
I've only read about Melenchon recently and found how much of a huge media blackout there is for him in English/American News sources. Valls is 2.5 points behind him and he has way more coverage than Melenchon. Is he more like a (farther left) Bernie figure who is getting ousted by the establishment?

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Melonchon is the French equivalent of Corbyn
except that he doesn't seem to believe in what he says, but that's just my opinion.

to answer your question,he's much more lefty than Bernie.
not the most radical commie out there but still a commie

He has a very popular Youtube channel right now where he does FAQs. I never saw any other politician doing this before and I wouldn't be totally surprised if he ends up winning.

From what I understand, he is more of a social-democrat, but still at the far-left of the spectrum.
He wants to build a new republic with some amount of participative democracy from non-politician people.

Gen Y is still a minority if we let french boomers vote.
The same happened in spain, spanish boomer vote for the PP like they eat black pudding

j'pa entendre

Let's be honest, Schön Melon won't win. But how much chance that Le Pen does? It would work better for us than Fillon.

it's similar in to other countries
they try to cover up every anti-eu movement and dismiss it it as ultra right wing and racist
in italy they don't mention the left wing support to the no vote
in this video people celebrate the referendum result by singing balla ciao and waving Cuban flags

in the same time we have the establishment turning to right wing rhetoric and neoliberal economic policies, like Fillon does.
this has been proven (in cases like greece) that it only helps to turn more people to the extreme right

surprisingly Le Pen is the most left after Melonchon.
some say that their economical programs are identical.
that probably because the FN is by definition Not Socialist, but they don't call themselves that for obvious reasons.

i don't have much against Marine Le Pen, contrary to Trump she's a very skillful politician.
and unlike her father she's holds less contravention opinions (on appearance).

the problem is with the party itself and its followers.
a big chunk of them are identitarien, allot are in high ranks.

imagine the GOP being controlled by the alt-right.

not sure if Holla Forumsype or just uneducated.

the Front National existed long before the European union and it was still considered racist back then.

How could he end up winning?

Well, don't forget that Mélenchon is also critical of the EU and wants to renegotiate some European treaties.
I haven't watched the French mainstream medias in a long time, but some of them always dismiss his concerns with muh horseshoe theory.

I guess I was more hopeful three days ago.
But the PS now is dead, people know they are basic neoliberal politicians.
Fillon is socially like Le Pen, and economically neoliberal. Macron is extremely neoliberal and I don't think he is really popular because free-market fanatics are a minority in France, people here like their universal health-care.
So I think more left-wing voters will vote for him this time, since Manuel Valls won't trick us a second time with some leftist rhetorics (Hollande famously said in 2012 that finance was his enemy, and we were kinda convinced by that after 5 years of Sarkozy).

I would say that there is a chance we will have Le Pen vs. Mélenchon for the second tour.
But, yeah, more realistically, young people won't vote and baby boomers will choose our president for everyone else, as usual. And baby boomers want Fillon and Le Pen.

Wait a real commie? In bourgie politics? Is he not from the same party as 'socialist' Hollande?

He left the PS because it was not left enough. Or because it was a hindrance for his own ambitions depending on who you ask.

lmao. I can't wait to drink leftard tears in the coming election

exactly, and nobody calls him racist or or fascist.

so saying that there is a secret plot to discredit all anti-EU by calling them nazi is just Holla Forumstier retarded


People know Hollande is a goof. A huge part thinks he's a filthy socialist that increases taxes and loves towelheads.
Popular consciousness is still pretty dull.

If he gets more than PS, then it should be enough.

nah he's not a commie at all, just a keynesian soc-dem
the french communist party decided to support him for the french presidential elections though (but are they even real commies?)

Melenchon is really antisemitic so he can't be trusted.

he's been recently compared BOTH to le pen and the ussr on an interview in the news of the main french tv channel lol

Fuck off already

he seems more left wing than Corbyn


Is he /our guy/?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been chosen by the Elder God Kek to lead France towards the Sixth Republic. We have to meme him into power.

