Tell me, Holla Forums...

Tell me, Holla Forums. If every single porky in the world and their associates had good intentions at heart and were genuinely interested in bettering the conditions of humanity, would you support capitalism?

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If morality played a part in economic decision making it wouldn't be capitalism

To be a capitalist means to exploit the labor of others.

Good intentions do not change that.


hate the game, not the players
hate the players when the kill you for trying to change the game


No. They still make their fortunes at others' expense.

If every slave owner had good intentions at heart would you support slavery?

No human is good.
All of humanity is inherently evil, trust me it'll only get better once we're all gone.
Nice spook though

You sir are the one who is spooked.

The intentions matter not. Capitalism manufactures exploitation and misery, as features built into the system.

Sorry that you're not woke yet.
You will someday Holla Forumsyp.

No, since they would be replaced by more ruthless and profit seeking capitalists.


gtfo racist.

Confirmed for not having read Stirner

Yes, but in capitalism the rulers are always sociopaths.

To be honest, I know there is no ethical consumption under Capitalism, but I fucking love Elon Musk.
I know, he's a porky, but he would be among the most sympathetic to our cause.


When all the means of production are seiged by the state and inefficiently controlled, then you will realize that a bigger government cannot feed all of its citizens forever, although for a brief period of time it can

I want him to make it to Mars first purely so we can turn it properly red.



This reminds me, I was going to write an article for bunkermag on Musk. No one probably remembers, but awhile ago I had a thread wherein I discussed my "socialist" brother's support for him, despite him being a piece of shit porky.
Already have some sources and stuff on him, though I'd appreciate more. I'm gonna write an article that basically says FU, though intelligently enough that it could actually convince someone and not be another circlejerk in this echo chamber

I fully admit he's porky maximus, that's mostly me shitposting. It doesn't help that, despite him being porky as hell his competition's usually worse.

More like you haven't.


i-is that a real quote?

Yes. Elon Musk is having his skeleton removed.

Might as well be.

holy kek

pure autism

Elon Musk is literally r/iamverysmart

He could have just said absence of light (within the visible wavelength) and his point would have been made.

Simplified: "When I was a little kid, I was really scared of the dark. But then I came to understand, dark just means the absence of light. Then I thought, well, it's really silly to be afraid of a lack of light. Then I wasn't afraid of the dark anymore after that."

le reddit XDDDDD


That's still pretty dumb, it's still missing the point of how basically any kind of explanation can calm our fears. We fear the unknown, and the dissipation of our fears can be achieved through myths, stories, prayer, projection, etc. too.

You say it like it is by design. People have always had their price, long before capitalism and still will way after.

If every single porky in the world and their associates had good intentions at heart and were genuinely interested in bettering the conditions of humanity, they would give up the means of production