South Africa is breaking apart!!

New nation-state of Good Hope signs declaration of independece

I think this is the big September happening. It's been forshadowed for months already, but this seems like the big narrative collapse. We've literally got a faction of blacks who are willing to kill to bring back the white rulers that the kikes and their zulu golems destroyed. Post any more info that you've got here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like at least some of the negroes are forward thinking. Gonna want more sources though. best of luck to them if true.


How do I join?

Oh wow it looks like the negros finally realized that keeping whites around is a good idea.
Gonna ask for some better sauces as well, OP.

Dear God, please don't let the old spirit be entirely gone from this fallen world. If there's any group of whites left on Earth with a little fight in them, it's the Boers. Please guide them innawoods to reclaim the old glory and show us the way.



Khoisan aren't negroes, or at least not niggers. They're very different. The Bantu niggers are the invaders in SA. Slay them without mercy and send a shockwave through the world.

I'm calling bullshit. exclusive my ass

Didn't the Khoisan's always fight along with the Boers, or at least be neutral. Basically knowing that the Bantu or Zulu's would genocide them give the chance.

Probably has a lot to do with Zuma's rise eating away at the ANC, which was already bad enough, talking about going after all the house niggers working with whites if they win. It wont be a majority, but that small minority could help tip the overwhelming scales in a physical conflict.

Oh shit, nigga, the Khoisans are the actual South Africans, as in the original niggers who lived there before all the North Africans immigrated down to get free gibs.

This is fucking glorious, it's the original niggers and the whites teaming up to fuck up the anti-white gibs monkeys!

Post yfw reading Twitter the day after Trump recognizes Good Hope Under God, and sends an ambassador.

Not a single fucking thing on twitter, but if there's a media blackout we wouldn't know.


Don't rely on that faggot. If anything Trump will call the King of Khoisan a dictator and then launch an airstrike on him for gassing innocent Bantu babies. Trump supported Nelson Mandela, he's an anti-white New York kike. Seriously, knock it the fuck off with the pro-trump shit.

Waiting for secondary confirmation but we'll certainly see happenings out of South Africa soon because the ANC already announced that they will begin redistributing all White farms in December.

Please don't be a hoax. If this secessionist, anti-nigger, pro-white, Christian monarchy is a hoax, I swear to fuck, I will kill you, your family, and then myself.

If this is a hoax then I think by all rights some user has to draw the short straw and kill this rense fucker.

Click click ching chong click click come home whitey

I don't think South Africa has enough power for a media blackout. We would already be hearing gunshots and tanks probably not tanks if such was the case. No country just says "bye" with 0 consequences. Besides, when was the last time cape whites weren't total cucks? The ANC has a firm grip on the country's balls. No other sources, no videos, nothing but a newssite from 2007.

Don't commit sepuku over every hoax.

Possible confirmation. I haven't gotten far into this video yet. It's 45 minutes long.

Khoisans are honestly far easier on the eyes than other negroes.

News hoaxery is the status quo for years now. Don't kill yourself over it, it's the new normal (not even new).


If they've been around since forever is it possible they were subjected to similar selective pressures as europeans were during a period when the cape was colder?

Ivanka should urger her father to… ah never mind. I've had even crushing news for one day. No more hoping until the first nuke hits.

The Khoisan average IQ is even lower than the average Negroid IQ though.

I actually agree, and don't wish to delve into this topic further. I simply wanted to make a joke.

Will make some webms.

If this is a hoax, that rense fucker is dead.

We all know you're balls deep in Khoisan pussy you dirty oil driller.

They seem to get past the obligatory singing around 10:00.

The Gods Must be Crazy was a great movie.

13:15 – Declaration begins


If this actually is the King of Khoisan on this video. He wins the unironic title of Based Black Man.

Skip to 16 minutes, I'm really hoping this is for real.

They were indeed the most populous 22,000 years ago.
It was the fucking Ice Age in Eurasia.
But hardly "kings of the planet" or some bullshit.

If the government of SA ignores this or tries to arrest His Based Majesty, who's ready to go to Good Hope Under God and become Khoisan ISIS?

Rolling for total war.


God, what should I do…

Looks like him

You saw the dubs, user. Can you shoot? Because niggers can't.

Looking at the Khoisan's twitter page, I think this is real. We've unironically got the original Africans on the side of pro-whites now. I love this timeline. It's time to meme the King of Khoisan to the status of legend.

dubs don't lie. Looks like the first battle of the race war is about to start.

wew. My only question is how bad are the bugs and diseases in SA? If it's like the Congo, then fuck that.

The King.



Fuck you. We don't need weaklings. We Good Hopians are a strong, proud people who despise decadence.

I'm honestly surprised no other African king / president / whatever didn't do this sooner.



Welcome back, Kek.

Or the Son of the King, who knows.

Thanks, Satan. At 22:30, he dismisses the crowd with "Now we are free. Get lost." {applause}

Long Live the Kang!

This guy honestly sounds sane.


Reporting this thread for instant sticky status. The Race War has begun!!!

Apparently not when it comes to common sense.

On a scale of 1 to top 10 anime fights what are we looking at here

Long live the Kang!

Long live the Khoisans!

They do have low IQs, even lower than standard niggers, but they've had tens of thousands of years to stabilize on their level. They're not fucking fools.

Niggers have only been around for maybe 10% as long, so the bugs aren't all ironed out yet. It's why they have endocrine issues and impulse control problems. Their genome hasn't stabilized.

Based Khoisan and Cape Dutch, together like in the old days, sweeping Zulu trash back into the bin where it belongs. Let's see those sorcerers cast lighting bolts from their fingertips now, science niggers!!!!!!

literally nothing about this anywhere in the news. Fake.

Fuck you. That's where.


It was chilly at Stalingrad too, faggot. Pick up a rifle and face your enemy.

You will see the truth, and the truth is beautiful.

Postan war musac


You mean just like Julian Assange totally stated he's still alive, right?




Napoleon lost because he ignored nature. It's stupid to follow in his footsteps. His men paid the price for his arrogance.

nice .webm you have there, you fucking piece of shit.

the kang discussing white genocide!

Jesus fucking Christ, this man speaks better English than most American born negroes.
Truly a deserving kang.


Alright, thanks for lending credence to this story, but just post the drone footage of the ceremony, it's probably higher quality than the potato camera they used at ground level.


I'm sorry that you didn't receive the "Lateral Thinking" shill training manual, but it's not my fault you're functionally retarded.

I'm trying to use meme energy here

He's the real deal.

Not even joking at this point,

Long Live the Kang!

PROJECT /nambia/ IS GO!

I will die for this leader. Where are our fellow white Good Hopians?

I don't care what the Kang says. If this was of any significance the media would be reporting on it, there'd at least be a few twatter posts about it, but there's nada.

No, just confirmation from literally anyone besides one fucking african.

Then use decent memes after your two years is up

Except these guys are the CIAniggers. They're providing South Africa a pretense to further kick anybody they find undesirable out of the country, all because it's part of the Jews' plan. The fact you can't see that just proves how cucked you are.

It's 7am there, and Europe/USA is still sleeping.
Go suck Jew cock.

King Cornelius the Third on white genocide: "We see how bad it is now, can we imagine how bad it's going to be in twenty years time?"


It's happening

Nice argument

Checked. We must meme him the father of white and Khosian children playing in the green fields.

The Zulu king made mention of everything going to shit when the Boers were expelled from power.

About as good as yours

Yeah, but he's jockeying for power with his fellow niggers, the Xhosa. Both Bantu, both the breed we have here in Burgerland. Bad!

My heart is full of joy right now, things are looking up for whites in South Africa.

fugg. I will gladly fight for this kang to help protect the boers.

please be real


Is this what all of our memeing has resulted in? The rebirth of Rhodesia, RWDS, a literal African Kang ruling over whites, blacks freeing the whites from genocide… What the hell is next?


Nothing because the CIA is just gonna help SA stamp this out.

a kangdom to last a thousand years

Big Boss Rises

The Holocaust is going to happen and we've got front row seats.

Never said he was doing anything to stop it.

Yeah, the entire continents are comatose for 8 hours, that's how it works. give me a break. The media never sleeps.
You first dipshit.

Wait, Good Hope now sits in the Diamond Mines, correct?
Will they nationalise them or anything? Will World Jewry retaliate? How will they spin this?

We video of him giving the address, video of him discussing white genocide, and pictures of him with foreign businessmen

Do any of you guys have the prophecies by Nicholaas van Rensburg? Said something about South Africa basically becoming the next economic superpower.

They need pretext. The media blackout might be due to that, they don't want public opinion on the Khoisan side.

>and pictures of him with (((foreign businessmen)))
Congrats, your independence movement went from zero to cucked in 0.4 seconds.

Double dubs…

Calling it now, Kikes will call King Cornelius the Third, a cult leader and a dictator.

They'll try to kill him.

Those are Italian film investors, retard.

meme responsibly, nigger.

Do we have any trustworthy sources for this?

>(((Italian film investors)))

Archive all info on him b4 they rewrite history to justify their war

That's what they're going to do. We need to prepare for it. Start posting memes of The Kang on twitter. Get people aware of the great black hope.

Yeah, I know you need a Jewish Seal of Approval, but just wait a little longer, ok?

I don't know if it's real, but of course the media isn't going to report on it. South Africa is designated for white genocide under ANC, which is the side the media supports, why would they lend credence to some rebellion there?

If they are going to get anywhere they need to fight a war of independence. War first, then recognition. So let's just pay attention and support the Kang.

Here's a link to the first part of some talks or interviews he did.

I'm downloading it all, but you should too.

Thread theme

Good goy, keep people from wanting to know more about our puppet.

Nice, you're worse than us. At least we have footage.

He speaks the ancient tongue!

1 year until my Electrical Engineering degree is done. I'd been saving up all summer to buy Christmas presents for my liberal family. I think instead I might buy a plane ticket and a rifle when I get there.


Rolling to negate your unfortunate dubs.

We must meme against this narrative at once. Seize the narrative and use white genocide to justify his glorious reign. Also, spread the word diamonds are not rare, but the Jews hoard them in Switzerland to fleece young whites out of two months' pay. That should crash the value of those little carbon rocks and remove the incentive to destroy the Based Kingdom.

My thought is, they wouldn't lend credence, they would do as they usually do and jump all OVER the story. Constant barrage of articles defaming this Khoisan king, talking about how mentally unstable he is, dredging up irrelevant dirt on him, all before the military action against his supposed breakaway from SA. That's what happens EVERY TIME the kikes want to remove someone from power, but that's not happening here, which makes me think this guy is just blowing hot air.




Think like the ADL, user. If they can make a problem disappear by ignoring it, they will. The lies come later, when the story achieves lift-off.

Good goy

That depends a bit. Sometimes they will go the route of completely ignoring if it's either not dangerous enough, or too dangerous. Like how they do in the democratic sham elections in the west. Notice how the most dangerous candidates get NO press at all. But it's still early days with this and we still need more intel about what's happening. Perhaps he's just a larper with 4 followers or something.

All I know from what I've seen in this thread, that's one pretty based nigger Kang.

That theater would be intended for western eyes. And as has been stated before, Americans are asleep. They won't jump all over it until their audience is awake.

kekistani please kill yourself

Filtered. Bye.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Holy shit, watch the end of this video! Making webm now, he has historical reasons to hate the other niggers!


You first, sheep.

