A popular skyrim modder was so triggered by Donald Trump he took all of his mods down and replaced them with a message...

A popular skyrim modder was so triggered by Donald Trump he took all of his mods down and replaced them with a message urging people to vote for Hillary

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Here's his mod Civil war overhaul, Dragon Combat overhaul and fire and ice overhaul





Pick one.

What's with this fucking trend of the first response to every other thread being "okay" or "alright" or whatever? Do you not have anything better to say?


what a fag

Do you not havve anything better to post?

Why do people care so much about politics now that it practically dictates everything?

He really doesn't, and this kind of posting is almost as dumb. Scroll past the post or filter by id if it really triggers you.

I'm aware of the irony present in this post.

Because americucks and their lack of artistic and spiritual sensibility, so they need to resort to politics as their last bastion of hope.

It's the current election. Nobody but hardcore political types really foresaw huge changes in their futures based on who won the election. Shit WILL change dramatically in burgerstan based on who wins. Stakes are more obvious.



wtf i hate trump now


For the last time, Hillary has shills which can't disclose their employment relationship with her and Donald Trump has an army of shitposters and racist white nationalists.

i mean you can probably get that mod somewhere else if you take 2 seconds

I wonder what will happen when Trump wins. Will he kill himself?

If I remember correctly from the paid mods fiasco the steam workshop TOS basically says you can't do anything about people uploading your mod without your permission unless you already have your own version on the workshop. Since he took his down, wouldn't it be fair game for somebody else upload it? I want to see this faggot get even more triggered.

Fuck Dragon Combat Overhaul. All it did is break dragon AI for me. Fuckers would flee and just fly straight into the sky for like 5 minutes while still showing up as an enemy on my compass so I couldn't fast travel.

Why do people like this exist?

Because fake world peace allowed their types to breed.

they're extremely average people fighting to stand out

it probably has something to do with oversocialisation, peer pressure and the lack of fighting for survival

What rights do faggots need? I don't live in a first world country/continent but I assume if you can have gay pride parades without anyone batting an eye you've pretty much got all the rights you want

It's that faggot whose descriptions were full of autistic memeshit isn't it?

A lack of conflict creates weak individuals.

Whatever privileges they need to destroy a nation state.

I think the guy is taking the piss out of the Hillary camp, the descriptions of his own mods seemed downright insulting to casuals.
Though this being (((current year))) and all it's equally possible he's a nu-male cuck who wants nuclear war with russia in the name of feminism.

His civil war overhaul was messy but interesting, dco basically made it impossible to fight dragons because they caused uncounterable knockback which you need to do in depth modding just to speed up, their magic breath was even more bullshit as well if I remember correctly.

Basically, it removed fun from the game


Civil War Overhaul makes stormcloaks and imperials do have niggers in their ranks because "diversity" even if it's so fucking pointless and lore breaking, with no option to turn it off. So it's pretty known he's an SJW

Literally this.

And what does a conflict create? Indivuals that are in no way capable of living on a regular society?

Bullshit, by that standard your average Holla Forumstard should be a Nichean superman. and that's accepting that there's actually a conflict deficiency and ignoring all the wars/riots/crime and shit in general that's happening on a daily basis Lack of personal responsibility or any real direction combined with brainwashing education and media leads to these degenerates.

Ain't nobody buttfuckin' this redneck

i just want the united states to disappear from the world, is that so much to ask? fucking shithole has to ruin everything


Ok pussy close your eyes and cover your ears because whatever is going on is all a Holla Forums conspiracy theory anyway

Please achieve CHIM, open your console and use the /wrists command

Niggers don’t matter.
Faggots will all be slaughtered.
Trannies will all be slaughtered.
Of course Fox lies; it’s left-wing.
OWS was kikery.
Yes Women’s Ground; their franchise should be revoked.

Reported for being a liberal.

If we could remove Islam that would be a good gay rights victory. Their beliefs are anti-gay to the point of punishment by death.

