from maybe Metal Gear was pushed into a single /vg/ thread. They're using the same tactics here now, and since nothing was done about it, they're moving into their more heavy handed phase where it's not just certain games, but anything out of Japan that gets shit on.

I meant more in terms of Holla Forums. The general population has always despised Japanese media in all forms.

Well what do you expect to be done? Mark is too permissive to do anything, feeding them will accomplish nothing, and too many people are too dumb to simply filter the people causing the problem.

just a quick sketch maybe I'll finish it later

nice. I think her hair would need to be bushier to frame the horns.

Bitchin'. One change I would suggest is move the ribbon higher on her horn, along with .

Looks like "weeb" and associated variations are the new buzzword that's being used to shit up the board by shills.


It's either just one guy or they all type the exact same way. It's incredibly distinctive, but I don't want to go into detail about that so they don't know what it is that gives them away so badly.

Say, that might have a lot of potential…

Sjws have really been trying since downpour don't let them have their way and Mark needs to be more proactive in cleaning the board up at times.

Last time we had this it was from the xenoblade threads web.archive.org/web/20160105054642/http://8ch.net/v/res/7681451.html
This shilling must be a new op by the goons like how they went so nuts at the first threads about Fates and xenoblade

This seems like the sort of thing Usher likes. Someone tweet to him. Not to mention it's evidence against their bullshit "it's not censorship" ass-covering.

Weeb was the buzzword used by sjws during downpour.


Or make the horns smaller like stubs, kinda like those hair accessory things in Evangelion. On the other hand, it could also go the other way and have Suika-style horns.

Draph/doraf horns are flexible like that.

Yep they really want to stop the talk of jap games on Holla Forums really hard and the goons have been watching this board since downpour redpilled a shit ton on localization.

Pretty shilly today.

I may be wrong, but I think one of the cancerfags was the OP of that Holla Forums thread. No way to say exactly for sure in this case, but the writing style and specific flavor of butthurt feels very distinctly like one of them in particular.

I prefer big horns. Small horns are too unnoticeable.

CTR fag were let go, so they flog back to their usual turfs to shill for this or that without pay.


(double checked)
I've seen journos going apeshit about Trump's dinner. Have they called it Steakgate yet? Also, have they cried censorship about it?

Crash Team Racing?

Or just claim you have Trump as a headmate.

Shills have been super asshurt since Trump won and endchan users have been shitting up Holla Forums and Holla Forums

looking at that thread it is probably 2 or 3 goons shitting up the board I remember when the granblue threads first started up and a faggots was trying to shit up the thread, and he pops up in the neptunia thread on rare occasions as well can't speak for the ff14 thread though, but it seems they largely leave the general threads alone and target the new threads probably due to their low man power.

Cerebral Tumor Recovery.

We should make "Trumpophobia" a thing.

Too late, MSM already made it a thing. :^)

Ah ok, my mistake in parsing that then.
Now that you mention it, I've definitely seen that pattern in other places as well. There was one game forum I went a while back that did get some infection from the socjus cancer when it became the hip thing to shit on japanese media, by claiming it's sexist therefore it's not censorship if it's 'changed a little bit and for the better'.

Want to grab them by the horns? ( ° ʖ °)

Having Trump as your tulpa might turn out to be a very useful edge if you're an fresh-faced businessman working your way up the ladder in the business world especially if it's the mental collection of all the knowledge you're learned from reading all his books, and not just your imagined version of Trump. Of course, there's always the danger of your tulpa breaking free and taking over.

They shit up any Fire emblem threads super hard and they tried to shit up the persona threads but failed I remember the FE shitposter he shat up every FE thread hardcore and (69) from the xenoblade threads he went nuts.

We also had goons pretend to be from 8/a/ but everyone knows 8/a/ doesn't have a presence on this site thought endchan has a shitload of cross posters on our /a/

Yep sjw they've been trying to take over our Holla Forums for a while coming in with the cuckchan refugees and shitting up the board for a while

Top is Kukuru/Lyria cosplay
Bottom is Aliza/Alicia cosplay

The designs are hard as fuck to draw, and the bottom ones are wearing clothing that's supposed to be emphasizing chests. Not sure if I'll finish these up, but I'll sketch some more and see if I get one that I can polish and finish off.

