Thread for people who bought into the linux Holla Forums meme. Let's commiserate about our nogaems.
Linux gaming
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Really the only great title I know we have is Witcher 2 and Rust. I just picked up Linux on my home machine because Windows 8 was awful.
I have a Windows gaymen PC that runs nothing but vidya and I do everything else on guhnoo+linux laptop
I'm a diehard Linux user.
That said, fuck gaming on Linux. I go so far as to emulate Windows and pass-through a GPU to avoid the steam4linux meme.
How hard is Dual-booting for you fags?
I boot into my windows 7 partition if I want to play a game that can't run (well enough) through Wine or Natively and use Linux for everything else.
Step it up.
Dual booting is incredibly easy, though I prefer not to do it.
No one plays Linux games? I know it's limited, but I thought with Vulkan around the corner it wouldn't be so empty. SteamOS support has been a godsend.
I tried it once, found that whenever I wanted to play vidya, afterwards I'd just stick on the windows partition because I don't do much else of worth on my machine besides shitposting on here.
It didn't last long before I went back to windows 7.
Sky Rogue, nigger. I'm going to do it 4free until every one with even a tiny bit of interest in arcade flight combat buys it. It's $10, with the ability to make fully custom planes and custom missions. I just wish it was DRM free.
What can I say? I'm a tri-hard.
Just saw the video, looks interesting. Did I see multiplayer?
I was about to call you a faggot, but I had a giggle, so you're alright.
I think you have the meme backwards
At least Linux has a solid collection of emulators available. And since most new games are shit anyway, it's surprisingly suitable for my gaming needs. The only thing I've rebooted into Windows for this year was Earth Defense Force.
That image hurts my eyes, how many times was that compressed?
You know what's up
Between the quality of that image and the content of your post, you need to kill yourself
Yes, but currently splitscreen co-op only, as far as I'm aware. The game is Early Access but it's really well polished and I've been able to use basically everything except the wheel axis of my G920 to control the planes with.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Fuck off, autist.
GPU Passthrough is a scam, do not believe the lies.
I'll bite. Care to elaborate?
This pasta is stale ! I accept only aldente
It's not a scam, it just requires specific hardware and is absurdly difficult to set up. And most installers don't put the bootloader in the right location in the EFI partition ("/efi/boot/bootx64.efi", why is this so hard?! what compels them to use "/efi/grub/" or "/efi/microsoft/" or whatever?!). And also every time I power down this computer, when I turn it back on it starts using the discrete card again and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del, which makes it switch back to the onboard card for some reason. Usually.
I mean, I could see "more trouble than it's worth" (easily), but a scam?
It takes some setting up beyond clicking next a few times so most people that are new to GNU/Linux and have no idea what to do in a terminal can't get it to work.
There are many videos on youtube showing it working well and it's constantly getting easier to do. Since there's no real combined effort to make it easy to use for beginners it'll take awhile before it installs and runs in a few clicks, maybe by the end of 2017.
It takes some setting up beyond clicking next a few times so most people that are new to GNU/Linux and have no idea what to do in a terminal can't get it to work.
There are many videos on youtube showing it working well and it's constantly getting easier to do. Since there's no real combined effort to make it easy to use for beginners it'll take awhile before it installs and runs in a few clicks, maybe by the end of 2017.
More trouble than it's worth describes it perfectly. The kind of newer games that you can't get to run in Wine are typically not worth playing anyways.
Truly an epic meme, Bill.
Been playing 'The Dark Mod' on my Linux box the past couple days. Graphically, it looks too similar to Oblivion for my liking; it's a fun game though; definitely one of the best F/OSS games atm.
What's the game like?
It's basically modeled after Theif 2 in terms of game play. I think it's built on the Doom 3 engine, and there are already dozens of missions made for it.
*Thief 2
I've been collecting some native ports for Zen+Vega gaymen loonix pc. I've got the Metro games in Russian, very hyped to see how they play, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is my fucking shit. Also got the Overlord games, used to have them on (((Steam))) but never finished them. Gonna get Dying Light, Shadow of Mordor and Quake 4 since some user was defending a while ago.
Shadow of Mordor is very repetitive after a while, but I had a blast with Dying Light. The multi is completely broken for me though. I've emailed the devs and they emailed me back, but I never heard anything after that.
Whoa, that's a good sign.
Pro tip about enjoying Dying Light though is to not sleep when it gets dark. 99% of the fun is to be had at night time.
I can't fucking wait nigga
pro tip about dying light - its a piece of shit
last boss is a QTE
the other 2/3 bosses are fought without the gear youve been collecting. you use white items that degrade to almost no damage in 5 hits and only get a couple of them for the fight
limited melee weapon repairs (the repair reset survivors never fucking show up)
ranged is mostly useless for Zs because ammo reserves and cost
cheese to win everything - camo + neck snap is ridiculously OP
virals run faster than you
hope you like the lockpicking minigame
legendary drop rate is on par with wow rare mounts
also i hope you picked ground pound or youll be spending an hour kiting a boss doing next to no damage
also i hope you dont want to keep playing after the story unless you want to NG+
and if you forget that, your checkpoint only save is forever stuck in a boss battle locked from the open world
TL;DR its as broken and marginally less shit than dead island was but at least you can do sick extreme walking on things
the DL shills really need to fuck off because theres usually no criticism of this shit game here
t. 120+ hours sperg
Every game that I've wanted to play recently has been native to Ganoolincucks. I haven't booted into windows for months.
