Red Dead 3?

Look at what Rockstar just put up on their kikebook

The hype train has already left the station

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll be a HD remaster of Redemption. Hopefully a PC port but NEVER EVER.


I'd still be glad to finally play it on PC.

Let's not forget that Rockstar is owned by the same company that just gave us Mafia 3 though, so if it's a new release we might have a diversity quota protagonist.


No thanks. I'd sooner buy a game from bioware.


>>2016 aka current year
>>You and 13k others
You're a shill.

It would be related to Red Dead Redemption.

Cirno is the cutest

Damn straight, Red Dead was a great game, the story was solid and there were plenty of things to simply roam around and do. the only way they could prevent me from buying this one is having a nigger hero or making it some other "SOCIAL MESSAGE" game.

You're just going to preorder and smile like a fucking retard when you're greeted with "Press Start", day one DLC and your wallet weights $60 less.

Read me other posts and figure out how to sage, my cuckchan refugee friend.


I like Cirno

I agree, Red Dead Revolver was a great game.


So how's the weather in New Delhi?

Was It Rape?
No seriously. Wasn't Bonnie McFarlane raped? I'm shock and disappointed that there a lack of Rule 34 porn of her. Considering she probably lost her virginity to a gang bang. Especially It's even hinted there bandits in the gang love story anal sex.


Wow, you hate niggers, truly you are one of us. Can you triforce as well, fellow user?

Yeah, probably.

I'd still marry and love her her right up the pussy though. She was a well written character, perhaps the best or at least most enjoyable female character I've ever seen in vidya.

I said loves Anal sex. Fucking Mac book pro auto correct got worse after I updated the IOS. How the hell that'd even possible?

Apple always finds a way to fuck over their consumers.

I dunno, I think if most love stories included anal sex it would make them better. Certainly would make me watch more Disney.

Want me to find whoever handles Rockstar's marketing, offer them cheaper "human-intelligence" centers and therefore get you fired and turned into a prostitute?

Again, how's the weather in New Delhi?

I made a thread about a video game company overtly teasing a new entry in a fairly well liked video game series, and then immediately said we shouldn't get excited until we know more about it. You might want to work on that reading comprehension user.

If you defend yourself you just dig the hole deeper, you anus ass.


>(((You))) and 13k others
That's all anyone needs to know.


I'm keeping my expectations low due to GTA Online. I'm scared it'll encourage them not to focus on good single player games, like what happened to Valve.

Yeah, you might just be right.

I wouldn't mind that if they didn't half-ass it. The majority of gamemodes in GTA online were fucking garbage and freeroam was pointless.
Likewise, I didn't like the singleplayer because I felt like I wasn't going Anywhere. I never bothered finishing it.

Fucking top tier waifu.
Shame about the teeth, though

There's also stupid shit in GTA Online like the unskippable intro cinematic, there would have been wrong if it was just a repeat of Red Dead or GTA4 multiplayer


Check mine dubs


What a shit thread.

I hope it's not just a remaster of RDR for the new consoles and PC, but rather a new game entirely.
Either way I'd probably buy it, RDR was one of the reasons I finally bought a console last generation.

I was just looking up Red Dead Redemption and I had no idea took 5 years, had a team of 800 people, and cost $100 million to develop.

I know GTA V was more, but still.

Still, GTA Online felt very half-assed. Like or hate GTA V, they take their time to develop the main games.


Say What? Might as well have ellie from the last of us as a WAIFU

Oh, and she's funny. She had a deadpanish, sarcastic wit to her and that makes my dick unzip.

off by 2

They do and I respect the effort they put into their games, but it's not what I look for. All the small details they add don't necessarily make for more fun gameplay.

Table Tennis 2016

post yfw it turns out to be console exclusive

Personally, that's what let me kill a couple hundred hours in Red Dead Redemption. It might be a side effect of having few games in high school, but I could just load it up, ride to town and play a game of poker. Was a relaxing way to play the game.

I was thinking about GTAV today and I realised what a wasted potential the upgraded combat system was. There weren't that many opportunities to really get into a hectic firefight and since fighting the police was just a gigantic waste of time and no fun at all, the combat never got a chance to shine.