They won't. SJWs play FF14.

looks good user

Nice. Any chance at an art repository of sorts?


They know pro-censorship rhetoric won't fly here, so their tactic for here (and successfully used in cuckchan) is to coordinate with a handful of friends to push their opinion and make it look like many people agree with the shit opinion. This, in turn, attracts more normalfags and SJWs because they think their opinions are the norm here. It doesn't work anywhere near as well here as cuckchan because of IDs, but a lot of new people are too stupid to understand why the same ID would be pretending to be many different people all saying things like all Japanese games are the same.


I wonder how many anti-GG goons lurking in the /gbfg/ thread we'll flush out when they see the finished versions of these sketches? :^)

Since Downpour the hate for censorship has grown and they've been trying to rid us of any anti censorship of jap games

I'll make a board next year maybe. No guarantees.

There's 1500 of them in every thread outside of this thread

I'm loving that so many drawfags were inspired by our few posts about how great horned girls are. Praise the drawfags!

Yea she makes a good case. To bad the "REAL" news outlets have made her profession a joke, and with everything that went on this election no one wants them around or gives a shit about their "4th estate" bullshit.

Watch Dogs 2 is confusing me. It's confusing my brain like Line Trap used to confuse my dick, except there's no post-ejaculatory shame. Is this game supposed to be extolling the usual SJW rhetoric or is it parodying it? It seems like it wants to extol it, but the logical inconsistencies throughout the fucking story makes it seem like the game is fucking its own ass with it's black dick.

The MC is a nigger. Now, this nigger has an extensive criminal record with cTOS or whatever the fuck it's called, it's probably short for Cock Toss. So Nigger has a criminal record with them, and the first thing he starts doing as a character is literally LOL MANE DATS BULLSHIET MANE, I DINDU NUFFIN MANE, COCK TOSS BE RAY SIS MANE

Okay, what, nigger, are you innocent are something? I'm sure the justice system will prove it. We're in fucking San FranFagsco anyway.

Oh wait, he wants to join a group of cyber terrorists, but first, he has to delete his criminal record off the database by breaking into their highly guarded building, incapacitating guards and hacking shit left and right.

So then this fucking nigger gets to the terminal, looks at his criminal record, and the first fucking thing this dumb, low IQ, digital ape says is


Just wait for it



Is this a jab at niggers for not having any self-awareness, or is this Ubisoft trying to give a little nudge to Nigger Lives Matter and fucking failing at it? We start the game off committing crimes that would put anyone in federal prison for 20+ years as frequently and callously as Hilary Clinton orders someone's death and pays the coroner to declare it a suicide, and this niggers is wondering why he has a criminal record and why his threat level is so high.


I'm sorry for my autism. And by that, I mean kill yourself and take your family with you, because I'm not sorry. But don't worry, I obviously didn't pay for this shit.

This election scared the shit out of the traditional press because it emphasized their growing irrelevance. Seems like they're doing everything to convince people that they're not dying while still holding the same arrogance that they displayed towards Trump and his supporters for the last year.

That's what you get for playing Watch Dogs 2 in the first place.

Thanks for suffering for my entertainment.

Sketch you dick so I can kiss my monitor and pretend I'm pleasuring you as thanks for these cute sketches

And of course Super Bunnycuck liked it. I thought maybe after he shat on The Witness and Firewatch he'd maybe shit on this too. But nope! He tried to argue that the excess of cringe somehow wrapped around to being charming instead of…you know…just being fucking cancer.

cant wait what are they going to make next now

pretty much

So it has the same narrative problems as the first one but even worse. First protag is bland and has, just like the new one apparantly, severe moral issues. Plus the whole disconnect between player actions and story does not help.


I did it about three years ago actually. Here.

