September 23'd Thread #2

Today is the day Kek himself comes back to us in full power. Because of this, shills and kikes alike are more angry and asshurt than ever. With earthquakes happening in Commiefornia, the fucking earthquake happening in North Korea (happening at the site of a recent bomb test), about 5 fucking hurricanes in one month, and full out civil war about to happen, I don't know why anyone would doubt that it's really fucking happening.

It's already begun faggots
Remember to call out the (((1)))'s, jew posts, and bait posts when you see them.
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:,-19.160,3'sWedding2017

Let's hope the true happening happens soon.

Fucking eat shit. This is kike D&C.

This is being heavily censored on halfchan.

Nothing's gonna happen, cease this kikery.

Even a jewish clock is right once a year.

By god you jews have been active today. Keep it up and you might get 0.03 shekels a post.

(((they))) are sure uppity today…

Well, you can see them trying very, very hard not really, right here.

Remember to sage.

I came here to laugh at you idiots.



Is that from "Look Who's Back"?

Surely, you mean to bump. :^)

I'll come back by the end of the day to laugh at you.

posting for kek

It's not even funny anymore. It wasn't even funny two years prior. The West is going to shit, and these fags keep LARPing about happenings instead of being sober and acknowledging that death is a slow process.

doubt it

Yeah its pretty good plus the ending was intense


In the event nothing happens do one of you guys mind dump info graphs on all US politicians who support isreal or have dual citizenship?

Thanks, lad.


rolling for more seismic activity

shill harder faggot

maybe September 23rd and kek "coming back" means Donald Trump will stop doing stupid shit now.

Sure. When is 23rd over in Burgerland? Because I want to know when I can laugh until I get a hernia. Wait, is that the apocalyptic event?

Numerology has always been a major thing tied with all the chans, going back to the early days of Holla Forums, and even earlier than that you faggot.

Well now it's really happening.

pretty sure if it's "in the stars" it's meant to be something that affects the entire world and guess what? it's the 24th somewhere on the planet now.

2010 is not the early days of Holla Forums, newfag.

IT'S REAL!!!!!!!


Hey, I like the benefit of doubt. Let's say 23rd lasts from 00:00:00 in the most eastern piece of Russia to 23:59:59 in the most Western part of Unalaska, USA.

Those digits say maybe. Perhaps some kind of major personal crises will happen to him that will show him where the true loyalty of those around him lie.

Reported for being a newfag. Lurk 2 years before posting.


A shabbos goy not doing stupid things? Yeah, right.

There are a fuckload of kikes in here right now, so I'm going to post info on them.
Remember, the only good kike is a pile of ashes.



Why would you burn a nigger after hanging him?


By god user

Still granting wishes, what do you Holla Forumsacks want?

Why would you burn ==BASED== niggers like Ben Carson, Jamal the surgeon general and that sheriff?

To make sure the fucking demon stays in hell.

We're not fucking wish granting geenies you absolute jungle monkey

Get the fuck out, cunt

See you in 17 hours, homo.


spooked yet?

The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you. Also, thanks for the (You).

Still waiting for the happening, faggots. Nothing will happen today.

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?


Hey, do you have any authoritative sources on the gas chamber doors beyond just that image? I need that point to fill in my holocaust data.



One thing will happen today: that stupid numerology faggotry will be proven wronge once again.

I'll have to look and see.

Must suck having to work a weekend





Extra saucy info in a couple of these images in particular.


I can redtext
How about you?

Take special note of the last image in this one.




Maybe you guys should get off your asses and actually do something about (((them))) and not just sit around waiting for something to save you and smite all of your enemies for you. Why the fuck would any higher power want to help something that won't even take the initiative to solve its own problems by itself?


This is a disappointing thread really. Why did people believe in this date again?

Because PRAISE KEK SHADILAY fellow centipede

That's all for now.

Oh Moishe, this is why you lose.

We have another 13 hours.

Chuck Woolery? Like, Love Connection Chuck Woolery? Is he based on the JQ?

What a fucking world we live in.


You need to go back

Shadilay, brothers!







Jesus christ he's dumping shit now.

Bump because fuck leftists.

No dubs, all bullshit




Nothing's going to happen. Keep this gay shit at cuckchan, faggots.
Why would I bother posting twice in a shit thread?

it's really sad that shit like this gets stickied here

fucking place is becoming a joke…..real happenings get anchored/deleted while shit like this gets pinned to the top while these faggots jerk each other off hoping for an orgasm

it's looking more like old Holla Forums with a dash of /x/ everyday


Gotta thank that imkampfy kike for that. He was helping enable all this kind of shit while burying important stuff.

like pottery

if it isn't dead niggers I don't wanna hear it.

I can understand a troll, anyone can enjoy trolling now and then…but what of the shill? Does it have a mind of it's own or does it simply project a message it thinks it believes?

When's the last time outside of an election that trips or bigger GETs accurately predicted a happening?

Who's getting paid to shill in /x/ threads?
is the better question.


So is that giant confluence of wind over the North Atlantic something or not?,-19.160,3

they just arent calling it that.
it's the same date.
the same crap they did yesterday.
there's a 2016 version of that dumb woman in the stars picture floating around too.
it's ridiculous.

Does kek answer prayers? I feel it I have no purpose, will I appease him?

May I ask why you are arbitrarily excluding perhaps the best supported evidence of the power of gets?

How could I ever forget the apocalypse of 2015

giving my daily dubs to the big frog in the sky


Checked, also you guys should really learn to be the change you wanna see in this world instead of relying on the fulfillment of some prophecy, just a suggestion.

(self check'd)
now is the time for imperium of man

checking and kekking over here

fucking checked

That was already destined to happen; i'm inquiring all those other times GETs saved the day like the trayboon case.

Fuck off.

You missed D.A.K. 16.0.16. They always find something so we might see them again later this year.

if there's a civil war do I get a free gun?


holy shit how did I miss that

do you not already have a gun? if so then buy one today you double nigger

what kind should I get?

no you commie filth. you should have already had a gun before the happening otherwise you are forced to scavenge one off the dead like the rest of the unwashed masses.

you guys are faggots

god is dead

either a 12ga shotgun that isn't chink shit or some sort of basic but quality raifu. better to go with the shotgun because cheaper prices still get you quality, and easier to get ammo

Some of us aren't allowed to buy guns even in burgerland user. I for one have been institutionalized at one point and rely on psychiatric meds (not really from my own choice), and having such things on your record is a black mark for this sort of shit. Not that it matters much, after it habbens it won't be too much of a problem for those with the will and strength to take what they need.


get an AR-15 or something by means of avoiding any serial numbers or gov bullshit. buy all the parts separately, and either buy an 80% lower receiver and drill the holls in it, or buy the fully-drilled one locally and pick it up, so you can avoid FFl shipping

Thanks for the info mate, will do.

not a problem. also and can help more on this. for AR article scroll down to "build".

Go to Cabelas and get a black powder gun. No permit required.

A few of us take the train home because you have pay parking hourly and street tax for using personal transport
Also any safe act NYC I could get?