Fuck liberals tossing us under the bus for them.

Let’s compromise and kill all muslims and faggots.


all me

Wasn't this guy one of the guys who was the most opposed to paid modding?

All that does is make fighting dragons a fucking goddamned chore. They land? YOU RAGDOLL. They take off? YOU RAGDOLL. They roar? YOU RAGDOLL. And then they just blast you with nearly insta-kill breath attacks while you spend the next 10 fucking seconds getting up because Skyrim has the slowest fucking stand-up animation in the world.

If you want harder dragons, just get Deadly Dragons. They don't attempt to fuck with Dragon AI as much, so they don't fall flat on their fucking faces.

Looks like it all started with someone complaining about the diversity feature in the mod. Apollowdown is the mod author

Civil War Overhaul?! Allow me to laugh! The little bitch was well-known for being a turbo-sperg in the community who was most likely a Goon and plebbitor hybrid.

Sources since OP is a newfriend who doesn't even give a name.

Mod page:

Author page:


What a fucking cuck, too bad most of his mods are mirrored in some russian modding site all-mods.ru/skyrim/

found the deranged queers who think it should be normal to be on a constant dopamine high

pro tip: "conflict" doesn't just mean flinging back and forth mean words or senseless violence

What makes modders such spergs anyways? Even Trainwiz is a massive fucking sperg, he's just one who makes shit that we like and he hates the same people we do.

At least Interesting NPCs is still around, even if its updates are more focused on patching up errors from when the mod authors started than it is on adding new content.

God bless the Russian bear

It's probably because they do a ton of shit for free so they feel entitled to some sort of e-celeb status

If Trump supporters are akin to klansmen in his view, perhaps they ought to present him with a gift of rope.


you've got that mixed up, it's much more simple: it's mostly spergs who become videogame modders

what a free thinking open minded individual

I'm scared of the election's results this time: if Trump wins we're bound to have frogposters shitting up every site they can get their hands on and force those "rare pepes" again, but if he loses then we're gonna get fucked by Hillary's policies.

Just kill me already Pete.

The internet needs an age-gate.

Holla Forums will double down on Pepe no matter the outcome of the election

the true rare pepes were the pepes we made along the way

would he support diversifying Israel with all the races too?

either way, the USA will go under slowly but surely as it has reached its usefulness

the next moneytrain is asia and its african colonies

SJWs can't use direct insults without triggering themselves, so they use passive aggressive shit like this as retorts.

Someone needs to tell him that Hilldawg made $10s of millions just for making speeches for (((wall street)))

Same reason as indie devs. They get high off their own shit and think they're gods because they programmed/scripted a game/mod. Never mind that the market is flooded and accomplishing such things isn't so special anymore.

There are plenty of good modders. You just don't hear about them because they're not screaming like triggered faggots when someone manages to break through the Nexus hugbox and isn't banned upon offering criticism.

If Trump wins, it's going to be four years of a war without end. It's not as if the establishment will pack their bags and go home.

Clinton wins, things will be more exciting for the average Holla Forumsack and /k/ommando as the prospect of nuclear Armageddon + revolution will be almost inevitable by the way things are going right now.

20$chan numales

welp, thats deep user


Only the Imperials and Nords need to be diversified because they're Fucking White Males unlike the already diverse Elves and Redguards.

because their existence is possible

Don't worry about frogposters, the ADL is reclaiming Pepe


I'm nervous no matter who wins, speaking as an indecided voter.

Ok lol

The TES modding community is filled with some absolute fucking faggots. What else is new?

So, how long until someone takes his mods and adds Trump propaganda to it for double the butthurt?


Someone will mod Alduin with a Trump head. Only a matter of time.

Alright, not a nuke but definitely lan troops without any warning or reason. Can't get approval from necessary channels, because that's broadcasting all your plans! God knows that the enemy knowing the country you're landing in and your general targets is the same as them knowing your every tactic, so we can't put that shit to a vote!


