Reminder that vegans are going into the gulags and up against the wall during the communist revolution

Reminder that vegans are going into the gulags and up against the wall during the communist revolution.

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That lady has some sick ass rhymes tbh


gulag this kulak

Perhaps you would be better suited at >>>Holla Forums

Found the vegan.

they already kill themselves in abundance, theyll starve or throw off their idiotic belief in times of starvation

Wow thats some real sophisticated analysis you have there OP you basically defeated veganism with one image

Hey moondog hows that "nonviolent" revolution working out?

Animal farming takes way more resources than crop farming retard

*takes a bite of steak and chews with mouth open*

Yes killing is Natural, just as infanticide and rape as seen with apex predator animals that we belong to.



what the hell is that thing thats gonna eat the penguin?

Leopard seal

vertical ranching and growing meat will make this irrelevant in the next fifty years

These socialists have a much better chance of seizing a major country again than you ever will of breaking man from his domesticates.

Yeah, you'll notice that humans can build computers to complain about humans. The fact is, that one of the main drivers in the growth of the human brain was the consumption of meat. Go be a monkey if you really want to.

You don't have to farm animals to eat them. Any uninhabited land is sure to have animals roaming through. We could just eat those and treat these areas as free-range, unmanaged animal farms. Also, this is a good way to control the stray cat/dog population. I say we eat our way to communism.

You really are a special brand of retard

If you were less picky about what you eat, there would be more than enough. Not enough to have burgers every night, but enough to get a proper meal. You also seem to ignore the viability of local farming and other non-industrial ways of animal agriculture. Hell, it has been proposed that the use of animals in the right way can improve land in places that cannot grow food. So those animals can definitely be used as tools and then eaten.

You are thinking too small. Either way, there is no reason not to eat these animals. We don't have to provide, but why not let people hunt for meat if they want it that badly?

guys i've been vegan for years, and it has me feeling much better than when i was eating meat and dairy.

vegans are so vocal because this shit works perfectly for health and makes too much sense for helping with so many world issues.

dont go vegan. try it properly for just 3-5 days and develop an opinion on how the diet makes you feel in that short amount of time.

Watch vegan content on youtube….. dont take it all as truth just humor it…. because this has been the most important redpill ive ever taken

maybe start lurking here:

crop farming kills animals
your body needs proteins, not cellulose

and the skillsets used to hunt and farm that meat

genetically engineer more animals that reproduce faster to eat more meat

you ate like shit, you started eating healthy, your actual types of foods eaten wasnt a major factor

actually no, do you human bio at all?

thanks i eat well 24/7

theres too much shit that is retarded to waste my time with
take an intro to bio class, lurk with a textbook on intro to nutrition