Were Nazis socialist or cappies?

Were Nazis socialist or cappies?

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Cappies. More of Germany's national income wen to capital under the Nazis then in the US. They were pretty good at increasing the profitability of capital but not so-good for workers: youtube.com/watch?v=SLpX3t6g0AA

Great poster

Market socialists would fit the most I guess.
Promote small business, but refuse the exploitation by big, greedy companies and a lot of social programs to support the workers.

Nazis had a very narrow idea of workers. Communists, Jews, women, trade unionists were all repressed


Most accurately, they had a mixed economic system. Some institutions were completely state controlled. Some allowed private enterprise.

Tip top kek


Fascism is inherently opportunistic, so they will use socialistic rhetoric in the early days when they're trying to create a mass base, then once they achieve power they will make deals with both the capitalists and the political establishment. Read the book "The Anatomy of Fascism" to get a clear image of this process, repeated by many regimes throughout history.


Goebbels criticized Hitler for not being socialist enough.

They were socialists before 1934. Hitler betrayed Not Socialism.

how does that work

The Asserists were the socialist element of the party. They essentially advocated a form of nationalist syndicalism. Hitler had them all killed in 1934.

They allied with DNVP though

Don't know a lot about them tbh.

By them I mean the DNVP.

Monarchists, Conservative aristocrats and so on, naturally that means they did not like the idea of socialism too much.

Not to sure about that. Might have been a marriage of convenience in the same way that many socialists voted for Trump to spite establishment liberalism and push for accelerationism.

Thats not market socialism, dipshit.

They were Corporate Fascists

IG Farbin, Thyssen and Krupp industries as well as the Quandt family (BMW) all funded and benefited from Hitler's rise. Fascism is code for ethno-imperialism and thus war. Meaning heavy industry always benefits from its existence, thus corporations have vested interest in Nazi type state's existence. Typically board members are higher level party members and used slave labor. Therefore corporate fascism

Nazis were all about exploitation by big greedy companies. IG Farbin, Deutsche Bank, Quandt BMW made a killing under Nazi regime. Nazis consolidated the interests of and protected most heavy industry and banks. Only clearly internationalist businessmen and jews were stopped from raping and pillaging. Hjalmar Schact was in bed with International Bankers from the get-go and regularly did business with BIS

It was deeper than that. NSDAP and DNVP even had a coalition government, many of people from DNVP were in Hitler's cabinet.

Why not both?

Are you retarded?

not an argument

You've never heard of Yugoslavia?

There was literally nothing socialist about it.

You can get non-Americans to support literally anything if you call it "socialism".

They were either market-based socialists or, how leftcoms put it, ethical capitalists

read some books kiddo


Cappies now read


Soviets had a boner for Ford too.

Except they cucked him once he finished buildings the factories in USSR

How awful, pandering to Jews and woman has been such a success for the West.