Look at my sicknasty commie kill cam footage Holla Forums!

Look at my sicknasty commie kill cam footage Holla Forums!
I think I'm finally getting the hang of this aircraft.

Feels bad that this is the closest I'll ever get. Since I don't have 20/20 vision the airforce would never let me fly one.

my.mixtape.moe/jdzhgx.webm (embed)

Why didn't you switch to gun mode before shooting? You would have hit on the first burst.

Because I didn't really see and difference between it in the manual



This is a great blog thread

its a video game thread

A radar-guided gun pipper should appear that does all the work for you.

lmao kid, come back when you are playing BMS and not this ace combat for manchildren

How big is BMS? can't find any info on that and like hell am I going to register to some fucking site just to see the requirements. I know I need Falcon 4.0 which is no problem on getting.

less than 2GB download, 1.4 I think

why do you keep reposting this shit on /k/ and Holla Forums. You're still garbage at flying and garbage at making webms.


He's fucking right though. I said the exact same shit the last times you've posted this. All you do is reply with some variant of "don't bully" without learning anything or fucking off.

But it's literally my second time flying the plane dude

well, it beats the 30 gig DCS download.

Fuck off with these blogposts.

Why would you think your second time of doing anything was worth recording and posting on a public forum?

'cause I thought it was cool..


Nice flat cities