witness the will of God
it's not over yet guys________________________
September 23'd Thread #3
Other urls found in this thread:
So they're to blame for all the shitty artificial hair colors…
I knew I was onto something when I actually tried to talk about anime on /a/ and got banned instantly no matter how much I lurked.
it's much deeper isn't it?
We're only beginning to go down the rabbit hole.
Was there any happenings? Even minor ones?
I'm greatly looking forward to whatever great things are happening hopefully all good so that we can all celebrate together about the peace we have found ourselves at.
those double twentythree's
Seems everyday there are minor ones now. I do not think they count unless very obviously clustered. So far I am disappointed.
well I gues the day is coming close to an end. it was a fun eventful day but if anything happens, I'll have my armor to help me.
That's not how it works. Like in 2007 and 2012, we crossed a threshold. The effects might not be known of felt until well after you forgot about the date, but some day you will be looking at some new development and think to yourself, when did this all begin? And you will remember that it all started at some point in the second half of 2017, but you're not sure exactly when.
Crossposting from thread 2
To what extent are the people you report or give lectures to aware of the role jews have played in western degeneracy? Is their view of the jews generally negative, generally positive, or neutral?
There is still time and with shit like this happening it wouldn't be surprised if nork does something crazy
I know I shouldn't be but all those retarded bot replies such as "This is SICK. Trump is threatening to wipe out over 25 million people via Twitter" piss me the fuck off. Is there anything at all we could do to stop these bots?
Remidner that the happening will not be the world just ending, it will be slow, a series of terrible political chaos will reign in the world, and not only that, (((The Media))) will have everything covered, the elite groups are planning everything at a scary level.
The people are going to be more and more brainwashed with liberal media, sandniggers and LGBT+ people will have more liberty than ever, the new 8 and X iPhones will create a brand new age of spying, China and North Korea will hack many of these phones in order to require different kinds of information and use it to their advantage.
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Black Friday are going to be a tool, not only for creating chaos in society but as a distraction.
During these holidays, a lot of terrorists attacks will happen in all over Europe, principally in Germany, Europe will be filled with sandniggers.
Mark my words Holla Forums, a new age is about to begin, let the feast begin.
Theory, what if this is all being looked at wrong? Think of it this way, for about two years it seemed that Trump had the blessing of Holla Forums and by extension Kek, but that evaporated away before the summer began, sure Trump is useful for some things but he's just a politician now. What if Kek is choosing, or has now chosen a new person to bless? Or perhaps a vessel for him to become incarnate. It would explain the "new form" and "awakening". What this would mean is that today wouldn't be anything special on the surface, but it marks the beginning of a new undefined period of time where the work of chaos continues on through a different medium than it had been before.
hey Holla Forums
anyone seen this website? I was searching for something else.
are these peoples names? WTF
lmao @ all you newfags falling for this annual larp shit.
Pro tip; this "end of the world larping" shit literally happens every year, welcome to Holla Forums.
This is a mirror site. Holla Forums found it, Holla Forums found it, and there has been little discussion about it. There are more sites then just this hollaforums. There's also leakyforums. People don't know whos running them and just find them weird. Perhaps it is a spam gateway.
oh, you mean exactly like september 2014 when you retards forecasted another end of the world for shemitah and fuck all happened?
just stop
Why do you hate fun?
things are not as they appear.
we were looking in the wrong spot
a "wonder in heaven"
this so happens to be upon the earth
but it is viewable from heaven
so if you were in heaven, this could be "a wonder" that could appear to you
1. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
2. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
"she pained to be delivered"
perhaps the ICBM is being delivered…
now this
3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
reddit salt thread #3
no more stickies 4 u
Faction 1) It's not gonna happen
Faction 2) Its eventually gonna happen, soon maybe
Reality: It's always happening
12:40 am, 24th September. All was silent.
What a spectacular happening, anons. Holla Forums was truly right again.