Remember, they unironically meme'd Trump to presidency while doubling down on retardation.

So here's a radical thought. Tubular, even.

Remember #GG's three pronged approach?

Consider this: A political equivalent to REBUILD. Encourage politicians to connect more directly with voters instead of always going through the mass media, and push smaller alternative news sites. Trump is already leaning this way, but its something that could be suggested to any and all "decent" politicos. Using the word decent loosely, but there are a few.

Maybe make the media politically irrelevant for the next four years by getting the politicians to bypass them and connect with voters directly? [y/N]

oh shit, its you again.
Hows the game doing on greenlight?

It's been released since the 15th.

Here's what I think happened Reanon - the dyed hair, hambeast dykes from multiple teams at Ubisoft decided to create a game that perfectly captures their righteous, moral understanding of the world they live in. They love the minorities. They love Islam. They love fucking other people while being in committed relationships. They are above everyone! Everyone else is stupid! They are the most intelligent!

What they fail to realise is that they are absolute fucking hypocritical, degenerate, stupid motherfuckers. Their "progressive" ideaology doesn't come off at morally righteous as they think it does. It comes off as absolutely insane to any normal, rational human being.

They wanted to create a game to send a very clear message - look at how progressive we are and you should be too! They wanted to create something serious but ended up with comedy. What they thought was progressive ended up a complete joke.

The best part of all this? They're too stupid to realise it.

Saving this for posterity.


Whatever happened to your Melodious Caravan tumblr?

but isnt she cheating her present husband with her past husband?

draw me a loli miranda please



There already is one.

You have failed ur waifu.


Remember everyone, we don't do boycotts because boycotts have never worked in all of history especially in gaming.

Boycotting is for bad consumers, we are loyal customers of the pristine gaming industry. We LOVE games, and in reality we WANT diversity. We want fecalphilia in our gaming, we want all kinds of gender-binary-blasting shockwaves in our gaming. Gaming is all about messages after all.

Don't let the Drumftards hijack what we've built and remember to visit KiA regularly.

i dont understand


is she crossplaying the cuckqueen-tan?

If you think it's possible to cuck yourself, sure. But her present husband is 19 or so years older than her, so when she goes back to when he was 16, she wasn't even born yet.

Can you really cuck your husband in a timeline where you weren't even born?


Hi Holla Forums. I thought Falseflag Friday was tomorrow, or are you just getting an early start?

I'm too old to try to figure out how that reddit thing works

good shit. im going to buy a few more copies of undertale for my cousins this black friday

just one thing

no need to get political. some of us like trump, and others are more sanders, and marche would vote for jeb if he could

Y- Y- You're right Cole-senpai, OpRebuild was such a blazing success, we have reformed, rebuilt and reinvigorated the industry!


We need to transfer this success in gaming to politics, where we are losing (I think?). We need to be oblivious to the dynamics of Washington and geopolitics in general and just hope for the best by hugging politicians until they stop working for Israel.


someone needs to draw jeb dressed up a miranda


chug some dicks, nigger.

The Press' own actions led to this. They didn't cover Trump's run ethically, accurately and fairly. This is the end result. This is what happens when you burn all your goodwill and all your bridges.
Journalism functions mostly out of goodwill. As a journalist, you have to be fair and unbiased. You have to maintain a professional relationship with people so they give you press privileges.

When Kotaku and other Journos fucked over game developers, demonized them and treated them like shit, is Kotaku entitled to future press coverages? No. Of course not.
They burned that bridge. They don't get to cross it until they rebuild that shit.

The same thing applies to mainstream press.
Don't call it a grave, this is the future you chose.

Who is this semen demon?

i suppose is not really cheating after all

Like clockwork.

Changed the name, scheduled for deletion sometime at the end of the year, and pretty much staying on 8ch exclusively from now on.

Since Endchan is dead they've been going nuts.


How's life?

today is a good day
hopfully its finished by the time my dindin arrives

Does someone have that webm of Trump winning the elections to the tune of Manuel's Gas, Gas, Gas? Post it!