Jesus who let the larpers be in charge of the moderation? At this point, asking about Holla Forums tier anime and manga would be more fitting for this board than theses threads are.

a reliable handgun.

can we just get nazi ufos to save us plz.


Is it legal to build my own AR-15 in NJ?

I'd check it, but you don't know shit nigger

I woke up this morning and there was dried cum in my pajamas.

Today truly is the day,

since you're in jew jersey, you'd have to "license" yourself as an owner if you built one. nothing else would restrict you in building one from what I can tell, except the usual FFL restrictions if you get a 100% lower

WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017 WW3 2017


Faggot couldn't even be first post today

Nothing happened. No nuclear. No punished trump. No skull kim. Nothing.

it's 2:40 pm faggot lol
plenty of time left

To the guy from last thread talking about the symbolism of the star of David (I'm posting from a shit tablet and am not going to go find the post number). Hopefully you find this post.

You are right with your interpretation. The alchemical symbol for fire (masculine) is a triangle, and the symbol for water (feminine) is an upside down triangle. If you put these on top of each other (the reunification of opposites) you get the seal of solomon. Read Evola's Hermetic Tradition if you are interested in symbolism like this. Also the UR group, founded by Evola wrote a series of essays under the title Introduction to Magic, or something like that if you are interested in going beyond symbolism.

fuck off


Will Ivanka be infected with the English strain?

Peace day never came


You know, until 21h17, Paris Hour, the 13 november 2015 was a parfectly nomal day.

how's the apocalypse so far?
I've mostly been sleeping through it, having dreams about half life 2 and chicks with big tits that show off their cleavage.

(((So many images and such small portions)))
(((shivering and clutching of gold pouch intensifies)))

good example user.
shit could happen any time today

not much, just some earthquake at a nork nuke test site or something. however the memetics are looking good. also i hope you don't live in the east US, and you just woke up. waking this late is nigger tier

So far Iran git a new missile (Can potentially reach Israel)
Earthquake in Best Korea (Probably a nuclear bomb test)
Those two events have a lot of potential.

Oh and a new earthquake in Mexico but who cares about death beaners?

dead beaners are funny to laugh at you double nigger. oh, and more memetic power

I live in Texas, and nothing happens here, it worries me because the worst things happens happen to the place you least expect.
One wierd thing is that latley I've been visiting places and watching things from earlier in my life. like it's a recap before one's life changes dramatically.

Today, war wil change!

interesting. just embrace the chaos, it will bring you to good places if you believe in Kek


I never recovered, I can still feel the Phantom Pain™

It's 8:05 am at midway island

I prefer the "feels" version.
You're pretty good

That is not a very nice thing to say, you kike loving condom residue.
But you have a point, a blood sacrifice will fuel the egregore.

Didn't you got a record flooding like two weeks ago?

I live in an area that's infested with Pahjeets and mudslimes. should I expect to see Religion of Cuck™s trying to allah aqbar while the turban wearing pahjeets with wives that sport mutton chops and prickly facial hair summon Shiva to commit a holy war?

that was Houston, I live near the Dallas Metroplex.



of course. and don't worry user, double nigger is shitposting. you rotted supply of oven fuel


The "happening" of today, if it happens (it might not), will be a hidden happening. If we're basing our predictions off the woman crowned with 12 stars, moon under her feet, etc. then my best prediction is that a new conqueror of Europe will be born today.

possibly he is already born, but his enlightenment comes today?

If you've got my back, i've got yours.

Nothing happening yet……

I'm thinking in more of a point of no return for this age, but then again I think we're past it already. Hoping for a definite nail in the figurative coffin though.

Also notice that that constellation will be visible within the next days. Tomorrow are elections in Germany. Expect the unexpected.

you nog, it is the beginning of the apocolypse

I woke up without a raging morning wood
Rarer than an eclipse to be honest

Acpolypse= Revelation


check o rooni i guess they both are the same

checked. something heavy getting public could make normies wake up and rage.


God, if you're up there, i'm sorry for being a degenerate. also, sick ass trips.

So it begins

heiled and checked. this is the day

checking these hitlerdubs

Heil Dubs!

shit, I shouldn't have left my armor at my buddy's place. I need to go on a quest to retrieve it and get some wd40




It's time for the Newtype Uprising.



Are you implying that the nuclear destruction will be a hoax?

My body is ready

το μυστηριον των επτα αστερων ων ειδες επι της δεξιας μου και τας επτα λυχνιας τας χρυσας οι επτα αστερες αγγελοι των επτα εκκλησιων εισιν και αι επτα λυχνιαι [ας ειδες] επτα εκκλησιαι εισιν

That term has lost all its meaning, kike


you cant be forcing memes like this user-kun, you must let the meme magic flow through you

listen to this user. just type without worry and let the memetics/chaos be outputted into the post

I want a qt wizard gf to travel with me as I purge the beaner hordes.



he let the meme magic flow through him. it causes typos sometimes

Ok let's try this
ιδου διδωμι εκ της συναγωγης του σατανα των λεγοντων εαυτους ιουδαιους ειναι και ουκ εισιν αλλα ψευδονται ιδου ποιησω αυτους ινα ηξωσιν και προσκυνησωσιν ενωπιον των ποδων σου και γνωσιν οτι ηγαπησα σε

I just want it to begin.

this better be your native language fag


Caramba, encore raté.
Nope I was trying the book of revelations

If dubs Cali will secede and start the second civil war!

as long as you believe it is meme magic flowing, keep it up

If dubs Kali will awaken and purge

you mean Kalki, faggot

no dubs, only war

heiled 3 times, checked



self checking

It's gonna be an (((alien))) invasion.

nothing fucking happened

checked but you just negated your faggot trips, faggot. All you have left is jewish numerology.

fake jew aliens invade the oven and it closes on them

The point of these threads isn't that we think something is going to happen. It's to make something happen. We attempt to access the collective unconscious of humanity by first picking an event (like a planetary alignment) and a date. Then we seed it to normalfags and they spread it around on social media setting the stage. Then when the day comes with a united effort we try to use our collective group mind / egregore (Kek) to attempt to make something happen. Hopefully mass destruction and chaos. It's one of Holla Forumss roles, as a apocalyptic death cult.

Out of the NFL stadiums, into the… what exactly?

Gas the professors, weltanschauung war now!

The day just started, it's Saturday 8:35 am at midway island.

truth. these threads are meant to both celebrate what happens, and make things happen in the first place.
really anons, just filter every faggot saying nothing will happen. something will happen even if it is not obvious

Definitely, but a fake one. Project blue beam. Also a nuclear attack. Also staged.


Don't forget the fact that this kind of thing is simply fun. If you can't have fun doing it, it is not worth doing.

double dubs confirm. absolute worst case scenario is we had fun shitposting, but that scenario won't even happen. it's gonna be better than that. checked your double dubs

Reminder that /a/non is marrying his waifu live today.

nice catch dude


The antichrist is going to be the imaginary child of some autistic waifu-fag. This is the end this messed up world deserves, tbqh familam.