The Khoi-San have always been ok by me because they aren't that numerous and have respectable traditions and don't want to mix or be displaced out of existence. There are parallels we can draw between them and some of the Native American tribes in Canada and America. I won't be surprised to see an Amerindian x White uprising in the Americas one day too to exterminate niggers, chinks, pajeets, and arabs. All niggers in America are primarily derived from Bantu population, Bantu is the fucking cancer in this world.

I haven't even heard of Khoisans before, yet now I hope they can BTFO other niggers. I hope dearly this isn't a hoax.

They look somewhat Asian, not to mention they don't have a huge fucking nigger jaw like other blacks.

I don't have to, I can observe recent history and make a judgement call. These people (CIA, NSC) don't wait for a story to get "lift off", they monopolize the narrative as early as humanly possible using their propaganda outlets (WaPo, NYT, Los Angeles Times, CNN), so nobody can contradict them. I'm waiting for outside confirmation that this is even happening.


I use it to signal to others while having plausible deniability. I've literally prepared my whole fucking life for racial holy war. I am always ready, always armed, all the fucking time for years.

Fake and Gay.

This isn't even going to be a race war, you inbred faggot.

Like I said, go be a nigger elsewhere JIDF.

Yeah but besides IQ there is social conscientiousness, a favorable Asian trait. Khoisans look like some Austronesians or stray Chinese interbred at the Cape aeons ago.

He really doesn't sound like an African.

These are valid points….like I said, i'll wait and see. My heart wants this to be real.

It's like you completely ignored the entirety of African history.

Never said this before, but Praise KEK.
Dare you deny his return?

Looking at genetics, they are about as seperate from black Africans as ashkenazi are from whites.

The ones who've killed the most niggers has always been niggers.

Learn South African history:
They're genetically the same, just different Clans.
The Bantu came from the same people African Americans came from, the Yoruba cluster.
Then you may know the rest already.
Just look at the demographics, Europeans arrived at a desolated land.

I am going to start doing graffiti stating "BLESS KING KOEBAHA CORNELIUS III, THE NARRATIVE IS OVERTURNED"

The khoisan are of a different race of the regular niggers. There are actually 3 races of niggers, the congoloids (regular niggers), the capoids (khoisan) and the east african race, which i forgot the name.(Somalia and ethiopia, mixed with congoloids)

I was wondering what was taking Holla Forums so long to load my post. It was processing all those fucking dubs. Wew.

This absolutely deserves a sticky I have waited all my life for this moment. Now is our time for revenge. Now is the time to RACE WAR NOW!

Like I said go be a nigger elsewhere.

Bless the timeline we live in.

Why are you such a retarded namefag?

Keep fighting for Israeli, goyim.

It's a war on Bantu niggers and jews. The outcome will be the end of racemixing, the restoration of apartheid, and the land being peaceful again.

This September has been pretty good.

I think we're about to witness the creation of a new superpower.

Go on, tell how this is fighting for Israel.

Be careful what you meme.

The Bantus didn't get there before the whites. The Bantu-Khoisan genocide took place farther north, around Tanzania and Zambia.

Whites got to the Cape around 1600. They found only the Khoisan. Contact with Bantus came 150 years later, way to the east.


Nothing like that will happen, you dumbfuck puppet.

== The Oldest Kang in Africa

Who knows the ancients tongue of his people

Was scorned by the false kangz, by the Bantu

So he made a pact with the White Man

And together they created a glorious nation

One in which the Khoisan and the Afrikaner lived in harmony, and shared their riches.

Download all this, the fuckers will try to erase it.

Get ready to seize glory Holla Forumsacks

Lord of Rhodesia: Return of the Kang

Along with those big 3, there's also the Hazda, the Mbuti and the Ju Hoan as distinct races, but minorities, not big clusters.

Well, I fucked that up. Watch the video anyways, though. He calls Nelson Mandela a liar and points out how his country was stolen by niggers like Mandela. He also hints at his plans to take back his lands.

I was just thinking the same thing to myself while looking at that pic

I bruised a rib user, be careful with your jokes.

The colonies can't last long without the crown it seems.

Interesting, this just happened a few months ago.


oops, posted part 2, meant to post part 1 which explains it better

You could maybe join as an Eurokaner. All you'd have to do is get on a plane, come with a gun and as much ammunition and so on as you can bring, all your money and possessions, and then kill some bantu and you can live in the place they formally occupied.

Anons, who will be the belligerents in this inevitable civil war?

> Good Hopi Afrikaners, Eurokaners, Koisans, SASDF defectors, us

If it weren't for those glorious trips, I would've told you to kill yourself, lad.

But who is going to clean the AIDS up?

Couldn't find any LOTR font, tbh.

It's forgiven.

Also, here you go.

The AIDS problem gets cleared up when the niggers do. They're the ones who won't use fucking condoms or stick to one wife.

Can someone with a large twitter following please start tweeting out videos of the Kang?

kekked, saved and checked.

I'm going to guess the ghouls won't be able to contain themselves from their natural barbarity, with a little nudge from the yellow jew


Holla Forums Foreign Legion when?
I'll be there once I finish up reserve training

If the Jews or the Bantu so much as touch a single hair on the Kang's chin, I will but myself a plane ticket to South Africa and become the white bushman and reign fire down upon the bantu.

Your best hope is probably mustache matt of HWNDU "hitler did nothing wrong" fame and he's a filthy cuckchanner

fuck off back to reddit

He and his people looks peculiar, definitely not like niggers. I can't figure out if he looks like a chink slathered in red clay larping as an african, or a race of their very own.

Please could you expand on that concept,also you can't fly with ammo since its considered an explosive and 99%of companies will tell you to fuck off.
Is there not some kind of support association in africa for white volunteers?
I mean we could pay for the weapons and they just need to give weapons and training to those lacking in exchange for some money.
Protip. Burn your credit as much as you can to get money and get the fuck away.
Also what are the rewards for going there,i mean they should have a contract that guarantees some nice nationalisation since you won't be able to go back home.
Also i couldn't find any info on the normie news about it so it seems unofficial could some user expand on this?

He looks Hawaiian or even Maori; Pacific Islander looking anyhow

The Khoisan are a race of their own. They are a noble people, neither niggers nor chinks, They are Kangz

Good god, that was fast, user. Excellent work.
Forgive the low quality, but it was due to the size of the original. Plus it gives it more of a South African third world bootleg charm.

Very nice, saved for future Kang Khoebaha threads. We're witnessing history here.

I hope this is real

>20 years of it
holy shit what timeline is this?

Watch through all the videos. This guy is literally the greatest African alive. I would gladly fight for him.

Why wait?

Revolution is an act of faith, user.

Exactly this. I go knowing I will never see my homeland again, but know I fight for the Boers, God and Kang. Sacrifice is it's own reward.


Kek blesses this post.

It's meta, user.

Edited to have a more readable color


Bushmen aren't Black in the way you think they are. They shed blood to defend Rhodesia from the Bantus.

Ignore this user, small arms is strictly controlled in the dark continent, competition is strictly (((prohibited)))

Anons who plan on joining Good Hopi cause should first get in the best endurance condition of their life, but this takes on multiple forms. Without gear, with 20-35 lbs of gear (i.e. a rifle + full magazines), 35-65 lbs (enough supplies to not die in a couple days in the bush), and a pack equivalent to whatever your bodyweight (when you have to carry some fuck).


This training is meant to condition your physicality for an emergency combat scenario, and will not be achieved overnight. The primary purpose is is not just cardiovascular conditioning, but to (more importantly imo) prevent ligament and other supportive damage. There is no point in doing a shitload of cardio is you blow your ACL or pull your hamstring while sprinting for your life! That being said, you should row, swim and sprint to develop your cardio, and do forced marches, plyometrics and isometrics with varying loads to condition your musculature. The USMC's PFT standards are an excellent general indicator.

As for gear, do NOT expect to be able to being your SHTF loadout to Africa you fucking autists. Vanity patches notwithstanding, take steps to obfuscate BUT NEVER CONCEAL/SMUGGLE. Instead, focus on practical comforts that will extend your survivablility in the bush: Tops, bottoms, underwear, socks, boots, long-term soles, low-profile pack, and the largest waterpack you can stuff in that bastard. Every small detail that extends your action potential increases your chances of survival. I plan on using Duluth Trading Co. If you plan on bringing electronic gear to carry the good word, look to ebay for toughbooks, they don't have to be high-tech, but they have to be able to store/read the data

Holla Forumsk/ thread?

There was more in the pdf linked at the bottom of the page.

This is the face of white separatism. You may not like it but this is it. This is the BASED BLACK MAN that stopped white genocide.

Literal garbage. Better off getting a laptop with good battery life and stuffing it in an appropriate Pelican case.

Now THAT is a vanity patch!

Ounces make pounds make pain make death, user.


Holy fuck is this actually happening?

Is that wojack face in the ocean there intentional?

You fags are so quick to lionize a nigger, I really can't tell if you're larping or not and it's unsettling.
Either way it's interesting news and I'm wondering how it's going to play out.

Looks like they have some asian blood in them.

Nah, Asians have some Khoisan blood in them. Khoisans are the real Africans, Buntu-niggers are the false kangz.

Neither the Finns nor the Khoi-San are related to Asians. The specific genes they have for epicanthic eyefolds are spontaneous mutations and unrelated to the genes that Asians have for that trait.

Most folks just call them koi-koi or bushmen, they lived with the SA whites for a century without causing any trouble ( i might be confusing, so correct me if i'am wrong)

Dubs confirm that you speak the truth. Why isn't this thread stickied yet?

honestly, I could care less about the kang mind you, that meme has legs, I fight for the boers. White people that don't need a smack to wake up, but actual honest to god help; count me in.


Go suck a rock.

Holy fuck it's real.

Seems like a stand up colored like the Buddhist chink pope. He hasn't been pro-mixing as far as I can tell and is pro-white. I like when people can be both nice and nationalistic at the same time.

They're closer to fucking Japs than they are to coons.

I just find it peculiar that so many on the board who constantly goes on about day of the rope and stringing up niggers and wiping them out of existence gets to sucking a "good nigger"'s dick.
I say this not having a problem with the situation, as I'm somewhere between a racnat and a civnat. Just seems like what

Do you know anything about Africa, at all?

Hopefully at least some of our revolutions will be more similar to the Polish secession than the commie bloodbaths. I hope this is the case, purging sounds like it would be exhausting after a while.

Holla Forums is about National Socialism. Blood and soil. A country for your people. Everyone gets their country back, not just us.

the left will have no narrative power if south african nigger controlled governments shoot up the khoishan guy. Any irregular or drastic action against them will destroy the lefts narrative of multiculturalism not causing genocide.


kek, and that

Someone email Jan Lamprecht, based Boer who keeps having his jewtube channels Shoahd:

He will be able to give insight and provide context. Nothing on his website about it, yet.

Who is "everyone"? That makes no sense. Does that mean Germany ceases to exist, goes back to the 30-something territories created after 1814? Or the 300-something territories and principalities under the HRE?

Join the club.

Lad, at this point I just want to remove niggers from South Africa and make peace with the more sane ones. If a black wants to help then once we are done, I just want to call it a day and get back to recovering the South African Whites.

This is from an Englishman. I am willing to fly over and help the cause if it does kick off or not. I can farm or do warehouse operative work if need be.

