Media Fawns Over Neo-Nazis (The So-Called Alt-Right)

Jimmy Dore breaks it down.

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Jimmy's face is so memeable.



lmao, just gulag them all tbh

I don't know why everyone is getting so upset about Richard Spencer, he's just a gayer version of Jared Taylor.

I give it a few more months before the MSM realises that Spencer's not a shadowy éminence grise controlling the Trump regime from a San Francisco bathhouse, and we stop hearing about him outside the inevitable attention-whoring stunts when he realises his 15 minutes of fame is up

Because libs thought that the social war had been won


Some of the lines in that video really make me think Dore is hiding his leftist power level

He needs to first atract a bigger public and convince them about socialism without actually mentioning the word, and when the times comes drop a long emotional truthbomb.

Is jimmy the best lefty with a presence on the internet

I like this plan.

Please just attack their ideas instead of trying to rely on taboos to shame people

He had 30k subs this time last year, vs the 170k today. But yeah, I agree with the strategy.

Nah taboos are useful for dealing with nazis

Ayyyyyyy lmao, fascists don't have any serious ideas. It's feels>>>reals all the way down.

Good plan.

You hate these guys because they're white?

I don't see what could possibly go wrong in your praxis of stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the nature of the problem, while the radical right wing is resurgent and you are so stuck in your 1930's mode of thought you think this is ordinary, business as usual liberal capitalism, which you've dealt with before in your lifetime.


kill yourself Holla Forums

No thanks I'll stay alive at least long enough for Trump to crush your hopes and dreams

don't worry, he'll crush you like the bug you are too; fucking deluded idiot.

Even if he does it will have been worth it.
Feel free to continue to be ineffectualy angry over shitposts if it makes you feel any better mate.


Already lost the SJWs audience by using gay slurs.


Fuck white nationalism and the nazi ideology.


I like Jimmy, he seems like a genuine person

You're funny, but the thing is that even if Trump hates people like me and is just using us for power(a very real possibility), supporting him when our enemies considers him on our side is just good politics. That doesn't mean we shouldn't push further on our own as well, one would imagine that communists would have experience with these sorts of practical politics, but maybe you all just bought into the dumb accelerationist idea.

No, because their morons.

Not really, he could fuck you in the ass while saying the rhetoric you want to hear and you'll be happy while your life sees no material improvement.

Did I say that

I hate them because they made it so anyone who looks remotely like a skinhead gets put in with the Nazis


Wow get a life loser

Incorrect, if regular people believe Trump is far right that is the second best thing that could happen for the far right. With the first being electing an actual far right candidate.

Clearly shows the increase in press people on the right are already seeing. The idea, is that by having someone who liberals affiliate with our movement in power, we will gradually become normalized, irrespective of the aforementioned figures support for the cause.

Its pretty alt-right to appoint stablishment politicians into his team indeed

He's like a memier version Christian Slater
Jimmy "all things are nothing to me" Dore