Wew lad, you're a salty faggot aren't you?

Seeing it recommended by Holla Forums on here I purchased two copies for my wife's black son, knowing he would need a second one for the headmate he'd develop after playing it.

I really love Undertale and I am so glad Holla Forums pushed it on the scene, showing we are left-leaning and very much compatible with the extremely popular social justice ideology. I mean why would anyone want to be associated with the right (aka WRONG)? Remember that Hillary won on the popular vote. You saw the real agenda behind those revoltards with their Drumf banner, thus they supported the minority candidate (i.e the real loser).

Undertale actually changed my life, before playing it I thought gaming was awesome, you could vanquish your enemies, see them driven before you then hear the lamentations of their women. Now I understand that hugging the sadness heals the world, because


fuck off revolt

Thank you, user. The victory is still resonating on me and I want to celebrate it everyday. It's been a wonderful year!

too long;did notown it all

That's enough now the ralph shill.

Life's mediocre.
I'm getting better at drawing. Not stellar but I'm trudging along at a good pace. Trying to learn how to use GODOT and start doing gamedev shit.

Here's to a good 2017.

How does GODOT compare to Unity?

revolt/leftypol is really going at it

It's better to ask someone who has used unity and GODOT.
They'd be more informative.

I've downloaded Godot but haven't tried it yet. From what I've read up it seems to do 2D games quite well compared to Unity.

May as well fuck with it on the weekend since it's free. Never heard of GODOT before, or have and simply forgot, so thanks for informing/reminding me.

Gilda is a number 2.

I'm not even sure they asked him to leave.

Bitch, please.

Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts.
Contact Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy.
Contact Boston PD to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds through deception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider.

I was hungry, but all this bait is stale.

Reminds me of Gawker and their interns.

Gotta be up early tomorrow. Night faggots. Don't let the shills bite, they usually show up to distract us from something, so put your noses to the wind. Also tomorrow is the first anniversary of the #GG Time Machine project.

And they too did it 4free.

Okay, was just reading random shit online, but holy shit. breitbart.com/texas/2016/11/17/mexican-mayor-arrested-hundreds-massacred-cooked-network-ovens-breitbart-expose/


This is a brilliant idea.
OpRebuild got us so much developer support.

Sounds need but there's not a lot those of us who aren't American can do. I mean, I'm in rural Canada. The only politicians I know are my MP and the mayor. The mayor is also the barber and the MP invited me to a BBQ last year, and I got head in my car from a woman I met there.

revolt why do you not get that we don't care about you or acid man we never and still don't care about you?

After all he's done for us you're throwing him under the bus with revoltards?

It's changed the face of the industry, just like League of Gamers and DeepFreeze.

hes fed them

their both retatds

It feels like the good old days with all the shills.


I always wonder who are the people still supporting shit like CNN and MSNBC, then I see the people responding to this tweet;

It's fun to watch it. Goons, CTR and GGR going in full force to derail the thread and make false posts to pin Holla Forums for hatemongering. Little that they know that this imageboard uses ID's to know who posts what like that one yesterday replying to himself. It's kek material.

Everything i seen of these race is that the women are short and stacked to all hell and the men are 6th hulks. So my question is where do these short stacks pack away all that beef?

It took two years but the salt is the best it's ever been.

dudes are probably hung like gorrilas.

I shared with Holla Forums for you. Let's get this shit kicked off!
>>>Holla Forums8285773

Deus Vult!

The shilling is off the charts, holy shit.

I guess they only just got back from the anti-trump protests


Now that was an interesting read.Also them reporters have balls of steel

Panic? Jewgle guy in the Trump transition team for the FTC.

That pic title is "pol shits on revolt"
When really it's a Holla Forumsedditor on Holla Forums spreading disinfo.

It's pretty sad

The salt from revlot/leftypol is great this year has been the year of the salt.