The difference between me and a nigger is I'm adapted to a cold dry climate and function just fine in the freezing cold even with no shoes on walking around in a blizzard through the snow… but I go full retard in hot and humid weather.




Approving of someone's actions even if they're outside of your nationality doesn't mean everyone wants to race mix with them. Not everything is lewd.

lets put it in a simple manner, modern borders but with native born Germans/their offspring whose families have existed there for generations or since the countries inception.

I think when he says everyone he is saying how people who fled and felt alienated with their country eventually going back to their native lands after their people get their common sense back and stop being less like niggers, or running away from their countries, atleast when it comes to nonwhites.

You're forgetting Rule 1 of left politics: It's always whites' fault. In this case, SA failed to deal with angry, embittered pro-Apartheid deadenders, who forced the government (CNN will only show white cops and soldiers) to go kill Khoisan.

That's the point of a multi-cultural society – always having whites to blame for something.


Can any SAfags confirm? Don't see anything online.

The people spamming BASED everywhere are goons. Then they laugh about how gullible "Holla Forums" is and how they're such good social manipulators.

After the initial release of pent up rage and suppressed survival instincts, it would just become work.

I agree, but unfortunately we have literally tens of millions of individuals to remove. Some will fight, but I think most of it will be a slog, similar to herding sheep (onto buses, trains etc. to remove them from our territories).

Damn this Kang is inspiring.

That makes sense I guess.

Here's a whole list of LOTR fonts for future graphics.

but it wont be whiteys fault when the SA government decides to genocide the people of Good hope. Its going to lead to a massive shitstorm.

In reality, you're right. Now tell me one single time that has mattered to the media.

buddy dead nigger gore triggers leftists, and thats when its senseless violence.

Actual videos of khoishans getting butchered with the context of south africa's government enacting genocide will get the normalfaggots riled up.




they do look trustworthy tbh


yeah, that will work well

I don't care what any sociologist says. This Kang is plainly smarter than any bantu nigger.



10/10 Best meme in this thread yet.


Mah bush nigga. His videos were really good. Bad that Youtube deleted them many times the channels…

Civil war when? I'd hope this would prevent from South Africa turning into another Zimbabwe.

The Kang will not allow another genocide. He does not abide it.

Btw, The Kang has a twitter with only six followers. I think we ought to bump that up a bit.

This is your mind on reddit

Checking these trips.

I've learned a shitload about South African and Rhodesian history from Jan's videos, and also about kikes. The man is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about jewish trickery and shennanigans.

I swear to God if the niggers actually start seizing white farms and businesses they will all perish, every single nigger on the continent.

Kang wears a cow hide and sweat band.
Makes Declaration outside of what sounds like a motorcycle race.
Then proceeds to use a carpenters staple gun to attach said Declaration to a stick.

I wish 'em luck

We should meme him from a leftist viewpoint,as a native african non tainted by the whites etc etc.
Leftards are leftards and will love it,our kind will just see his policies and like him.
I think we should meme him to the leftards,they love a rightful native people etc etc.
And the jews will have a harder time fighting their own narrative.
We should use their own contradictions against them

Oh boy, it is good. The Chinese and kikes will be pissed.

Well boys, anyone plan on stocking up on FAL's and Rhodesian jungle camo and fighting for the whites of South Africa?

Be good practice for the coming wars in North America and Europe.

Depends of which side will those lefties take: native kangz or communists in power

You don't understand leftists. They don't actually care about the genocide of the Amerindians and other races at all. They only ever talk about it in the context of justifying white genocide. Leftists are simply anti-white (and anti-purity, anti-virtue, anti-good). Leftists don't want diversity, they want a blanda'd slave race, a world where only jews and mongrel slaves exist.

Leftists have zero integrity. Of course they'll side with the communist bantu niggers. Leftist have no reason to want the status quo changed in South Africa.

I'm very interested in just that. I'm trying to get in contact with someone on the ground to try and discern what the hell is actually going on.

Leftists can't help but support commies. Especially if they're anti-white commies.

This. Leftists don't give a single fuck about any of their pet minorities, they are just tools with which they strike us.

Man, he looks like a dude that's funny as fuck to hang around with.

Commies are anti everything non-jewish. Communism is judaism and nothing more, make no mistake about it.

If anyone else could help me with this, that would be great. We need to save our Afrikaner brothers and sisters from destruction. Try and find someone, anyone, who can shed some light on this situation. I've posted a comment on historyreviewed, seems like the best lead so far.

It's early on a working day I guess most white south africans are working to pay them gibs.
Try cuckchan there are south African lurkers around there

t. fucking LEAF


Thanks for the link, this chicks channel seems like a very good starting place.

Observe how Holla Forums will associate themselves with the Kang and have him accused of antisemitism, causing his downfall.

I know you redditors believe this is "the forum where you can say nigger", but going all out is frowned upon for a reason. You hide your powerlevel because it hurts you, if you don't.

The redpills on the commiebantuniggers in that very video also is amazing

Good goy.


They know how to subvert the impressionable into making a false step.

How would announcing our support collectively for a joint European and non-Bantu state be a false step? I'm not saying to have Reich flags held aloft by any Holla Forumsack volunteers.

dunno why my IP changed.

Aren't Ethiopians, Ugandans and other East African non-mixed negros like part-semite but otherwise civil?

No. American blacks are West African. Who are the NICEST of the blacks. Most of them just act like big children.

East Africans are fucked up, like, imagine if Jews were really stupid.

And then there's Central/South African blacks. Who are just something else entirely.

This had better not be some Republic of Texas thing with 87 dorks LARPing something major when it's really just them.

Africa is a big continent. It's no surprise that there were decent folks there before the plague of niggers from the congo fucked everything up. Khoisans are def the good guys.

I recognize you. You're the guy who says that if you fight the jews, they'll win. And that white nationalism is a tool of the jews.

You need to kill yourself.

West Africans are worst niggers.


Remember you should consider making sensual but non-slutty 70s and 60s clothing mandatory wearing for the women of New Rhodesia by law. This will protect the land from degeneracy and promote beauty, patriotism courage and white supremacy.

The CIA is going to "accident" or "freak mugging gone wrong" this guy so hard

The CIA is going to "accident" or "freak mugging gone wrong" this guy so hard

Glad it wasn't just me who's ID bugged.

Even in Rhodesia!

Do they even have a flag for Good Hope Under God?

Outer Heaven is a go!

Always admired the bushmen with their humble ways. They seem to be smarter than the average dindu too.

This is only because the rich kikes were beginning to feel the pressure under their feet as they too for their caucassian skin color began to be targeted by the ANC commies. The ANC wanted to seize their mines and other capital also became a huge oy veying in SA.

Not if we forcefully push it into collective conscious like pizzagate it won't.

yeah right

CIA pls


Unfortunately this is fake


Close enough to the 23rd in the US for me.

Only Ethiopians, Sudanese and Somalis don't have admixture with archaic hominids, and in the case of the later their admixture with arabs is by far much worse.

We have documents, and the kang himself speaking. What proof do you have that it is fake?

Does anybody have a single alternative source for this? Its a great and hopeful event but honestly i cant find any alternative sources for this. Is it really happening? The third Boer war: Bantu removal edition?


Fuck it, I'm just going to stay awake then.
OP here.

I remember this podcast from months ago, and I thought he was saying September specifically but he actually said anywhere from August to early December was when the crisis is going to hit. In case the embed changes the timestamp, go to 1:11:00 - 1:14:30ish.

Put the text on the bottom.


Death to every single leftist and kike.

Make South Africa Great Again

Personally I find the goons hilarious. They do some hit and run type shilling, doesn't look back to check the effects and assume they won and ride back to their ten bux bunker for a circle wank.

How is this not stickied. Major happening is major.


Imagine paying 10bux a month to use a mediocre internet forum, that doesn't even have any special features, and you're not even allowed to post anime. I'd fucking kill myself.

Why is it that Khoisians look Asian somehow?

user, why not the term "Good Hopefuls"?

Because they've been squinting outside in the sun for generations. They should learn how to innawoods to improve their looks.

Koisan in the house

Africa is big, lots of diversity within the blacks.
It's just that the niggers in america are mostly all negros from nigeria, so you don't really notice any difference if those are the only ones you see.

also, the bantu niggers genocided the rest of middle and southern africa

So why is this thread on this site?

Lurk two years before posting.

Probably because it's another one of those things like leekyforums.

You need to start thinking like adults and not children. Being in the midst of a firefight is not for everyone and shouldn't be for people who are graduating in STEM majors. Put that childhood fantasy away, get your jobs and donate your money to their cause and the cause at home and Europe. How can anyone fight a war against the kikes if they don't have funding?

t. generous company man

That isn't enough proof that it is real.

Seems true

Salarymen will not win this war. Nothing wrong with working for what you need for a comfortable life and a family, but beyond that money is worthless. One neet shitposter is worth 100 stem drones.

t. not kike

What I don't understand is why do niggers even care other than to gain political points that whites own the land to farm? Whites basically do the work for them.

What would you consider proof then if not a kang that leads a few million niggers signing documents and making speeches about it. When does it become true in your eyes that this is happening, because apparently video evidence doesn't mean anything

South Africa≠Rhodesia

civil and electrical engineering is serf labor :O
is my $80,000/year in marketing serf labor too???

therefore we shouldn't have a means to fund our cause???

of course not but their money can help us win.

what are guns, ammo, clothes, boots, food, shelter, etc.?????

t. neet

one more thing i forgot to include friendo. amateurs focus on tactics. masters focus on logistics. the generals of old paid more attention to how they would feed their army, supply routes, where their horses would graze, shelter in case of storm, where they could find water, and much much more. it's not glamourous but thats what helped win their wars.

Where the hell did you even come from

focus on the message not the formatting kid. now if you would excuse me, im going to make money to support the cause.

See this shit is why I always call out the socjus crowd on the use of the term "POC"
Now I know you're all going to laugh here, but it is racist. White supremacist even.

Why? Because they're erasing the identity, history and backgrounds of all these people and declaring their only defining trait to be that they are not white.

It's always funny to watch them try to squirm their way out of this argument.

I'm not the user you were talking to before. Leave the conversation up to actual anons. Your shaming tactics, and telling anons not to actually go and help make you rather obvious

Yeah, that's so little it's laughable.

I like it.

Siener van Rensburg, great Boer prophet predicted all whats happening, its incredible that all he said happened (and is happening) even one single mistake was not made. England will be crushed during ww3 so no ned to be afraid of it. Its really worth looking at his prophecies.

Seriously man, wtf…

Without sounding like one of you based nigger cuckchan faggots, it still pains me to see a man articulately express his deep feels for his race and try to lead them to something better than shitty parliamentary politics.. who isn't white.
This is our future isn't it? Taking refuge with the one or two out of 100 million nogs who can at least see that we benefit society and are willing to take us in. What the fuck have we become. This is literally Germany in like 20 years.

Sage for blackpill blogpost.

And a dog's IQ is lower still, but the loyal ones are man's best friend.

Uncle Tom was best negro.

Next stop - Germany in the 30s.

Thanks dubs, that makes me feel better. Get that Wiemar train rolling sooner rather than later and we can enact the final solution.
Have some OC on me

But you are right listening to this guy, he is like the Hitler of the Khoi. I find it interesting to listen to him, but if I were Khoi, I bet I would feel like a German listening to Hitler in those days. I don't know what that feels like, but I know that it must be a good feeling.