To the mods that stickied the thread, how dumb do you feel right now? Did the past "this day will be the happening" threads not tip you off.
Stop stickying retarded threads about bullshit you stupid hook-nosed kike shill motherfuckers
Focus on the real issues instead of "Muh Hitler in Antartica!" and "Muh end of the world!"
If I wanted tabloids I'd read The Onion.
Fuck it, I'm counting this shit.
but no seriously, is this the first time a man has actually married his waifu in the 2D realm?
besides Trump's NFL tweet and Londonistan acid drop, nothing big happened today?
Kek gave us nigger ball lolz. We must run with it, pun intended.
We still have an hour and a half on the west coast
Better luck next year.
Does this mean we aren't looking hard enough?
It's been the same thing every September though September isn't over yet.
Kek I wonder if he was intentionally doing that to wave, be an idiot, or if it was just a bug.
Kek are you still there? Do you not see that your people are in need of your habbening?
South america is starting to become shit, mexico is fucked, central america, venezuela is worse, colombia is comlombia and both chile and argentina are being fucked by fake mapuches, it happened a lot in this side of the ball.
You do realize that from all of these holidays only Christmas is officially celebrated in Europe, right? And maybe Halloween in some places.
The first time I heard about September 23 supposedly being an apocalypse was a week ago when someone posted some prediction from some nun 100 years ago.
For about half a year before then, September 23 was simply claimed to be the day "Kek returns".
I thought it was abut a doomsday ever since the face in space was found
It's genuinely someone trying to make a ton of ad revenue by faking having a lot of activity on a forum site. I wonder how lucrative it is financially, could be worth setting up another one with some wordfilters to keep it kosher for the ad providers.
Dubs confirm. The normies said it was doomsday, we said it was keksday.
Fun fact, The Bible already countered all of these prophecies:
35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 36No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man
It was a sign, maybe tribulations, 2 level 5 storms, your backyard ("latin" america) is going to shit (i am living there), quakes, looneys with nukes (yeah, pakis too), merchants are winning, heresy on the church…
What's fun about it?
That isn't an argument or a defense.
You're a fucking faggot, and we hate you.
nobody's in need of an /x/ tier doomsday happening that would kill millions of whites, you're just pissed you lost the election and you're going undercover. fuck you.
Lel, nice work.
That was 2015 you fucking retard.
Gee wiz look at all this world that still exists and it's the 24th on the west coast already
Do you honestly consider forcing dubs and jerking each other's fear boners off "fun"?
I recall a few distinct threads on Holla Forums before E3 2017, and according to repeating integers, there was going to be an Religion of Cuck™ist bombing and shooting with everyone dying.
You know what happened?
Nothing, except that E3 sucked like every year.
Oh, wait, don't tell, "It didn't work because there were nonbelievers in our midst!"
Go on, say it. Descend the worship of kek into a full blown heretical cult.
ell oh ell
Six months ago, an unexplained plague ravaged through the world as we know it. People had thought that it was just another flu, an unexplained disease that had no lasting effect on people and would be surely handled by the end of the year.
They were wrong, and that's what caught them off guard. Some were smart, stockpiling food and water to last them for a while, as well as stocking up on emergency gasoline in case they needed to make a run for it. They were the ones who survived what transpired, and the ones who will continue to strive until every last human being dies. The ones who didn't make it were the ones who didn't take precautions, the ones who did not take it seriously.
People in cities and suburbs sank into their couches, grabbed a bowl of chips and a warm can of soda, and turned on the television and watched the events that slowly destroyed what we know of society. They only have themselves to blame for their own demise. The plague didn't happen overnight, rather than what media and movies make it out to be. The plague happened over a span of months. The first month wasn't the hardest. This is when news of the virus first reached the nation.
A vessel in Mexico had sunk and was the talk of the year. It had reportedly cost approximately $100,000,000 in damages and affected the sea and animal life in the area. People swam in those waters, carrying the plague to other regions of South America and Mexico. A team of virologists had been trapped on board. The rescue of the crew was televised around the world. Millions of people had tuned in to watch what could've been the rescue of the century.
