What does Holla Forums think about the kyriarchy and decolonization?

What does Holla Forums think about the kyriarchy and decolonization?

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Biggest memeword ever. Decolonisation happened decades ago. Now it just gets thrown around at shit like "cultural appropriation".

Bourgeois mystification

A useful concept if imbued with radicalism

Not even a stormfag but that's just dumb to suggest.


lmao at this shit


Fucking hell, I'm gonna bookmark this for whenever Holla Forums thinks "muh theory" is a defence for some of the dumb shit that gets posted here

So for theory in general you're going to post something absurd at someone who knows better

Problem with kyriarchy is it essentially places all sorts of oppression on equal terms as and comes with this notion that they're just unrelated concepts. We need to understand oppression in terms of how and why it formed historically. What role did oppression play in societal development such that it could develop in the first place.

Problem with kyriarchy is it essentially makes the injustices of capitalism just one offshoot of politics. Rather than putting the mode of production at the center. It's no wonder most who talk about kyriarchy are liberals and reformcucks

Stupid frogposter.


No it didn't, the military industrial complex just took its place.

Some people will do whatever it takes to get themselves designated as oppressed victims.

Not the same thing as empire and colonialism.


Not to mention nearly all westerners misunderstand the actual psychology of colonialism.


i'm cool with the theory of kyriarchy if it's approached from a nuanced position, where economic oppression isn't seen as the "most important" oppressive struggle but rather the all-encompassing one. i know this place loves to shit itself at the mere mention of anything related to idpol but you're being willfully blind if you think any kind of leftist revolution in today's age wont include some discourse regarding race/gender/whatever. the idea of a unified left gaining any traction in the current climate simply isn't possible without bringing this up, for better or worse.

all that said, the image is OP is terrible

What do you call the military's plan to keep presence in the Middle East until the 2080's


Imperialism. Not colonialism.

die plz

good luck getting literally anyone outside of white larpers to join your leftist cause without ever saying the word racism

This is some spooky shit. Liberals are fucking retarded.


Seems very accurate and useless for any kind of revolutionary activity. Endless bickering about which faggot is most muh privileged and beautiful leads to self destruction. Better to ignore the details of who is oppressed and recognize we are all oppressed and must take immediate action

i don't think that's necessarily what this entails though. i don't personally really like anarchist intersectional theory but what little i have read has stressed the avoidance of oppression Olympics stuff, and stuff like kyriarchy theory is intended more towards situating oneself in the entirety of your socio-political situation. they also have specifically pushed back against progressive stack shit in revolutionary groups.

i cant help but be a little skeptical about this Holla Forums idea that as soon as any mention of oppression based on anything other than class enters the conversation a revolutionary movement falls apart.

The beauty thing will never get past Chad's and Stacy's who are essential to the revolution. The idea that a bunch of homely manlets are going to win without the support of the most physically fit portion of the population is laughable. How are you going to dole out who is more oppressed? Tall ugly guys have less muh privilege than rich attractive manlets and it only gets more entangled from there on

Not wrong, but not for the reason the chart maker thought.

More made-up shit to distract from the fact that patriarchy is also bullshit.

I uh gotta ask if you've ever read up on the rates of male property ownership vs female in the west?

i already said the op image is stupid, also stuff like this isn't about a quantification of oppression lol

That's right. It's always the bourgeoisie over the proletariat. Don't tell me that a prole man can oppress a bourgeois woman. What, do you think Marissa Mayer is oppressed?

That does't matter. Women aren't forbidden from owning property. Do you think Ivanka Trump owns no property?

sure he can, but that doesn't mean she isn't also oppressing him, and that because it's class the prole's oppression isn't more relevant. you're being narrow-minded.

Akschukally…a sufficiently powerful proletarian man can easily prey on a bougie womyn. Its called negging/bar culture/club culture/frat culture you don't have to be bougie to be able to flex your Male right to annoy and harass womyn without reprimand. Esp. if you are good looking white man with friends around you and good standing with the community you are doing your dirt within

You're fucking retarded. Exploitation comes from material conditions. If you for a second think that someone like Marissa Mayer is exploited, you need to kill yourself.


They're not. A woman is free to reject those men.

I'm being baited, aren't I?

i was saying the oppression of the prole was more relevant idiot. also i think you're using a highly fundamentalist understanding of the dialectic that has been mostly abandoned by the marxists of the past six decades.

No not really. Social pressure is a form of coercion and it fundamentally undermines the idea of agency and freedom. The human mind is not a closes system it is subject to immensely powerful influence from the external world. If an attractive scum bag negs a bougie qt hard enough she will likely submit and become his. This is how abusive scum get laid. Through emotional and social violence. Its also why the idea of patriarchy not existing is obviously only advocated by spineless woman hater faggots who are incapable of empathizing

Which would be you

No you're just a nazbol tier faggot



You want to take the ball and go home because you forgot that materialism means the mind is malleable and subject to intense pressure and stress from the outside world. Which means coercion AKA emotional/psychological violence is real. Sometimes people do things that may not be in their best interests, because of this psychological violence. Men will fight each other at the goading of beautiful women for the puss. Women will compromise personal safety to feel like they have captured alpha cock

This is coercion. Women have the added """"benefit"""""" of being weaker and not taken seriously by male enforcers like bouncers or bar tenders. Especially if the males in question are well connected, attractive, strong and in great numbers or of a preferred racial group



Still yet to see these SJW sluts stand up for people suffering from unattractiveness.

That's because height and attractiveness are even more basic and universal qualia for sorting humans than race or sex

You really have to have some high octane memetics to break through the "lol ugly people should just get over it" wall


They talk a good game but they still go for Chads



Holla Forums and fat tumblr girls, the only people who think no one fucking them is a pressing political concern.

At least try to hide it.

what de fug?

it is

Has someone ever hurt your feelings?
Here's a handy chart that shows if you're a poor oppressed victim!
If you're anything else like for example, dare I say it, a WHITE MALE *gasp* you have no right to complain about anything you're clearly a child murdering slave owner and you need to kill yourself CIS SCUM!

grats leaf



when did pizzagate become "funded by the clinton campaign"

LIberals are now saying this when they bring up pizzagate, likely to try and dismiss it more, but where the fuck did this come from.
I don't remember anyone saying this.

Is this just an unconcious freudian slip for the general populace?