What a cuck.

This is powerful. Truly an example to the world, and to all fellow whites.


Like that euro migration thread does anyone have a demographic map of Africa? Possibly of the north, central, and south?

It would be incorrect to call these people niggers.


Would you fight for your Kang, Holla Forums?

he's not mine, but he has my support


Here, i see a man. I would fight for any true man.
Many people here are already fighting with him.

Seems like a decent enough fellow.
So what do we know about these people? Is he legit or just some larper?

I still don't like niggers. I just have a modicum of respect for this particular nigger.

Overall, I only care about Whites.

Read the thread. The Khoisan people are closer to Asians than niggers, and have an entirely different disposition than niggers as well.

So any news outlet picking this up? Because right now we have a news article on a backwater site, and two videos with less than 800 views total. I want this to be real, but I want solid undeniable proof.

here, these help?


Samurai Cuckmyshitup Jack.

What is their differentiation between "Black African" and "Colored"? Is it indigenous vs. migrant blacks? Or 'pure' khoisan niggers vs. mongrel bantu niggers?


mfw those New Rhodesia memes are about to become a reality

Colored means mulatto in SA.

Well if that's true, then what is the explanation for their differences to other nigs? Colder climate in past SA?

From my understanding "coloureds" in South African parlance are mixed race

I'm not knowledgable enough to answer that. All I know is that they are moderately better than the rest of the niggers from the information I have.

Well it seems that the topic is hotly debated by scholars, some of which do believe that the Khoisan came from Asia.
Basically, who knows?


if true, what do you think will happen? muh based negro
Are the south african niggers going to chimp out and eat you? Can you fight them off? Will the whites of south africa really be welcome and have a chance to continue living there?

Jews are going to try and blend into this as "white", while subtly asking the government of their opinions on kikeland. Don't let that happen.

This ethnic group looks like a mix of blacks and Asians. Perhaps the Asian factor has contributed to them being more thoughtful about the importance of boers.


That's gonna be a tough sell when the Kang himself is black, and anyone who looks into the subject will see the consensus is pretty clear that the Khoi/San people were the first in SA

That Europe is obviously shrunken in #2. Its like 30% smaller.

It's called projection.

finally a secession that has the power to shakes the world and change peoples mind about multiculturalism.

Don't think you understand, mate. Mossad are probably dressing up some stooge, as you're reading this. Moment the JQ is brought up, kikes will either wipe their brows or cry for war.

CIAniggers are weak you see them shill and you saw how they're decant. My bet that if they do shit it'll be the their downfall and the incompetence of the CIAnigger will be exposed



The Khoisan aren't negroes. They are some sort of primitive south Asians with an unusually peaceful stone age culture.

Actually engineers, especially young ones, are exploited through abuses of the salary system where they make you work multiple projects with unreasonable deadlines which forces you to work 12 hour days, nights, weekends, and holidays just to keep up. People at the company i did my internship at were constantly ill from stress and one suffered a nervous breakdown. STEM is a meme, don't fall for it like i did. There's few entry level jobs and tens of thousands of new graduates every year, everybody I graduated with is unemployed. If you do get a job, the stress and nolife isn't worth 60k starting. I encourage any young anons to take up a trade instead.

At least that nigger recognizes the value of whites in SA.

Moishe, please.



Yes, but will the left go along with another war but this time against a Kang and his people? I don't think the left could ever turn on the nigs again after how much they've pandered to them.

The cry for war may just be impotent whining if they actually try it.

It's a step-up from what the whites living in Africa already get. I say they take it, and let the niggers elsewhere starve.


Here's the real question: does this Kang have any actual power? He's clearly a recognized public figure based on what little info is out there on the western web, but his declaration of independence lays claim to half of South Africa.

3rd world politics are often hard to gauge since the media presence of even the most powerful leaders tends to be amateurish at best. This is one of those instances where I can't tell if this Kang is the equivalent of the Archbishop of Canterbury (a symbolic figurehead who has no real support amongst his people, retaining respect for his title purely because of tradition), an Indian Chief on an American reservation (highly respected amongst his people but he also has hardly any people to begin with, thus no power), or the true leader of the people his title claims him to be and this is receiving 0 coverage and looks amateurish simply because he's king of 3rd world bushpeople.

If his people really do acknowledge him as their figurehead, this is a big deal. It all comes down to whether a substantial number of people follow him already or not.

If Boers have good leadership they can withdraw with the kang and prepare to retake SA.

It's probably closer to useful idiot than "pet" as he knows with Boer help he can militarily defeat the ANC.

Literally nothing in the local media on this. Gee vir my 'n bietjie sauce.

t. Saffer

You thought the same for sandnigs, once, but mental gymnastics go beyond your logical reasoning. They'll have targets of the kang on jewbay just like they have for Assad.

well, they are bushmen, so they are undoubtedly less civilized than most people. they were the least aggressive of the tribes in southern africa, and as a result, their generosity got them pushed into the kalahari desert. but all tribes were once savage. it takes a great, wise king to accept savagery in his own tribe and try to move beyond it.

that is what this king has shown. he is wise, smart, and generous. he clearly has a deep love for his people and his culture, as evidenced by his ability to speak his ancient tongue. he has accepted that the boers and afrikaners suffer from the same plight. he knows working WITH them, and not seperate or parallel, is important. this olive branch he is extending is proof of his wisdom, generosity, and his empathy.

he is wise to mandela and all of his mistakes. he clearly states that he wants nothing to do with mandelas hypocrisy. im hoping this distaste for mandela, also extends to a hatred for communism, but we will have to wait and see. from watching his videos, where he speaks of turning down reparations, i can only hope that this means he wants nothing to do with communism and its sick ideologies.

this is a different breed of subsaharan africans. i really truly believe that this man means what he says. and anxiously (not eagerly) await the massive smear campaign against this guy, for having the balls to draft up a declaration of independence.

i hope that the brave boers are able to work with this man and his people to find a place for all of them. the land of south africa is vast and full of resources. the bantus have done fuck all with it since they received it, and destroyed all of the worthwhile infrastructure that they could. and they still hold such a grudge against the whites, that afrikaners are routinely murdered for nothing at all.

as far as im concerned, these khoisan people seem legit. at the very least they seem centuries ahead of the bantu, in terms of having human empathy. i can only hope that they get a chance to right what has been wronged in south africa. may the true KANG of south africa finally sit upon his throne, and may the khoisan people be led out of savagery, and into greatness alongside the afrikaners in a new nation of Good Hope.

never thought id live in a time where i would be able to witness the rise of a wise king. this is incredible

There are about as many Coloureds in the country as Whites, and they're all at least partly Khoisan. No clue how much sway the kang holds however. I hadn't heard of him before today, but then again I don't know any of the tribal leaders either and they have some tangible power apparently.

I suppose you're right. And kikes have the optimal guilt trip for the left with "muh holocaust" overshadowing everything else as by design.

I hope it doesn't come to war




tribal authority takes precedence over all parliamentary law for indigenous africans. its the reason why all democracies in africa have been doomed from the start. always, one tribe will get more power and influence in the government, and use their influence to suppress all other tribes. genocide usually ensues. this king does not seem to want this. he knows this common pitfall, and seems keen to avoid it.


I was under the impression that the south african natives were stone age pygmies.
Who got left alone by the white government on the basis that attempts to teach them what was going on around them had failed utterly.
That they didn't vote because they didn't even understand what government was let alone what voting was.

You're right in that African politics are inherently tribalist but it remains to be seen whether this Kang of Kangz is widely viewed to be the leader of his tribe by its people. Even if just a mere plurality of Khoisan people fall within his sphere of influence things are going to get very interesting but this is all moot if he is nothing hut a title no one believes in (all hat and no cattle).

The Mercator projection works such that things look bigger at the North end of the map with the North Pole looking like a fucking continent. The point of the image was to show how Europe and Africa actually compare in size. At the end of the day both land masses are still not their real shape (as seen from space) but distorted by the 2D projection. But it's closer to reality than what you see on a normal map.

fuck off with the d and c.
this king is the first one to even say anything about white genocide in south africa. the fact that he is a figurehead for a massive indigenous tribe is a benefit. the boers always had the problem of going it alone. nowhere in this mans videos does he say anything of keeping the whites as pets, or subjugating them. he sees that as a mistake that has led to this terrible reality that both his tribe, and the whites face together. if you cant see that, it is simply because you dont understand africa, africans, or their tribal politics (which is understandable as this is 8/pol/). the tribes who are the most marginalized, are that way because they were too passive. with this declaration, the king is making it clear that they will be passive no longer. if the king is any indication of his people, then we will soon see the best that subsaharan africa has to offer. literally nothing could be worse than the bantu savages, but i have high hopes that these people will show us all that no two tribes are created equally. a truth that all people of european decent are aware of.

Well he got involved in that shit involving the trust fund was it?
So presumably some authority.

Probably a lot like the zulu king.


Both anime and KANGZ are now reality.
How does that make you feel, Holla Forums?

Just another Monday to be honest

That part of the podcast stuck with me also. I have been waiting all year with great anxiety, I have a lot of friends from South Africa and their friends and family are still over there. I hope that this noble KANG is for real, because this is shaping up to be the fulfilment of old Seener van Renseburgs visions, against all odds.

Kek has returned full strength. Praise be to him.


why contain it?

Holy fuck

absolutely, 100% cannot contain it

I wish pajeets could contain it tbh

It ain't easy. Ever had indian food?

as i said earlier, the khoisan were originally from south african soil, thus why they are so much lighter skinned. they were driven out into the kalahari desert of namibia and botswana because they were too generous. as a result, most of his people live there. but namibia and botswana are the best countries in all of subsaharan africa, where whites and blacks actually DO live in relative harmony, both with their own cultures. i believe that this has everything to do with the fact that the khoisan people are a better people. if he can rally his people to take back their ancient land, and ally himself with the brave boers, i have no doubt that they can drive the bantu savages back. the deciding factor will be whether or not the international community will pick the kings side, or the bantus side. if they do nothing then the khoisan and boers will undoubtedly win, and the future of south africa looks bright.

indigenous africans do not take kindly to outside influence. this is because, like you said, government is something that the people have no concept of. if this king is truly the leader of his people, then they WILL follow him. its as simple as that. the king speaks of having an actual democracy and working with the boers to take back their country. together. this is completely unique to the history of africa. i cannot say for sure what will happen, but this is certainly history in the making. he sees the boers that were born there in SA, and his khoisan people that were driven out, as one in the same. both are a people that were born into a land that theyve been excommunicated from. he wants both cultures to succeed, seperately, AND together, as they once did in rhodesia. he knows whites are an asset, and wants to join them in the modern day.

also, there are plenty of people of khoisan descent that do not live as hunter-gatherers. there are schools in namibia that are quite good, english is the main language, and so undoubtedly, there are educated people within his tribe. a common goal, as well as a common tongue. like i said, unprecedented. if he is able to mobilize them, as well as ally them with the boers, this crazy movie-tier plot might just have some legs to it. one can only hope, for all the boers sake

This is legendary /bread. Why is this not a sticky?
This is fucking IT lads.

If he is proud of his people and his heritage and wants only the best for them, while also being an ally for whites who want the best for their own people, then he is useful. So long as he is useful, we can be allies. The second he turns nigger, fuck him.

I know that feel user.

Fake news until sufficient sources are provided. At this point there are none.