You come into a Linux thread to bash one of the better titles we have? Are you dumb? You can do this nitpicky bullshit with any game.
Which games are you playing now?
RimWorld, Pulsar, and Morrowind using OpenMW recently.
It's also worth mentioning that my Windows partition can't even boot properly and be able to play games at the same time, due to horrendous programming by MS. To be able to make my graphics card driver function, I need to install a specific update which also has the side of effect of making windows completely crash and restart after loading the log-in screen- but only if you have a second operating system installed.
Eat a fat niggerdick MS.
Still, OP is a faggot for not starting the thread with some linux games, if you like arcade-like games with less/none interruptions, linux gaming is great.
This is why I never bothered putting a second partition. I've heard of too many horror stories.
This is why I'd only use a dedicated shit hard drive if I ever needed windows. Thankfully, I haven't for a while.
Even macfags have more games than you.
It's a prehistoric Holla Forums meme, so there's really no way of telling.
I remember it, unfortunately.
well m e m e d
Linux is great for games if you like very specififc genres (i.e. roguelikes)
You can play roguelikes on literally anything. (traditional ones, not these modern action games with roguelike elements) I had an early 90s pc as a kid that I played nethack on (badly).
My Windows partition is on a completely separate hard drive than my Linux partition. It doesn't matter. Microsoft's pajeetcode is actually THAT bad.
But whats the point of the Linux meme kernel when Bash+GCC core utils+Apt-get have been officially ported to Windows?
you have to use cd ~/Windows/System32 in being able to use bash?
Naw, when you open an administrator command prompt it automatically redirects you to system32. I could still run it as a non-admin from my user directory just fine
Linux is great for programming.
Linux is complete shit for gaming.
Holy shit, this is next level pajeet code.
Are you retarded?
Is shit.
Is shit, but hard to replace.
Shit again.
That's not portage.
And there's still *BSD if you don't like the Linux kernel.
No, I'm not, in fact, I like using a kernel with some level of novel design that, in fact, revived computer industry kernel research.
Are you not retarded or are you only capable of argument by assertion like every freetard in these threads?
Linux without GNU is useless, there are no alternative userlands for the Linux kernel besides the Android Operating System. Now the Windows NT kernel has the Windows Shell and the GNU core utils
I'm working on a 3D game for Linux…
Just hang in there, guys.
Okay, I'll bite. What's so special about the Research Kernel? Why is this somehow a reinvigoration to kernel research?
NT was the first kernel to do a hybrid/microkernel correctly. Years before OSX became a thing. Thats just one example
Windows is 2 decades behind in package management and will never be able to catch up, that's a good enough reason to stick with a meme kernel. Especially if you like using beta software with new features.
It'll never be able to update all the programs at once and instead has 'update checker' programs that run at startup or every time you run the program slowing everything down. The amount of fine tuning and optimizing that is required to get Windows working well becomes worse with every new version or update.
i like not getting assrammed by micro$oft, and most games I'm interested in gets ported anyway. Switched about a year ago and, I gotta say, I'm not regretting it at all.
I switched to Ubuntu MATE recently to try it out.
It's actually pretty awesome.
I really wish I could just use it as my full time machine but the lack of game and ZBrush support really kills it for me.
no problems with QEMU + KVM + pcie passthrough
does that even count since it's just running Windows virtualized with actual GPU hardware?
Of course it counts. Emulators/DOSgames/etc count for windows, no?
The moment someone packages video passthrough in a .exe so that filthy casuals can do it, is the moment windows is ded.
Ok then that's that. Whatever doesn't work in WINE works virtualized with hardware passthrough (my VM is Windows 7 Pro).
Slackware 14.2
So tell me, how does this GPU Passthrough work and will it ever be friendly enough for a filthy casual like me who doesn't have the time or inclination to learn the Linux runes?
go into your bios
if you cant do that dont bother breathing
Here's a starting point in vidembed.
Too bad the guy making the vids got fired for embezzling I think.
Still a good way to get the basics and see what you might need
KVM is the kernel module that i think is compiled into most default kernels of the major distros. QEMU is the software that you create the VM and run Windows inside.
What meant here is that you should enable virtualization in your BIOS (eg, Intel VT-x)
Dying Light was pretty fun, in spite of it's flaws I didn't know it was on Loonix. I played it on PS4
That's kind of the point you faggot.
You most not have played at nighttime. Shooting Volatiles is one of the easiest ways to kill them. Half the fun is attracted the attention of other Virals and Volatiles when you do. Or did you just never play at night?
As an addendum, you might need IOMMU for full hardware "passthru," which Intel calls VT-d (different from VT-x), but I dunno what AMD calls it. I just use straight Windows so I dunno if IOMMU is strictly necessary.
Sounds like I'd best find a book and explains this in detail.