The screams of the crew aboard the ship were as terrifying as what was in the cargo. By the time the rescue team had opened the door, the screams became faded and eventually ceased.
The entire virologist team had died overnight. People had begun to question whether or not this was just starvation, dehydration, or insanity. Others had known the truth about what was on that vessel, an unexplained virus that had been found in Australia while researching a migration of birds in the area. The rescue team that had carried the corpses off the vessel had unknowingly been contaminated, further spreading the virus to other regions.
The second month was when the news started getting out. Parts of Mexico had been quarantined by NATO forces. No one was allowed inside or outside of the quarantined areas. People had begun to protest the government and their motives of the outbreak. The ones who are alive today now know that what the government did would have been what we all would have done.
The Mexican government soon fell apart, leaving civilization a crumbled mess. The chaos was broadcasted on television, and what people saw might have been in their mind for the rest of their lives. People killing people, people eating each other for food, one event that had been broadcasted involved a militia riding into town, shooting innocent civilians who had not done any harm. The militia had decimated most of the Spanish population near Mexico City. Men, women, children, four-week old babies - it did not matter who you were, what mattered was if you were going to become one of them.
Of course, no one knew what "they" were back then. But the people eating each other, and the people killing each other gave a strong hint into the after effect that the Plague had. This was the month of curiosity. The third month was the month of gaining knowledge.
By now, the plague was the most talked about thing in the world. Search results all over the internet, people talking about it on every street block. People started panicking.
"What if the same happened here like it did in Mexico?" people had asked.
The rich had taken precautions, buying plane tickets into Canada, Europe, Asia, anywhere that wasn't on the western hemisphere. The middle class and poor stayed behind, wondering what to do.
The United States Government reacted quickly, sending the national guard to protect their land from a new threat. President Hiesmen had sent thousands of troops to every state in the USA, hoping it would boost morale and give people a glimpse of hope. By then scientists had started conducting experiments on the infected. They had found out that decapitation or destruction of the brain were the only ways to kill an infected individual.
The experiments gained much controversy, including one of the biggest protests in history. People were claiming that the infected "Are still human!" and have "Hopes and dreams like the rest of us!" People started carrying infected refugees into America by smuggling them.
Nothing could be done, for there were already too many infected individuals inside the US. People had locked themselves away in their attics, got on their knees and prayed to their God, but the smart ones… the smart ones stood up above the rest.
They stockpiled. Bought weapons and training, preparing to wait out the inevitable. The fourth month was the month of panic. Churches became death traps, cities were war zones, suburbs became nothing but bleak and empty remnants of what was.
People had begun to collapse. The armed forces had set up numerous quarantine zones across the continent but became quickly overrun with the infected. By then, the death toll had already reached hundreds of thousands. I had retreated to my private beach house near South Padre Island, hoping that I would be protected from the infection by the isolation.
Technically speaking, I was right. The plague had begun far up north, between Rhode Island and New York. It would take the infected months to reach South Texas, but I had still prepared for the worst. People nearest me had stocked up food and supplies since the first knowledge of the plague, and we participated in festivals, or "hoedowns" to increase our sanity level. The idea was foolish, as they wasted their precious resources that they had taken so long to gain in just one night. People traded with one another, people's backyards became mini farm steads, and some parents even resorted to homeschooling their children. The fifth month was the month of lost faith. The United States Government dwindled in number every day. The level of sanity people had was growing smaller every second.
Up north, we heard stories about what some people had done to stay alive. One of them involved a couple breeding every so often, just to miscarry the baby and use it as meat. None of us could bear what we were hearing, as it was too gruesome as any of us could ever imagine. The Armed Forces had sent in troops to restore morale in Washington DC, it didn't work out as planned. Instead, Washington, one of the last beacons of hope for our great nation, now was covered in ruin and blood. We had all now known what lied ahead. There had been some rumors from others about Las Vegas being an infected-free-zone, which encouraged many people to load up their wagons and roll out west.