Very much what this user said. There are many companies that do this. However, many car companies allow for engineering overtime. You still work those crazy hours like you say but at least you get paid.

Shill faggot begone



why dont you watch the two hour interview that the guy personally gave? or the video he made declaring independence. or any of the other interviews hes given? wait let me guess, its all fake, the man doesnt exist, he has no right to rule SA etc….

the reason you have never heard of the khoisan people is because since colonial times, they have been grouped with other tribes and referred to as "bushmen". as someone who has studied subsaharan african music privately, i can tell you that the khoi people do in fact exist, and the evidence of this man being the king of the khoi tribe extends back to 695AD of recorded births. this is a different tribe of bushmen. they are fair skinned, generous, kind people that identify their struggle alongside afrikaners against the corrupt ANC government, and the savage bantu people who terrorize both of them daily. they have no voice internationally, and the rest of the international community still thinks mandela is a saint, so dont expect any kind of media coverage. they cant backtrack and show that the ANC oppresses minority tribes and whites indiscriminantly. and they wont, because a corrupt SA is easier to use for globalists than a sovereign one.

you can believe or disbelieve whatever you want, but these are the original people of SA, and they want to HELP the white south africans, because theyve lived long enough to see both options be played out. they want to work with them to restore SA to its former glory.


checked, reiterated, and bumped.

So at this point do we have any evidence that the KANG's plans are going forward?

These are San people. They are VERY different racially than the niggers that live alon the coasts who we are constantly dealing with. They may be darkies, but they are a different race. Like chimpa vs babboons.

Link me a real news article, at least acknowledging this has happened

Make Africa SAFE again
Make Africa GREAT again
Make Africa WHITE again

Pajeets are 'coloureds' too if I'm not mistaken

Acknowledging the existence of a secession attempt gives that secession attempt power.

Gee, I wonder why the (((media))) would cover it up…

why dont you watch the Q & A with him on youtube, and fucking teach yourself things.

please define what a proper and real "news" article is?

Hes not even talking about making africa white, hes saying they have a right to exist there too, unlike today. Which is the first time this has ever happened, ever.

at least you gave a source though, so youre not a complete faggot.

you want me to teach the man to fish too?

i say, if he doesnt care enough to look for himself, it wouldnt have mattered to him anyhow. You must want it.


Try reading the thread fucktard.

Why isn't anyone reporting about it? Where's all the news?

9 minute mark is where he asks for help. Seems like an entertaining fellow. I could imagine drinking a beer or several with him and listening to his stories.

choke on a waterfall of cocks, you ip-hopping, weak tea faggot.

This isn't news, citizen. Trump farted in a library after he secretly binged on chipotle provided by Putin and his cadre of hackermen.
The World™ needs to know.
t. (((Journo)))

listen to anything the man has said. president zuma has no reason politically to acknowledge that this man or his people exist. it is a huge humanitarian issue that would be exposed and cause a huge scandal for him and his govenrment. it would also bring unwanted attention to the genocide that is being committed daily on whites in the country. king cornelius III cannot exist, or else the truth of SA will be exposed to the international community. are you surprised that the same globalization media machine that was instrumental in installing mandela as president, is hesitant to admit that they fucked up, that things are worse there than they ever were, that the ANC is corrupt, that actual genocide is going on, and that every NGO in the area is entirely complicit in this? do you really think theyd be so eager to shoot themselves in the foot?

this man is blowing the lid off of the whole charade. you can choose not to believe it, but i will NOT let you misinform the people here or anywhere else. im going to signal boost the ever loving fuck out of this in every aspect of my life and there is FUCK ALL you can do to stop me. choke to death on my piss you fucking shill faggot. south africa has a future, and it wont be the one that you and youre fucking globalist buttbuddies chose. it is a future of GOOD HOPE.

also, what this user says is truth. dont let your hatred for african americans get in the way of this. slavers bought slaves from nigerian tribes. these are an entirely different people from them. literally no genetic relation at all, and it is quite obvious from even one look at them. there have been countless anthropological studies showing that this tribe is one of the oldest bloodlines on earth. give them a chance, before discounting them as just another pack of niggers, you have nothing to lose, and the poor whites that are terrorized daily in SA have everything to gain.

They need a Rabbi to ascertain wether it is kosher before they report in a neutral manner/demand the antisemite's head.

what if he had 100 Holla Forumsock staff memebers? Or 10?

Your answer can be found here and I haven't seen the video yet, but I imagine he acknowledges white genocide which would further destroy the narrative that the media like a would love for everyone to continue believing.

This, these are the people of Punt who were fair traders with the ancient Egyptians. They are NOT the niggers we know. Their skulls are even flat faced rather than protruding!

lol, what a fucking time to be alive


Can we get King Nigger III on Holla Forums or even an AMA, purely for exposure? Why not?

You guys are retarded this a psyops operation by Goons. None of this is legit. Fucking retards, a few subtitles, a pdf and you guys buy into it, and a fucking sticky. Wtf is this shit?

Lol what a gay.

He's speaking english you stupid nigger. Do you really expect us to fall for your goon tricks if you can't even be bothered to review the thread first?

But I just found this thread.

He's Puntish, not Nigger. Either way though, we need to work with this guy. He cn blow the narrative apart. Send him Mein Kampf!

awww, did we let you down? Take a hike kike, this man has nothing but peace to offer.
Look how mad you are. It delights me.

What the hell has happened

Doesn't SA have a whole bunch of kings? And none of them have real power? So one of these guys declared independence for half the country, and I'm supposed to think it's real? I have no doubt that the kinglet gave a speech and signed a paper, but it doesn't mean shit.

well then I've got some news for you friendo, its happening.




Africa is also the only reasonable place Holla Forums could ever get to sud/pol/ too..

Btw had not the Kang of the Zulus also shitted on up the Black government's incompetence and said that they were better under Whites' rule?

Khoisan are potentially more distant genetically to Bantu niggers than Europeans are to Asians.

basically zulus are to niggers what anglos are to whites?

Imagine some "based" American Indian chief signed a declaration of independence and claimed half the US was seceding under his authority. Would it happen? Would Civil War II be on? No, it would not.

You'll get shit for saying that, but considering the relationship between Anglos and Boers…. Yes.

These are very good points. I once again feel the guiding force of Kek. This whole weekend felt like one thing after the other illuminating our goal. If we want to succeed in our nationalist ideals we must secure nationalist strongholds for the other ethnic groups as well. It seems like each group has it's own domesticated group that is persecuted for being rational. Look how well our memes are spreading in the rest of the world. It's been said many times but 10% is all we need. We need to meme harder the whole rainbow keeping the colors separate instead of mixing into a dirty brown.

nah we dont need another idi amin. it didnt work last time and it wont work now. also, grooming the guy to be too nationalistic removes any chance of him doing anything to help the afrikaners.

this guy has his own charm (i mean look at this thread. in a couple hours this dude has suddenly become one of the most popular figures on a fucking WHITE NATIONALIST board. imagine what he could do to normies). his charisma is something that could psychologically break apart the narrative worldwide, starting in SA. and as we know, in todays information age, psychological weapons are infinitely more powerful than even nuclear weapons. id say let him do his thing, and just signal boost the ever loving fuck out of him. these videos have double digit views, probably almost entirely from here.

and dont call him a nigger. his people are direct descendents of allies of the ancient egyptian civilization. his bloodline is older than that of most europeans. he deserves everyones respect until proven otherwise.

it looks like THIS is what kek has sent us. an old ally. a literal KANG. a man that can blow apart the falsehoods of the modern day with his words. lets make this the new humanitarian issue in the world, and see what happens.

Tbh Khoisan actually are the earliest branching-off of homo sapiens with the highest percentage of archaic hominid admixture. The wierd part though is that they look way more human than the mainstream Niger-Congo superfamily of niggers.

Did the Indian have the internet?
Did he have a team of faggots hired to D&C campaign against him also?
Considering africa is in constant war, i imagine some long term peace would be whole heatedly welcomed.





holy mother of god.

They actually are homo sapiens rather than niggers. Their #1 foe is the nigger! Let them have Afrika, they've ALWAYS been willing to work with Hyperboreans.

This but "Bantu" in that context is way too over-inclusive. Bantus are just one the two major branches over the Niger-Congo superfamily (the blue part labeled "Bantu" in your map).

Also Niger-Congo "people" being militant conquerors that genocided all the other lingual groups and races of Subsahara could also explain why modern dindus are so aggressive.

Next stop

Why hasn't anybody checked this yet? Glorious digits of truth and courage.

There are Bantus, Congos, and then arab-congo mutts. These are the niggers. The San/Khoasan are the only humans left in africa beyond our own colonials.

Dubs confirm! Praise Kek! The Reich will be reborn! afrika CORPS NOW!


I'm fuckin losing it lads
I feel like I did days before the US election, like we're on the precipice of something
If shit goes down in South Africa, you better believe I'll be on the first plane or boat going there

We can't wait that long. We must start support now. We meme them publicity, help them find financing, and consider material support for RWDS.

Same here. A boat may be best. If we could grease the wheels with a captain then perhaps Anons could bring their full gear. Perhaps disembark in a dingy and go to shore under the cover of night.

How do we know anything is happening?
I don't get it
All I see is an unsourced document on a weird website
Someone please help me understand

I guess I should join up too if that happens.


If anyone is actually going and shows me proof of some sort, I will manufacture what I can to support you. Armoranon here. I don't have specs up to stop FMJ but i can sure as shit provide protection for extremeties against shrapnel and bantu machete attack, and fire retardant gear. I've got some new materials in though to test, so with Kek, maybe this will be the one.

The saddest part is the European countries reject Boers' asylum requests while bringing in millions of brown terrorists that hate our guts.

nothing HAS happened yet. literally no one even knows about this dude outside of this thread. but this IS the beginning of it. i can feel it. from rensbergs predictions, to the relation of the khoisan tribe to ancient egypt, to the kings sympathy for afrikaners, and the absolute media blackout, to the prophecy of sept 23rd, to kek sending us an ancient KANG and ally of his former followers, to the sheer fucking irony of an ancient black KANG being the one leading the vanguard to stop white genocide in south africa (kek sure does love irony).

all signs point to this being the happening that has been foretold. this is so much more than just a coincidence, this is the fucking book of revelations



This is why I feel there has be something happening in the shadows ordinary people know nothing about.

Something clearly evil as it entails dismantling western civilization and masaive violence will have to be part of out downfall if we reach that point

and they will get theirs. rensbergs prediction calls for a war that will wipe literally everything about great britain off the map. i doubt europe will fair much better, considering the proximity



No evidence? This is utter bullshit.

Way to blow your IP on the first post, KIKE.

Satanic trips demand meme magic for RWDS

There's nothing special about this guy and you're fooling yourselves if you believe otherwise.
He's begging for gibs in this video and at no point does he say anything redpilled in the video series.
This is a cuckchan tier meme.

does take the whole dick up your ass to realize your getting fucked, and he gets this, so he speaks for an quantifiable number of OG Africans and everyone else getting fucked, including us.

doesnt* and unquantifiable*
im done

Gee, I wonder what it could be?

Holy shit he really looks like a king


Right, he's speaking on behalf of the Afrikaaners when he's supporting reparations for apartheid.