Also they should have implemented a max payne style moving and shooting system since its clear that the max payne IP is done and dusted

No, but my point was they wouldn't half ass RDR3 like they did GTA Online.

They gameplay they always seems to be satisfying, even if the game around it isn't, in my experience.




If anything, the state of GTA Online and GTA5 shows they are willing to half ass heavily advertised components of the the game.




I know what you mean, but it just leaves me blueballed because I eventually lose the interest to finish the main portion of the game.

I made a mistake don't worry about it


why does he wear the mask?

After Mafia 3 I don't think anyone wants it. I mean, ignoring the writing, that game showed that any programmers that had actual talent left Rockstar a long time ago.




But Mafia 3 wasn't made by Rockstar.

are you… are you dumb?

Rockstar didn't make Mafia 3 you dip. It was a no name company who hadn't worked on a single game prior to Mafia 3.

You know Rockstar doesn't develop all their games from one studio, yeah? Mafia 3 and RDR were developed by entirely different groups of people. The Mafia 3 team aren't even under the umbrella of Rockstar, they're managed by a different set of people for Take-Two Interactive, it was made by Hanger 13 and not one of the 8 Rockstar studios.

Rockstar and Hanger 13 are both owned by Take-Two Interactive.

That doesn't mean Rockstar made Mafia 3 now does it?

Well they have the same parent company, but that wouldn't make a difference on programmers, just deign decisions like turning the game into a social justice shitfest.

I said it didn't in that very post, user.

Bonnie is a pure waifu, you'll get shot for saying things of that nature around these parts stranger.

you're a big guy

time for 2K's crown jewel to working their marketing hype magic



I do it 4 u

It's just Red Dead RevolVR

It's a VR shooting gallery game for Playstation VR

can you fucking stop


it appears you're the one who loves anal sex

It'll be just another shitty online DLC for 5.

Knowing Rockstar it will go something like this:
>released exclusively on the Xboner for 3 months
>secret release on the NX

How retarded are you?

Doesn't Mac release OS updates for all their hardware at once? Honestly it might as well be iOS from what I've heard, which would make Mac consistent with MS seeing as Windows 8 and 10 have been mobile OSs.

whats with the different shades of green?

Sure as hell it will have microtransactions and Multiplayer like GTA V

hello new friend

Fuck off with this hyping/anticipation BS.

I'm assuming Rockstar is big enough to resist SJW directives… if not, then fuck em.

I'm not hyped at all, especially givin the R* track record. And I played the fuck out of Red Dead on the 360, still one of my top favorite games. But I know Rockstar will find a way to fuck that up and jew the ever living fuck out of you with microtransactions.

They should just let Red Dead Redemption die.

but 2 doesn't even exist idiot.

Redemption is a second game pal

not gonna happen faggot

nice bait user

I bet you think GTA didn't start at 3 either



Given NEVER EVER's track record lately? Chances are pretty fucking good.

I look forward to the games suddenly not being the best thing ever like what happened with GTA V and Dragon's Dogma.

Back to redchanit.

Yes. And my dick gets rock hard thinking about it for some reason. I hate myself



Why live?

pls die

10/10 image. Should be posted in every western thread.


That would be interesting from a Holla Forums "Wow look what they did" perspective, but it runs the risk of it just becoming opposite-SJW shit. The game shouldn't be trying to fill some political agenda, no matter what politics the agenda is for.

I thought Rockstar San Diego shut down though

the wild west never existed.

I wish people would shut the fuck up about Red Dead 3/ RDR remaster. You have nothing but shitty social media posts and rumors from dubious Asian sources. Fuck reddit, fuck NeoFAG, fuck social media. I want actual, hard facts. It's easy to create falsified "leaked" information, so give me an official announcement in the form of a trailer/gameplay footage.

Based Herbert Moonman

Bully 2 when?

God damn it all I want is RDR on PC. I'd shit my fucking pants. JUST FUCKING DO IT COCKSTAR DO IT DOOO ITTTT

So who do you guys think the main character will be?
A melanin enriched gentleman? A woman? It sure as hell can't be a FUCKING WHITE MALE in the current year.

nice to see the PC beggar race is in full swing as usual. RDR wasn't that good, you aren't missing out on much.

it's red dead revolver 2

I 100%ed it on 360 and I still want it on PC. I have such shit eyesight that it's not really comfortable trying to play on a console. I want Crackdown on PC, too.

link to the original? i need to fap.