Well fuck lads.

Oh oh

I woke up after a good night's rest to my favorite song. The weather outside is beautiful. This is the best I've felt in a long time. Today feels different, but in a positive way.

I don't want to jinx it because we still have a hours to go before the day is over, but maybe we really did enter a new age or maybe we got Raptured to the timeline without the cataclysmic event. Maybe months of shitposting about a Happening in St. Louis or Bowling Green thwarted their plans.

double dubs confirm. i'm definitely having a great day too, and the weather is pretty nice.

No, and don't encourage them. The only people we want to fight are the elites.

Earthquakes and open borders for Israel.

The apocalypse is going to be the worlds most epic Doom WAD.


I had sleep paralysis all night and hallucinations of a morphing face. Woke up feeling like I've been hit by a truck.

Let's get this party started.

The day Holla Forums solved Sandy Hook and burned cuckchan to the ground.

What did kek mean by this?

Not quite. Kek is about bringing illumination from chaos.
It's not about destroying the world, the world is very beautiful. It's about destroying the occult kikel empire.

I was born today. AMA haha. Pretty quiet day tbh. The alignment is pretty cool, and I've always loved astronomy. Even google gave me a present, they had an organic chemist on the stupid doodle shit. That's also my field. Still hate google though, just saw it on my phone.


Checked for legitimate accuracy. There have been quite a few earthquakes recently including today. The planet is shaking.


is the magic hour over?

What happened to

Disappointing as fuck tbh, the world deserves to die finally. God is toying with us


do you even purge, bro?

Rolling for the massive happening to happen right at 11:59 tonight just because Kek like to fuck with everyone, even us.

check'd the spirit of hitler is with this decision


we're not getting much repeating digits, maybe that means Kek has registered all the repeating digits of chaos and brew it into something at the end of the day. maybe when it's midnight everywhere.

confirmed, checked.
i can only wonder

wew lad

There is still a chance!


Checked, but, you're not the brightest bulb, eh, user?

dubs confirm once again, checked. midnight everywhere has gotta mean something….

I try my best to understand things.

I don't see why not. Which timezone?

i dont know if you've noticed user but there has been plenty of dubs in this thread

I havent seen any earth shattering habbenings, do you still remember your people, Kek?


You fucking know I have your back

and those 77 dubs here confirm it.
by the way "midnight everywhere" user, maybe Kek has given that word salad the meaning of say, once every time zone has experienced 12 am on the 24th, although not all at once

the race traitor and shitskin hordes will be removed, along with (((them)))


for some reason I had the strong urge to type it down. I don't know why.



Kek you cheeky cunt you

Kek did it. maybe it meant what i proposed, except 23rd instead 24th. just a telling sign that no happenings could happen until it was the 23rd in unalaska or midway


Well now

This morning at 3:33 am I was awoken by the seven caws of a murder crows. The crows near me are usually silent so I knew the day was come. Between the amount of D&C shills and new fags posting tons of rehashed content and begging for digits I ask of you to stay vigilant patient Anons for today is the day not just for a happening but for the beginning of something great that will continue for much longer than twenty-four hours.


good theory also. norks gonna do it


checking that check

I feel like kek has dona alot to guide my life this past year.
like he's been doing his best to get me back to my hometown.

I had a life-changing awakening on 8/10/15. There are exactly 777 days between that date and September 24th. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm bracing myself for a personal happening.

Holy damn, lads, this thread just got 6/6 possible dubs in a row. I can't even descibe in words HOW unlikely that is!

I love you KEK

that personal habbening is headed your way famalam

the magic hour came back the moment it was brought up, kek.

follow him only. i cansay the same honestly. every day, a good day.

trips checked. i somewhat expect one for me also.

Kek loves you too

I must now correct: 7/7

yeah, gonna need to check that sir

Oh shit nigger


Who stole our gets?

Damnit, man.

It's not that strange when half the posts on this board are being made in this thread

Something very important

Digits are awesome

I wonder if I should quickly go back to my home town again, got some unfinished buisnesses to take care of. plus my armor is there.

Heil brother.

do it faggot

You better get there ASAP.

gotcha, kek.

Looks like you have some time before we get this going.



The digits are increasing as time moves forward. Anyone got the rest of the SS graphics from the stussy S thread? Like the ones with all the internal swasis?

goddamn you faggots never cease to amaze me. When the world ends, I'll laugh, and then I'll be back for the next end of the world thread

Matter of fact I'll even namefag myself

Apparently you're going to need that armor

i'm already ready.

thank you for the checks.
Kek will guide you all, me included

KEK watches us like this fancy ass crocodile watches you!
If dubs, sick OC memes shall appear in this thread.

Well, would you rather be known as the guy who has some egg on his face the day after the apocalypse doesn't happen or a corpse the day it does?


Shit even (((MSM))) is pushing September 23rd armageddon.

Something will happen, probably.


good day for my name to not be spelled the way yours is
also noticed, 111 imgs and 99 uids

Criminally unchecked dubs. Do it Rocketman.
Nuke Israel


well shit, I'll need to look what to do.

You get more points for surviving despite being completely unprepared.



"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers escorted by fighter jets flew in international airspace over waters east of North Korea on Saturday, in a show of force the Pentagon said demonstrated the range of military options available to President Donald Trump.

The flight, which was disclosed shortly before North Korea’s foreign minister was due to address the United Nations, was the farthest north of the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea that any U.S. fighter jet or bomber has flown in the 21st century, the Pentagon said. "

"Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho told the United Nations that Mr Trump had committed an irreversible mistake during his speech to the body in New York last week.

His comments came after it emerged the US had sent bombers to the North Korean border today in the closest they have been this century.

Foreign Minister Ri said if US lives were lost, Mr Trump will be held totally responsible.

Ri, who said Pyongyang's ultimate goal was to establish a "balance of power with the U.S.", retorted that Trump himself was on a "suicide mission" after the U.S. president said Kim was on such a mission.

Ri warned Pyongyang was ready to defend itself if the U.S. showed any sign of conducting a "decapitating operation on our headquarters or military attack against our country"."


Today's not over yet

Why? Don't you wanna survive in an unfamiliar environment with little in the way of supplies and only using skills, wit, and luck to survive? Like a vidya protag.

while i don't hate fatty kimmy, he is a good vector to start happenings. keep it up fatty

It's called ratings and distracting, you fucking retard

That's when I go to the gym. I'm looking forward to tonight's gains.

story of my life, I'm a survivor, we're a dying breed.


call a jewber. taxi. mom. plane. anything.
get to home

Post music for teh happening.


checked, going to spend some sheckles to have my friend take me. gotta pick up my paycheck anyway.