Here's your CIA, blaming their cultural conditioning on 'goons.'

if the khoisan fulfill this prophecy and help to overturn the psychological narrative, the least we could do is cede namibia to them. theyll have deserved it. if they want to share it, then more power to them. id love to see something like that happen, as id all but given up on that prospect. perhaps this new king can change that.

as it stands now, namibia has virtually none of the racial tension that is present in south africa and zimbabwe. i believe that this is entirely because of the genetic difference between the khoisan tribe and the bantu tribe. one is capable of being civilized and working alongside us, while the other is militant, aggressive and unable to deal with whites due to an inferiority complex.

all i ask is that people do not judge the people from their current "bushman" state. there is a lot of indications that they are the last of a great tribe that was exiled from their homelands long ago. in ancient times, the aryans suffered the same fate and became wanderers. when a great people, that is plagued by barbarism, is confronted with the prospect of civilization and advancement, they take embrace it. this is what we did, and i believe the khoisan are capable of doing. when a fallen race is confronted with the choice, they destroy the civilization and attempt to replace it with their own image. this is what the bantu (and all their various diaspora and descendants) have done.

Guess he'll be liberated soon.

I am melancholically amused by your naivety. What makes you think that the ZOG has qualms over utterly destroying history, relics and cultural heritage?

Looks like SA has been woke for over a year.

Most redpilled quote spouted by a leader for decades.

Regarding long-term planning the question is, how can one improve a desert for people culturally accustomed to deserts (without turning it into a grassland that is)?

Is there any agricultural research on how to improve yield and bio-productivity of semi-desert shrublands in order to make Bushmen's living more comfortable without fucking up its ecotone, aesthetics and natural biomes?

Load your mags. Zero your rifles. It's happening. Crusade of Good Hope.

Pretty fucking neat

Go literally anywhere rural. There are whole states: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming. Pick one.

isn't it sad when an African can speak better English then negros that have been in America for hunderds of years still speak borderline gibberish Ebonics? Integration of blacks never works unless they are like the man in this video


Geoengineering, canals to move water around. Or desalination plants. Economical nuclear desalination has been technically feasible for decades, the US nuclear regulators have made it impossible, but in Good Hope it may be done.

The solution is to embrace the desert. Deserts are a place of hardship and hardship breeds ingenuity.

Nice try.

Nothing can stop us now!

nigger they were never asleep, just too busy fighting to meme on the internet about it.

They have to be. Or they will die.

Blacks were doing better in the 1960s before the kikes shot JFK. Johnson came it and decided to turn all the blacks into niggers with welfare.

Don't want to sound like a monarchist but his ancestors actually wuz kangs for a fucking reason just like African-American losers were enslaved and sold away by fellow niggers for a reason.


Scottland wales ect are already damn near null and void. They're the UK.

The man in the video is an entirely separate species from the American Nigger. His people weren't sold as slaves to kikes and resold in the Americas. Look at their skulls. They're closer to ryan or Mongoloid in feature, and represent a far earlier split. If anything the nigger is a mix of the San and some other hominid that raped a few of them.

Damn right, now get the memes flowing!

Do these still apply when we have fast-neutron reactors nowadays?

Checked. All the digits in this thead. Wew.

I'm kind of torn by this. On the one hand, they're clearly capable of being peaceful neighbors. On the other, many (most?) live a primitive life that is incompatible with civilization. Are they capable of civilization? Would they even want to be? It's hard to say. Even if they did, they would likely act completely different than Boer/Afrikaner social norms, and would obviously have different outcomes. If they want to stay as bushmen, they could either negotiate separate territories, or negotiate different land uses in the same territory (i.e. grazing for the Boer, hunting for the bushmen). I just don't want to fall into the egalitarian trap of treating them the same under the law, because it won't work.

Either way, that's a question for later. I'm sure there'll be plenty of goodwill between the two after surviving what's going to be a rough war with the Bantu.

I'm not big on prophecy stuff, but I once doubted meme magic too. Never again.

this isn't even borderline this is just literal nigger gibberish I would be surprised if this ape could write his own name

Rural Oregon is also extremely white and voted majority Trump. Just avoid the cities (cucked to hell politcally but veryl, very white for a major American city) and its basically a white etho state.

The issue isn't the speed of the neutrons. It's really about using molten salt reactors. They're so much safer and more efficient (can't melt down) that they'll be 1/4 the cost of older reactors once we get them off the ground. They run hotter, so they are better for desalinating water.

Wasn't there some prophesy we discovered a while back that stated that "the Boers will make a final stand"? And that Greece and Russia would form an alliance before WWIII.

They outright encouraged whites to join them. They want whites for civilization so their people can live the way they desire, as peaceful rural folk who trade with the white communities. They aren't the niggers we see all the time, they are enemies of the bantu and congo niggers. They were able to coexist with the Egyptians in this same way, and when egypt fell, so did they. They are a companion species that lives in the wildlands, and their women are unnattractive to us and ours to them.

Khoisan still have the lowest median IQ after abos (that live in similar environments). Their adaptations were almost exclusively physical and they seem to live comfy enough in the shrubs to not be anywhere near as a aggressive as their fellow subsaharans (which is rather ironic given that according to liberal (((academics))) scarcity is the reason of mudslimes' and niggers' violent cultures completely disregarding that Bantu niggers live in some of the most bioproductive areas of the world that can even support megafauna like rhinos, hippos and elephants and super-apex predators like Lions).

America is going to be the turning point. America will throw off the occupiers by 2024 at the latest.

I think I have translated this gibberish.

Oh fuck off with your IQ bullshit. The test was designed to see how people should be placed in public school. They train for different skillsets.

you can't even support a family on that wage

What's worse is that he's famous for playing an American in (((HBO's))) The Pacific.

Exactly. Btw, their ancestral knowledge of plantlife and culture are being exploited by (((Big Pharma))) so on top of the Jewish influence in SA, the Khoisan people have another reason to hate the Eternal Jew.

It's more nutrition than bad genes.Savages gain 15-30 IQ from proper nutrition.

did you ever stop and think that not everyone who comes here is even natsoc? would you believe it if i told you that most of the people posting day in and day out about lynchings are people who are either angry children, or old defeated people who are so far at the end of their rope that they see no other option?

would you believe it if i told you that there are people here simply who want to oppose the globalist agenda of destroying every single nation, culture and identity and make us all into genderless, indistinguishable blobs? that there are people here who get excited, not only at the prospect of whites waking up and embracing their culture, but also the prospect of every race doing the same? if everyone woke up to the reality of the lies theyve been told about everything simultaneously, then the faux-deathgrip that this false narrative has over people would disintigrate, and they would have absolutely no power over any of us. we could all redistribute ourselves to the place where we can accomplish the most and improve our nation of like-minded people. some folks can go to the white ethnostate, the european ethnostate, the chinese ethnostate etc. the people who want to work with other races can go to the new country of good hope and give that a shot too. then we could simply sit back and watch the plants grow. we can piss and moan about who is better than who at what in a couple generations. i simply want to move forward from this worldwide cultural rut that weve been in since the enlightenment era. if an ancient race of africans follows us into that future, i have no problem with that.

also, living alongside people, doesnt mean we HAVE to fuck them. it doesnt mean we have to erase our race and our culture. it doesnt mean they have to do that either. this is all so fucking simple. not everything has to be so extreme as "we must kill all the nonwhites", or the opposite, "we must fuck everything that is non-white and be a bunch of goddamned degenerates". personally i find both attitudes to be fucking retarded, but i bite my tongue, because there is no place for a discussion like that here.

ill sage out of respect, because i know im the minority here, but after all the learning i have done about ancient civilizations (partly because of all the esoterica and ancient civilization shit posted here) ive learned that there is a lot more to many of these races than initially meets the eye. if they are enlightened enough to proceed forward into the future with us, then they deserve a place in it. if certain cultures are completely incompatible with each other, then we need to do something about it, possibly move one or both of them. but there is a ton of fucking space on this earth that is un-utilized. i firmly believe that there will be space for everyone if we actually do this the right way and not just let the 3rd world breed itself, and all of us along with it, into oblivion.

someone plase make an "I am dictator man" meme for the Kang

None of the vocal Nazis are real White Nationalists. None of them. Not David Duke, not Richard Spencer, not the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack fag. They're all plants. Anyone who really believes in White Nationalism knows you're not going to persuade people of it by waving around a symbol hated by everyone outside your movement. It's awful branding, and an obvious attempt to discredit.

The fuck nigger? How does "trained for different skillsets" equate to me saying anything about genes? These people have NEVER taken a standardized test because they LIVE A REAL LIFE from birth, unlike some teetotaler who spent their entire childhood in a box called a public school. Even their kang states he was taught to fight with a staff as a child, while cucks today are taught not to fight but read marx and do as teacher says.


KYS torfag. This is a NATIONAL SOCIALIST board.

I can't find any media reporting on this. Is this even real?

Don't let the well-poisoning Supremacists leave a bad taste in your mouth regarding NatSoc. NatSoc promotes the exact same principles you believe, but there are those that describe these principles as TRS-like "Civic Nationalism". They don't realize that TRS promoted race-blind, multikulti patriotism and not Nationalism of any form. Not only that, but the (((Alt-Right))) unironically defended Jews.

>I can't find any (((media))) reporting on this
There's your answer.

This. You'd have to be a plant or retarded to try to sell your movement with the most propagandized icon (Nazi flag) in history. Just use your own flag or a modified version (no Swastika. Shit even using original icons of your own design would be better. As long as it isn't design by a 13 year old.

literally NO media of any kind. Wouldn't something like a seccession be reported at least somewhere?

user, the torfag is a shill trying to derail us and prevent us from having allies. They want whites to die in south africa. They are supporting white genocide. Ignore the torfag, fight for the cause of National Socialism.

reparations and justice, did you forget whites are in apartheid now in africa?

That would give it legitimacy and acknowledge someone finds problems in SA.
There is the answer. They are they Holla Forums of nations, unlisted, unarchived, unacknowledged, unbroken.

Do you think the media would ever report on an event that explicitly mentions white genocide?

Are you looking in the same places where they aren't reporting on migrant crimes too?

So the (((mafia))) sucked all the life out of Italy and has now moved on to a new host to live off of.

I would wait and see if they even want northerners to move there. They may see you as an invader rather then a friend.

They can do whatever as long as they stay in their lands. I give extra credit to this Khoisan kang because he's right, the Boers were in fact not originally from SA. But he has enough sense to realize the Boers never fucked with them and more importantly, that 400 years is a long time in human terms. Dozens of generations of Boers have bled in that soil, it's understandable they do not want to leave.

The Bantu are scum that don't get that. Literally "gibsmedat" tier niggers. At least the Khoisan just want to be left the fuck alone, which interestingly is very similar to the relationship between the Boers and the later British and British origin Afrikaners that came after. The Boer wars happened precisely because the Anglofucks couldn't leave the Boers alone. Rhodesia went it's separate way and got fucked and isolated by NATO because it defied the Brits.

