Keith Ellison is the best choice for DNC chair

Look how scared of him the right is. They're terrified the dems might actually select a strong black man as a leader.

Trump's victory proves that politicians don't have to worry about whether the opposition says you're scary or calls you out for saying politically incorrect or even anti-semitic things. Hell, you can even rape a 13 year old and become president of the united states these days.

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If Dems were ever actually serious they would've promoted him, Sanders and other supporters to leadership positions in Congress and just let the Sanders campaign take over, reeducate and purge the DNC. Instead all they got was DNC chair and outreach. It's a PR move.


He would just finalize the transformation of the Democrats into the American ANC, the only difference is that whites are still the majority here. Not a recipe for electoral success.

I'm amazed that they wrote such short text and still came out as tryhards. I guess Dailystormer never changes

Islamig Gommunism :DD

What do you think of the EFF?

I think that Africans have significantly smaller brains than Europeans, so all African-led political movements eventually devolve into jungle cannibalism.

I think you mean "until they get removed in a foreign coup"


This. But they will be incapable of forming a functioning coalition if they keep playing center-right, so something's got to give.

my sides

he literally based his theories on the race and penis size myth

fun fact: the US, solely among non-hispanic whites, has a higher crime rate than burkina faso

this man was based as fuck

There are no heroes left among men.

Be the hero the world needs you to be user

When will the next leader arise?

But hey at least niggers grew the nonexistent food instead of white amirite?

All I've heard from my fellow fascist reactionaires has been:
Suddenly the alt-right seems rational.

The Anglosphere started that one, fam, it gave Rhodesia the finger because of its incessant defense of South Africa–for no other reason than because muh reds.


Daily reminder that Boers were an egalitarian, democratic people who owned their own means of production until the British capitalists ruined everything. Also, the Transvaal and Oranje areas of South Africa only had Khoisan and were half Boer before the uitlanders and Bantu immigrants overwhelmed the Boers, Khoisan, and Zulu natives. (Xhosa were also native to other areas as well.)

Honestly, I think all South Africans should go the way of the Griqua and adopt Boer values, maybe with the Zulus, Xhosa, and Khoisan maintaining local values on top of common Boer values.

Admittedly, Thomas Sankara seems far ahead of his time when it comes to Africa. Still, he's more of an enlightened despot than someone who gave the residents democratic control. So, he's an exceptional African who managed to help reduce the savagery of his native people.

How about both? The Chinese Mautists and Anglo capitalists conspired to destroy Rhodesia and create a puppet state. The Anglos wanted a Mandela-style regime and the Mautists wanted Mugabe.

Also, fuck black nationalism and Keith Elison. The fucking anti-American, lumpen, welfare-scrounging black nationalists, who fetishize god, savagery, and king, need to burned just like the Dixiefags, Sherman style.

Remember when Dems were all

He denounced the shit he said in his youth, and seems like an intelligent and rational person. If the right does not take him seriously, it's only for the best. (Obama also had some shitty associations in the past, didn't stop him.)

Isn't he a massive interventionist?

what is it about even the best dems having god awful foreign policy?