Kiwifag elections are over. No one party got a full 50% by themselves so they'll have to make a coalition with other parties. Labour and Greens are probably going to be together because even if they're at each other's throats right now they're both socialists which leaves Act (1 seat of 120 possible just fucking DIE already you piece of shit "Immigration Party") and NZ First, the only nationalist party, and National, the globalist but free enterprise party with 45+% of the vote.
Basically it's up to NZ First to decide who they're going to form a coalition with to break the tie and decide who gets to lead the country for the next four years. Although they're a small party, right now they have a lot of sway. A very small win for New Zealand today.


basis for all this seems a bit loose but I'm open to the idea of a happening, gonna be a good saturday either way

Well shit, user, you've been getting signs to go home twice now
Best start running

do it fagot, best of luck.

best of luck kiwifags

There's being a lot of 88s.

Cool, but I meant the other ones, like the crossed S's forming something another user used as a patch. And then there was a powerful design made of four or eight crossed SS's that looked like something a wizard Military force would wear.

there's a lot of everything memetic and good here user, 88s being just one

High energy thread

that is a checking and a witnessing user-kun

What's happened so far on the 23rd:
>jew (((Levi Smith))) who runs a competing Holla Forums twitter account slanders the account calling it a LARP with zero proof because oy vey bad goyim only the (((chosen))) can control any media

Golly, what ever happens I just hope we can all be friends forever.

rolling for nuke


I'm kek

checked trips.

No you're not.

no me




Checked and good fucking taste.



trips claimed for rebirth

what a fool , KEK IS KEK


>But it never ends, even if power goes out for good in an apocalyptic scenario you'll just start seeing random shitposting on the walls of buildings like that screencap of the romans

Now that I think about it, I had a strong urge to finish the Alien 9 manga today.
Thanks, m8.

then we'll set up the power again, and some new alternative of 8ch to use again. imageboard shitposts never die

Shill will suffer too.



This nigga.


Slay thyself.
Hopefully that happening is a good one for you bro. I'd like a personal happening for me too, a good one though.


ok, getting a lift.
hope it won't be in vain. maybe if I'm lucky, the happening will be while I'm at my hometown.

it will be



Hopefully Hitler will return.

i know you have good taste just because i know that cover. good one user

He has to return



now that is the real question



Whatever world has the syncronized global time zone is about to get rocked.
But that isn't us.

Fuggin checked

Don't wait for a lift, ride the tiger home.

Checked. Read.

Kek be with us all. This I know for sure.



well that would have been nice.

323 is still repetitive


Still waiting to figure out if I should head into the mountains and prepare for Appalachian guerilla combat. Soon I hope.

The happening does not mark the end of Israel, but the start of our journey to it's destruction and the gassing of it's people

One personal happening coming right up! I hope you rike it.


trips confirm

do it faggot because you got trips. checked

Head to them mountains, user.

guys, fuck this bullshit.
let's talk about the London acid attack.
They're using fertilizer dispensers now.

it's 5 pm

If America is the time that matters, as various anons suggest, it is only 2 in the afternoon pacific time. Do Alaska and Hawaii count? Doubt it.


Oh fugg. Better load up.

Why would it be? that's really stupid.

America is the primary economic center with the most land mass since the Soviet Union died and America is the proxy for Israel


Point me to a thread, and we can talk about it there. I can double task.

The only thing that happened to me today that was uncommon was me leaving work in a furious rage barely 90 minutes into my shift, then only being mildly disappointed that my Xbox doesn't like SD or MicroSD cards. I'm trying to softmod it, but I don't have any plain old USB flash drives anymore. Every time I loaned one out, it never came back. Even my 128MB one from college.


Jews fear the skunk


I wish all you faggots the best in the upcoming happenings.


Anything happened yet?

dubs demand info, checked
shit related to norks. nuke test, US airforce showing it's might off the nork coast. oh and dead spics


This is what is happening. This video is the ultimate red pill. It shows you what god is like. This is what's happening today.

iN The WIreD

So nothing out of the usual then?



stopped reading right there. learn how to embed nigger.



This album feels like a chaotic but calm mess.


Mudslime attacks makes me wish camels weren't living desert countries, they they sometimes act can like playful large dogs and don't deserve being near to sandniggers.

It wouldn't let me because "file already exists" despite it being an embed


Have you noted that the past days there have been many happenings but not today? Maybe when the planets align it's like the eye of the storm and the happenings start again tomorrow or on monday.

Do you live in SA?

Really, there's a ton of digits today.

Skyking Skyking DO NOT ANSWER.

Pretty sure uploading an image with it works as a workaround for that problem with embeds.

I haven't been keeping up and reading through the thread it seems like every other poster is being called a kike and going apeshit over nothing.
So really, what the fuck's supposed to happen today, and what's the last thing I'm gonna jerk off to if it's happening?

nobody knows exactly, were just aimlessly memeing a happening at this point.

Jerk off to the happening if it happens to happen.

tfw can't read
brb gonna go suck start a shotgun

Guess it's time to go to bed

Didn't work. Still says "File Exists"

Speak of the devil.

Patient zero becomes infected today. Today is the birth of the virus that will kill a third humanity

user niggers are not humanity

could someone pshop that into a giant cosmic pepe slamming his fist down upon earth

I need to put my contacts back on. I'm sorry

Have we started the fire?

They really need to turn off the duplicate file protection on this board. It's only an inconvenience.

Holy shit, I'm just reading that the US send Bombers near Best Korea as close as never before. Will they start the war over night? Fuck.

We didn't start it, it's always been burning since the world's been turning. We have but fueled it

rolling for a sunrise blocked out by ashes in the morning

get working codemonkeys

Oregon user here. Extremely loud rumbling in the sky intermittently yesterday and all day today. Sounds like those large gray military cargo planes but louder and less constant. It goes for like 5 seconds at a time. Also, massively increased air traffic. They're trying to do something with the sky here. But they didn't anticipate my meme magic .

I'll just post these here.

Just a year or two ago we would've called the London acid attack a happening. Now it barely even gets a mention in a happening-thread.
I guess it really has become part and parcel of living with mudskins.

And nothing ever happened this day, all /x/ tier retards should be banned by default.

German news outlets just postin' war propaganda against Korea. Even the left ones.

*tips fedora*

it's still afternoon where i am

checked. all this september 23 shit has really let me down.

checked famalam


Reminder, shills hate /x/ more than anything and everytime you see someone muh-/x/-posting, they are working in the service of evil. Pic related.

Defeatest attitude. You must continue to mentally create what you want to happen and then allow the universe to make it so. Wish for hellfire, wish for chaos. Have catyclism be your desire.

Wait for 4:44am Jerusalem time.

Is it SUPER FUCKING HOT for anyone else today? OH vey it's like an oven outside…

Sure they are. The closer you get to the truth, the more ridiculed you get.

4 hrs from now

What's that translate into human?

Who else listening to Love Live music come the nigger slaughtering?

confirmed for the (((chosen's))) language not being from this earth

I'm more of an [email protected] guy

I dont think America is going to be solely pinpointed for cosmic events. If anything, it's gonna be in the middle east somewhere.

Death wishers are also working for evil, if that wasn't obvious. Judaism/yahwehism is a death cult. Gondola is the positive timeline and I'll see all of you there.