It looks like South Park went full on cuck. They now talk about how brexit was bad and for bigots while also saying how bad being politically incorrect can be if taken too far since you get Trump. They unironically push CNN.

leftypol was never associated with /ggr/

Comedy Central, guess how many of their "programs" are doing the same fucking joke.

I think a lot of it is that they're just contrarians. The right has kind of seen a resurgence lately, hence making fun of it now.

jesus christ I didn't realize Trump spent this little on his campaign

Wasn't the total spent by Clinton along with the elites donating and shilling for free is 1.3 billion dollary-doos?

More than that. Joss Whedon alone spent 500 million.

He barely had to do anything, the MSM gave him free press 24/7.

Amazing how brainwashed people are, literally just click on the fucking link and people won';t even do that cause muh breitbart.

I have a friend like this. He will trust anything the New York Times or Washington post say no matter what. He got really mad when I told him about how a lot of those attacks by Trump supporters were fake and showed evidence of it.

No, it was half a million.

What? source please, I've seen Pedowood donations reaching the double-digit millions, but this is crazy.

My spic pal pissed off these white liberals saying Trump is right the wet backs need to go back they couldn't believe it.

narcos just want to solve the overpopulation problem

Nevermind, I am retarded. Pls no billy.


Yea my mom tends to get WAY to much of her news from fucking Yahoo and whatever she sees on kikebook from equally uniformed people, just the other day she was saying that Trump was gonna remove medicare and I told her "I followed Trump closely since the election began, he didn't say shit about medicare", she promptly called me a fanatic and said I was wrong.

She literally believes what she reads on the internet.

Most mobile games don't have DRAPH





best part is how much cross over they have with leftypol

The funniest thing was when the BO admitted that they feared gaymergays was getting too right wing so they had to force an excuse to create revolt so they can have their leftist bullshit.

Nothing in these lists is that surprising or worth buying. Hell, the only mediocre developer on there is Max Schaffer who is known to be a fag that the other people there have to reign in every once in a while. The only other notable one are those people at Green ronin considering how many people left their company due to how shit they thought the higher ups there were and the constant political bullshit.

except that never happened.

And I'm not the one shitting up a thread with arbitrary shill shit when you know you're unwelcome.

gotta love how hard they've been shilling post Trump winning.

its not shilling its the TRUTH you idiot gators

The amount of salt is lovely.


Enough smug, TIME FOR RAGE


But user this whole month has been smug

Oh boy, like this didn't backfire when Mussolini was in power.

Daily reminder that according to Jason Schrier of kotaku, pic related is lolicon fantasy and pedo masturbation material.

IIRC, that only Schrier's comments applied to 2d not 3d.


Well, that's one way of saying their auto financing is shit.

im not from melborne

Then why'd you travel all the way there just to set yourself on fire?

Just woke up a bit weirded out at how /revolt/ tried to pretend I was still in the thread, don't they realize what IDs are for ? Are they retarded ?, I'll see what I can do. Is it to translate archive.is in all languages ? Could be useful.

But seriously, why did /revolt/ go so insane in this thread ? Like, there are numerous posts from them. Did something happen ?

No clue

This should be renamed "List of developers whose games no one here is/was going to buy anyways."

Actually if I recall most people on that list haven't even MADE games, they're people who talk about games.

This what gets me is that these tards are such new fags that they don't get that Holla Forums has super Niche taste and wouldn't touch those games with a 10ft pole

I just watched it. I can't remember the last time Matt and Trey bought into media narratives, but it includes:

The rest of the episode was fine, but those moments seemed to stick out. They didn't have much of a joke built around them. They just felt like 'am I right, guys' moments to the sjw audience.

Holy shit, go back to ghazi you incompetent fucks.

its just goons trying their best to shill.

Actually what leads to london burning is the fact that the entire world will have their internet history and conversations spread publicly, and since literally everyone on earth apparently is a massive asshole, it means everyone's terrified and wreaking havoc and killing each other.
And they don't like Trump and have never liked him. They don't really tend to like any politician to be honest. The joke was that the guy has no political experience whatsoever so such a crisis situation would be a completely new and confusing situation to him… which is true.
Accusing the episode of being "totally calling trump and his supporters racists" is silly, though. A huge and hilarious part of it is how it's all revenge against the PC culture, specifically against people who pushed against people like Garrison and forced them to endorse the PC mindset through violence and guilt. Which is entirely true as well.