Yeah, but GNU distros created package managers out of necessity because it was nearly impossibly to find programs for it. Windows didn't need a package manager because by the time the internet became mainstream everyone had Windows NT that could run native Win32 apps, MS-DOS apps, and OS/2 apps. And today Windows can even run native 64-bit GNU/Linux applications as well
If you like infecting your computer with Windows Genuine Malware that's your prerogative.
Windows 10
> 'Windows Store' in the start menu Buy some of our quality apps goy
But at least IT JUST WORKS with all the vidya, right?
That's a lie that the developers keep perpetuating for some reason. It does eventually get fraggled. Otherwise how do you explain them relenting and making an actual defrag tool?:
That is an edge case which only happens when you fill a hard near maximum.
The way NTFS manages files is like how you'd imagine writing a book. Each file is placed immediately after the previous file. But what happens when the previous file is edited and becomes bigger? The first file becomes fragmented, and the fragment is placed after the second file.
The way ext* manages files is much more logical. The first file is placed at the beginning of the 'page', but the second is placed in the middle of the 'page'. This way, if you edit the first or second file, neither is going to affect each other in the slightest. Where does the third file go? Halfway between the first and second. And etc. This makes file fragmentation essentially never happen- unless your hard drive is so full that there is no 'wiggle room' left. So if you are dealing with hard drives that are something like 95% full and more, defragging might be helpful, but for any other case it is entirely unnecessary.
I'm familiar with the concept of tail packing (NTFS does it if you enable compression, on top of using actual compression; additionally, small files can be placed in the MFT). I'm just saying that the ext devs were in denial about fragmentation for years, and only relented fairly recently, but still consider its use exceptional.
It's a worthless time waste maintaining two OS when one completely suffices.
I use Linux too, but inside a virtual machine on Windows 7. Dual-booting is pre-1999-tier computing.
Like any cylinder group based filesystem Ext4 deliberately divides files into 8 MB fragments on purpose. No parroting image board user understands why and how and it's a waste of time to explain it, because nobody here is able to comprehend an explanation.
Only so much: It's done for multi-user performance reasons. This is also one of the reasons, why Linux performs bad on desktops.
So please stop the "denial" bullshit, if you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Get a load of this guy.
gentoo is my favorite text adventure running on the Linux kernel
I can play a whole bunch of Windows games like Anno 1404, Stalker and Ys perfectly in wine and my huge backlog of DOS and console games prevents me from caring about native Linux Steam.
Console games run FreeBSD.
8MB if you use 1KB block sizes, which isn't always true. It's also not even the biggest reason for performance drain; the whole goddamn system grinds to a halt if it's spending a lot of time on disk access, which is only incidentally relevant to filesystem type. Waste of time to explain indeed.
I use ubuntu on my laptop for school but I mostly just sit in the back of the class and play neo-scavenger or civ 3. Other than that I've played stalker on it without any issues.
The only reason I have windows on my desktop is because i'm a lazy nigger that can't be bothered to uproot years of bullshit programs.
Linux is optimized for multi-user server throughput (MB/s), which is the exact opposite of single-user desktop throughput (low latency).
Linux is by design a bad desktop system.
Ext4/XFS is great at delivering the maximum throughput to hundreds of users by deliberately fragmenting files and fairly sharing I/O bandwidth between them.
It sucks at quickly booting a single user desktop from a hard drive for exact the same reason.
Only the PS4 does and maybe the Wii U, but the Xbone is #WIN10FAM
The PS3 does too.
That runs Linux.
botnet cuck
are you sure
Windows is by design a shitty pajeet operating system since it doesn't have a package manager. I don't see how people can still use that shit apart from people who need win-only release games.
Actually, it's GNU slash Linux
anybody know that feel?
reported for intl
have fun being a nigger with a micropenis
Start living any time bro.
windows store is pretty shitty m8
not like there's anything there other than the new forza either
funny, one of the reasons I completely gave up on Windows 7 was NTFS being a huge fuckass slowing down and occassionally locking up the sytem for a split second
I haven't had that problem with ext4 yet
I installed super tux cart the other day. I regret everything.
please only engage in subjects you know about
It's my time to shine!
so tell me, is recompiling the kernel with "-march=native", BFQ and BFS rice?
Gaming on Linux is a joke. Although while WINE is still a shitty piece of garbage and PlanOnLinux is useless bloatware, it's getting better every day.
I hope Linux gets better gaming support soon so I can fully move over. As it is I plan to buy a whole new computer just for Linux because my current computer is not PCI-passthrough friendly. I should say "I couldn't fucking be bothered with the 10 page essay on getting it to work"
I have Windows 7, 8.1, Mint 18 and OS X Yosemite on my desktop.
The exact same games that run fine on Windows run like shit on OS X and Linux, perfect 60fps most of the time but with incessant dips and stutters.
I don't really understand the package manager. Why is there no install files like .exe from windows?
there is .deb, .rpm (inferior), appimages and soon snapimages.
I dont know why the appimages are more widespread since it just werks.
You have to go back, cuckchan faggots.
I use linux mint on my laptop and a gutted version of windows 7 on a htpc in the living room to stream from when i need to run windows games, and honestly, i haven't all that often.
The meme OS thing is a funny shitpost joke I started to shitpost with. You're using my intellectual property right now.