Only about 3 of the 70 who left returned, saying that there was nothing there but death. Hawaii was also declared a safe haven, but soon became overcrowded, and the infection started to spread. Canada was also noted to be a place of sanctuary, but we were never sure if it still remained. Television had stopped about the fourth week into the month. The last known program to be aired was live footage from Britain claiming that the city was overrun with the infected, urging people to stay out.
A majority of the camp in South Padre left towards Alaska. We had not heard from them since; we have no knowledge on whether or not their journey was successful or a failure. The last radio signal we received was a rumor that the Polish had developed a cure for the plague, but it was not for certain. We had given up all the hope we had.
There was nothing left for us to turn to. People had started to become depressed, and resorted to things like sadism, burning animals alive. Some of the local militia even ventured out into far Texas just to relieve their stress by killing the infected population. I had chosen to leave by that time, thinking that eventually, this place would fall just like the rest.
The sixth month is what is today. Destruction, mayhem, rape, murder, anarchy, has swept through the entire United States as we know it. Not a single beacon of hope remains in this barren wasteland we once called America. I had returned to my lake house near South Padre to discover that the camp had eventually become overrun. The only survivors I found were nice enough to shield me from the infected and took me into their home. I told them that I had a car, and it would be best if they came along with me.
They said that would be the best plan, and went upstairs to pack their things. I had gotten curious and checked out the place for anything useful. I had opened the door to the basement, turning on the light, I had seen something that would haunt me forever.
I've cryshitpuked when I was hungover a couple of times…. is it possible I am not laughcrypuking? This is such a mixed bag of feelings. I don't even know how to react to this and I have seen pretty well the most degenerate shit there is.
This is different. This isn't that tranny's pus filled pseudo cunt, or that mexican having his face peeled off to the tune of Sweet Child O'Mine. This is kinda different as there is some kind of innocence to this. I AM SO UTTERLY BAMBOOZLED
Those morons always believe they are on the cusp of the final day. Humanity goes further back than you think. It sure as hell isn't going to end anytime soon because a bunch of reformed Jews think it will.
Only things happened that wasn't political was North Korea experiencing seismic activity, Mexico suffering aftershocks, and…nothing else. No word on Hurricane Maria and Jose doing the Fujiwara Effect either, but that is suppose to last up till Tuesday if it happens.
Nice creepypasta. You got that from reddit?
Stole it from
because this pasta was called "2017".
There are a whole bunch of those sites, for every imageboard. I first found one mirroring another imageboard (not 4cuck, don't worry) with random names assigned to the posts. It was even happening on this obscure Russian IB (not dvach, don't worry) which was creepier, because this particular IB got like 2 or 3 posts a day usually, yet still someone felt the need to mirror everything and assign those random names and faces (which are real people who have had their photos pulled from social media profiles).
It seems to affect every image board that I am aware of. It probably happens to Brazil chans etc as well. What I suspect is that it's for some kind of AI or neural network thing, where it targets image board culture (biggest IB cultures are Anglosphere, Russia, Brazil).
But yes, everything you post here will be recorded on at least one of these sites. As it has been since at least 2013 (when I came across this).
I had a theory that they're just using bots to copy threads and make it seem like a genuine website for ad renevue or whatever.
For Leakyforums they even change the word Holla Forums to Leakyforums to make it seem like they have a community or whatever. It's bizzare.
well that's convenient then.
I have a soul. In the same way that I have a body. And I am more than both of them.
Bravo Holla Forums, yet again. Can't wait for your next end of the world.
24th here on the east coast as well, m'lad
Feeling good
Nobody talked about the end of the world but "kekists" and fedoras (well, they are the same) but saying that nothing happened is wrong, check this: and just a few hours ago Poland became a bad goy, check catalog, actually we have a lot of happenings and at the same time a lot of people saying that nothing happened, “Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool”.