Waiting for the season finale, because catharsis or doubling down on retardation by Matt and Trey, remember, one of them is raising his wife's son.

Come on, tell me this isn't the funniest shit you've seen since the election.

Well I'd wager it's just a joke. The user even has "ralph" in his trips. Has to be someone pretending.

mere coincidence

Its pretty fucking funny.

I just figured the ralph shill had naturally progressed to the tripfag stage of internet cancer.

Don't know what you fags did to get this much asshurt today but keep it up, GG will forever be the ultimate salt miner.

Anyways, Joe Rogan mentions gamergate in his talk with Scott Adams


Positive light, though misses the ballpark with gamergate giving "birth" to the alt-right. Alt right isn't really much more then a meme that appropriated/adopted GG tactics, but I wouldn't say we created them. That said, I don't think the "alt-right" would be able to flourish in an environment without GG ever happening.

Nah I think its someone else using it endchan I hear is in shit and since we've been getting named dropped and the goons/sjws have been breaking down seeing has the time of PC is ending.

So much for their own board with blackjack and hookers, if that's the case.

How am I supposed to boycott anything if I've never bought a game in my life?

That said, he also misses the ballpark with

Basically going with the whole neutral opinion of "yeah shit got ugly". Despite there being no evidence of any harassment

Thought their /a/ is sadly better then ours its bad when those retards can make a better anime board.

The episode as a whole was pretty good.

I agree but it's hardly unexpected.

We'll never be remembered as heroes and that's fine we aren't heroes we'll be painted as monsters for all time but we've done alot despite what the goons/sjws or butthurt burnouts and revolt/leftypol says.

Holy shit, Holla Forumsedditors are retarded.
Do you really believe that /ggrevolt/ is a pro-Trump, Holla Forums goon anonymous image board?
You just accept these claims without proof.
Just like Acid Fag's claims.

Still waiting on the FBI van, one year anniversary of Cole sperging about reporting people to the FBI for talking shit about him on a Chinese cartoon forum.

I don't really know what caused you guys to sperg out this hard today but damn if it isn't somewhat impressive to look at. Had been quite a while even.
You guys are anthony burch levels of pathetic to be honest.


I'm dying at how asshurt you shills are this whole month has been a salt mine we should sell the salt we find we'd all be very rich.

Not much that can really be done about that since that was the MSM's stance, even if it was solely based on the testimony of people who had a lot to gain by spinning us as ebil harassers instead of people with legitimate objections to corruption within small-time media.


I see none of that lol. You guys are using those terms completely out of context.

"hey guys, what's up! We won the election!"

"Wow, this thread is still filled with retards."


Are you mentally regressing back into a child?

Haven't seen that girl in years.

My point exactly. How is that even damage control?

You do realize that is essentially Salt: The Post, right?

I dunno who this is or what he does but sjws are angry

I love how asshurt the shill is.

Fucking west is salting sjws this truly is a time to be alive.

Salt over what? Calling the posters here retarded?
Still using tired old lines about /revolt/ being Holla Forums and goons. I think I even saw someone call /revolt/ CTR. now that's laughable.

Watch out, it might be "fake news"! especially with 80 fucking articles from different websites are decrying about "fake news" from "horrible websites and organizations" helping elect Trump.

This guy will nmever stop trying to weaponize Gamergate, just to make himself it's Leader.


Yeah, you're salty.

Is /ggrevolt/ still a thing?

reminds me of this user when moonman came to visit

No, but they try.
endchan turned out to be farming IP's so they came crawling back

Sasuga dryboner.

Someone in a past thread received an e-mail like this, right?


Which fucking ones? Is that bitch talking domestic? Because that's the only way I'd see it making sense.


