I need a new GPU, is AMD or Nvidia better these days?

I need a new GPU, is AMD or Nvidia better these days?


Go for integrated. It's good enough for shitposting.

AMD is prone to counterperforming, but that's almost entirely nvidia's fault since those kikes collude with devs so games are tailor-made for nvidia cards. So basically, you choose whether you like smooth AAA shit or standards.

get nvidia if you want to support one of the cancer's that is killing gaming, as well as lying kikes… but that works 90% of the time

get AMD if you want something that works 60% of the time but is actually good company not run by Turbo Jews and as long as the nvidiots dont pay developers to load up pointless behind the scene calculations designed to drag down your cycles

I got for AMD since its more bang for the buck and I can feel good not supporting cancer companies.

Are there seriously only 2 company ON THE PLANET that produce CPUs and GPUs?

Make your own.

Nvidia is for retards and AMD is for commies.

Nvidia: Better quality, more expensive, starts house fires, engages in anti-competitive practices

AMD: cheap, low quality, not turbo jews like nvidia


If you don't like it, see

Get Nvidia if you care about emulation (minus ParaLLEl) or linux or latest AAA shit

Get AMD otherwise.

If you really really care about one specific game or program do a quick search on whether it will perform like ass or not with either brand.

This, except that quality is completely relative to the OEM you choose to purchase from, not the chipmaker. In general Nvidia performs slightly higher in each price bracket, but also costs more.

None, they're both shit.
Choose your poison based on your own opinion.
Polite sage because this thread is going to turn into AMD vs Nvidia shit show.

For CPUs there are other companies, like ARM, IBM, Motorola and some chink companies. But for vidya you're limited to Jewntel and AMD.
You don't see many companies because manufacture is VERY expensive, so you add that to the hopeless odds of beating Intel and not many are willing to take the bet.

Oh man, I'm just now realizing that character was a faggot.


Nvidia keeps overheating and being jews.

Reported for anti-semitism.

Nazis aren't even hiding it these days.

You are just summoning the AMD shills

Nvidia: More expensive, worth the money though, performs better in nearly every game that isn't branded by AMD, performs in anti-consumer practices like spying on you
AMD: Performs better in AMD games, cheaper, runs hotter, driver support can be lacking but they are getting better at it

You don't honestly

single card; AMD
planning to use more than one card; Jewidia
nvidia actually updates their drivers and make profiles for their SLI gimmick

Are you on Linux and want good FOSS drivers? AMD
Do you want good, modern OpenCL? AMD
Do you want CUDA? Nvidia
Do you want better performance for modern games that are built to be crippled on the opposition? Nvidia

AMD is generally cheaper, and especially with the mid-range cards you get better performance for less money. Nvidia is more powerful for the higher-end cards. AMD is generally less Jewish, and is heavily donating code to free software these days, and Nvidia is creating always-online graphics drivers and generally fucking everybody.

AMD used to be shitty turbo-jews (especially shortly after the acquired ATI), but these days they're doing a lot of good, especially with the AMDGPU effort. They're not perfect, but they're continually improving, so it's a positive trend. Nvidia is getting worse on a constant basis, and actively work to sabotage FOSS efforts to get their cards running on non-proprietary drivers. They don't even release whitepapers, which AMD even did back when they were turbo-jews.

I'd recommend AMD if you don't need good CUDA or if you don't need the top settings in games whose devs have been paid by Nvidia to cripple their software on AMD cards. Nvidia is shit, but there are unfortunate situations where you might need to go with them. You probably aren't in one of these situations though, unless you're doing heavy rendering with a framework that isn't built for modern OpenCL.

why does this matter? you won't be choosing a game based on which card supports it better, and you usually won't be choosing a card based on games either

I'm currently waiting to buy a PC. i wanted to go all AMD next year with zen and a 480 8GB. the only bad thing that i heard is with emulation. Will i be able to emulate PS2 & Wii(U) with that or should i better invest in Intel&Nvidia again?

Except for emulation, I also play the AAA PC games that are coming out. (RiseoftheTombRaider, WatchDogs1&2, GTA5, DarkSouls, DeusEx, Forza, FarCry, FinalFantasy15, Witcher, QuantumBreak, MirrorsEgde, DyingLight,…) Will they run with this setup? I'm guessing everything will be fine since all the games have to be PS4&X1 compatible.

If you wanna save some dosh just get get AMD card and don't use anti-aliasing unless it's TSAA or FXAA. I've got a 290 and I'm still able to max most games at 1440p with over 50fps. The card does get kinda hot though, usually around 70C on most stuff, titanfall 2 gets it to 85 but changing the thermal paste makes a big difference as well as re-orienting all the fans in your case


Well NoVideo has built in telemetry in their drivers and AMD is doesn't exactly have the best performance cards.

why is this market a duopoly again?

PS2 with an AMD card is a bad idea, unless you're okay being stuck with a 8 year old renderer with duct-tapped improvements on it, a 770/960/1050 is the sweetspot for being able to run most game at 4x res if you want some idea of what you should be looking for.

Dolphin has mostly good results with AMD, although it's generally not as fast as Nvidia with the OGL renderer but still far from unusable and with the Vulkan renderer shaping up to be OGL but faster and better AMD is all set on the WII/NGC front

WiiU I don't know as much but I do know that AMD users do seem to run in issues more often but it's way too early to tell if it's a thing that's gonna matter when the emulator is actually usable.

No need for Intel though since Zen seems to actually do what AMD says it does (which is to say that it beats Sandy Bridge clock to clock at the very least and SB is good enough for 99% of cases).

AMD chips are currently bad for emulation because their single thread performance is shit. Zen is supposed to fix this so it should be fine for emulation.

You're in the wrong place friendo

And stay there.

Well, if it doesn't, then stick with integrated graphics.

What the fuck

C'mon now. No need to get this upset, Shlomo.

/r/inging list of parts that have had successful pci-passthrough

Whatever you say, Stormwolf99

You're not from around here are you?


Never attribute to trolling what can be adequately explained by retardation.

True, but the best way to piss off a shitposter is to ignore him.

you misunderstood, performances of cards on the same price levels will be similar, sometimes biased in one way or the other, but not really significantly, in the end it all comes down to which jews you want to give your money to

Nvidia killed all the competition. 3dFX for example.Do youself a favour and get 2nd hand or play older games.