Huh. Never took him for such a cuck.

Silly user, first post is always an SJW post. Don't you know we got an infestation of sjws. Like your average women with the clap. This is why you're supposed to take your meds.

It is for me. I can just go back and get beheaded by the cartel if shit goes south here.

On the up side, we won't get fucked by her policies for very long.


I know you're going South user, you didn't need to insult yourself like that.

Bye bye chinchilla.

I can't wait for hillary to win and draft these cucks to go die in the middle east. Im gonna fucking laugh when they realize what war really means when theyre trying to hold their tumblr friends guts in while he cries, begging it to stop.

Hasta luego amigos.

Tienes que volver


GG has immunized me against such mercantilism. Too bad the same can't be said for Furie. Let him struggle in vain.

if they cant call you racist/sexist/bigot. Then they typically just do some passive aggressive shit since they are such huge pussies.

But imageboards pretty much made him famous, what a fucking moot.

Maybe he's getting shekels.


eternal anglo




haven't heard this level of high-tier philosophy in a while

So are these mods actually worth a damn?
I'm interested in the civil war mod to help me with my eternal quest to make Assrim good.

Once again the Russians deal a devastating blow to the insane liberal elite. I am seriously enjoying this.

It's buggy as fuck last I remember, and it's been years. Because of the modder and because it's a Bethesda game.

Well the idea of turning Assrim into a shitty mount & blade/porn game hybrid is out the window then.

It's horrible in the sense that it conflicts with just about any large mod, so you can't use say overhauled cities or such. Shit is also very script intensive iirc so it's likely to cause instability/problems in your game.
the civil war arc is shit anyway

Best joke of XXI century.

As user said, it really is garbage. I felt it was the worst aspect of the game. Besides why give a fuck about the civil war mod when you can just be high king anyways.

Being a defacto couple/in a marriage raises your tax bracket so if you have a unit with only one person working, it's much better to be married. I don't know about murrica but in some states in australia we have civil unions, which are basically marriage without pissing off organized religion.

it's real easy to change all the banners



Get back in your shitty livestream threads you fucking faggot.


I really hope this guy is some kind of sovereign troll, cause it takes a special kind of stupidity and ignorance to do something like that.

Why does it look so dead?

No. What else do I say? I don't give a fuck if some asshat with dreams of popularity takes down their mods because they don't like a flavor of political reptile and wants you to vote for their political reptile.

Point is, no one should give a fuck. It's just some dude whose contributions may be appreciated by some but are ultimately non-essential like all digital or even material things.

Does that answer your question user?

Ignore the thread?

Strokin that epeen fast enough to start a fire, that one

Garbage. Ragdoll whenever the dragon sneezes. Not fun.

It's funny how he then called everyone else casuals for saying they didn't want to be knocked 30-60 feet away every time a dragon lands. Yet it's Skyrim, but that's besides the point. He's a cuck with an ego for mediocre mods

Poor bastard is too blinded by the mere prospect of e-pussy to care about the red flags too

Well having a dick is a big red flag and we all know it gets bigger when you pull it.



You're right, it's probably a dude

If someone has the files I would do it. Fuck it. It'll be funny if it gets any attention.


It amazes me how delusional modfags get. It's like a furry nest except the content producers are like self entitled indie devs.



trump for dank memes and salt he would bring

Thank you for Correcting The Record™©.



false prophet pls go

How do you know, you a college boy or something?

And nothing of value was lost.



Anybody retarded enough to download an Overhaul deserves the shit they get. Modders don't know shit about how to make and package them in a way that isn't fat lip retarded.

The civil war overhaul mod is half finished and completely incompatible with basically anything else. It won't be missed

Brainwashing in action.

Education & Media has these tards bending over backwards to signal they are everything they were told is virtuous when in reality it's all just degenerate & any negative information about it is completely hidden from them. Even if this moron & his entire family were beaten & raped by a BLM terrorist & contracted AIDS while screaming for the police to help he probably still wouldn't wake the fuck up. They're completely dependent upon the dopamine high they get from signaling to other brainwashed idiots.

