Left-Wing art/poster/propaganda thread

Post 'em, comrades.

Some of the early Soviet avant-garde stuff is very cool.

Other urls found in this thread:


i have this poster on my wall








That's all I have on me

An impressive collection

I really love the art-style of the late USSR posters.

The last one is my favourite. "Washington style peace."

Does the third one say "evolution?"

Very poignant


I believe so. I'd forgotten the text was in Russian on those two.
The first one is "Neutron bombs leave valuable property intact" or something similar to that. (It's definitely about neutron bombs, they really hated the concept.)

As for these:
"Stop the militarization of space!"
"I am a dove"
[No text]
"No!" (Presumably derived from the Soviet reasoning that the Shuttle was an inefficient solution to launching satellites, so it must've been a bomber.)
[No text]

Good thread

Moar plz

I just had to

I don't get it

As zizkek said the way to destroy fascism, is to take over their symbolism and make it leftist in the message.

That means we need our own mythical symbolism and work own a new 21 century communist imagery, TO HELL WITH HAMMER AND SICKLES, we need to re invent the leftist imagery.

SO comrades what ideas do you have ?

Why not both?

god damn it comrade


Merry Christmas comrades, here's a soviet santa killing fascists

it would make more sense to just do a separate thread about thinking up symbolism.

I'm a little skeptical of this idea tbh


Here's a Soviet antitheist poster

it's the loss meme

Kek what is that last one? "Skeletons and Yettis are bad, corn and drinking oil are good."


nice spoonfeding, fag


I think you need some re-education, comrade.


Found a couple more from my stash.

the spanish one is nationalsyndicalist and therefore francoist m8



why does chinese revolutionary art show people with such goofy smiles? Soviet art typically shows normal expressions. is this related to something else in chinese culture?

Someone told me that Maoist aesthetic/propaganda was worse than Soviet propaganda

couldn't help but chortle

those first 2 are awesome

idk but I like it. these sorts of Maoist posters are so fucking good.

They scream pathologies.

There's just such a deified sense of chinese exceptionalism radiating from Maoist propaganda I don't get from the soviet stuff.
Pretty disconcerting



Oh my god is that Harry Kim



Why ?

This is thread will offer a cover up from raiders
and inspiration is already here.


maybe it's just yellow peril. China is so strange, and Mao realized the fear we have of them. I mean the chinese were literally eating eachother.