I first wrote this funny shitpost idea in LibreOffice.
So yeah - You're using my shitpost idea without my permission? Get down and lick my soles loser.
Contributed code to the Linux kernel.
Should know enough after 20 years.
Does your dad work for nintendo?
not really, under ubintu or anything based on debian it's easy as fuck. but on the other hand it needs specific hardware and powerfull CPU. I've tried it for a while but since most of my favourite games have native linux ports or run quite good by WINE now I'll only use linux. (BTW AMDGPU-PRO is still shit and I hate it so fucking much)
Stardew Valley is good, Hotline Miami as well
also have some useful shit
That's still using Windows.
I seriously hope you mean Linux and *BSD.
I believe this is true, as they released the source for major components. See this link:
It's sad to see this happening at a place like Holla Forums but I shouldn't be surprised considering we had many people actually preordering Fallout 3 too.
Your greentext doesn't even paraphrase what I'm saying.
Im sorry user
Year of the linux desktop never ever
It's been the year of my Linux desktop for a while, though. I am very happy with it.
>What is vulkan and Steam?
Man, you cuckchan faggots are getting obnoxious.
Looks like it's time for you to go back
We will build a HUGE wall and $20buckchan will pay for it
Macfags do have more games than you. It's objectively true.
And many of these gaymes are casual shit, nigger.
Steam said this year that the number of its linux users decreased
I'm using Mint XFCE (Soon switching to Manjaro), stop being a fucking faggot about Linux and trying to evangelize your shit. Why don't you try to help people who are willing to make the switch with reading material and tips instead of being such a gigantic fag?
We all know Microsoft's shit and why we use Linux. Just let the fags use what they want.
It's just an increasing userbase and macfags jumping ship after apple did everything in their power to make OSX useless for games.
Try some other "ubuntu flavors" with different Desktop Environments so you can pick one you like the most.
is a very nice balance between lightweight RAM usage and Eye Candy
Those are very good DE's with light as fuck RAM usage
More Windows-like, with lots of eye candy and effects, but uses more ram
A chinese DE, which looks pretty amazing and useful if you hace a touchscreen
If you're a macfag, try it.
mint is so ugly though, how do you stand it
I like unity. I just use it because I haven't found a dock I like as much (plus quicklinks) and because I like globalmenu
Desktop environments are bloat. My desktop is literally just a 1920*1080 black box. It's glorious.
Mint XFCE is bearable at least, and Cinnamon, although being slow and buggy as fuck, had some nice themes.
As soon as I get more experienced on Loonix, I'll make the switch to Manjaro XFCE/LXQt or something like that. Budgie looks neat as well
You can also try the KDE versions, they're more modern and easier in the eyes. Takes about a half hour or so to get gud at browsing around since it's a bit different than what you may be used to.
Nobody needs desktop icons or any of that shit.
i3 is nice, but I prefer Plasma 5's convenience over doing lots of googling and tickering in config files for multiple programs to get the features I want.
Though let me add, a distro coming with a preconfigered i3 setup and some program making it easy to manage settings for the multiple programs needed would be pretty great.
tiling WMs are for laptops only
Maybe I'll try that someday, user.
Why would you think that? Switching windows is much easier since you have multiple workspaces/tags and everything is automatically resized.
I'm calling bullshit
Speaking of which, are there any good tiling wms that use tags other than dwm?
tried running DaS1 on Leenucks in wine-staging
deleted linux after that
like I said, you need to do it with KVM + QEMU and a Windows VM using IOMMU passthrough of the GPU
you'll need an Intel CPU with VT-d or i dunno what for AMD
git gud faggot
or just use windows, lel
git gud fag
that's why there will be never a year of leenucks desktop
hurr hurr wtf are you even talking about? I get that the KVM + QEMU path requires you have a non-shit CPU and the ability to run a VM (which if you're posting here you should, or gtfo troll). There's no excuse for being so retarded you can't install and run most shit with WINE
He means that the mentality of gitting gud and not offering easy, simple solutions to everything for grammama to click on means that linux will never get mainstream appeal.
I sure hope so. Look what happened to vidya after it got mainstream appeal.
why should i use console, if there are nice GUI solutions?
i admit that PoL is a shitty GUI tho, maybe i should have pirated Crossover.
but oh well, it's still running at 5 FPS in wine-staging, and GPU passthrough is available to what,
I know what he means, but intelligence is mainstream now. Fuck the dumb. The retards that require spoonfeeding and do not enjoy learning are going extinct.
Also pretty fucking fast. I have it on an Intel 940 chipset and it still runs quick.
false dichotomy
sounds like your video driver isn't installed
>GPU passthrough is available to what,
< 5% of users
Nope, you just need a processor that's somewhat new. Even older office workstations probably have the hardware passthrough feature tho.