Fucking Jim and Cuckflare

Orionids meteor shower? It's brightest meteor shower this year

The Middle East is home to the false god Yahweh. It is the European whom has the truth, and the flame of Western Civilization, first ignited in Greece, has travleed westward to Rome to The British Empire, and now to America. Why would Sand Niggers get hazy cosmic jive?

Daily reminder that kek faggotry started with a bunch of discordians (fedoras) saying that coincidences are created by them so people will forget that they were prophesied centuries ago, dont let this psy op fool your mind.


Y-you too.


Neat digits fam.

Dubs cancel out your dubs?

I never get dubs or trips. Why ;__;

Atone for your sins and follow the one true idoru anime.

Bowie version plz

only dubs for you famalam, be grateful

There there, user. Kek loves us all in his own way.

kek'd n checked

worse version


Well, there's THIS.

What would one more little Middle Eastern war by, after all?

You got dubs.

A middle eastern war would be a happening, but I'd prefer something more unique and interesting.


(((they))) really need to establish a central bank in Iran, or else things might happen.

I think the plot is set up to start the escalation. ""Liberate"" best Korea. False flag a rocket of Iran on Israel. Destroy the Al Aksa, then bomb Iran and afterwards build the 3rd temple. Voila, fulfilled the prophecies as well as knocked out the last truly non nwo states.

since when is "ballistic missile" capitalized? what the fuck is he on?

The straw that breaks the camel's back? When the white middle class wakes up and protests the next war - the middle class, not the hippie children of Marxists - takes to the streets, and says, "No! Goddammit, you can't take my child for your war."

This, with rising awareness of the JQ, might be what blows the lid off everything.

and finally, establishing the last few kike rothschild central banks in the last few countries which do not have them

I could use some dubs right about now.


Personally I see NK as the excuse the neoCohens use when they say, "Look, Goyim! Not ALL your enemies are our enemies, too." I've seen them use that line in comments section on Unz, the one on the Philip Giraldi article, and on Twitter, too.

No it's not, ya fag. It's great, but not better.

I bet thousands of men will line up to be a part of the war when all the jobs run out.

We may be witnessing the first declaration of war in human history that was announced on twitter

Your probably right. I was only dreaming.

Nothing happened in September 2015 and nothing is happening today.

Go to bed, moishe

Blame that percocet addicted nigger hotwheels. Used to be embeds were not affected by this because they're not files, and then his drug addled brain decided "hurr I'm going to change that".


You'll see this in a good chunk of Britains deindustrialised areas.

The young men not being able to find any work to sustain them or being faced with work that is absurdly shit. Will sign up for the military instead because while the work may be shit it at least pays better.


change one pixel in MS paint you lazy bastard

he's talking about video embeds, tor fag imbecil

now of course, only white men will be left without jobs because the only companies remaining will only hire non-whites. Only white males will be forcibly drafted if necessary leaving all the white women alone in the US with all that wonderful diversity. It's going to spawn an entire generation of mutts that the few remaining white men that come back alive from the war will be completely killed off by.
We truly are witnessing the end of the jew's plan. I think it is truly happening now. The final battle is upon us….

I might be a retard but at least I don't think the world is ending in 15 minutes and 34 seconds!

Studying Colonial history I used to wonder why so many of Britain's wars were fought by Scots and Irishmen. Here in America most of the British troops were Scots or Irish, or Loyalist form NY and NJ. In the Crimean War and the Great Mutiny, once again most of the hard fighting was done by Scots. It was only later I read about "the Clearances" in detail, and then realized that both the wars and the clearances occurred simultaneously. The poor lads had little other choice, really.

Then you better start beleiving

There's something going called Global Citizen Festival. It's fishy af.
YT Stream:

Or when Ebola-chan went out for a walk.

The world ending? When did we decide that? Damn. I thought Kek was going to show himself today.

I'm going to a corner to cry.

85* at 5:18 pm in southeastern Wisconsin, it would have hotter earlier because it's been sunny all day.

it's bleak, but realistic

lol wut. i missed that consensus.

105 heat index here today in the midwest

Another shit quality post from a TORfaggot.

Dude predicts nukes.
Rolls "923"
The date is 9/23
user, why?

Hmm we have this thread every September, I truly wonder why so many people here don't see this simple pattern.
ITT newfags and shills out themselves. Please lurk for two more years. Thank you.



Bump when this actually happens if it isn't stuck.

fuck if I know, im just a shill like you

Mid 90s the past 2 days in the North, I don't even think it got this hot in July.

Hello soon to be neighbor. I heard Appleton and little chute are nice this time of year ;)

t. John Miller

Kek never left. Kek never lost power. Each of those lines were nothing more than psyop tactics to cause Holla Forums to abandon kek gradually by implying diminished returns in kek worship.




Thanks, user. Have some more Gondolas. Enjoy the rest of your September 23rd.

That's about 2 hours from me, I have actually never been to Appleton, but you'll easily be within driving distance for daytrips to everything on the peninsula, which, if you enjoy the outdoors or have a boat (recommended), is everything people will tell you it is. Enjoy the state.

REALLY makes you think.


At least more than half of them live in Australia

all over

Lads some turbo autist is going to marry his 2d waifu in VR in about 3 hours.
I don't know what to expect, but if you're bored come and shitpost in the stream chat when it starts
>>>/a/734090 hopefully I didn't dun goof the crosspost


Die by car, mudslime, or nigger, you god forsaken faggot.

Juice Newton's 1981 "Angel Of The Morning" has some freaky lyrics.

and check out these lyrics. the global elite cult is obsessed with the pentagram. "star"

the music we listen to has some really messed up lyrics. you should read the lyrics of alot of your music and get rid of the songs that strike you as fucked up.

lucifer sign
didn't want to listen to God
hit the earth because sent out of heaven
now satan is running around the world trying ot have fun "taking the back streets" and doing things the evil way
Lucifer "the morning star" "light bringer" "shine" "glow" and so on
"all star" pentagram.
references to encouraging people to play "the game" like get a job, have a car, pay taxes, get insurance, go to school, work everyday, worry about your future, always work, always worry, never be happy.
And all that glitters is gold
satan basically saying worship money and be shallow and to not look at anything beyond the surface and be ignorant
rebelling against God
hell freezing over, because earth is hell
this one is funny and has multiple meanings, one of them being checking the t.v. news for the weather report.
oxymoron about how hell is either an endothermic or exothermic reaction
satan having fun fucking with everyone

Keep in mind that satan isn't real, just stupid people like the gobal elitists who think they rule the world worship a false religion to rebel against God.
God holds all the power and is the only God.

there is only God and you don't need to go to any stupid building of any religion to know, believe in, and love God; and you don't have to be afraid because absolutely no other things exist.

Great post user.
All star-tier even.

why embed? what do you win by embedding when you can just right click and copypaste to avoid the referrer?

Global report for being part of a paid shill brigade attacking this website.

I made this years ago and I waited for when Holla Forums could use it.