The hype train will derail in a few miles.
If you get hyped for anything by anyone ever nowadays you're a fucking retard.

Dear god my hours are already counting up again. It'd never happen though.

>Gambling minigames replaced with Voltorb Flip
It'll be so great you guys

I wonder how many hogtied prostitutes it's going to run over before it reaches its destination.

When someone at Rockstar remembers that video games are supposed to be fun.

So never ever.


Not gonna lie, I'd buy Red Dead if it got a PC port. That game was fucking great, best cowboy simulator.

You know that it's going to happen


Manhunt 3?
In current gen and completely unhinged thanks to Mr.Trump?
Yes please!

His love interest will probably be a squaw though.

Even worse than independent noble savage slut, thanks for rocking my hope even harder user.


Based off of what? Rockstar doesn't do any of that shit in measurable amounts.

Red Dead Redemption was a good game, Red Dead Revolver was a great game, kill yourself




The Rockstar logos are color coded.
Red is Toronto.

getting a little tired of all this larping to impress anonymous imageboard users

This isn't LARPing, the fuck are you on about?

How do you not know Eva

I wonder who could be behind this post?

If they go for the nigger hero it doesn't have to be cringey SJW bullshit, it could be cool like Django Unchained: The Game. Even if they do it for SJWs it doesn't have to come out shitty, like Blizzard with Tracer's pose, they changed it to appease SJWs but ended up making it sexier because they still have good artists.

It will be shitty if it's shitty, not necessarily if the protag is black.



I was having a nice day until that showed up.

This. The less we have this overrated and casual Rockstar garbage contaminating PC gaming the better.

Did the Skyrim 2 jokes misfire?

Nobody likes nigger cowboys. Those motherfuckers want to talk about cultural appropriation.

not rape and pillage? writes want to write stuff for the cownigs, but that's another thing

The one in Hateful 8 was pretty good. I also liked the one in Blazing Saddles.

That would actually pique my interest.

Doesnt he make someone suck his dick?

who the fuck is this retarded

They're looking to get a reaction out of people. Most of the time these fuckers are not driven by ideology or even dumb, on the contrary, they know exactly what upsets the core gaymur so they provoke you into clicking their shitty articles.

Django unchained was a nigger fantasy.


He tells a story to an aged southern general about him torturing his son and making him suck his dick. It's left unclear if it's real or not, but probably not.

Too bad it was kinda shit movie.

Rockstar Toronto, like all the studio insignias, have a white star. That one does not. Rockstar San Diego is the one that developed Red Dead Redemption anyway.

An opinion piece, by some random faggot. Ignore it, it has no bearing on anything.

That's not what my post said. Get your shit opinions away from me.

GTA: Chinatown wars was Rockstarts last decent game

Whats hype about another game about being a cuckold in an era where 99% of men were manly men?

Rockstar just loves being a bunch of leftist faggots. Throughout the entirety of Red Dead Redemption, John constantly whines and whines at everyone like a feminine little bitch. Not to mention, he was literally a cuckold, he married the gangs cumdumpster, he married the actual prostitute of the gang who had fucked and sucked every member of the gang.

Red Dead 3 will probably be about saving your wive's son.

John… had a hard life.

The most ridiculous part in Red Dead Redemption is when the scientist finds out that Whites and injuns have completely similar genetics, when this could not be further from the truth. Rockstar portrayed this as if it is a scientific fact, when in reality there are vast genetic differences between different races.

I guarantee you the third game will be absolutely FULL of propaganda, it will be shoved down your throat nonstop. It will probably even have a villain character that looks or speaks like Trump.

Haven't played any Red Dead but I think every GTA games ever had the exact opposite message. Not Holla Forums tier but they were constantly making fun of PCs.

Here's your reply.

GTA would dish it out both ways in the past but there was definitely a slant towards bashing the right more in 5.
Especially retarded when you consider the setting


all me xd

Even if that was all the same person, they contributed far more to this thread than your inane ass.