Totally our guy

Main points from Mélenchon platform:

- the French Fifth Republic is bad, it gives too much power to the president, so we should summon an assembly of citizens who will write a new constitution for a Sixth Republic (which will be ofc social, ecologist, feminist, and full communist), with ideas like direct democracy, male/female parity, and the possibility to revoke the politicians if they fuck up.

- go full green, make a x-years plan (the so-called "planification écologique") in order to go full renewable energy (no more nuclear power), put wind turbines in the sea (along with sea turbines ofc), and develop the sea economy in general (Mélenchon believes it will create a lot of jobs). Also, going full green agriculture will create lots of well-paid jobs :^) And people should eat less meat, but I don't know how he's gonna do that.

- renegotiate the European treaties and threaten to leave if porky wants to fuck with France

- retirement for 60 years old people and 35 hours of work per week for workers (as it was before Hollande and Sarkozy fucked everything). Also, the recent law that destroyed the Labour Code will be revoked.

- create more "lycées professionnels", ie schools that produce proletarians with a high level of education (for state-of-the-art industry, such as green agriculture and making pipes).

- also, european space programs and computerz are noice (he said something in his speeches about "the frontiers of the modern world: the sea, outer space and the cyberspace", dunno if it leads to concrete politics though)

He also published a book detailing his platform but I haven't bought it yet. What I have written above is what I recall from his speeches.

If even half of that is true, definitely /our guy/

Look at his program: unconditional support of Green - if light of German fiasco - and creation of shitty Lyceums that produce one-trick ponies instead of improving overall quality of education to Ecole level (any Socialist worth his salt would've went for polytechnic education).

He is a Populist, like Bernie (and Corbyn).

What I'm somewhat confused by is his banking reform.

Great endorsement from our favourite Stalin-stache.

Be smartass all you want. Everyone knows how this will end anyway.

He promised to summon a constituent assembly right after he is elected. If he doesn't do it, he'll be in big trouble.

gotta wear a condom cause the black hos have aids

How old is messi in this picture? 19? Surely he doesn't look like that anymore

Does he like Huey Lewis and the News?

Seems pretty simple to me. Gradually phase out private banking and replace it with public banking. He's a reformist, not a revolutionary.

get aids and die faggot

oh and sorry for my bad english, not my native tounge. thanks!

These anons are right I was wrong but not bc I'm black

I'm smashed as weklv soul friend
Watch Planets earth season 2 and have the most pleasant dslrrp of your entire light

Ehh fuck it, all I'm doing is being autistic cringe in the SIM, a SPT threads

I'll write some wrestling green when it hits me.

shakespeare's first 17 sonnets

From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty’s rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content
And, tender churl, mak’st waste in niggarding.
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.

a)wear flat shoes. fuck that heel shit
b)you are weak and not well trained. seek help


What's it all about you've no idear

Sounds like a bad idea. Half of the attendees would probably be undercover agents. You're better off hosting a /k/ meetup in Sweden.

What makes you think she's a liberal ?

Just doing it again.

Not as big as he will get into if he tries to become Allende.

Melenchon seems like an actual commie hiding his actual power level very well.

Didn't even start and it's already shit

Best-selling books from
The Mélenchon platform is at the third place.

wow, is there actually a chance of him getting to the second round?

thats the cheapest book ever

I put the summary through Google translate, I can give further details and give a real translation if any chapter strikes your fancy.

