I'm becoming more and more on your side? why?

For some odd reason the Holla Forums side seems to be more attractive than autists worshipping a frog why is this?

Because those fags got cucked badly and are in denial about it.

Because you know in your heart we're right.

Because you are a contrarian faggot who believes in nothing. Fuck off, you suit better the other side.

Oh and btw. Don't you trash talk Pepe the frog you fucking cunt.
Pepe the frog is comfy.

Because if you're an actual Christian you see that being a Nazi is not something to be proud of.


Clearly you are overly fanatical about Christianity and Kek triggers you, and Holla Forums doesn't have a Kek equivalent.

Because Holla Forums has become a Trump circlejerk that can't self-critique.

It doesn't have a kek equivalent and it doesn't jerk off one presidential candidate, who really wasn't for them anyway.

Yeah it's became that I'm also poor so communism interests me but whatever.

I actually agree with you.
Pepe has been stale to me for ages.
Gondola is where it's at.

Holla Forums users knew from the start that Trump wasn't going to be Hitler v2.
It was simply the practical candidate that matched their general views the most.


Yeah, "God-Emperor Trump" was always just a political expedience. In fact, I never really supported him at all. Heh.

Yeah, because I'm sure Holla Forums legitimately thought that Trump was going to make anime real as well.
Plenty of Holla Forums users took pictures of their voting sheets, so I doubt they would try to pass that off.

Because leftism offers actual solutions to the problems facing people today instead of delusional refuge in an idealized past or magical thinking about internet memes and spooky racism.


Name one (1) spook that Holla Forums believes in. I'll wait.

They did legitimately think he'd ban muslims, build an impractical wall, imprison killary, and other such nonsense he won't do.

Freedom, life, socialism, autonomy, the ego :v)

Personal property.

Holla Forums is fun for a while. Then the jokes start getting repetitive. Worse, they encourage you to look at current events, and the longer you do so the more obvious it is that the predominant narrative makes no sense. The surface-level meme analysis of every event that Holla Forums offers becomes progressively less satisfying until finally you begin reading systemic analyses just because you feel the need to understand. That's when you start seeing the cogs turning behind the scenes. You cannot stop seeing them everywhere you look.

Oh, but they believed whole-heartedly in the wall, draining the swamp, lock her up, repealing NAFTA, and all the other shit that Trump now obviously has no intention of delivering.

Because christianity has a lot more in common with communism than right-wing ideologies.
Rejecting the idea of money or surplus value is common sense.

I hope you make a thread when you get rid of that Christianity spook fam

and I still believe all that nonsense can you believe that?

Oh I can believe you believe it, but I'd have to believe you're fooling yourself.

Well, considering that those things that he listed, apart from the ego, are material relationships I would not worry about it.

i really, really hope that proper leftism becomes the new norm on imageboards i'm really fucking tired of having every discussion turned into how the jews are cucking america and the occasional gulag joke is fine

I just want things back to the way they were before 2013, before neofag and stormfront autism

we're fighting Guerrilla meme warfare. we may be small, but internet culture can change quick. give it a couple years and I think there's a pretty good chance anti-idpol left becomes the mainstay in the darkest reaches of the internetâ„¢.

That may be true if only by virtue of the fact that the fascists are being coopted by the neoliberals. Communism will be the only "extreme" remaining.

I don't want imageboards to be necessarily political at all, period. I don't give a shit if some retard expresses a Holla Forums tier opinion or even a Tumblr tier one, the problem is that these faggots are literally raging autismos that dedicate their lives to their genuine, honest to god belief that everyone has to agree with them.

In a way this even goes beyond politics. Holla Forums are simply the ultimate newfags.

Holla Forums was better before 2014, but it was always, from day 1 nazi.

Day 1? It used to be pretty centrist back in the day.

kekno fuck off. It was lolbert.

It used to be Dale Gribble central, and back then it was a hell of a lot more fun. The memes were also dank (i.e. Doom Paul) instead of the cringey garbage they make now.

Oh god, the Ron Paul cancer was whole dimensions worse than the current Trump cancer is.

Holla Forumsyp salty because people see through his bullshit le praise le facebook meme routine.

You mean way more fun


Ron Paul was funny

Ron Paul would be an amazing US president regarding foreign policy and military budget.
I don't agree with him at all, but as a non american, Ron Paul would be very nice.

Ron Paul would likely be better than Sanders, there, I said it.