I will never understand what the fuck happened with this generation of burgers, I guess 9/11 really broke them

Adiós bebé de anclar. Tú eres una desgracia para su país

The only thing this will accomplish are Nexus drones calling him a faggot or just ignoring him altogether.


Create asspain for great amusement.

Apparently, according to the last week's worth of developments, it'd involve destroying Western culture, bringing in more M.E. immigrants fully aware that it would only lead to bad things, banning guns through executive order, and give the Gawker types instant and permanent victory. With a possible but remote splash of re-education policies and ritualistic chicken sacrifice (although I think the last one was meant as a joke personally, but you can never really tell with US pols). Provided that we don't get into some kind of shooting war with Russia before that all happens.

Goes like this.
Step 1: Wtf I hate Bush now, stop the wars
Step 2: These 70s ex-Hippie professors at school hate Bush too, they seem cool
Step 3: Wtf I hate the West
Step 4: Haha I'm a retard ruining things for everyone, such an edgy rebel am I

This is the basic process. In about 20 years he'll teach a class to the next generation like the Hippies did, so hang on to your ass since it's going to get a lot worse.

He has to come back?

Maybe he was one the legal ones?

Wait, I rememeber that cuckold. One of his mods, the Civil War one, had as a "featured" listed added diversity in troops because Nords were too white for the Marxist cockroach.

According to U.S. law an anchor baby is "one of the legal ones"

How about one of the legal legal ones then? The ones that come from a family that actually achieved lawful citizenship. Either way, with the deportation of illegals and the wall to keep them out anchor babies will cease to appear

Really simple, Marxism failed. I mean, yes, it has been a proven failure, as is everything the left does, since the 1960s, but we got a new string of failures in the past 15 years too.

Since Marxism is a religion they cannot accept the fact they are wrong on basically everything, so they go deeper down the rabbit hole.

Try an example. Women in STEM. It's been proven time and again that women in the more patriarchal societies (Middle East et al) go for a STEM degree in greater numbers than women in the West. What's more, it turns out that the more freedom you give women in choosing their occupations, the more they will default to traditional female roles of caretakers and nurses. In Norway they call it the "gender paradox".

Now, imagine you're a leftist. You have brain damage and cannot function in reality, so what do you do when confronted with the fact that women simply won't do what you want them to do when given the "freedom" to chose? What do you do when you realize that there isn't some conspiracy of nerds in STEM that wants to keep women out?

You invent microaggression, a form of racism and sexism so subtle that it can't be detected without proper training in exorcism, one that is an accumulation of a myriad number of simple gestures, phrases, behaviors that only a trained Marxist shaman could possibly decipher.

I will never not giggle at the sheer amount of stupidity from those who thought it up

Not giving a fuck = not replying, not entering the thread, reading one of the hundred other choices.
Replying "ok" is a purposeful passive aggressive reaction.

There's nothing to laugh about. Ridiculous as it might be to normal humans, the leftists actually believe in this nonsense and are perfectly willing to canonize and institutionalize it within Western society. This is basically their attempt to purge STEM of wrongthink and ensure every future STEM graduate is ideologically loyal.

Gassing leftists and their families is actually better than they deserve.

Thread's a non-issue, Skyrim doesn't matter, politics don't matter.


Oh the guy who made Civil War Overhaul that broke your safe game by somehow removing courier from it. It only took him something like 6 months to make it working.

I'm not sure; is this post a pro-bush post? Because Bush was a flaming faggot on the same tier as Obama and Hillary.

But guess what cuck, you and every nihilistic cocksucker out there matters to the politicians.

Seems he got triggered when some users asked why his mod made Nords into niggers in the name of "diversity".

Typical leftist, emotionally immature manchild and thinks anyone gives a fuck he took his shitty toys away.



