Chris Christie Gives NJ Residents 90 Days to Surrender Bump Stocks in Final Act as Governor
Chris Christie (R) gave New Jersey residents 90 days to surrender bump stocks – or else – in one of his final acts as Governor of the state.
Jan 16th, 2018 by Awr Hawkins on Breitbart
>No crimes committed with bump stocks in New Jersey were cited. Rather, Christie signed the Democrat-sponsored ban in light of the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas attack. They knew they wouldn't have to defend the maneuver at all. Most notable point of the article: Christie cited the Las Vegas attack, which was otherwise a flop for gun control. Whatever powers Christie is tied up in, he had to sell his final act as governor to them and they are part of the same entity that wanted to use LV for gun control. By that conjecture, we might investigate Christie's recent ties and movements to discover what groups might be related to LV.
Just another step to disarm the people in an already blue state.
Kikes also burn his bum for pretending to be pro gun at any point.
So… cheap bumpstocks on gunbroker and armslist soon.
njfags had it coming anyway
Ian Scott
He looks like Harvey Weinstein brother
Joseph Garcia
And this manpig nearly became our president. Shocking for a Wrongpublican.
The only issue I really disagree with him on is the Guantanamo one. Thankfully, President Obama won that round and closed it down immediately upon assuming office, just as he said he would. Meanwhile, Drumpf hasn't delivered on a single campaign promise. How's that for predictability?
Justin Garcia
You’re incorrect.
Ryan Wilson
Talk about a Shithole state! I would rather be in Pennsylvania or New Hampshire tbh
John Wilson
I'm sure there are plenty of people in Jew Jersey who would be fine with counting this as the last straw, but then that would just be used as evidence for more shit in other AIDS-riddled states.
Gavin Parker
when they come for guns give them lead
Nathan Morgan
all two of them? what would they be attached to? a 30-30 fudd gun?