It's actually a metroid game :^)

fight me faggot


It would probably be shit, I don't even want it at this point. Just give us a PC port of Redemption if anything.

I wish he didn't sound like a fucking teenager going in for their first voice acting gig.

You can hear the creeping exhaustion from one "punch" to the next

>mfw its Red Dead Returns starring Red Harlow



I doubt it, they just released Revolver on their PS2 emulator for the PS4. It would be bad PR for them to do that, have people buy it, then turn around and release it better elsewhere.


This is Rockstar, they don't care about bad PR and only care about the money.

Its gonna be a sequel. just fucking kill me there's no hope left

or its gonna be a prequel, john and the gang he was in


I like the idea of a bigger map, but I'm not sure I want a prequel. Rockstar should go out on a limb and write something fully original.

Plus apparently that map is tied to Mafia 3, so here's hoping it's fake.

How so?

new Bordeaux

I would have absolutely no issues whatsoever if it was a remake of RDR with a PC port. That would be pretty fucking nice in fact just to have a PC port at all


Holy shit please let it be a PC port even if its a sequel please

I don't want a sequel, they'd just shit it up in current year and fill it full of niggers. I just want a PC port so I can run it above 320x200.

Didn't see that. Welp.

3rd from right Bill Williamson
2nd from right Javier Escuella ?

both John Marstons former gang members



Maybe they'll do like CoD and release the remake along with their shit new version? pls rockstar

You faggots would've complained if I posted the jewbook screenshot, but here is it.


go back to mexico

Hey,maybe it will be in John's old gang, but you play as a different member that we never met during Redemption. That would be almost as good as a original sequel.


This shit keeps changing it to spanish so I stopped caring from changing it to english, if that triggers you user it's not my fucking problem :^)
Polite sage because not related to the thread.


i just beat GTAV and really liked it

I've had that problem as well actually, I'm Canadian and Facebook would constantly change my lanuage to French.

Those damn, stinking Quebecers ruining everything again.

could be, far right kind of looks like john marston from the promo art

i dont remember this episode

looks fine to me

Check the options list.

You need to meme responsibly

more console trash

endless summer

Fucking kys. Cucks that get hard over women getting raped?

Bet you use those lewd bondage Skyrim mods too don't you

Didn't they patch it? Last I checked the PS3 online was fixed anyway.

I want this to be as good as the first and to have a PC release. I'm also completely prepared for neither of these things to happen.

Go check again, then. It's broken as fuck and Rockstar are just going to pretend like it's not a problem anymore. Instead of fixing the server issues/hacks, they just patched a few of the more commonly known glitches and called it a day. No more flying molotov glitch, no more Chupasrosa invincibility glitch. Now, because of the server hacks, bandits won't spawn at their hideouts and sometimes players will not be able to interact with one another, meaning that there is an inconsistency in the ability to shoot any given player you come across. Sometimes you can shoot them, sometimes they can shoot you, but there's always the likelihood that you'll run into someone who can see you and who can shoot you but who appears invisible on the screen and who you cannot punch, shoot or interact with.

Game's broken.

what is this shit

Mark is at it again

Yeah. Why was I THE EGGMAN?

Just give me RDR on pc.
The last good game Rockstar has made


source of pic?

if you played it you wouldn't be begging for it, because it's pretty shit.

What if Red Dead 2 turns out to be a video game version of Fear and Loathing? That might be cool.

I played the shit out of it and grinded the fuck out the multiplayer. Still one of the most enjoyable free roaming multiplayer games I've played

of course you did you tasteless plebe

Everything is shit.


It's unlikely to be that since everything Rockstar owns social media wise is RD themed, I doubt they would make such a huge spectacle over a port. I do hope that with the next Red Dead they do include a PC port, that would make my day.

Pic related.

Don't know which is more pathetic, trying to shit on what is basically just a pair of PCs, especially at a time when Steam pretty much rules mustard gayming, or the fact that you actually think Rock* makes good PC ports.

i thoroughly enjoyed both red dead games, but after GTAV i have no faith in rockstair to deliver something decent

Jesus I hope they're not doing a Magnificent 7 game. I do hope they set it earlier. What western is complete without a cowboy shooting a native american in the face?