This isn't Holla Forums.

And Holla Forums isn't welcome here, so take the hint and slither back to your gulag.

Pretty much what I expect from a Skyrim modder. Mod devs are a faggoty bunch already.

Neither Holla Forums nor Holla Forums are welcome here.

And the reason you say skyrim doesn't matter is because this isn't Holla Forums either?

Both politics and Skyrim matter because they are related to the topic of this thread, which is about a skyrim cuck crying because of politics.

Now will you please take a free helicopter ride?

Skyrim doesn't matter because it's shit.

It's to be expected, isn't it? Anyone that puts this much effort into doing it for free seems to have major ego and autism issues. Every mod community I've ever seen is full to the brim with these primadonnas that start drama so people will pay attention to them.

Maybe we should offer him a free helicopter ride?

But user sex mods.

Video games are currently complete shit yet Holla Forums is the second board in activity rankings, with constant discussions about shit games, your point? Learn to argue you fucking cuck.


So why are you in this thread spregging out Holla Forums? You people are like cockroaches.

About the only worthwhile aspect of Bethesda games. I wish someone would start making more modules for OSA already.

a thread had to die for this shit.

Like you'd know about video games, Holla Forums.


And why would I be Holla Forums if I say politics don't matter? You niggers have no logic.


I am sorry, slip of the tongue. I realize the mistake in humanizing them, they might start thinking they actually are human.

Is Holla Forums going to do the same thing when Trump loses?

he looked more attractive before he was trans. this is what soylent green and self hate do to you.


Is this an edit?


You know what to do.

If he hates Trump that much he might as well take them down indefinitely, because I wager he's going to be so goddamned ass-blasted come November 9.



If he was smart he wouldn't deny people their cummies in order to push politics. They do not like that.

That too

Well the only people using these mods to begin with are retards.

>implying Hilary won't win whether a majority voted for her or not

You know he probably wont win right?
This isn't Holla Forums, you don't have to keep up the act.

Nope. Leftists are so far gone they think talking sense is bigoted.


I'm also annoyed as fuck by this. It's a sjw passive aggressive tactic. No one that isn't an asshole would just reply "Alright" or "Ok" or some stupid shit without being a passive aggressive dick. I'd have no problems if they would put some effort into their insult rather than that shit.

Another trend I hate is "kys", it's how I detect when I'm arguing with some dumbass teenager.


Yeah its when they don't have a comeback. Like "I am rubber you are glue"

Being passive-aggressive little bitches is all the left has, well, left. Not like they can actually argue, especially not when the mods aren't doing their work for them and silencing anyone (read: everyone) that is humiliating them.

Go over to Holla Forums and look at the GitS thread. An user triggered a Holla Forums cuck hard and he went completely mental. It was hilarious to watch. 200 posts in the thread are basically all pic related.

Marxists should be chased out of every community they think might welcome them.

Lol its hilarious how just two letters can piss off a sperg so much. Because if you post Ok then they have nothing to cling from to reply back so they chimp out like crazy lol.

"ok" just outs you as a sjw redditor srs or goon, its something someone says when they don't have a downvote button.

I've seen this one before. It's just that the other one was so unironic that it would make more sense for the author to be redpilled and the red skull to be the good guy.


My guess is that it is a cry for help.

What do you think the SJW vs. Redpiller drama has been all along? You think that was sparked by genuinely worried citizens or various political shills reaching for youths and spreading chaos to use as a staging ground for social overhauls? People who think Trump will bring any sort of difference are either idiots or paid shills. And it's disgusting to see how well people even on imageboards such as this are buying into it. Don't know which one disgusts me more, the parasites going for the power-grab or the sheep that play their game.

Nobody here thinks Trump will do much of anything, the whole point of Trump is to move the Overton window. He is a candidate that gained popularity by basically saying America needs to kick the greasy spics out. He is helping to once again normalize nationalism and racial awareness.

