hold the god damn phone, when did they drop from 200 bucks to 70? That's not real life, unless there's really dummies out there selling that low. Hell I'm not opposed to suckering some dummy
N64 Thread
What's an everdrive and how do I find a place that gets me an "official" one? Is it some sort of shit that lets you drop in any rom?
Re-Volt, but only barely.
Well, I don't own the "official" everdrive. I own a chinese knockoff thats based on the everdrive 2.5. It works perfectly and so far I haven't encountered any problems with it. You have to reset the console to save the game though… Its called ED64. You can even find it on amazon.
Do you live under a rock? Its used for cart-based systems, its a cart that one fills to the brim with games. May have some added features depending on the console and model.
The official ones can be found on stoneagegamer and krikzz websites. Expensive as fuck tho.
forgot about posting this one. The best version is the DC version as it has extra cars and runs pretty smoothly. But yeah, general rule of thumb is that the PSX versions were better.
Yeah, you jab in an sd card full of your roms and it plays it on the hardware. I don't have one but people say it works well. Also since people discovered you can use gameshark cheats to turn off the anti aliasing, and these things come with built in gamesharks, that's something you can do now.
Difference between v2.5 and v3 is that you don't have to reset the console after saving to keep your save and it has a real time clock if you really wanna play a buggy version of the original animal crossing.
You buy one from the slav code master here
Games still look like ass tho. Anyone know a good place to get one's N64 modded for RGB?
Your local vidya store can usually replace them.
Ha, it'll probably wear a hole straight through the controller. Why hasn't anyone thought of making that earlier?
Brother you have no idea. The only nintendo consoles I've ever had were the SNES, hated it, loved the genesis more and the original DS. I'm a PCfag and sonygger through and through. Always hated Nintendo for the most part. Probably due to the amount of masturbation surrounding them.