Rockstar doesn't really do direct sequels though. Their characters don't really get multi-game arcs.

Just fired up the PS3 to check up on RDR. It seems as though it's only gotten worse. For those of you who don't know what it looks like, check embed related.
Wounded NPCs on the ground give out unlimited experience to any play that shoots them. This can make the lobby unstable and supposedly the player who is affected by this will spread it to any other lobbies they enter. I don't know how it works or what, this is just what I have read
As I said before, sometimes you can't interact with other players
Can't complete bandit hideouts because bandits won't spawn
You bring up the weapon wheel by pressing and holding L1, and you use the right analog stick to choose from the available weapons. However, when you select a weapon, your character uses the appropriate animations, but he/she is not holding said weapon and you cannot shoot at all.
Game is overrun by script kiddies who buy USB dongles that can upload hacked saves. Yeah, the multiplayer saves your character information and profile on your console, so it's easy to upload a modified save that someone else devised, similar to the Dark Souls Mule save.

All of this shit is inconsistent, so at any given time you may be affected by any combination of these problems or none at all. If they release this game on PS4/PC then it is likely that this shit will happen all over again.

Rockstar is shit

Which one?

Heres my thoughts, this could be a prequel but its not perfect enough because theres missing details. My other theory is that this might be an alternate timeline where John Marston lives and so does his Son, making the woman Bonnie MacFarlane and the guy to Johns far-left Jack Marston.

Or, its all original characters

Hopefully a new Red Dead will prompt them to fix the fuck out of the multiplayer due to all the people returning to Redemption after this reveal.

But you should've played it when it launched. Shit was much tighter back then and a hell of a lot of fun, I remember spending all day with my friends going around and completing all the Gang Hideouts, collecting all the weapons, and doing a shit ton of hunting and pvp. Shit was great.

Rockstar doesn't really do sequel/prequel games for their characters, they usually just do new characters. Unless it's some small side-title, and those small side-titles don't get this kind of reveal.


I highly doubt that, you fucko cream sundee.

This is more likely.

This is the third game you dunce, Red Dead Redemption was a sequel to Red Dead Revolver.

But Django is SJW anti-white propaganda


kill yourself 8ch

Why are you so upset?

wew lad

I was going to ask "Will they go full cuck with a black protagonist & make most of the whites racist strawmen like in Mafia 3?" since if Rockstar is infiltrated like most of the big players in the games industry now is the time to start exploiting it. However, I can already see plenty of people suspecting the same thing. Kinda sad that SJW infestation is so bad that people are just bracing for anti-white propaganda in everything now.

Can't wait to play Red Dead Redemption 2â„¢ on my Xboxâ„¢ Oneâ„¢ and Playstation 4â„¢ systems!

Looking forward to not playing Red Dead Redemption 2, fuck yourself Rockshit.

theres always a first time, people loved john marston


What are the odds it will be full of La Raza and We Wuz Kangs propaganda?




Pls tell me this is fake

It's real.

It's legit.



Hope is dead



I wonder what will they replace shark cards with?


Yeah, soon as I saw that, it was dropped.


i'm all about that django

Fuck out of here

Is it confirmed in any way that it's by R* Toronto? If so, this game is going to be burch-tier cucked. You thought Mafia 3 : Kill whitey was bad? Well wait till you see this abortion

I just want to let you all know they kicked out leslie benzies. Leslie Benzies was crucial to red dead redemption, Sam and Dan Houser begged leslie to come help pick up the scraps from the trainwreck that was red dead in development. So he went and made the game what it was today. And what do they do after? They completely ignore the guy. "When Red Dead Redemption was in production, the Housers were in charge. Benzies had no role in its making until, he says, things started to fall apart

Benzies alleges that Sam Houser sent him the following email message. "PLEASE help me/us get [Read Dead Redemption] into shape. I am a jabbering wreck right now. I need The Benz!" The way he tells it, 'the Benz' stepped in and saved the day."

Benzies is pretty much responsible for every GTA from 3 and on. And the stupid fuckers kicked him out, I don't have high expectations for this.