Another decade and maybe we'll get to the point where we can hang "neutrals" like you.

That safe zone right smake dab in the middle though…


You too are hiding your own confusion behind terms that obscure the definition of your great enemy so that the hate can be aimed at anybody who just happens to displease you.

This is your brain on fascism.
Just because your masters ain't jews doesn't mean you ain't being a good goy, closet-commie.

Leftists are imbeciles that should not be allowed to waste oxygen.

What purpose would that serve though?



That Holla Forums removes their Skyrim-mods?

Then why did the far-right americania and west in general fight wars that caused the islamists to rise into power in the first place?

That's not what I said, you mentally ill politics-shitter. Just because I say that you have shit for brains doesn't mean I think exceptionally highly of myself. It could be debated how real intellect manifests, but most of those "neutrals" you mentioned are probably much more well in-tune with reality than you are.

Ron Paul stopped trying ages ago and as a result we got his retarded son instead.

why does pc gaming manage to attract the absolute biggest faggots? lmao


Wanna know how I know you're retarded? (Aside from "muh horseshoe" fuckery)

what the fuck do unix signals have to do with this?

Because nobody imagined you leftists were so monumentally retarded to actually invite them into white lands. Normal humans simply couldn't conceive a group of people could be this stupid.

Also, your historical revisionism isn't fooling anyone cuckold. The West is not responsible for the rise of fundamentalism in the Middle East, it's where they have been heading ever since the 14th century.

The Islamic world is a fucking mess and has been for centuries, I think this was just a case of the government at the time being ignorant of how fucked things are out there, and thinking you can solve decades of infighting and tribal conflicts with enough GBU-28s (and, technically, you can but they cheaped out and didn't use nearly enough munitions, it seems).

Everyone and everything should be objectified.
Death to puritans!!!

Bush and co. are literally far-right, you fucking idiots. Just because they used nationalism as a tool doesn't mean they were actually leftists.

You are making pretty hefty assumptions about my political alignments there, dumbass.

Fucking kek.
Mr. Dunning and Mr. Kruger would like a word with you.

i don't understand this "wtf i now".

I am seeing this more and more randomly.

Signals intelligence, not signal interrupt

There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism, one is an appeal to culture and the other one is an appeal to ethnicity. For example saying that you love being American makes you a patriotic American but it doesn't make you nationalistic.

Did they speak out against the Jews? Do they believe in race realism?

You do realize Bush was the one that introduced "No Child Left Behind", right, you dumb leftist vermin? How about Blair and his support of mass immigration?

Everyone can smell the revolting stench of kikery on you.

It's called a "meme"

Get with the times, gramps.

Surely this is what is going to stump the Trump for good!

but sending white goys to die for israel, the banks and the military-industrial complex (all owned and lead by high-ranking jews) is totally right-wing nazi policy goyim!!!!!1


I said Bush used nationalism as a tool. Read before responding.

Oh, also, eliminating Saddam and destabilizing Syria can be seen as one of the major events allowing ISIS to rise. Afganistan was on its way to become a communist nation, but thanks to help of CIA etc. the brave Mujahideen fighters managed to establish a fundamentalist islamist hellhole there. Same goes for Iran, on its way to be an independent relatively secular nation, but because "muh oil" it was derailed by the West, allowing the islamist revolution to take over.

Mass immigration means worse conditions for the people, more crowded employment markets, meaning more leverage for the employees to set up anti-worker practices. Pro-immigration is as right-wing as it gets and the "leftists" speaking for it are the useful idiots of modern day. Why do you think the class differences have been rising despite being in ah-so-leftist society?

But he's been stumped for a while. He's losing every poll to Hillary along with all the debates. It is over.

That second picture is unironically triggering me. What is this fuckers home address?

Don't you have sliding on Holla Forums to do? Reminder that your handlers despise you and laugh about how pathetic you are


Why the fuck would he do that? He has no interest in fighting anybody but the sandniggers that are quite literally on a Jihad against America.