Almighty KEK, i see you are in here so i shall ask, i had thought about building an actual church in your name. Should i attempt it?

Oh, fuck, now is not the right time i guess.

agreed, it's bothering everyone

Get one private purchase if your state allows it. They will, at most, look at your driver's license but won't be able to background check you.

If your state doesn't allow private purchase go to a gunshow in a state that does. Find some old codger with a bunch of Gadsden flag, III%, or other semi-revolutionary type stuff around. If he asks for ID tell him you don't trust government paper trails or some such.

At that point he will either refuse the purchase or sell you the gun. If he refuses the purchase calmly GTFO before you arouse suspicion.

Chances are he'll sell you the gun without checking ID. Most of your gunshow types hate ATF and love to subvert laws in little ways like that.

Be mindful there are actual gun stores that set up at shows and they have to background check. Make sure you're getting from a private seller, and make sure you're in a state that doesn't require background checks for private sales.

A while back I wanted to establish a monastery in His name. The main obstacle is the lack of trust that imageboard users have for doing stuff irl.

Get an 80% lower and just don't tell law enforcement. They are not as omnipotent as they want you to think. Buy parts for cash across state lines. No background checks for just parts.

all these fucking shills saying the same thing


checked dubs
don't be a retard.

There was an earthquake in North Korea, an earthquake in California, an earthquake in Mexico, a volcano going off in Indonesia, a riot in St. Louis, and an acid attack in London all in the last 24 hours.

fuck off cunt

The jewry is off the charts.

It's worse these days.
Whole swathes of the country have fucking nothing.
What little is left is dominated by Poles who are happy to work in any conditions for peanuts. There's a gag round these parts that you can rob a pole and he'll just be glad you didn't kill him.

So information will get out that redpills the normies and leads to RWDS then?

Eh, you can crowdfund it and if you can get some shills working in various places, you may be able to establish it. I have actually made a plan for my country, which involves a crowdfund, how to manipulate the local laws and new "diversity" laws, how to make it appear as some "Bhudist offspring", etc. I am just waiting for KEK's approval to begin when the time is right.

kek will signal you very soon i'm sure

If dubs do it now


At the very least Gondola's timeline is a comfy one. I'd live in it. Also, check'em! I even made my very first gondola, because I didn't find any pictures with gondola checking dubs. I hope it's gud enough.

it sure looked like a legitimate gondola. good start user, make moar memes

Cmoooonnnnnn, whats taking it so looong!!

How about that.

I wish you the best of luck, and bid you welcome to our monastery if I succeed.


wanna know how I know Holla Forums is controlled opposition?

this thread is stickied

It's the start of an era, user. Expect things to start ramping up.

The eclipse was a prelude. Look at all the natural disasters between then and now. Expect a new string of similar events. Possibly intel leaks or nuclear war, both revelations and nuclear war have been getting crazy digits today. Japan getting nuked by Norks got a huge string of favorable gets.

Looks like Jamal can’t get enough, right?

He's pointing in the wrong direction.

So, fellow MAGA centipedes, where's the happening?

Your spirit will ALWAYS take you back to your roots, user. Don't ignore it taking you back where you belong.


fuck off shill


You’ll have to do way better than that.

Fixed and checked!


Sorry, lads. Busy.


And the more people that believe something will happen the stronger the effect on the collective conscious and the more likely it will happen. "Meme magic"



Yeah its kind of strange how practically the same thing has been posted throughout the whole thread on multiple IPs.


Filtered for demoralization shilling.


The jew, unable to construct an actual rational rebuttal, "Quotes" the opponent in a way that makes them seem like an idiot, claiming that jews were behind the 9/23 lore and Kek this whole time.
I thought ShareBlue only had a few offices.

nobody has to do better than point out shills for who they are.

you lose.

Same to you too fellow warrior of KEK. May He bless you to reach your goal.



This is your “argument.”

Wow, it's almost like something happened that may lead to larger happenings.

Almost like this is the beginning of the most violent era before an era of peace, just as predicted.

Sweden here. Nato soldiers outside. What do?

i'm going to filter you because you keep repeating your technique and not actually rebutting my argument. shave your ugly beard ya kike faggot.

blast remove kebab

You're not very good at concealing yourself being

What's wrong Jamal, get shoah'd on your last IP and have to ban evade to shill some more? You must be minimum wage at the corporation, being the most easily spottable nigger on the board.

As much as I wish today would have ended in nuclear fire I knew it wouldn't. I just went about today like any other work day. You guys really have to stop falling for this stupid shit.

The frog is an ergrgore. But you are right. Its hard to describe, but once you get a strong will it's like you moving the universe around you rather than you moving in it.

KEK bless all of you. have strength to face all dark savages and preserve your people forever.
Hail Victory.

Holy shit, we’re actually being raided, aren’t we? These aren’t your average shitposters.

fucking kek, please don't read the shill guide at all. it will be like looking into a mirror for you.

At least you’re stupid enough to ruin your IDs.

No user, you are just a shitty low quality shill. your boss should give you the opposite of a raise for being such an obvious piece of shit.

So you think the holocaust happened because jews say it did?


Why don't you dorks get a girlfriend or something.

Why are you entertaining the idea that jewish numerology is real?

see how quickly the shill changes the subject?

What the fuck are you even talking about? Is this a bot or something.


Nah, Ill look for other answers. Theres about as much proof of God as the other shit you mentioned. If I find him, Ill happily wear the egg on my face for it.

shills are trying to troll around and disrupt the thread about the EVENT

Holy shit, do you think you’re actually converting Holla Forumsacks with this?

How about you read the thread, then, you fucking faggot?

Not a bot, Jamal is definitely organic. He's just true to his genetics. You don't expect a nigger to be smart, do you?
Reminder that there are at least 7 hours left in the 23rd in the westernmost regions of the world.

What event is that?

Go outside, limp dick

There are several physical happenings worldwide, mostly related to the tectonic plate below the pacific and its surrounding areas.
Volcanos and earthquakes are rumbling stronger at various spots, bali volcano, the dam at mexico got broken.

On the Nork topic, there's that 'unresolved' earthquake and the US bombers that just fly there just now.
There's also a possible distraction tactic coming from the president himself since Donald for some reason is trying to make a fuzz and exaggerate the problem with the NFL and Stephen Curry without any strong reason.

And seeing how badly diligent those usually lazy ass halfchan mods in censoring all the stuffs that is not a brainwash thread, with all the shariablue posts everywhere to slid all threads, there's a high probability of a happening that they don't want to discuss.

Great argument, moishe.

Kek will fake your death and you will become as a ghost among men. This is his gift, but you must be ready to pull your own wight. Degenerates, cucks and endtimefags need not apply.

>(((string of hurricanes and earthquakes)))

I don't know who's jewing who anymore, but all I know is I'm not doin the jewin.

If you had even a basic education on seismic activity or physics, you would know pretty well that earthquakes can be triggered by man made behaviour eg. detonating submerged nukes, fracking, weather modification, pollution…

Stop talking to the bot.