My i5 from about 5 years ago is still beastly, but since it's OC'able it doesn't have the VT-d feature enabled, so thanks for that Intel-aviv.
it was
latest nvidia-370
actually it's strange, i remember DaS2 working nicely on my older AMD card
oh poor user, i had the same chipset for a while, i understand your pain
it's an argument to the fact that linux will never be relevant outside of old notebooks and servers
What's the program that gives you that computer information at the side?
oh no I was just saying it was ugly, I'm on Arch w/ i3. I couldn't stand the look of xfce / mint / cinnamon that I switched to Debian / i3 within a day and then to Arch the day after
it's conky i think
Anyone can easily install Linux at any time, but they don't for the same reason I got rid of my dual boot: Linux is fucking shit for games. Period. I should also mention it's extremely easy to pirate Windows 7 for games. Console wars are more understandable than this shit because you can't download a console for free. You people are fucking insufferable.
i agree tho
linux should be nice for working computer, or for people who only play dota
not for games tho
Check WineHQ (
She's certainly a refined semen demon
For Intel chips VT-x is old sure. VT-d is newer and what you need to do what I've mentioned. Linux/BSD are relevant on desktops/laptops now if you have the right hardware (no clue what AMD parts do IOMMU)
at this point you're engaged in a non-argument. as has been explained throughout this thread the solution is KVM + QEMU and just run Windows in a VM with GPU passthrough for 100% compatibility with Windows games.
Then you have the best of both worlds, and the benefit of Microsoft not having complete access to all your hardware.
btw, what stage has that come to? I mean has it gotten any easier to set up in the pass months? Is a solution where you only need one GPU in sight?
works fine for me on a i5-6600k
yes if you can deal with kernel modules and install software in linux it's pretty easy
You could maybe rig something like that using a virtual framebuffer X server and some RDP like VNC… That might be kinda fucky though since you'd then be using remote desktop to access the hypervisor (your main linux install) through the VM. The reason the hardware passthrough works well with the skylake i5s and i7s is that they have built-in GPU and VT-d extension. Since this is Holla Forums the assumption is you also have a 2nd discrete GPU(s) in a pcie slot(s).
Last time I ended up dualbooting I accidently wiped one of my partitions, nearly deleted everything on my Windows 7 partition, and had to delete Mint to be able to be able to use my computer again.
Now I just use two separate computers.
You don't get out much, do you?
Switched back to Linux again because I am a beaten spouse that keeps trying to play vidya on Linux. This time it was because all I did was play Space Station 13 instead of other shit and I had been able to wine SS13 with no problems.
However as of late wine and Byond dont want to work together anymore and I end up with this shit. If someone were to help me figure out why this didn't work and how to make it work I will go back once again instead of moving over to pirated 7 when shit gets all fucked.
You can also set your virtual hard drive and network connection to use the more efficient "virtio" interface rather than IDE or whatever, although if you're creating a Windows VM it takes an extra step:
I tried doing that but for whatever reason my pirated windows isos wouldnt work and for whatever reason VirtIOSCSI wouldnt show up
Why? Do you even read those?
All this place is good for is bitching about SJW's and whining about how the industry's on its death knell.
You're a goddamn mongloid, stop using Linux.
Linux isn't bad for games though, you just suck at using computers.
I commented that line out of my i3 config. Who do you think you're responding to?
what's your favorite data array then, faggotron?
not true unless your laptop is a pentium 2 with 64MBs of ram for some fucking reason
forgot the broken xorg server and a random kernel panic
And if you say "j-just use VM", well, you're not actually using Linux anymore, do you. You're using a different OS in a virtual machine. And passthrough is fucked on 99% of hardware and either requires actual GPU altering for nvidia or is a complete unstable mess for amd
A) I don't want to play CURRENT_GEN_SHOOTAN_REHASH_#8357918375182975 that requires Windows.
B) Most games that I do want are in fact on Linux. Shocking, I know, but true.
C) I can deploy to any platform from my Linux machine, the tools are constantly getting better, and have better licensing structures, generally. I refuse to pay a 5% royalty to UE4's chinese goons to use their engine, out of principle.
D) Linux is just comfier and I can configure my OS to my needs infinitely more than windows.
Sure if you are developing CURRENT_GEN_REHASH_13571_UNREAL_EDITION you get pigeonholed into Windows. But I'd wager that isn't most of us here. Linux offers so much to indie devs that it's just stupid not to even consider it.
personally i find the 5% royalty to epic games acceptable and fair
It doesn't necessarily respect all your freedoms, but chances are that 5% is less than the time and effort plus skilled personnel with an upfront investment for making a game engine as good, and when you're their customer you have access to the source so you know it's not botnet
Of course, not having to pay anything would best but they aren't doing anything wrong either
Name one worthwhile game that uses any of that shit.
you know what i want to see this too
wait, fuck.
Just Cause 2
I actually had trouble getting Windows to work too. It turned out that my Windows ISO only worked with BIOS, not UEFI. None of my efforts to fix it by hand worked. Eventually I broke down and made a BIOS-based Windows VM so I could use Rufus to create a UEFI-bootable Windows installation "thumb drive" (raw IMG file) from a copy of the ISO.
Not an elegant solution, but it worked.
gnu/linux has an alternative called unetbootin which is available on windows too
GRUB4DOS, Firadisk, chainboot the ISO.
I have a thumbdrive with several installation mediums, including Windows 8.1, in ISO form. I can choose one from the Grub prompt. It even has a RAM test and disk cleaner.
Seems like you just want to have an argument. Like writing an application in managed code and you saying "you're not actually using the OS anymore you're using a virtual machine".