Not particularly. It implies that politicians handle crisis situations well which is bullshit.

Well… they're supposed to at the very least. Sure, some of them are too dumb to do anything, but overall they're meant to be able to grasp what's needed, important, meaningless and consequential. Again, "supposed to", of course. Some are more competent than others.

I swear its like your faggotry is growing by the day. Anyways none of them fucking are. Trump would do better in a crisis than Clinton ever would.

Sorry about the "…", I always use them, but I never really understood why it seems so grating to so many people. They're just a way to convey meaning through words, they're not shit like "xD" or some shitty "such wow" meme of some sort.

Minecon-sempai noticed us




no first for benis?

Did they talk about real problems like most of minecraft youtubers being sexual predators?

Shit, I didn't even think about that

Who are these "Gamergays that '>believe' they can taunt and say things that are inappropriate"?

It's called 'gamergating' and should only be practiced by leveled up professionals.

Jesus fuck…


It's me! It's been me all along!! Remember that time someone said something off color on twitter? Me! That time someone did a drive by at a nonexistent location? ME! IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ME GAMERGATE!!!

Dammit, I didn't catch that. Well it's new to me.

For her, the worst nightmare of Gamergate

Was it you who put a bad peanut on my skinless peanut bag? If so, fuck you Zoom. That shit tasted awful. Literally as Hitler would've tasted if he was a peanut, I'd bet!

What is your opinion on south park now? I remember before the election you guys said to wait for more episodes.

Stopped watching it 20 years ago.

Didnt watch much of this seaon episodes i did were no real take on current society all the electoral shit was almost like a cnn article and the memberberies woulda been fine as a one off thing like underware nomes not an enitre seasom plot line

I dont like this multi episode storh telling crap


Nah, you just gotta mod it till it's not a shit game anymore.

Fuck off todd

And get the new and awesome Bethesda Launcher for the Special Edition.
Got to get you hooked up on that for future exclusivity.

I can download the new version for free for some reason, steam already has it in my library. But I've modded the hell out of the original.


https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */511acc9966

This entire season so far is my favorite. It's sheer brilliance and I keep swearing that no, it isn't saying that clinton is guiltless and trump is an evil dictator. It's saying it hates trump; crying because you're the target of their jokes doesn't mean their jokes stop being funny.
They have also numerous times taken massive dumps onto clinton, one of them a few years ago where they put a bomb into her cunt. You should watch it.


If you had Skyrim with all DLC, you did get the SE for free. Just too hook up PC players to the Bethesda Launcher so they can get them to add mods for their console customers, possibly preparing for paid mods and possibly to have the next game releases out of steam and Bethesda Launcher exclusive for increased revenue. No more Valve taking a cut or otherwise interfering.


Because you fuckers try to touch the hobby which was already shitty with those high prices.

she's tough to please

Just now noticed that post, I kind of expected it to go into that direction. South Park has quite a few SJW symptoms, like being pro vigilante justice. E.g. if someone is saying mean things to you, it is okay to beat them up.



Can't be racist against white people, DUH!



In Germany the age of consent is 14. And as a 14 year old boy I would totally not mind having sex with that teacher. But I'd say that there is something wrong with that teacher if she is okay with having sex with such a young boy.




At least she scrapped the baby.
Now imagine the genders were reversed.


To be fair, from what little I gather, she was 18 and he was new to the school and around 25. I'm still baffled that they allowed him to keep the job.

Loving teachers are the best.

But that's forbidden love!

We're at 666 posts right now, so…


Baker, get ready, rev up your ovens, it's gonna get hot in here!


Which hand do you prefer and why?

hand 3

Will both of my hands be like that or just one of em?

Why is Kirari so perfect?

Bread is of ready.


Pls send emails pls


Both. Got to have a double double thumb grip to grip right.













pls no shitpost


r8 muh squad

Polygon deleted the first tweet for some reason



Why would you put Acid Rain in league with these brave social justice warriors?




new bread is up, go find it




You know that women did hardcore porn?