
how under communism will we prevent a society of idiots from out breading those with a higher genetic Autism Level?
serious post im not Holla Forums

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When is intelligence less adaptive?

Better and more accessible education

No poverty

More nutritious food for children

Culture that isn't dumbed down and prepackaged for mass consumption

many options
Direct genetic Manipulation (the tech isn't that far away and would definitely get here before 1 hundred generations of idiots having kids)
Incentivize smart people having kids
disincentivize dumb people from having kids
I'd think the most intelligent artists, scientists, etc would get laid the most anyway.
If I were in a post scarcity society, I'd probably have multiple kids

Chad will just grab the means of reproduction again

wew lad

In any event when prophylactics are both plentiful and free the general trend is that people have less children, which also tends to go along with wealthier people having less children.

Aside from sheer irresponsibility, the only practical reason to have many children–a physically dangerous and unhealthy prospect for most–is if you need lots of manpower. Outside of agricultural societies that's really unnecessary. If you take a look at post-industrial societies today, typically people have one child, maybe two. It's a far cry from the multiple births of even the mid-20th century.

not an argument

Can you send me some information that BTFO's this book, its been bugging me for weeks!

I probably fell for the b8, but whatever

im not b8ing just concerned



while stupidity probably has a strong genetic factor, it's still not 100% confirmed.
recent researches on the topic are actually going the opposite way, saying that intelligence is 30% genetic and 60% environmental.

also, genetic mutations exist, a blithering idiot could technically give birth to a genius.

Yup, and all 4 of those assumptions are hard to falsify if at all

also, genetics are affected by the environment.
It's amazing how recently we figured out epigenetics are a thing.

Elliot Rodger addressed this.
The common go-to is to have a father choose a wife for his daughter. However, I think we can move past that in a socialist society and abolish daughters altogether, where female babies are taken at birth to be raised in a 100% girl society until they're 12 or so when they get assigned to a boy's family who is the same age, who they are then assigned to marry.

I don't want to sound like I'm grilling you, but where?


Just BEE yourself.

We did it, we finally found right wing theory

i wasn't expecting that one


You have to be old enough to get a smart kid but not so old that you get an autistic kid.

this actually change many things.
i will definitely reconsider dating older women

my mom got me at 40 btw

It sounds like it's getting the correlation mixed up with causation, since women with more intelligence probably aren't going to get knocked up in highschool (or immediately after)

Christmas cake is amazing dude.

My last girlfriend was twelve years older than me and it was the bomb.

move to Columbia it's socially accepted to date outside your age range, my Columbian coworker dated a 29 y/o when he was 18/19

t. my Columbian coworker

By doing the opposite we do now:

Capitalism is punishing people with high intensity careers and careers in fields that are rare. These people tend to be smarter. If they have kids, they will probably not get the promotion. On the other hand, if you've got nowhere to go, you might as well have a kid or 3.

Both what

said, and remember than older women also have a high chance of having kids with autism (same with the age of the father, but less so)

Also genetic engineering

The reproduction rate of AI-controlled factory-ships will far exceed the rproduction rate of humans thanks to abundant VR simulations and AI waifus. The inferior carbon-based life will live out the rest of its natural life in euphoric bliss while the future will belong to superior machine intelligences.

i'm in my late 20s, it shouldn't be a problem for me to date women from 19 ~ 40

interesting theory.
but having kids at young age doesn't mean getting knocked up in highschool.
somoe women get married early and start to have kids.

the correlation is still valid tho.
smarter women want to do more than just have kids.

so you're Colombian?

Marx was a retard who genuinely believed that every person had the same mental capacity.


t. Someone who's never read Marx.

Idiocracy is a rotten bougie smugfest that's pro eugenics. Fuck that film.




transhumanism is the way to go

don't worry comrade, the Soviets predicted all of this in the early 20's. Future's looking bright:

relax Nietszsche, we killed God but are replacing him with a demiurge we shoddily slapped together out of the novy sovetsky chelovek ubermenschen, who will replace most of the entire universe with cognitive computronium Dyson spheres shitposting at itself about anarcha-feminism until heat death rolls around

No, this is selfish, and we are inculcating selflessness in the new citizen. The Plan is pursuant of a pro-natalist policy. New Woman pursues intercourse for reproduction only, as we must outbreed the capitalist-imperialist nationalist hordes.