What the fuck am I reading? Are you retarded? Communism and Fascism differ in their views so greatly that it's not even fucking funny to pretend they are similar.

What really gets me is that with this move he is basically making everyone angry, not at Trump supporters, but at himself for being such a bitch.

Can't wait for the election results to see him go full autism. Hell, can't wait for most of the left to lose their shit and chimp out everywhere when it happens.

You are genuinely retarded. We are done.

Because leftists are busy distracting the white majority by accusing them of everything under the sun, and all the while they and their ZOG allies are flooding the lands with subhumans that suck up resources and force the white majority to work harder, longer and pay more taxes to keep the system going.

You're done here, go tuck your wife's son to bed.


If the triggered cunt had destroyed his grandfather's old meat mincer (because vegetarianism or some shit), would you be as triggered? I doubt. Why do guns hold such special place for you? They are just tools, relatively easy ones to replace.

As one of those victim groups I am willing to accept my death for a greater future. That is what a man does. He sacrifices for a better tomorrow even if he won't be the one to live it.

Bush never even pretended to be nationalist. As another user already said, you're confusing patriotism with nationalism. Probably because you don't actually know what half of the fucking phrases you're spewing actually mean. Don't worry, I'm sure your friends on Reddit think you're smart.

The (((left))) gives as many fucks about flattening out the class system as the (((right))) gives about the wellbeing of the nation.

They are shitty labels, yes. But people seem to use them so I guess I should too.

Give your argument how flooding the employee market with uneducated foreigners that bend over and don't care about basic workers' rights are going to result in an outcome that suits leftist values?

I doubt you even know what leftist values are.

Fascism answers to question "how". Communism answers to question "what".
You look up some of the better definitions of fascism and you should realize that they can be quite easily applied to any fanatical ideology, including SJWs.

Everything is objectified. It is just SJW who only consider women to be objectified.

Also may I take a moment to say it is extremely idiotic to say sexualization is objectification. For many reasons.

communism is fascism

What, you wanted him to go full-isolationist on the world to be defined as a nationalist?


Good thing this thread was already shit. Otherwise, I would maybe feel a little bad about the demon which was summoned here.

Give me proof that he doesn't want to MAGA. Something big, not him saying "I'm Israel's greatest ally :^)" but something as big as Hillary's shit, bring me proof of him taking bribes or giving paid speeches, of him funding terrorist organizations or wanting a nuclear war with Russia.

I can certainly give you stuff about that on Hillary.

How about no? Facism is an adaptive ideology that takes authoritarianism to reset the culture away from suicide.

Communism is a Utopian ideology that convinces everyone they deserve equal treatment and that the government will give them it. Fascism doesn't say everyone is equal or that everyone deserves the same. It says some people need to be killed and others need to learn their goddamn place in the world before they fuck up everything for everyone.

Communism is your mother telling you to share. Fascism is your father telling you to stop being a pussy and go get your candy back off that bully or he's going to kick your ass.

Sure, but what else has the left got to argue with than screaming about the evils of capitalism? Telling their millenial converts it's the fault of Western society their women's studies degree has them working at Starbucks for minimum wage is all they have left, besides shouting ad hominems at the opponents and hoping it works.

Even that line was discredited when it came to light what horrors Russia, China, Korea, Cambodia et al turned into under the stewardship of applied Marxism.

Objectification is a made up concept, like all the shit the left talks about. Me not having the energy to give a flying fuck about the cashier and what his thoughts might be isn't me dehumanizing him and treating him like an object, it's just me being human and having only so much capacity for empathy.

Humans are objects, they're not concepts, they're not ideas. I can physically touch a human and hence they are objects.

Next level that shit. Don't deny their shit, confirm it and point out it's perfectly right.

Fucking idiot. It can just as easily (and probably will) destroy/reform the old culture. The old culture wasn't formed under a totalitarian ideology, once the secret police starts killing people and government takes over private businesses, people are going to start romanticizing the good old days, and that's when the history rewriting happens.