Keep tipping your hat, i am waiting for Jesus Christ.
Get on the new age regular like clockwork apocalypse level. How this works is you hype it up for months on end, then nothing happens and then you pretend something changed in hindsight a couple of years from now. It's like it's babbys first happening.
Holla Forums should keep its focus on the things that matter:
1. Fight the Moloch-worshippers
2. Hone their rationale and willpower.
3. Becoming conscious of the power of their emotions.
4. Being proud and virtuous
All else - this September 23rd shit p.e. - should be readily ignored because it undermines the credibility of the incredible power that is Holla Forums
Who the fuck drinks soda warm?
It's not happening.
I am the owner of /fringe/ and /x/ and I told everyone that this would happen. If you deny it happened I will ignore you like Rabbi jesus would! Hitler, flying saucers, and anti-material reality forever!
Highly degenerate and Jewish user but that makes sense, since you're the owner of such boards.
checking all of these gets, also what
said. We have had minor happenings all day, the 3.5 quake in best korea and this among other things. The idea that something apocalypticly destructive would happen was a very christian notion. Kek is much more unfalsifiable than any simple one defined prophecy, Kek has no one defined goal or path we may clearly see, Kek simply is. Kek is what Kek is and Kek is what he wills, his wills in our time happen to be memes. These memes have produced a force we have all felt and through that feeling we may align ourselves with what Kek has chosen. Tap into that feeling anons and understand that Kek never left us, he was merely taking a moment to step back and appreciate what he had done in the year of his first actions in 2016 after thousands of years of sleep. We are now in the green years my friends, the era of the frog god, the age of Kek and the rise of his people, the white race.
I think this is the one user is talking about
These anons get it. September 23rd isn't the end of the world, or a major happening. September 23rd is simply the return of Kek and the beginning of a series of event which will lead to the rise of the Aryan race, and the fall of the kikes.
called it.
the red pill of September 23rd is understanding the world is not going to end and the idea that it will is a very kikey illusion. Happenings are all around us and Kek has awoken from his nap.
Remember these words my friends when you are feeling down or powerless. We are on the side of truth, forces beyond this plain see this as well. Know that their patience with the darkness that seeks to rape and steal is coming to a close. Do not rely solely on this lest you become slack or weakened, but do not think you are fighting an unwinnable battle. We will see the end of international jewry in our lifetimes. We will all make it. Shadilay
Jose is dead so no Fujiwhara. Lee came back though.
kys. If you are going to declare a specific day shit better go down on that day. Doomsday prophecies like this 23rd shit get people to think about happenings in a passive way. In reality, we are the ones that must actively bring about the DOTR. That's why I liked "2017: YEAR OF THE FIRE COCK" much better.
He doesn't break character at a single point, A+.
Well to be more specific the world that is our collective consciousness, memes, culture and history will not end. By the time anything brings swift destruction to this rock we will have ascended to new heights.
Also checked and I agree saying that a loud and destructive happening was going to come on this day was and is gay, this was merely a astrologically significant day. Which makes it a great time to meme for Kek awakening and other positive things. Sadly, however, christian revalation prophecy numerology bs spilled over into the board and had people hunting and memeing for end of the world tier bs.
There was that japanese guy who married his waifu but that was in 3D. This may be the first.
I posted it in the previous thread, but some user on twitter was going to dump info on Soros and both his account and website got shoah'd.
Also I feel like a complete retard for forgetting to count this among things seeing as I attended.
It was 2015 and the happening was huuuuuge just not really talked about. The bottom fell out of China's economy and it's been contracting ever since. It's hard to imagine a world without cheap Chinese shit everywhere, this can lead to the US retaking initiative and bringing back "Made in USA".
Fucking subhuman spics.