Listen shill, you are shitting your pants right now because you are obviously new and have never been outed before. your boss is probably laughing their fucking ass off right now because of how poorly you are handling yourself and how obvious your shilling is. you are the lowest of the low, even a disgrace among the shill scum.
it doesn't feel good, does it? not even the shittiest people on earth appreciate you because you suck even at being a dishonest piece of shit.

Okay, Bong; what behavior is this that has somehow affected the entire fucking pacific plate?

it doesnt matter. just another day on any image board. all non bots check in. Whats your status?
grilling some food, having a drink.

ignore all cianiggers, bots, and negative nancys. run them over with your car.

I just saw, by far, the biggest frog i've ever seen. I mistook it for a rabbit initially.

I made sure to drive around it safely, and watched it leap into the woods. I said a little prayer for the good people of the earth and moved on.

Thanks, shill.

good job user. save the frogs

eating pizza, sharpening axe, writing protection runes on riot shield, watching anime. Praying that Ragnarok is upon us that I might fight alongside my ancestors

What does being controllable by man have to do with anything? That wasn't part of the prophecy.

Keep moving those goal posts, moishe.


went to the pet store today. saw a bunch of white frogs for 3 bucks a piece. probably gonna go back and buy every fuckin one of em when I get my aquarium operational again.


we know you're a shill because you're spewing random shit from your mouth and panicking and gettting upset and excited when people call you out for being a fucking retard. you are lashing out at everyone like a miami zombie on bathsalts instead of deciding that you have nothing useful to say and realizing that people here see past your tricks.

just shut the fuck up, and lurk more on the off chance you are just crazy.

Listening to Wagner using Tor having massive esprit de l'escalier about seeing the Anne Frank book in an "inspiring tales for young people" display at the book store.

How do you rebuke the obvious counterargument that Meyer Levin also wrote a play based on his work and this may be a source of confusion?


God damnit faggots, stop replying to these shills. You will ruin this day. Filter filter filter, filter these faggots.

Okay, moishe.

post a pic of your shield. interesting.
funny, I bought some OC spray during the election, actually had a few run ins with chimping spics because of my Trump stickers on my car but never had to use it, now its starting to leak from being left in a hot car for this long. Does anyone have experience with mace? does it go bad?

God damn, read the fucking prelude and prediction threads. It wasn't supposed to be the fucking Earth blowing up. It was just the start of an acceleration toward the end of Kike rule.

Give it a month and see if more people start to publicly name the Jew or if we keep getting closer to war with North Korea.

Did you know that there are genetic differences between the races? No, you didn’t, because you accept what jews tell you at face value.

Has this ever worked for you?

Well if you're actually a survivor, technically you're a living breed, and usually the only one.

What is your supposed basis for MAKING any of these predictions?

tell the owner you dont like it. tell him the Anne Frank diary is an obvious fake, or just suggest an actual good book for young people.

People said the same shit about Trump. You tell me how that turned out. Endless wishful thinking based on numerology only brings you so far. It's the same shit that hippies do with fractals and primes numbers.


kek, I used to live in this town. It's in queensland, straya. Biblical levels of frogs there. Phoenician artifacts and buildings have been discovered throughout this region.

Last night I picked up KEK, put him on the railing of the balcony and gave him some filtered water. He's usually near the front door somewhere at night.

Such one-dimensional banter.

Astrological phenomenon and time/date/number magical thinking, and the fact that the kikes believe in it.
Kek's synchronicities are more powerful than the kikes could ever be, because Kek's memes are real while the kikes try to force their memes.
Kek is pepe to the kikes' milhouse.

Think about exactly how fucking silly it is that dozens of shills are hopping through hundreds of IPs to shill a thread about repeating digits and a frog god.


they know Kek crushes their fake jew numbers, so they gotta stop it

Did it end with a video of some commiefornian whining about abortion like last time?

Okay, then. Thanks for admitting they’re not legitimate.

That kikes do believe in numerology–and will act on said belief–does not imply the ability to do things which are physically impossible.

The 20th of December.

The dream is true.

Dont have a camera, I live fairly spartan, but I can tell you this much. You can buy a PC round shield on ebay for around 30 to 40 bucks. It should hold out a little better than wood otherwise I would have just gotten the splinters figuring out how to make one.

I'm marking the shield with: Thurisaz, so that i might learn from the pain that awaits me
Kenaz, to light my way
Algaz, to protect me
Mannaz, so that I might have the strength of all mankind
and lastly: Teiwaz in the center, that Tyr may guide me in battle.

meant for


night night, Kek



Apparently some time before christmas a strange woman I managed to befriend will let me fuck her
Or Sadako will get me
It'll be fun to find out

am i doin it rite?

Project harder.

am i doin it rite?

Project harder.>>10651501

Sometimes I worry about you guys. You write like this and I worry you're losing focus. We must secure the existence or our people, and a future for White children in THIS world, not WoW.

Apparently some time before christmas a strange woman I managed to befriend will let me fuck her
Or Sadako will get me
It'll be fun to find out


Jim’s a fucking dipshit. The site was working fine and now this shit happens again.

What do you expect from a kike devil worship thread?

I'm home from work for the day, I had dinner with my girlfriend, I've exercised, and cleaned by house.
This part is for funsies.


I hate to say where the money's at right now, fam.

Does the return of Kek mean fucktons of repeating digits? Because it looks so.

What’s your point, moishe?

Does the return of Kek mean fucktons of repeating digits? Because it looks like this.

Any happenings?
I still seem to be alive…

dont listen to these niggers. keep doing what you believe in. if you feel it gives you strength, it does. You should see the amount of hatred I get even in Texas because of my confederate flag. It just makes me feel like Im doing something right by displaying it.
dont bully

That's real Nito.

All these earthquakes are just the actions of New Swabians under the Earth scaring the Jews reminding them that it's almost their time.

Cook the rice, pay the price.

I keep one as well. A lot of my family died in the first civil war fighting to defend North Carolina.

all your posts in this thread speak the truth through your lies.

Nothing is happening here in China. Is this a suppose worldwide thing?
perfectly fine sunny day here.

Enjoy being imprisoned for talking here.

I want a good job where I can work with my hands. Maybe I can have my own farm.

Name a specific physically impossible event that has been predicted.

It's my job to monitor here actually.

I got laid not long after an anonymous told me to get fucked.


Right back at you user.

Quit inventing goals. Nobody said Kek promised the impossible. He still has to work within the confines of the laws of nature.

Look for the improbable. Things like, I don't know, three absolutely devastating hurricanes in the span of a month. That was pretty fucking improbable, and we meme'd it hard here.

hey CNN

If it happened, then it wasn't physically impossible. Just saying….


Monitor here as in Holla Forums? Why?

So where's the happening?

I bet something will happen within the last minutes. It still is Sep. 23rd where I live.
This issue with NK today can't be just coincidence.

25 minutes til the marriage.

not in this cuckchan thread

mods are faggots

Was a happening promised? Kek's return is probably wording it poorly, it should be more like Kek was using the time to muster energy.