Get fucked, closet-commie nazi. Your kind is nearly the worst thing that can happen to any society.

He just, by definition, wasn't a fucking nationalist, dumbass. I know the meanings of words don't matter to leftists, but damn.

But user, you seem to be forgetting something. That wasn't real communism.:^)

You misunderstand what objectification is supposed to be about. It's not acknowledging that humans are indeed physical and have a physical presence in the world, it's the accusation that you are dehumanizing a given individual or group of people and treating them as objects to be used for your convenience.

Take my previous cashier example. Me not commiserating with the cashier and wondering what he is feeling and how his day went is me "objectifying" him, because I'm not properly acknowledging him as an individual and merely viewing him as a cashier and classifying him according to his role/purpose.

Same with women. Under the idiocy of objectification the left accuses men of viewing all women as walking onaholes that can be abused and ridiculed at will.

It's bullshit, don't play along.

Well, you're right. There's 7 billion goyim on the planet, I'm sure they'll get it right eventually, they have bodies to spare after all.

>He will never move out of the bullpen more like cuckpen amirite?

What did the faggot chop up the hatchet with?
A hammer and sickle?
What did the faggot chop up the hammer and sickle with.
A bundle of sticks.
What did the faggot chop the bundle of sticks with.

Just look at china and it's rampant decimation of culture when Mao came into power.

the reason people get married is to make family and raise kids.
Thats why you got different taxation, so it can help you provide for the children, not to buy your aids medications and lube

Reminder that I said that Bush used nationalism as a tool.
And no, I think you don't understand what nationalism is. Bush used nationalist ideas to justify all kinds of shit. How doesn't "You are either with us or you are against us"-mentality reek of nationalism to you?

Bush saw western coalition as an extension of American culture, which it kinda is.

I want to hear what kind of actions USA should take to be your dream nationalist utopia. How would a true nationalist handled the post-2001 situation different from Bush?

If "you're either with us or against us" is the defining feature of nationalism, then communists and globalists and capitalists and fascists and socialists and SJWs and Jews and Zionists and muslims and so on are all nationalists.

Guess every politician of all time has been a rabid nationalist.

The Canadians said you could move there.


He can go where all the gold reserves used to be

Shouldn't you be busy shooting prescription heroin and fucking your dog? :^)

Yeah, it's almost like all totalitarian nations have some sort of tendency to rewrite the history to suit their needs. Rewriting of history just happens when rulers need an absolute ideology to rule over all else. The contradicting parts need to be removed, some inspiring stuff needs to be added to support the current regime. And technically, even commies didn't erase their history, they just wrote a new chapter into it while tweaking the old rule to look more evil.

No, some of the few decent ones in history have utilized these mysterious arts known as problem solving and negotiations, instead of jumping straight into extermination.

Sorry, but I've got to go give my house, savings, earnings, wife, and internal organs away to some rabid shitskin.

He can go back into the sea. I don't want any disgusting mongrels ruining this glorious landscape any further than the natives had.

Wasn't the Patrols Mod better?

So the trashmaker who made the most broken mods for Skyrim removed his shits?

How is that a bad thing?

I'm guessing you're from /liberty/, and also that you take Holla Forums shitposting 100% seriously. Good chance you have fucking schizophrenia, too.

It's not. It's just hilarious that in his attempt to piss off the mean racists he ended up making a tool of himself.

When you are a modder having a spregout only really works when you are immensely popular and people tolerate your idiosyncrasies. Even the reddit cuckolds are mocking him. My guess is that he'll ragequit entirely soon.

Nah, I am not gonna let them use "it's just a joke" as a shield. Good portion of them are genuine about it. Nationalism shouldn't be a thing anywhere beyond the scope of organizational issues. In practice, to most mainstream shitters nationalism is just a loophole to feel unwarranted pride without actually contributing to society.