Under neoliberal globalism, we will have international organizations run by an career technocrats, and also an assembly of deep state security agencies such as: WHO, USAID, Nippon Foundation, UN Population Fund. Thus like in Peru 200,000-300,000 indigent will simply be coerced into being sterilized by providing the right incentives.

This will be different under full capitalism, because, instead of those crypto-privatized secret fronts for capital, we'll have the same but fully privatized and fully secret, and also overt charity rings run by benevolent trillionaires who exchange TED Talks about optimal population characteristics who push the right incentives through their single global media conglomerate, a subsidiary of Walmart.

That would be fascism user.

Assuming that technologies for genetic modifications to increase intelligence exist, they will be socialized, and people will obviously try make their children smarter rather than not.

The Bell Curve is pseudoscience that confuses heritability with how heritable a trait is.

what's the difference?

So, anyone who isn't a shitskin?

Heritability is a correlation between variation in a phenotypic trait and genetic variation. So for example, if all the Eskimo's in a village have the same allele for brown hair the heritability of that trait is 0 since there is no variation genetically or phenotypically.

It says nothing about environment. Say I have two gardens and one is nutrient rich and healthy, the other is nutrient depleted and dried. I plant the same seeds in each garden and then measure the heights of the plants when I'm done growing. Since they're all the same seed, it's safe to say any variation in height is due to genetic variation which means there is a heritability of 1. But it tells you nothing about how environment affects the genes, how those genes that determine height interact with other genes that could be affected by environment, and to what extent genes are determining height. Just because the heritability of the trait is high, and in the nutrient rich garden the plants are taller than in the nutrient depleted one, it doesn't mean that environment doesn't affect the particular phenotypic trait.

So in short, applying it to I-Q tells us absolutely nothing about how HERITABLE I-Q is, it's just a confusion of the name.

No we are all being merged into a single culture, single gene pool, starting with the West. Leftist multiculturalism, anti-Westernism, egalitarianism, neoconservative wars creating refugee crises, general inaction on climate change also forcing migration, the displacement of traditional cultures by Islam and Western consumerism/media, and neoliberal/libertarian open borders policies is just global assimilation into one kind of human: Worker Drone, on a somewhat glacial time frame, but our technocratic overlords plan for the long game.

supposedly "optimal" population of 700 million in 2080 (even though China in 1980 already had close to 1 billion people).

Until we can genetically engineer our fellow comrades we must be proactive to find the genetically fittest among us. This will be done by Autism Level tests, grade scores, and achievement. Comrades should not only be smart however, so the healthiest and strongest will also be sought after.

Non-sanctioned children will be imported and the parents will be sent to the gulag.

Nice word filter, but they will be killed, importers of filth will be killed, and propagators of importers will be killed.

Nazbols can't get anymore retar-

Mounting evidence for the presence of AMHs out of Africa earlier than 75,000 years ago
High-coverage whole-genome sequence studies have so far focused on a limited number1 of geographically restricted populations2, 3, 4, 5, or been targeted at specific diseases, such as cancer6. Nevertheless, the availability of high-resolution genomic data has led to the development of new methodologies for inferring population history7, 8, 9 and refuelled the debate on the mutation rate in humans10. Here we present the Estonian Biocentre Human Genome Diversity Panel (EGDP), a dataset of 483 high-coverage human genomes from 148 populations worldwide, including 379 new genomes from 125 populations, which we group into diversity and selection sets. We analyse this dataset to refine estimates of continent-wide patterns of heterozygosity, long- and short-distance gene flow, archaic admixture, and changes in effective population size through time as well as for signals of positive or balancing selection. We find a genetic signature in present-day Papuans that suggests that at least 2% of their genome originates from an early and largely extinct expansion of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) out of Africa. Together with evidence from the western Asian fossil record11, and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the main Eurasian expansion12, our results contribute to the mounting evidence for the presence of AMHs out of Africa earlier than 75,000 years ago.

Pay scientists a living wage.
Offer government jobs for fresh graduates with limited experience in the work field.

I don't understand what that means