The Democratic Emergency - The Sixth Republic
1. Bringing together a Constituent Assembly
2. Sweep the oligarchy, abolish the muh privileges of the caste
3. A Republic permitting popular intervention
4. Abolish the presidential monarchy
5. A new stage in personal freedoms and emancipation
6. A Universal Republic 7. A secular republic
8. The Citizen Revolution in the Media
9. The Republic as Guarantor of the Commons
10. Recognizing citizenship in the enterprise and new rights for employees
11. Justice on behalf of the people
12. A rational counter-terrorism policy 13. Ensuring safety and security
14. Youth in the Service of the General Interest and Security of the Nation
15. Real equality for overseas territories
Social Emergency - Protecting and Sharing
16. Ending the economic plunder of the Nation 17. Establishing solidarity protectionism to produce in France
18. Initiate a plan to boost activity and employment for ecological transition
19. Putting finance in check
20. Definancializing the real economy
21. Mobilizing money to finance small and medium-sized enterprises and job creation
22. Protecting and generalizing the social and solidarity economy and the collaborative economy
23. Preventing stock dismissals in the company to maintain and develop employment
24. Repeal the El Khomri Act
25. Eradicate precariousness, respect trades and workers
26. Building a new protective status for workers: Integral Social Security
27. Empowering young people
28. Reducing working time, working less so all can work 29. Establishing a maximum allowable salary for executives 30. Increasing wages 31. Restoring the right to retirement at age 60, increasing small pensions 32. Suppressing gender inequalities in enterprises 33. Eradicating poverty 34. Guaranteeing the effective right to housing
35. Refusing the blackmail of public debt
36. Making the Tax Revolution
37. Terrestrial tax avoidance and evasion
Ecological Emergency - Ecological Planning
38. The ecological transition, a central issue
39. 100% renewable energy in 2050
40. Plan for the ecological renovation of all buildings
41. Developing green public transport and rethinking individual mobility
42. Penalize long-distance transport to relocate production 43. Consuming otherwise 44. A "0 waste" France 45. Saving the ecosystem and biodiversity 46. ​​For ecological and peasant farming
47. Organizing and managing the territory through democracy and public services
48. Sustainable use of French forests
49. Take immediate and unilateral measures to safeguard the interests of the Nation and implement our project
50. Organizing the process of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union without a spirit of revenge or punishment
51. Plan A. Proposing a democratic, social and ecological re-foundation of European treaties through negotiation 52. Implement a "Plan B" if negotiations fail
53. Defend and develop cooperation with other peoples of Europe The peace in question - For the independence of France 54. Establishing the independence of France in the world 55. Rebuilding an independent, national and popular defense 56. Strengthening and reinvesting the UN to support an orderly world 57. Refusing free trade, introducing solidarity protectionism and economic cooperation 58. Extending the protections of international law to new areas 59. Tackling the causes of migration 60. Building peace in Syria 61. Acting for a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine
62. Building alterglobalist and internationalist cooperations 63. Uniting the small Mediterranean basin around common objectives of progress
64. Moving On to the Political Francophonie
Facing the Great Regression - Human Progress First
65. Defining new indicators of human progress
66. Aim for longer life expectancy and healthy life expectancy 67. Putting health first and for all
68. No obstacle to persons with disabilities
69. Changing the Logic of Addiction and Drugs
70. Ending social suffering and suffering at work
71. Collectively addressing the aging of the population and the loss of autonomy 72. Giving priority to children 73. Educating better and more 74. Qualify everyone 75. Rebuilding Higher Education 76. Eradicating illiteracy and developing literacy
77. Democratizing culture and its practices, supporting those who support it
78. Freeing Sport and the Body of Money
79. Fight against advertising aggression and commodification
Faced with decline - France on the frontiers of humanity
80. Open a new era of international cooperation
81. Engage France in a "Sea Plan" and create 300,000 maritime jobs
82. Reviving the discovery of space
83. Mobilizing French know-how in the digital and virtual sectors in the service of the general interest

Based Melenchon


This one. Even French version would do.

How will you live with yourself when some nutjob takes this all seriously and someone in there gets killed?

It's time for Trump and Bill Gates to shut 8chin down.

19. Putting finance in check
Finance ran the real economy into the ground in 2008. It had to be the "opponent" of the outgoing president. It has never fared so well and shareholder returns have never been so high in France. Our country has the European record of paying dividends! New bubbles form and threaten of an even more terrible deflagration. It's time to act!

We propose to carry out the following measures:
- Separate investment and retail banks
- Controlling capital movements
- Introduce an effective tax on financial transactions
- Prohibiting over-the-counter agreement sales and securitization, caping leverage and exorbitant shareholder returns
- Identify and prohibit toxic derivatives which are unnecessary to the funding or hedging of real economic flows
- Initiate recovery procedures for the public money of € 2.2 billion granted without proof to Société Générale following the Kerviel affair, to evaluate comparable acts and to prosecute the culprits

Whered you find this picture?

Kek, will Romney become SoS?