Cars come in a lot of varieties that provide solutions for different scenarios at a range of costs. Just because you want to go fast and can't afford a sports car doesn't mean sports cars aren't a viable solution to going fast.
No help at all?
enable/disable desktop composition?
I am gonna test this using an extra linux laptop, is that under Configure Wine in POL?
I heard from an user in the ss13 general that version 1.6 of wine works with ss13, but new versions of wine wont. You'll have to set up an instance of wine for the older version and try it out.
you're actually retarded aren't you?
I wish the Holla Forums archive would work so I can go back and see what he did. I tried 1.7.20 since that is what was on the listing for the program.
The user was running Mint and showed the installed version of wine was 1.6, if you have POL just install the older version of wine and create a new virtual drive for it.
I like Age of Empires, TESV, Fallout 4, Rapelay, and Elite:Dangerous.
And the cycle continues unbroken! Way to go Anons!!
Animefags proving once again their double digit IQs.
Its all you fault
Anyone excited that Unreal Enginge 4 has native linux support so fuckers cant claim its too hard to make it, hopefully other devs will create tools like this so it becomes simple as what Unreal 4 is doing.
What's there to hope about, user? Game companies are business, and like any businesses worth a shit they follow the money. If the Windows well dries up, they will move on to where the customers are.
Things constantly fall in and out of popularity. Microsoft itself cannot sell new versions of Windows since they suck so bad; they are always competing with older versions of their own OS. Last I checked 50% of the market still used Windows 7, a shitload of people still use Windows XP for fuck sakes. Some crazy motherfuckers still use Windows 2000. The only reason most move on anyway is because MS drops support and throws money at tech companies to push their newest turd.
It's in no way illogical to think that at some point another OS will supersede Windows. Don't be a faggot retard.
Not to mention they run like shit. Doesn't AoE run in Wine just fine?
Go play Warzone 2100 or Wesnoth.
lul, enjoy your non-wobbling windows, fag
Looks as hideous as that Ocarina of Time Unreal 4 remake.
You're talking about an ocean drying up though, not a well.
FFS these linux fags.
Oh fuck, I thought that was just a smug picture of Haru, not a desktop shot. 2D, here I come!
You don't need the whole ocean to dry up to get attention. Gradual growth gets gradual attention. It isn't all or nothing.
I went autismo one day and configured it, mainly because my thinkpad was overheating and I needed to check temperatures
If you actually looked in the source zip, there is no Linux kernel. They have an XML library, one for handling A2DP audio (for the controller I assume) and webKit. For some reason there's 3 different webKit folders for different system versions, why the ZIP is so big.
I just use Xfce with multiple desktops and dedicated WIN+num keys to switch between them. Tiling behaviour would work terribly for most of the programs I use, especially on this smaller screen.
If you're using a modern system (((Intel))) has control regardless of what OS you stick on there.
I just do that as well. The Windows one never goes online and when it dies it'll be the last one I ever own.
It's not happening in your lifetime though, I'm willing to bet on that too.
Never said that.
What are you doing to get that to work? qemu + Wine?
Just alternative game engines that don't take up so many resources and can be run natively on the system. If you copy/paste the relevant data files, GemRB will run Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape Torment, and Xash3D will run Half-Life 1.
That's a loosing bet considering I'm going to support it myself, and I aim to make some quality shit
Yeah, a loosing bet for you.
Came here to post this.
Oh my god I didn't know there was an "OpenMW" for those!
I don't know about aoe, but I've played aoe2 just fine, even installed forgotten empires, even played on lan without a hitch
Holy shit you are bad with computers.
Sheeeeeiiiit, and I didn't know there was a GemRB for Morrowind.
Normalfags are already using office applications on Android and dropping Windows little by little. Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly anymore and even games are starting to support multiple OSes at the core with Vulkan.
You're not being "realistic" with your posts, you're being a Microsoft fanboy.
MS has been known to shrewdly kill off anything that threatens it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Android develop some "compatability problems" with plugging into Windows computers, with MS recommending that customers get a nice Windows phone instead to avoid this nasty "bug".
Actually, that's exactly how they killed off CP/M. They released the Windows shell and artificially added incompatibility with CP/M and some bogus error messages designed to make users think it was a bug in CP/M, and thus MS-DOS became the only DOS. The moral of the story is MS still has a huge market share, and they're not afraid to use that market share to expand their market share.
You should've made them pay you a bit of what they saved.
I'd like to add openxcom to the list. There's OpenRA for redalert, dune, and C&C, but it doesn't support campaigns, and the multiplayer has been rebalanced.
Android has been here for a while and that hasn't happened. You've putting Microsoft on a very high pedestal here. Android is owned by Google for fuck's sake, you think they'd allow that? The company makes almost as much revenue as Microsoft.
Also, giants can die. Thinking they'll be here forever is naive. IBM was pretty big once, too.
i'll tell ya a little secret they never paid for office, i pirated it and kept their money
So by making them switch to LibreOffice, you picked your own pocket.
That means nothing for MS, yet again I never said it's impossible but anyone who think that Linux will somehow take over or become a viable and competitive platform for most users especially within their lifetime is delusional, I've heard this same shit for over a decade from Linux users and the only relevance they can claw to is Android, an OS for tablets and smartphones.