Whst are the spiritual connotations of this? I know this is just another step in the merging of the physical universe with the internet, collective thought sphere, and astral. But, what's going to happen with that user and his waifu? Are they connected now? Is she alive as a thoughtform? VR and spirit combined has been on my mind a lot lately.
Nobody who was serious about it ever thought it was going to end. The bible passage this whole thing spawned doesn't even claim the end is near, just that times are changing and this date marks that.
Nothing happened. Go back to /x/ you fucking retards, you aren't helping our cause
Drown yourself.
Of course not.
Remember to sage.
Why would paid shills feel dumb for doing their jobs, user? Why would the kike demoralization brigade feel anything but happiness at successfully owning and destroying one of the only bastions against them on the Internet?
Global report.
Why even report, kampfy regularly stickys these threads?
The Jew Fears the Samurai.
Hence global.
It's nice to see there are still good things on the world.
Well, that's it. Reality is officially fucked. 2D is rapidly becoming real.
@polreport turned out to be a fraud. good riddance, too, because he kept posting direct links on twatter to Holla Forums threads between direct links to cuckchan thrads
Now that's just too damn inefficient. How much resources would you need to get meat on Junior before your trip to PP?
Why are you folks praising this, this reminds me of that guy who married the my little pony stuffed plushie. Is this somekind of multi layered irony? It's not ok to give up on reality to escape into delusions.
It's funny and clearly made by someone with a sense of humor rather than someone lost in their fantasy. It's full of jokes. It's probably just some guys way of working on his VR design skills or something.
Oh, I see. So now i'm the autistic one because the joke flew over my head. Dang.
Rest assured these faggots will be back next year. They're worse than Millerites…
He's obviously impersonating him poorly.
The world must be over - I feel dead inside - after reading this thread
The world must be over - I feel dead inside - after reading this thread
Hi -
I'm still not dead yet.
There's something wrong with posting here.
Sombody fix it or KYS
September 23rd broke the website.
sage you dumb nigger.
Holy shills shut up you fags. Spiritual and memetic happenings are not plane as day. The happening may take years to be fully realized. Kek said he was coming back yesterday after preparing something big. No one with half a brain was expecting end of the world shit or Israel getting hit by a meteor. Shit you newfags need to read about this shit before LARPing.
So how many Holla Forumslacks inseminated a girl on the 23rd?
you guys are too much optimistic
but I agree that "something" started and that many will suffer because of it
shut the fuck up faggot only spastics still frog post fuck that heretic xd kekistan
user, There's always worse, I'm the Guy that leaked Tribe.net and there's still much worse.
Tumblr is a gold mine of horror.
You faggots fell for the psyop. Kek never left or lost power. You were psyop'd into thinking so and so you stopped checking the integers and stopped memeing.
This is the result of that anti-harvest where memes are not planted and repeating integers are not observed.
reminder that this means that having a tranny board owner means you get prophesies fulfilled
Kek favor the degenerates, praise Kek. Tranny BO for Holla Forums when?
also according to the user who got married the church was in mexico, which means by deporting spics you are sending them into the same dimension as your waifu
The "/a/ mods are trannies" meme is like Holla Forums's holocaust at this point.
If any outcome can be interpreted as a positive affirmation of a prediction, the prediciton ceases to have meaning.
no user, you misunderstood. we crossed a threshold on that day.
these are small things that will prove, in time, to be the sparks that start the major happening
told you so
This is called Kosher gymnastics. It's a heads-I-win/tails-you-lose game, and only the most base of retards fall for it.
and for the mouth-breathers here who fell for the 9/23 meme, the originator of the meme - the fundamentalist christcuck numbercuck - said he made some calculation errors and the happening will actually be Oct 23. :^) See you all then
capped 4 posterium
What is tribe.net?
IIRC, it's some kind of cannibal forum where its members, whilst pretending that their talk about cannibalism is just a sort of roleplay and fantasy, use the guise of fantasy to actually practise cannibalism (no proof, just strong evidence).