The Boers are unique even amongst Europeans. As a Portuguese one of the proudest things I can say is that we never abandoned them until our own commies took over the country. They've never had any friends, not after Cape came under Brit control. If I was a Boer I'd take any friend I could, even if it was a nigger kang. At least that nigger kang will work with them and fight with them, more than can be said for the Brits and others they've dealt with in their history.

hes right though. that shit doesnt garner support from new people. it acts a support group for those marginalized by their beliefs

i know. im comfortable with my beliefs. i actually DONT want to oppress anyone if i can help it, because i know the blowback will be a thousand times worse. hell ive gone on similar rants irl and gotten nothing but applause. from people of all different political ideologies.

it would, if it wasnt a huge blow to the entire globalist narrative. i triple dog dare you to go out and tell everyone that there is even anything going on in SA at all, let alone genocidal regime started by a "saint" such as our lord and savior blackjesu-imean-nelson mandela

Go ahead and quote when I said something bad about White Nationalism. Hint: you can't, because you're a well-poisoning shill. Now, why don't you prove you believe in White Nationalism by a well-reasoned explanation of how uniculture correlates with higher trust relationships and economic growth. Hint: you won't, because you don't want anyone to think, you just want to poison the well.


Hitler thought the same. The whole point of nationalism is to be pro yours, not anti everyone else. The reason why the jews were targetted was because they sought to destroy the germans and you can't let something that is anti you exist when you are trying to be pro you. Hell, if it was me I'd have tried to genocide them rather than just ship them off to somewhere else but I'm no Hitler.

Zulu King: ‘Apartheid government respected me’

King Of The Zulus: Slams ‘So-Called’ South African Democracy, Says Country Was Better Off Under Apartheid

Zulu King: Blacks Destroy S. Africa




You shit on National Socialism and have not produced a single native meme. You torpost solely because you're instabanned for your heresy.
National Socialism for Boer-San Alliance!
They were allies of Egypt as Punt, and they will serve as allies to the new Reich!
Praise Kek! Sieg Hiel!

You just proved my point. You're literally attacking a coherent defense of uniculture and nativism (the terms you would choose if you were seeking to persuade instead of repulse) and pretending to be defending the concepts. Then you top it off by attacking cryptography, like a straight-up NSA apologist. Stop poisoning the well.

I have an idea. Expell the gibsniggers and cooperate with the Zulu King to let him repatriate them into his fold and under his authority. Khoisan-Boer Alliance gets to end White genocide, Zulu King gets more subjects - everyone wins.

But he's not egyptian.
Egyptians are extinct. He's an arab.

He basically reaffirms the NRx types regarding monarchy. His views are exactly how a monarch should govern.


I'd rather share a trench with that 'nigger' than you faggot.

Could it be? Could Khoisan actually count as human?
I don't see the usual negro malice in their eyes, the dull expression of a mindless beast. They might be or become powerful allies in the coming war.

That's not really true. Sure, Modern Egypt has a high presence of Arabs, but even now there still exist unadulterated bloodlines from Ancient Egypt.


You both realize you're both defending the Khoisan position on this and you're attacking each other over perceived attacks against NatSoc when neither of you attacked NatSocs right?

Is there even just one TORfag in this thread?


Also, I agree with you for the most part. NatSoc != Nazi, while the Nazi party was the result of Germanic interpretation of NatSoc ideals, there is no reason why that interpretation is the end-all, be-all that must be followed by people of every nation. Just look at how the few successful NatSoc-like parties such as Golden Dawn operate. The larger group must reflect the makeup of its individual members.

Maybe out in the most remote parts of Egypt.
But by this point they're probably ludicrously inbred.

He's not zulu you fucking idiot. He fights zulu bantu and congo. He's not a damned nigger, he's San/Kho/Punt.

Look at the skulls. They're not niggers, which is why niggers attack them constantly. They are an ancient hominid that lived alongside hyperboreans for ages.


Excellent idea, imo.

The Khoisan kang is a genius: Create a pan-alliance of whites, coloreds, and Khoisan to fight degenerate gibs niggers and communism.

Upcoming War Belligerents

Side A

Side B

Now we just need to copy and paste these in our own countries replacing South Africa.

I didn't attack anyone. I said there are people trying to discredit the movement by simply posting offensive optics and never discussing the reasoning for uniculture and nativism. Notice, the only ones attacking are the ones posting Nazi memes, which is proving my point. These are well poisoners. It should be incredibly obvious by now. Did anyone posting a Nazi meme try to give an intellectual defense of their claims?


Dutch guy here, with afrikaanse relatives, confirming that this is real. Haven't seen my distant relatives this rejoiced nor hopeful for change.

I understand that King Khoebaha Cornelius III is King of Khoisan. I'm talking about the Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu

Pretty much exactly that. Separate-ish but equal-ish. It works pretty well without the (((merchants))) stirring up trouble.

Holy shit, this is even bigger, because they're ANC's main base. If a rebellion breaks out and this guy is serious, the ANC will have no more power than the feral imports they brought in post-Apartheid. The country will break up into separate kingdoms.This boosts the white's survival chances tremendously.

The Khoisan/Bushmen have lived peacefully with the Afrikaaner and Boer in SA for centuries. They fought on the side of the Whites vs. niggers and were EXCELLENT trackers.

The Khoisan hate the niggers because the niggers constantly try to genocide them.

I did, but I understand your point.

Ultimately this isn't shills or anything. It's newfag scum. Sure some few might be shills, but ultimately this is a similar scenario to those fag "superseriousmuhwaifu" faggots on /a/. It's a desperate attempt by faggots to fit in by adopting the most extreme stances of what they perceive to be acceptable board behavior.

It gets to the point people shit on esoteric guys like Evola, or monarchists, or what have you, because they don't conform to what they view the NatSoc party to have been like. And then it generates newfag arguing against newfag because nobody can agree on what the NatSoc party even ways because none of these newfags will actually take the time to lurk and LEARN.

It's the invariable fate of any image board that gains traction and doesn't have mods willing to enforce iron fucking rules against the newfaggot vermin.

Don't tell me that I'm agreeing with that faggot who disagrees with me!

Case in point. Torfag thinks National Socialism is bad.

Posted wrong link, here is the riht one.

This will be nuts, I think it's happening. These Africans have seen what life was like under white rule, terrorism (funded by China and Cuba more than the USSR), "independence" under their assets, and finally realized that white conservatives are their best shot at avoiding extinction.

He didn't say that you retarded son of a bitch.

He's telling you that spouting "edge nazi memes" to fit into Holla Forums doesn't make you a NatSoc any more than skinhead degenerates waving around swastikas or doing the Roman salute.


Oh, apologies, I wasn't aware he was a player in this. Well, I'll say this. Never trust a Zulu. They are a savage race of negroid.

What the fuck? I started more threads that are stil up after months than you've made posts in this thread. We're derailing though, as is torfag's intent. The point is to meme support for this new kingdom.

The problem is the state government you'll be up against.

You really need to understand how frequent and deep the shilling is. Eglin AFB posts Nazi memes all the damn time, probably their #1 activity is posting Nazi memes on halfchan. It discredits the board (go back to reddit, where we control everything you see with vote scripts), and shuts down rational discussion. Maybe 25% of this is useful idiots following the shills, most of it is Air Force employees in Florida. Just run through a few threads and look at the quality of contribution by anyone posting Nazi memes to people who avoid the bad optics and try to explain the benefits of their position rationally. Oh look, I just found an obvious example:

Please, I want you to elaborate on why you support National Socialism as a beneficial policy, with reference to economics and crime prevention.

don't call me a kike but there is zero noise about this. even the (((media))) would say something, albeit spin it but the fact that they've said nothing, not even to spin it, is incredibly suspicious. sorry, want something a little more concrete than a fucking wordpress site from 2007.

Fuck yes user. This is The Happening.

Please KEK let this happen.

Micro blog post: Imagine file attachment of pensive and slightly worried looking animu grill

I have been losing sleep over the current fate of Whites in SA for a few months now. This is the best news I have seen come out of that country in the past 6 months. I'm a leaf, and I looked into it: The Canadian government has explicitly denied refugee asylum to SA Whites because "it might harm diplomatic relations with South Africa". Seriously, here is the article:

White South Africans denied refugee status in Canada

((("motivated by economic conditions and not race")))

I guess the real kangz were the friends we made along the way.

So much noise ITT, and yet not a single saffa poster has appeared to confirm or deny this and provide details. Not even alternative media reports on that (pisswater would be all over it by now). Hell, not even the kang's own twitter contains any info about that. A secessionist claims a good half of a country and the world just ignores him? Unlikely



And see why I believe cooperation could be achieved.

Esoteric Hitlerism, Akuamma, Hippie Mafia, Shields, Temple of Kek.
Say my Name.

Well, either there's a media blackout, or this is a hoax. Right now all we have to go on is the webm and the declaration of succession posted in this thread, which isn't enough to say for sure.

White+zulu+khoisan alliance against bantu niggers when?

Welp. Looks like it's a false alarm after all.

When I get back, tirade paused for needing to visit notary.

[Breekis softly]

I'm ready.

Zulus are a subgroup of Bantus, you cretin. Damn, this board has gone to shit lately.

Every single person you just mentioned has admitted they weren't national socialist and they pretty much say the exact same "muh pr" bullshit you say.

tldr. TRS get out.

Yeah but they were isolated and were actually native to their region compared to the sea of other misc bantu tribals that flooded into the country after whitey made it developed.

There is l literally a video of the Khoisan Kang signing the document in the rense article, and he even reads the entire document aloud in English, word for word what is posted on the Rense article.

Embedded here:

Direct link:

Why would the kike media report on this?

Even if it's not happening right now, White Saffers should see that they have a friend in the Khoisan and that it's time for them to strengthen bonds.

Thread theme

But a day, shall arise, when the dark Bantu’s lies,
Will be silenced forever and then!
Fair South Africa will be free from foul Zuma’s maw!
Ancient Kang be the savior of men!

good job user

i gotta run. keep posting this so people dont think this is a hoax. that seems to be all the shills can come up with

signing of the declaration of independence of the state of good hope

This song needs to happen immediately.

It's not just that the Zulus are native to the region, it's that the Zulu King represents a Bantu authority that understands that Blacks fucked everything up and could be convinced to take in the Bantu invaders from SA and keep them under his boot in a position that prevents them from murdering Whites.

here's hoping.

Is there ANY confirmation of any of this being real other then some jewtube video's of a guy who says he is a kang?

I just checked all the African news sites I could and zero mention of any of this. If a civil war was starting I would think someone would say something, no?

Eh, I still don't really buy it. The site the news was posted on is suspicious enough. For example, the site is owned by an independent radio host whose web design looks like it came straight out of the early 90's net. Why would news as big as this only appear on this one incredibly niche site by some random internet radio host? It makes me think it was faked for publicity, but it could also be some information that slipped out of some kind of media blackout. There just isn't any way to verify it's authenticity.

Imagine if some mongol riders, maybe a rich mongol warrior with his small group decided to explore Africa and ended up stopping after finding the sea to fuck some natives and this is the result.

The bad blood between Brit and Boer needs to be addressed and rectified. No more brother wars.

That's not the case. Khoisan are the oldest living ethnicity on Earth.

except it won't. You're missing that user''s point entirely. Unless the media can use it as a tactic against whites, it won't be displayed and normalfags will never see it.
Take this video for instance
The normalfags will not see it and no one will care.

There's enough of that bad blood to fill a sea.
The kikes must be eradicated, then. As long as they exist, brother wars will.

Explain how all evidence will be erased idiot. All literature, film, music etc are going to be destroyed? No remnants? It's bullshit.

except it won't. You're missing that user''s point entirely. Unless the media can use it as a tactic against whites, it won't be displayed and normalfags will never see it.
Take this video for instance
The normalfags will not see it and no one will care.

If Pole and Russian can stand with German, Brit and Boer can stand together too. The conflict between them devastate all parties involved, and only the Eternal jews benefits.


