Krispy Creme sells out NJ gun owners

NJ resident here. Our new libtard governor is going to make our already draconian gun laws even stricter. We are literally going to become worse than California in a few short years at this rate. I cannot stress how cucked my state has become, we are full of kikes, spics, niggers and muslims and its only going to get worse. I am trying to get my mother to leave the state with me but she is insistant on the "lets wait and see" thing.

Oh well, at least you're fine with millions of new atheist Arab immigrants flooding into your shithole of a state.

join us at >>>/polk/

that's the reason they cited for the rolling tax increases. Apparently my county hadn't been putting money in them for almost a decade (during the Obama years), but once MAGA started it was "TAX ALL THE THINGS!"
They were going to scale back the pension terms with the current/new hires, but the county worker's (((union))) threatened a lawsuit… of course the county had no problem fighting it out in court when the property tax reassessments were contested by the very taxpayers that voted them into office.
they later stated even the non-union personnel would be getting the same benefits…it's fucking goofy

of course, they want to build a new 80 million dollar school on top of it all. Completely retarded considering the future is in decentralized education, like cyber charter schools (and the buildings were already have are adequate for the meanwhile).

Like I said above. Good luck funding all that with just retirees and HUD voucher inner-shitty transplants. Everyone who actually pays is looking for an exit.

NJ user here,

Literally just bought a AR15 here a month ago to prevent our new faggot governor from screwing me and making me buy some commiefornia tier rifle. I fucking hate it here but I cant leave just yet. Its difficult to save money living here.

You can lay prone with a bipod and simulate basically what an LMG would be doing for an infantry platoon.

But that's only with someone with enough skill to figure it out.

All jews will be killed in due time.

>Filter + all cockroach posts
Hey it's a normal thread. Gets rid of newfags too.

Reminder, in order to end militia culture in America, they have to drive the idea that we are an unarmed public into the hearts of every American. Part and parcel of communist jewish insurrection.

wew kampy you aren't even trying at this point