Take note that the actual happening may not be today, but rather the events that make the happening unavoidable may occur. Say, a declaration of war, or North Korea successfully miniaturizes a nuke for ICBM use.


Chinese culture has a concept called "saving face" it's just like your political correctness. So we have experience with knowing the fringe voices of a society often point out it's biggest problems.
I monitor here, then I give lectures about the social issues that are talked about here. There's some very important people who don't want our culture to turn out like the west.

So, wait, are we helping keep the Chinese from degenerating like the West has?

Yes. Did you hear recently how China banned depictions of homosexuals on television? And then banned TV from South Korea because they are so gay.
That was my team who asked for that change.

Go back to T_D.

You have my respect, sir.

The equation of physically impossible acts (the manipulation of the entire pacific plate) to the “prophecy” of 9/23 is the point here. There is no evidence that the claims events have anything to do with manmade sources or are in relation to any “prophecy” (which by definition refers to a specific event).

Mr. Commie, I salute you

Thank you. I hope you win your battle against the jew.

The ONLY thing that could save your people is to remove the Jews from your country and forbid them from coming back. Also, have your people read Mein Kampf. Maybe even just embracing your ancestral Gods, or Buddhism again to unfuck the materialist cancer that Communism left you with.

It wouldn't hurt to treat your natural resources and the environment as a whole better either.

chiggity checked kek

You know, I was going to preface this with an angry rant at you but I'll just ask a question: if you are so aware of the jewish problem and aware of places like this board and you say you hope we win, then why are your people invading white countries and creating exodus-like conditions for whites? I'd honestly understand if you were just full on: "fuck you whites we want to rule you" or its "you or us so better you",why even wish us luck?

5 minutes.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but you do not want your friend to be stronger than you.

Also the government isn't controlling the people moving out of China, we'd actually like to put a stop to that.
but in general we are taking advantage of the decaying west, like you would if the situation was reversed.

Those are undoubtedly caused by economic pressures. Hard to have a country with so many people without quite a few trying to get out.

Alright I'm going to sleep now. The world better not end in my sleep or I swear to fuck I'm going to start my afterlife super pissed.

Wedding time for anons who need a break from the happenings.

The autist wedding is starting in a few mins. The shitposting has already begun.

It's time.

For what?

Anyone get a video of the wedding? Please post if you do.


God is dead.

An autistic on /a/ made a VR wedding to marry his tulpa waifu. Try to keep up.


Why the fuck would I want to keep up with that?

Was this the happening?

If it was you wouldn't have to ask, you'd know.

It's fun to laugh at the mentally ill, normalfags just won't admit it.

Laughing is one thing, keeping tabs is another.

If you don't keep tabs, how will you know when something funny happens? I actually agree with you

I'm back, I got my armor, some WD-40 and my paycheck has been cashed in.
I forgot my work boots but I can make do.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I scouted out the /a/ thread. I brought you a souvenir, thinking it would be funny but it's kind of just depressing, really.

/a/ is the dark side of the Meme Majick coin. While their weaponized autism dwarfs us trifold, they practice a completly different form that benefits only the user. The Black Majicks is to be avoided

I was keking the entire time tbhwyf. I'm still having a giggle at the shitposting.'sWedding2017
webm soon.

Did someone grab the comments too?

Very sad. Maybe nisioisin will catch wind of this and cuck user to hell and back. Was he using a mic or was it silent?

Server must be under heavy stress or something. It's telling me it will take almost 50 minutes to download.

Got my battle gear all good to go , drinking ice cold lagers in front of the fire in a light rain and breezes right now/comfy

Esoteric Hitlerism and therefore the basis of National Socialism is the belief in gnosticism. Aka as above so below, or duality. Ie sexual liberation is actually a form of control. Or how money isnt freedom, but slavery. World war 2 was a cosmic war that never ended. A war of God's and demons. The same reason we had to lose on Earth, so we could win elsewhere. cosmic gods are fighting an epic war. Possibly kek is losing there, so we can win here. That means that this is the beginning, not the end. Praise kek.

sieg heil

I can feel it, guys. I felt it a few days ago and now I feel it even more: a great shift in the cosmic jive of man. The dawning of The Age of Aquarius, in time for the annual return of the season of the witch.

"I don't think it's a side effect of the cocaine. I'm thinkin' that it must be love." – David Bowie

"I dont think it's a side effect of the toke. I'm thinkin' that it must be true." – Me.

It's the time for the season of loving, guys. September, come she will.

The European Canon Is Here

lol, how wrong you are.


I gotta dry clean my gambeson and tabbard. WD-40 aside, got any good advice in getting rid of rust, my buddy didn't give it proper care and it's got rust patches.


Steel wool and oil, my dude. Polish it right off. Get the fine stuff and end up with a nice shine.

That is a very rational and understandable position to take. If the West does disappear by 2100 as predicted, my only consolation will be that China will survive. I have great respect for the Chinese since they appear to be free of much of the sentimentalism and lack of purpose that destroyed the West. I have heard rumors that China is experimenting with improving its population via genetic engineering. I hope this is true, since the task ahead of your civilization will be to expand to the stars in service of the Life Force described by George Bernard Shaw in his Man and Superman.

checked and thanks, brother.
have some dungeon synth

Is anyone watching the stars tonight. I got my telescope set up just waiting for it to get a little darker

Either he will become a living meme and fall to the wayside in a few months, or maybe he will fuck off and open himself a portal to gensokyo.

Damn, Holla Forums is so chuuni.

Last night I saw a shooting star for the first time in my life. I wished upon it for chaos benifiting the National Socialist cause.

It's called the apocalypse, look around you, there's famine, child sex slavery, gays running around pridefull that "muh dick can go into man", ww3 is just around the corner
stopping worshiping a pseudo satan, a "chaos god" whom doesn't care if you live or die, it's time to take the Bread pill

Had to look that up, kek. I think I might recognize the waifu, but have no idea where she is from. No point in sageing a sticky, btw.

we more than 750 posts now? neat

Servants of Josh
Servant of Kek

There are no good jews, not even ones on a stick


Looks like your wish came true user

Ever wondered why Matt wanted to DMCA all these pepes?

as a meme it's synonymous with the 2D world. Legend has it that if you kill yourself you actually just wake up there.

to sterilize the rope

I never ventured much into the "japanese culture" boards, even on oldchan. Well, other than the 18+ boards. Don't know the particular set of memes associated with those boards.



Well, the long-term goal has always been opening up a portal to the 2D world, which is something that has spilled over to here as well. "Making anime real" didn't just come about when Ron Paul ran for office. The waifu AI robot revolution is something else that's been memed for a long time, and is now also happening with Tay and such. There were several times in which threads upon threads happened where /a/nons were sharing ideas and programming for AI. Then, there's all the SF anime that predict our times.
There's something to be said for the fact that /a/ memes harder and more potently than Holla Forums does. Everything here is possible because of /a/utism.
Basically, you best start paying attention to /a/ memes. You're in one.