Rhodesia is not a physical place.
Rhodesia is in our hearts.

Can user provide some context for pic three here?

They're not negros, but a separate race

They’re still negroids, user. Just as the caucasoid species has both caucasians (white) and other caucasoids (those of arabian descent now living in north africa and the middle east), the negroid species has capoid and congoid subspecies.


Khoisan are pre-Negroid.


There can be no peace with the British Empire. Look into British Israelism, they are kikes.

are you this dense?

That was a different time, we're now in the age of social media, it can spread if you dont fucking give up. you blackpilled faggot.

I would like this more than anything user.



He also hung out with the biggest flamming faggots of his time but we're implying anyone here would have a problem with that.

Choose one, cuck.

i think that counts as a "September the 23rd" happening.
"on the 23rd day of September, 2017, our said nations will take possession of the provinces, secede into a new country under a Sovereign Parliament Federal Government."
Praise KeK,

Is Liberace part of the Bog bloodline?

The happening occurred less than 24 hours ago you fucking faggot. Use your brain as to why the kikes would not use their media power to broadcast the fact that an entire tribe has just declared secession from the kike created communist shithole that is SA, while simultaneously declaring that white genocide in SA is a fact.

We have a video of the confirmed King Khoebaha Cornelius III of the Khoisan signing the secession statement and reading it aloud.

You are claiming that he is a "body-double" and and it is a psy-op. The burden of proof now lies on you to prove your claim that it is not the genuine King Khoebaha Cornelius III, but a "body-double". You also haven't even put forth an reason for why this proposed "psy-op" would have been done in the first place.

Go ahead kike shill, prove it is a body-double.

I'm a fan. Add that to the list of hypocrisy of the left.

Is this the rare elusive "based nigger"? Better keep his ass in Africa though.

Unless Ivan uses nuke to glass Anatolia and remove kebab from the face of the Earth, there's no way Russia's military, advanced as it may be in some places, will overrun Turkey in a single night. The Turks, while they would have an awful K/D, have hordes of expendable soldiers even today, this time with NATO gear.
I am also doubtful of Russia using nukes any time soon, and if they did I don't think they'd waste many on Turkey, unfortunately

So, user you are correct about molten salt reactors. They are safter and the hey do burn hotter. But hotter doesn't necessarily mean better if you look at the phase change diagram of water. Steam turbine power plants follow the Rankine cycle. We could just switch the heat source from a boiler to nuclear and we're good to go. Good byproduct of this system is it could desalinate and provide electric power.
See this link for more info on Rankine cycle:

Sage for off topic

His people aren't Niggers at all.

The British Empire is a dead dog. Boers would have no reason to oppose the Celtic and Bythonic people if a new nativist, xenophobic Druidism were to take root in the British Isles.

War or not, I hope there will be a way for us to donate money to support their government.

Long live King Khoisan!

What nicknames are there for them? Sami of the South sounds like a good one.

If they have potential enough they will make money, not need it.

Their enemies will have the full funding and support of nearly every country in the world, they'll need every bit of help they can get.

I never said that this was a psy-op, although blindly believing thing that you can't confirm is an easy way to fall for one. I also never claimed a body-double was involved, I only mentioned it as a hypothetical possibility; not a practical one. This isn't about burden of proof either. I can't provide proof that this event or the news surrounding it is true, and neither can you. The video is interesting, but I personally don't believe it's enough and would rather wait for further conformation. Calling me a shill for being cautious and skeptical is stupid, and so is blindly trusting some no-name webpage on the internet as fact.

What a time to be alive, lads.


Let me get this straight. Your theory is that they made a body double of the kang, and had that body double sign a deleration of independence and so several interviews. All without the actual kang finding out, or even taking the steps to put it in the MSM. Why would whatever kike group you think made a body double do so without making the effort to report on it. Your theory is simply you disagreeing with any proof and grasping at straws.

And? We knew about other happenings in less time. Within minutes usually.

why faggots put shitty music to these clips is beyond me. even further is why someone would save these.

I say the Zulu king gets jurisdiction over all surplus Bantus, where they'll get deported to Zimbabwe. No worries, I'm sure they'll be welcomed with open arms. vid related

Any local sources/videos or is it just through the grapevine?

They will get their day at the gallows user, but only after their day on the rack.

Ok, so Kang Khoi is confirmed. How do we spread this? One user above thought sending to lefties was good, since it sounds more believable coming from them, but who would actually print it? Or should we go with right-wing media groups, since they'll be more likely to run it, but with less potential impact. Any anons with local contacts that can do interviews of the involved parties?

Well, when niggers get given niggers, they sell the niggers. Maybe china will buy them?

This is exactly what kikes want. And for the last 70 years it's what they've managed to turn every white nationalist cadre into. Jews infiltrate, then point fingers at other members for not being edgy enough. Then the movement falls apart. Holla Forums has been almost completely subverted this way.

Fuck off jew.

Go join the KKK and do some volunteer work, they'll still hate you.

Found this article from the South African Front National, a minor right wing party (38k FB followers, 600 twitter followers) "The party promotes Secession and Afrikaner self-determination", SAT is their news website (link below) twitter feed has 4k followers.

It trips over itself quite a lot, refutes it, then confirms it but it's unconstitutional, 'we didn't agree to this', then says it's a scam.. Either way they are opposed (butthurt?) Nonetheless this is (some) form of confirmation of the story even if it raises more questions than it answers.
Whois showed panama hosting (?)
Yet the party's official site is locally hosted (?) I don't know if this means anything to anyone higher on the 'spectrum' than I.

Now, the SANF was started by John Hutchyns Tyndall, the British Nazi, important only because he was a racial purist, and his views were often considered extreme even by his own party;

~here I step outside of fact and reason & speculate so inb4 fuck you faggot disclaimer suck my balls. SA Tyndall Nazi party after 40 years only has 0.5% of the vote, Kang Khoebaha comes out of left field with 3.8 million subjects and open arms to white people, SANF gets butthurt and writes a rebuttal, while all other political parties keep silent, media blackout & hope it'll go away.


The Turks are not reliable NATO partners, they sealed off our nuke base there during the coup and then Erdogan and Putin had a couple little butt buddy sessions right afterward.

DNA tests show that Khoisan peoples are not niggers. They have "western eurasian genes" and for racial purposes they might as well be considered minor indos.

You'll Cowards Don't Even Praise Kek.

You're referring to this Prophesy?



And we have a website;

user, they were allies of Egypt and have some egyptian blood in them. Kek has delivered!

What are right-wing Afrikaner's views on this? Isn't there an Afrikaner National Socialist party? I know it doesn't have very much popular support, but that means nothing in a war where only a small minority are willing to fight.

What are right-wing Afrikaner's views on this? Isn't there a Afrikaner NatSoc party? I know it doesn't have much popular support, but that means nothing in a war where only a small minority will be willing to fight. We NEED to have RWDS.

Gaddafi did nothing wrong. They tortured that poor son of a bitch and was the only one that could control those fucking savages. All thanks to twitter and a few "martyrs" from what I understand.

In case you're interested, Stefan Molyneux has been covering South Africa and has hosted several guests.

Hey guys what's going on in this th-

Without the jew influence, blacks can be decent humans, just a tad slower. :^]

It's only right this way.

Whites being kept as niggers' pets is like any human race trying to keep a hyperintelligent AI is a pet.

can't be more accurate than that.


Good luck to the white people living there though.

Sometimes, when you're all gashed up in the wild, you have to tear apart strips of clothing to use in place of gauze and tourniquets. Is it an acceptable alternative to proper medicine? No. Do you fucking care if you are stranded and bloodied out in the middle of a sub saharan hellhole with no medical equipment in sight? No.

Don't mistake me for one of these eromenoi shitposting egyptian memes, I'd prefer we just nuke the fucking continent to glass before the chinks dig their machine claws too deep into the place, but are you really arguing that the abatement of white genocide is a bad thing, even if it comes in an aesthetically repulsive package? It's fucking africa for fucks sakes, they gotta work with what little they got out there.

Ek sal dit glo, wanneer dit hier is


The FUCKING BASED Aryan-Nip-Khoisan axis of ETHNO-NATIONALISM will defeat the bloodsucking kikes and their Arab, Nig and Spic lich swarm!

George Soros is only a warmup Boss, and the true Final Boss (((Giygas))) appears

What's going on with all these fracturing of countries, in the past 2 week we've had barcelona, some place in the middle east I can't remember and now this, they haven't gone through but the thought is there

(You guys think there's any hope for Quebec or is that dead for good?)

It's a mystery my dude.

The timeline where evil frog worshipping nazis work together with kangz to reclaim africa from niggers and kikes

Since Montreal is housing literally tens of thousands of rapefugees in the stadium where the Expos used to play, I don't see how you'd be better off separated from Canada at this point. You'd just end up with civic nationalism and BASED blacks and Muslims speaking French with the cucks in charge right now.

Across the globe, people are sensing the demise of American hegemony.

this guy gets the ol' user seal of approval

we have a new avatar of chaos

that's true, there's nonwhites everywhere where I live, apparently my city was 90% white in 2014… I have a hard time believing that, but, at the same time, Quebec is very different from Canada and I'm glad we retain our differences.

It's because the 'POC' concept was invented by Jews to create an anti-white blob golem.

Is this the future? Is this what "kek returning in september" was all about?

What a lovely birthday present, toppest of keks. I had begun to forget what optimism felt like.

fucking perfect

So if this is legit, how are we dispersing information? Are we going straight to kikebook or are we going to attempt to notify those among the alt-right crowd to see if they'll do the footwork for us?

Is this real or not?

this has T_D normalfag written all over it, BASED African to virtue single about. Twitter as well. The Kang is basically proposing ever Civnat's wet dream. If it helps the boers, then it's worth it.

So if any of you are on feggit and twatter, you should probably get to work spreading the message of the KANG.

Where the fuck are all the sources? All we have is some shitty document and fucking no name websites.

What the fuck is this thread? Is this some sort of raid? Why are there 700 posts of people unironically saying "based black man"?

Try reading it. Also, anybody wanna start a new thread? I'd make one but I give no fucks about formatting and there's literally hundreds of you that can do it better than me. I'm also phone posting.

Reddit doesn't give a single fucking shit about South Africa or Rhodesia.

Imgur's another good place, I've gotten 40k+ views on redpill posts with literally no followers.

That sounds surprisingly productive. How does it work? What are your methods?

I've read the thread. It's literally just all nigger worship.

Timing mostly. If there's a Muslim terrorist attack, for example, post a screenshot of a BASED Muslim man calling out other Muslims. Normalfags don't feel guilty agreeing cause it's a Muslim but the message remains pure.

In terms of functionally using the site its literally drag-and-drop, add a title and some info text, then publish. You can add tags as well, idk how useful they are.

Khoisan aren't niggers and there is nothing wrong with making allies so long as you aren't distracted from your core mission, in this case, saving the white race.

Was this a raid?

Kill yourself aut-right faggot.

t. CIAnigger

When you graduate from junior high come find us again. Maybe learn something about human biology. Again, read the thread. We've discussed everything on that subject.

The tards crying about Holla Forums supporting the Kang don't understand that this is Africa. Allying with some blacks is the only realistic way the Boers can survive. Kek has already spoken to us and supports the Kang.

How do users discover posts on the website? At random? Is the website organized by topic somehow?