
189K copies according to Steam. Whether or not that's "good" is up to how autistic Bamco is.
the game deserved to fail, Zesteria is the worst game in the franchise and its PC port is an abomination

Cracked games are always best. I actually download pirated copies of games I legally bought.

like when faggots here downloaded gtaV on release for that superior russian trojan crack and resulting salt mines

While simultaneously expressing your support of

All of those things are acceptable, and your dollar says so.

Luckily I also have a pirated copy of Bitdefender and Malwarebytes. But I've never had a problem so far. Just read the comments and choose a good release group.

Yeah I gave up.

I thought against Steam for years. You can still read my comments on gamefaqs about how much I hate Steam.

But I lost. Gabe the Jew won.

DRM has always fucked paying customers in the ass in exchange for a brief period in which pirates may or may not be able to get the game for free. Denuvo was left uncracked for a longer time than usual because its developers paid off the Chinese crackers to not do it. Now it is completely worthless intrusive garbage just like every other DRM that has ever existed. Once again, the cracked version is superior to the severely gimped and possibly harmful "legitimate" copy.

How comes no one still tested both Denuvo/cracked Rise of the Tomb Raider versions?

Well, they just lost a sale. Another win for DRM!

Because that would require playing Rise of the Tomb Raider a non-zero number of times