I don't even care for Microsoft and I used to use Linux Mint but Linux relevance to PC gaymen continues to diminish in spite of more and more games coming out for Linux
Very nice.
Counting Chromebooks, you got notebooks as well running Linux in the mainstream market.
Desktop Linux with GNU userland as we know it may not become mainstream, but my point is Microsoft doesn't have to exist forever. It's not the same as a couple of years ago, the market is slowly getting bigger alternatives.
Reality can be hilarious sometimes.
what a meme os
is plan9 still being developed?
That's fucking incredible. I'm in sheer awe that such an inept business model hasn't somehow self-destructed yet.
so i looked up elementaryos and it doesn't seem like something just a macfag would want
it's a rarity in DEs that actually tries to be a proper interface
Fucking pleb.
I've been a Linux purist for years and I'll probably stay on Linux, but it makes me wonder - how viable is gaming on FreeBSD? Does WINE work the same?
Well fuck me. Thanks, user!
Do I smell Spanish humor?
I think they use them because software licenses let them. Most Linux software is open source, and open source licenses must allow redistribution. You don't need to ask permission to add an open source package to your repository, you already have permission.
Take a look at Alpine. It comes with about as much GNU by default as OpenBSD.
Put Linux on the USB and boot from that, then run gparted and shrink your partitions to leave 250 GB of free space. Then put Windows back on the USB and boot that to install it. It should detect the free space and offer to use that without touching the existing partitions.
Windows likes to pretend other operating systems don't exist, so you can't boot Linux after that (you can boot both if Linux is installed after Windows). To fix that run a boot repair tool like this:
That thing comes with gparted, so you can also use it for the first step.
Or, if you can handle it. It comes with no GNU afaik.
accidentally submitted my post before I finished typing it all out, apologies
can you guys help a retard like me out?
I want to partition my drive, I already have a USB with pre-activated windows loaded into it. I'm running Mint "Rosa" currently, and I want to partition about 300GB of my drive just to play a few windows games that won't run in Linux.
I've got GParted up, but it won't let me do jack-shit. when I right-click, the options for a new partition and shit are all grayed it. It gives me the option to resize my ext4, but the minimum and maximum sizes are the exact same.
man i'm kicking myself for not partitioning my drive when I first installed, when I had the chance to. This sounds like such a pain. Gotta do what I gotta do I suppose though. I appreciate the help, thanks user.
Alpine has the advantage of being useful. It has a real package manager, the installation instructions don't contain "# # build a custom kernel, setup system/bootloader etc # TODO", and its FAQ doesn't link to a ten-year old article that says ChromeOS will never ever exist.
The repartitioning will take a while but it's not hard or complicated. You do have to boot from another storage device to do it because you can't resize mounted partitions.
fug. I see now though, thanks.
All the autism of arguing over distros but not enough autism here to appreciate OpenTTD
Third World South American humor, to be exact,
I actually find the interface really pretty, but just not my style. I don't like docks at all.
Yeah, I haven't actually tried at all. Using musl in a statically linked distro that uses git instead of a package manager sounds like a nightmare. Interesting concept though.
is there anything ubuntu based that doesn't use systemdicks?
depends on the file system but optimally yeah, boot into a livecd to partition your hard drive
what's that?
It's a (relatively) new file system with a great feature set and design choices, although it's new enough that it hasn't really proven itself to work as well as a filesystem has to so it will take a while to reach widespread usage
I meant that mainly as a joke but it really is a great filesystem with things like transparent compression, deduplication, (in theory) higher reliability and it does a ton of neat little things like having a bazillion configuration options giving it lots of flexibility and for instance being able to be expanded online (i.e without being unmounted)
Older versions of Ubuntu. They use Upstart. I don't recommend it.
But why do you want to avoid systemd? Do you have to interact with it and are you judging based on experience or are you following the memes?
what is systemd?
why do some linux fags hate systemd ?
I keep hearing that, but the never say why.
What would be the alternative?
this article was eye opening for me
The old system or a new one, plus the billion programs systemd intends to replace
Systemd is a NSA backdoor sitting above the kernel and having control over everything else.
Systemd is another abomination by the one and only Lennart "just fuck my shit up" Poettering, known for his unmatched ability to produce shitty software like pulseaudio and networkmanager. Systemd is a Linux init system, except it does so many other things no one really knows what it actually is anymore. It's over half a million lines of code of pure magic to most people. Most people will never have to deal with it, and those who deal with usually have no problems with it. Unless you anger the Red Hat gods and try to remove it that is, because God have mercy on your soul if you attempt that. That is one dependency hell you do not want to enter (unless your distro explicitly says it supports this action).
Yeah, and then they trusted Microsoft.
Lennart "the guy who broke the system" Pooettering
Of the Top 10 games on Steam right now, only 2 of them are not supported on Linux.
Dota 2
Civ V
Rocket League
ARK: Survival Evolved
Football Manager 2016
Garry's Mod
Doesn't work:
Pretty sure the "you can't game on linux" meme is dead friendo.
That pasta so stale I tossed the tupperware too
What if you don't want to play shit?
