I would like the advice of other National Socialists. Last night I had an incredibly disturbing dream that I was possessed by a demon, and forced to harm my family and friends. What do I do? What does this indicate? I'm terrified.
I would like the advice of other National Socialists...
stop eating at taco bell user
le funni maymay, I want your real thoughts.
Details. Did you see blood, were you tormenting them with words, scenes and setting.
I only had a nightmare/night terror a couple of times. Woke up and I was too scared to breathe, adrenaline racing, heart pounding. It was just stress, I think. Exams and important work deadline set it off. Could be that, or maybe something weird, in which case ask /fringe/
The part of the dream I can remember most clearly, I was in the car with my mother and my brother. My brother was sitting in the front passenger seat, and my mother was driving. I remember realizing I had no control of my body, and I grabbed her from behind trying to strangle her even though I fully didn't want to.
I also have a recurring struggle with pornography and self worth, if that is relevant.
I don't know, accept Jesus as your savor maybe?
checked. this could be demonic paralysis, often demons enter through dreams as they themselves are not of the physical world they are trans-dimensional and can only operate via avatars (greys) or via possession.
If you can remember to say "in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave" the next time, try that and see if it helps.
They're in this thread.
It indicates you've been possessed by a hapa spirit
Might be just a shame thing. Most of the time there is violence in dreams, it's like the people are made out of rubber. No blood or bruises, you don't hurt yourself punching them. It can be enough to make you realize it's a dream, sometimes. If you can take control of the dream, try spinning around in a circle, or go off script. Harder than it sounds. I practiced lucid dreaming for a while and could only take control for moments at a time before forgetting that I was dreaming.
If it's a recurring dream, or escalates, try some /fringe/ stuff to ward yourself. I'm not going to validate spooky shit, but the placebo effect is real and might help you sleep easier if it's just anxiety. Stop eating spicy food and drinking caffeine after sundown.
Stop spending so much time on Holla Forums. You have some personal issues you need to work out first.
Generally the mother is a representation of the anima archetype, ie it is an expression of the subconscious feminine personality qualities you as a man have as well as your relationship in general with women. All men have an anima just as all women have an animus, the male counterpart. As a man progresses through life, his anima will generally move through 4 distinct stages, first as his mother, then as a sexual partner, then as a long-term romantic partner, then as a spiritual guide. Your projection of your anima as your mother is indicative of an underdeveloped relationship with women, and I think this is bolstered by the fact that you were in the back seat of the car that she was driving. You unwillingly murdering her could mean multiple things, but that meaning isn't really for me to understand or figure out, the meaning of dreams is always personal to the dreamer. It's important though to remember that dreams are perspective, they are guides of the future not reverberations of the past. Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that you need to gain a more mature view of women, or it could be referencing something more specific that's occurred in your life. Again, the meaning is entirely personal to you and I certainly don't know enough about you to speculate.
Holla Forums I'm already a demon. Get help faggot. Not from a psychiatrist kike but confide in a close friend, supervisor, or pastor. Don't explain it as gay as you did on here though.
Go away and stop trying to make WN's look unhinged, Moshe. It's too obvious.
I'm not trying to make anyone look "deranged". How is it deranged to seek advice after a traumatic dream?
Fuck I misread unhinged as deranged. I'm tired.
You are being haunted by the spectre of communism.
But seriously. This is probably a mental construct based on your personal life. Do you feel that you are in control of your destiny? I doubt this has anything to do with anything on Holla Forums. How "blackpilled" would you consider yourself? If the answer is none, then this has nothing to do with Holla Forums.
The "blackpill" is a Jewish meme invented to take away our fighting spirit.
So not blackpilled at all? Then this has nothing to do with Holla Forums. This lack of control you have in this dream could have been a representation of how you feel that you have a lack of control in your life.
Well what exactly do you mean by blackpilled? There are times I only feel sadness, or emptiness when contemplating what could have been had Jewry not been victorious. But I'm not a nihilist if that's what you mean.
Antidote: Understand that it is YOU who commands the demons. You need to REMEMBER that they do your bidding. Everything they tell you is to manipulate you, even their appearance. You want them to be nice sparkling unicorns - they will be.
So these traumatic experiences are a result of me falling for their tricks, and the experiences serve to sap me of my energy.
I'm not telling you to fuck off but rather that they might be able to help you more than we can. Good luck brah.
Blackpilled is a general feeling of dread and hopelessness about the state of European civilisation. This feeling of hopelessness makes you feel like your fate is in someone else's hands. Usually being blackpilled is characterised by a general attitude of "what's the point" and things like depression. This could be the reason why you had a dream about not having control.
I will make an inquiry there. Thank you.
Demons ( yes they are real ) will torture you every chance they get. Normally one's defenses are very good but if they kidneys especially are under a lot of stress the defenses are compromised. The kidneys have function way beyond what is officially taught, like all organs. They correspond to wings ( notice where wings come out of an Angel ) and Spiritual power of the Runes. Actually the word "Rune" comes from Ren ( like Ren-al ). Rennen means "To Run" in German. Run, Rune, see the connection?
Fortunately most of us are well protected and the demons are limited in what they can do. I've had at least 3 experiences where I was having a nightmare and "woke up" literally unable to breath and felt like something was choking me and had to fight it off.
My advice to you would be to place some photos of important ancestors/deceased family members in your room. As well as fallen heroes like Christian Tychsen. Be careful about who's picture you put up because you will be inviting their spirit into your room/home. Algiz Rune is also good for protecting against demons.
Most importantly, you need to put utmost importance on your physical health and treat your liver/kidneys well. Increase Kalki-um ( Calcium ) intake in whatever way is best tolerated and not a pill. Don't stay still for too long but don't push yourself too hard either.
Basically, yes.
Two decades ago, the social reinforcement that these are just "scary dreams" with no value whatsoever was so high that people just did not believe in their power, so most had no problems.
Now, the great psychic wall is cracking and the entities are coming again.
All the stories in the old religions etc tell that man is the commander of the angels = ethereal entities, therefore, I know this from personal experience, you need to remember that you can just command them around.
underratedly well thought out
You feel guilty.
You are hiding your natsoc feelings and secretly see this as a demon that if it took over "you got exposed" would harm (reputation etc) your family.
Dont take dreams at face value its all symbolism.
I also suspect you are a degenerate trap fapper. Jk jk. But we are watching you.
This was a recurring aspect of my dreams for the past couple years actually, compounded by the fact that my punches would swing in something like slow motion. I couldn't hurt anyone I tried to, and it frustrated the shit out of me. I spent a long time thinking about it and to me, it meant that I was not confident, that I was afraid to fight or otherwise subconsciously doubted my ability to do so.
Long story short, I ended up moving to a 3rd world country and living in straight up survival mode and sure enough, in my dreams I now regularly beat the shit out of people, hospitalize them. Which itself is probably an indicator of some unhealthy psychology, but I think it confirmed my theory.
Do you think your dream experience might be related or do you think it's something else entirely?
Be thankful that you can actually dream and don't go to sleep in blackness and wake up in blackness every day like an AI robot.