Where we're you when getChan became porky

So i just logged into my youtube shitpost and video account, and guess what I found. It was pic related.

The getchan youtube channel claimed copyright over a video that is not theirs to begin with. This is absolutely retarded for the following reasons:

1. Copyright is a tool used by the bourgoiesie to suppress the workers and maintain monopolies on information goods
2. They are subverting their own cause by destroying the channels of their comrades
3. The song is from 1950, and not made by getchan

If you have a youtube channel (or anything for that matter), don't fucking do this. It was video related btw.

this is why the left is doomed

Fucking revisionist

raid when?

We shouldn't raid our sisterboard because the youtube channel manager is a fucking idiot.

*just because

maybe it was just a fuck up of the system and you're overreacting? Or maybe someone reported you for shitposting and they shut down your channel by accident?

Have you tried appealing? I really doubt youtube is "cracking down" on "far" leftists.

plus consider that you're not actually important, so I doubt it was some insidious Porky who decided to ban you

Its a manual report by getchan. I cant appeal without sending my personal information and starting a judicial battle over a silly little video. I dont blame youtube, I blame the manager of getchan who went out of his way to report my video.


sorry I misunderstood

t. newfag

i like how you never took a fucking look at OP's picture in the first place you fucking nincompoop

more like, dead board
i like how you pretend that getchan is important when it's totally dead but fuck the bunkerchan irc nerds who actually read and understand theory amirite haha toss me off

Yeah, actually. Fuck them.

Wait, is that channel owner the same kingofgets from /jp/?

Holy shit, Yami is the owner of GETchan?

What if it's just a Holla Forumsock trying to false flag our shit up ?

I wouldn't know.

Shit, my bad, comrade. Every so often I have to deal with bots reuploading my entire channel and impersonating me, but YouTube will never respond to my report if I just report the whole channel, so I have to literally report each and every video. I was doing this again the other day with two bots and I guess your reupload got caught up in the mix. I've retracted the claim and it's back up. That was my mistake, sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused you.

too late, we are outraged. post dick with timestamp

sup pricklycucktus

Post lewd Rodina to make it up

No problem, tovarish.

(Sorry if i came over a bit angry. I was angry, because I couldn't imagine a scenario like the one that actually was true, so i assumed it was on purpose)