Then you play Nethack, GNUjump and M-x tetris.
You can add Rust, Dying Light, FTL, and Sky Rogue to the working category. Well, Dying Light is only partially working for me since multi doesn't work but when I emailed the devs they said it was because of a networking issue on my end when I sent them my error log. I don't know if it works for others.
at last, a breath of relief
OP here, can you tell I don't come to Holla Forums often?
And this my friend is the reason why I ordered a PS4 Slim.
The problem is that a lot of games advertise linux compatibility, but don't actually work. Or at the very least they run like shit. There's also many that shit themselves if you have multiple monitors.
XCOM 2 and the Wargame series come to mind. As does TF2, but I think that just might be a very very specific bug on my setup.
yes, you are.
It runs. Performance is pure shit though. As if Gimpworks also gimps Linux.
damn, you really were OP the whole time!
Let's see if this works.
Sorry, I've been hopping around a lot of VPNs so my ID will be different. Holla Forums mods have been pretty banhappy lately.
neat tbvqh m8
your reward: a shijtpost
This. I haven't booted into windows in over a year and I'm about to discard my windows partition entirely.
Most recently I've been having a lot of fun playing through Morrowind using OpenMW. It's completely native and actually seems less buggy than the original game engine.
biggest downside to systemd is that it's trying to put all the eggs in one basket, and if the basket drops then all the eggs are fucked
just recently it was discovered that systemd could essentially be DOS'd by sending a zero width character to the pid for systemd, breaking the entire system
to some users this only happened if it was being sent in a loop
linux got along just fine without systemd, because the unix philosophy was to have lots of programs that do 1 thing very well instead of 1 program trying to do a lot of things very poorly.
I don't need pulseaudio, or networkmanager, or systemd on my laptop running gentoo, and it runs perfectly fine.
You also technically don't need a firewall to run a computer. Doesn't mean you aren't being retarded.
Now that is retarded. Next you'll be comparing antivirus software to a desktop environment.
It's funny you say that, because you need neither
Neither in what context?
this brings me the question, are there faggots who actually remove most of their system and spend their days doing shit in a slow command line while bickering about "muh bloat" "muh DE using 500MBs of ram on my computer with 8GBs of ram"?
In a desktop GNU/Linux installation, you probably don't need it for a myriad of reasons regarding malware on this OS that have already been explained to death
Full blown DE are most certainly not necessary, not even for daily use. Of course, they make stuff easier if you install them, just like systemd, but I doubt you understand this since I doubt you have ever written sysvinit scripts.
Actually, RMS does tend to use CLI only. Most Holla Forums ricers like me install a WM and individual programs rather than a full blown DE, though.
it's anything but slow m8, and making a script to simplify a complex task is nothing
if I spend more than some minutes in a commandline, it's because I'm either installing something or experimenting with a new script
you'd be amazed how nice a properly configured system can be, any shit made by poettering is completely unnecessary
at worst I had to spend extra time compiling a specific driver for the wifi card
How would you compile a driver for the wifi card if you have no internet?
you download it of course
what kind of retarded question is this?
Oh yes I agree with that, neither a DE nor antivirus is required, it's just silly to make any kind of equivalence between not having a firewall and not having poettering software.
ethernet connection
Do any of you have experience with minimalist musl distros like Alpine or stali, and if so, can I install Nvidia's binary drivers without glibc? I'm tired of upgrading Lubuntu only for the distro maintainers to make more retarded decisions and break my shit in the process.
If you're not sure if it's the right choice for you, then it's most definitely not.
It never is the right choice, though.
stali is neat conceptually and I'd love to run something like it on a laptop or embedded system, but you're probably right. I'll try finding some other (preferably systemd and PulseAudio-free) distro that won't fuck around with my shit too much and maybe consider musl-based distros again if I ever find myself using an AMD GPU.
RMS is a particularly bad example. He doesn't stay in the TTY because of bloat, he stays there because he does everything in Emacs anyway and that way his hands don't keep moving the cursor (yes, really).
Try NixOS or GuixSD. Their approach at package managers is pretty crazy and, while not git based, if you are looking for something new in that regard, these two are very promising.
If you like stali because of muh static linking, go install Funtoo.
Try NixOS or GuixSD. Their approach at package managers is pretty crazy and, while not git based, if you are looking for something new in that regard, these two are very promising.
If you like stali because of muh static linking, go install Funtoo
Try NixOS or GuixSD. Their approach at package managers is pretty crazy and, while not git based, if you are looking for something new in that regard, these two are very promising
If you like stali because of muh static linking, go install Funtoo
Compilers don't need the internet, M$ shill. :^)
But ethernet connection, extra code/packages on a CD, or from another computer gets you the source you need.
No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.
Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ. One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS – more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff – including the software I wrote using GCC – and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you?
(An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it.
You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument.
Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD?
If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this:
Be grateful for your abilities and your incredible success and your considerable fame. Continue to use that success and fame for good, not evil. Also, be especially grateful for Linux' huge contribution to that success. You, RMS, the Free Software Foundation, and GNU software have reached their current high profiles largely on the back of Linux. You have changed the world. Now, go forth and don't be a nag.
Thanks for listening.