Why of all of ubishits recent releases this is the only one that is doing good?

Why of all of ubishits recent releases this is the only one that is doing good?

Yet not only does it seem to still have players its gaining them? Will Siege save ubisoft?

Terrible thread. RB is really good, go bye it and try it out!

It's a shining diamond stuck inside a mountain of shit.

You hit the nail on the head user.

It's honestly one of the most addictive FPS games I've played in a long while.

Isn't it obvious?

I want to like it but the matchmaking is killing me.
I'm barely a gold / silver rank and I constantly go against teams of plat / gold and the occasional diamond with a team of mostlyt silvers and a few golds.

Isn't that drone facing the wrong way?

Find one multiplayer game released in the past ten years where nobody said that at release. No matter the quality someone's always going to say "shit game, won't last two weeks".

Fuckoff Shadman

It might be alive, but its still a shit game

Your next post will be "it will be dead by the end of the year."

I think siege did so well because ubisoft had such low expectations for it and correspondingly stayed the fuck out of its development and let the devs do what made a good game instead of what made them loads emone.

It's also looking to be confirmed that there will be another year of content for the game, which is awesome.

It will be a graveyeard in two years when Ubisoft announces the second game which will be even shittier.

Oh no, how terrible for a multiplayer FPS with a poor launch to have a life that surpasses most AAA FPS.

god I hope not.

A broken clock is right twice today.

It's gonna be fucking dead soon if they don't fix the fucking NETCODE.
It gets fucking worse with every update.

Seriously, do the devs have a degree in nigger studies instead of compsci?

That's honestly my biggest fear for the game, in 2-3 years ubisoft will shut it down and I won't be able to get 10 greasy Holla Forumsirgins together to play matches all night.

Yeah, Siege is the only good Ubi game much like Titanfall 2 is the only good EA game. Difference is, the former I got for 15 bucks and still play regularly, the latter I will most likely never buy since it's $60 straight to EA, and I would have to use Origin.

I got Titanfall 2 second hand. I'm really happy with the multiplayer, even with Origin constantly breaking the game.
The devs know what they're doing. It's too bad they'll probably get fucked over once their contract with EA is over. I'd like to see them find a different publisher.

This shit is the biggest reason why I stop playing after the updates. A few weeks after each updates, niggers eventually learn how to game the netcode and start shooting you before you even see them, which takes a lot of fun out of the game. Even when I pull off the same shit, it feels hollow as fuck, so I end up quitting until the next update.

Blood Dragon was good

Mah nigga.
It was a good idea for them to release it as a stand alone game and not require Far Cry 3 to play the fucker.

It's funny because Israel bends America's will.

New season starts next week huh.

Caveria speaks BR

Buck speaks Quebeciness alot in Thunt

Doesn't she speak English too though? Or maybe I'm remembering it wrong.
Or the Japanese are likely to mumble some English words too probably.

It's actually pretty good. It's honestly a damn shame it had such a garbage launch.

So offense is getting a flying drone and defense gets Fuse? That seems kinda lazy.

also the GSG9 wears civilian clothes on purpose to blend in, hence the jeans.


The game has a solid play 'flow' for matches but could use some variation, and while I prefer weapons to be well-designed over 'a variety', they lack a few key modern or persistent cqc and live combat weapons such as
In contrast, US and German armaments are very well fleshed out.
I found myself getting a bit bored of the same few maps and almost no hostage rolls, but I haven't played since September. Maybe they fixed that.
Netcode was kinda iffy, but surprisingly OK, given meme console release.

He's actually the defender and she's the attacker.
So a Thermite/Fuze mix alternative and the first drone for defenders? I wonder how that will be balanced.

Is that nigga wearing Khakis and sneakers?

Terrorwave the operator?

Japanese characters in western games almost never speak English.

That can describe a lot of multiplayer games these days. Warthunder comes to mind.

Sage for double-post.

Bandit is probably closer with his jeans and J's

"Diamond in a pile of shit" is a term used for a specific entity, not a category.

"Diamond in a pile of shit" is a term that can be used for many entities.

Did they hire hank hill for motion capture?

Most men don't have big pronounced asses user.

The game is free for the weekend right now on Steam

Thanks user.
there goes my moonrune study;_;

Bandit cosplay is piss easy

The only expensive part would be the AM-95 helmet

And a green hoodie too, shit would probably end up warm as fuck.


Enough do. Maybe you havent been paying attention is all.

Fuze is my favorite operator. His LMG and cluster nades can clean house if you have good intel.

analogies are pointless without context, please elaborate.

Do you even squat, user?



Is this really worth twenty bucks? Or does it ever go on a higher sale?
I'm downloading the game right now and checking it out while it's for free, I better not get memed

Twenty bucks might be worth it, if you can get into it.
I think the free weekend should be enough time to tell if you like it or not.


This user is right. All focus was on the division, which had a good concept but came out as shit, this instead was a shit concept but came out good

Weird isn't it?

The nigger and the Jew managed to have a Nip daughter.

no, but it might save itself because it is actually fun, decent, and somehow pumping out content in a much more efficient manner than other big name shooters right now

she does wear shoes like that in game, all the GSG9 ops have casual clothes under their tac-gear


i slept on the LMG for too long, that thing is fun as fuck

>injure, injure, kill, barbed wire destroyed, welcome mat destroyed, kill, injure, shield destroyed hostage killed


EA decided Titanfall 2 should come out right between Battlefield and CoD, I'm pretty sure they're already trying to fuck them over.

At least, that's how the first one went when I played it. Has the series changed, or was I simply doing it wrong?

Is there a clan or something Holla Forums has on Siege? I'd love to play with them and just be a shitter and have fun.

Wouldn't it be easier to get into the mindset that you're probably closer to plat/gold in terms of skill and adapt to your match-ups user? You can do it!

it is a steaming pile of shit and if you play it you are a fucking casual