Its San Diego

awww fuck

San Diego isnt as bad as SanFran, right?

There's never been a generation where a PC port was easier, Good job Rockstar


They probably just want to do what they did with GTA:V: original version on the consoles then a new remastered version (consoles and PC). This way they can sell the same game twice. I know plenty of idiots that bought it twice last time.

One day

They want to milk as much money as possible before reaching PC because "muh piracy" but seeing how this one will be online focused like V, its not like we are missing much.

Already jaded.

Aaaand I guess GTAV is my experience if I don't go back to RDR or something

So what do we know about this game?

GTAV sold almost 7 million copies on PC, and it released 2 years after the console release and a few months after the nu console release, it was kneecapped to begin with and still did well, Rockstar is full of shit, and the worst part is they know it.

Considering that Red Read 2 didn't release on PC at all, I'm willing to suspect that this isn't the case, on top of that a new remastered version for what?

And for those 7 million copies there are like 30 million pirated ones.

They still sold 7 million copies on PC.

the whole studio is shit


Rockstar is not one studio, it's a bunch of smaller studios.


That's more due to technical incompetence than anything else. RDR is a mess under the hood.
People are dumb. Wait 4 years and they'll buy a remastered version if you claim new graphics and some new gimmick shit (characters, missions). It's happened before.

If the game has a simultaneous release on PC, it wouldn't sell half as much on consoles and it being a R* game would get it leaked and cracked before release. They want to avoid that.

I pirated the game, but I bought it on consoles.
Had it released earlier, or at least been announced earlier, I would have bought the PC version instead.
I'm not the only one who did this, I bet a considerable portion of those pirates had bought the console version before. Besides, there's still a huge portion of those 30 mil who wouldn't have bought the game even if there was no pirated version available.
30 mil pirates doesn't necessarily mean that they lost 30 mil sold copies because of pirates.

It's also worth noting piracy on consoles is a thing. Even moreso than with the PC it's Slavs and BRs mostly. If you remember way back GTA:V was actually leaked pre-release for consoles.

I bought the game on both PS3 and PC. I was excited because I thought I could plan heists and shit, making the game more tactical, but was incredibly disappointed by that. Second time I bought it, I figured that GTA Online would be much more engaging and I would play all the time with my friends, but it never happened. I would just fuck around in single player with some shitty mods. I wish I never spent a dime on either version.

It would actually be kinda cool if they set it in the 70s and 80s but kept the western theme, like No Country for Old Men

I remember people comparing this game to Payday 2 before they were both released, and how the heists in this game were better because you could actually plan them. Turned out that "planning" was just the characters staring at a whiteboard while you choose which cutscene you want to watch during the heist. At least you actually feel like you're stealing shit in Payday.

Everytime I start thinking that there might not be any shills on Holla Forums after all, a retard like you comes by and proves me wrong. Thank you for this public service, please stay retarded

They couldn't have fucked it up more if they tried

Its called Prey

Kill yourself, user.
Go back in time and kill yourself before you made this thread. Delete it from existence.


Cark shards.

I wonder how many preorders they already got

Makes me want to do the raping myself

Don't worry guy, someone started a protest to bring it to PC :^)

At the very least I hope this is set earlier in the wild west than the first red dead redemption was. I wanted to kill some injins.

Well at least we have a heads up to how shit it is going to be.

I hope it never comes to PC.

Oh PCMR, when will you ever learn?

Do you really want to know, user?

So that's just a younger Dutch's gang right? Are they really doing a prequel about character we already saw the end of?

Isn't Xbox planning on letting people play their xbox games on PC sometime?

Doubt it. No Abigail or Javier, who had his big stupid hat way back then.

Aka empty ass bullshit

The first one was empty for the most part, but they had music pop in when you weren't doing anything so it didn't feel all that empty, it felt appropriately western. Hope they don't fuck it up.

What, exactly, do you think was the in the west?

Fuck the wild west, I just want to play liar's dice with people online again

Go play online gambling then.

Get tabletop simulator

It'd have to be I mean RDR was right before WW1

I never liked the old west end at 1912. That feel too late. It should end at 1899, when the last major train robbery happened by the Wild Bunch gang.