Drifting game

Look at the other guys laps, clearly you were the only one racing.

Nope I sabotaged the guy with 19 laps and finished the race.




Thread theme.

pic related

He didn't commit to this sudoku then.

Racer: fast, good turning and if you put everything into health and regeneration, pretty sturdy. dodge and juke opponents. easiest car to play and arguably also the best in the game for lapping.

Bully: if there are too many griefers/hunters/blockers, this is a good alternative. tons of health and most people ignore you (until you're #1). a consistent car, slow and steady wins the race.

Star: the only reason this car is here is because of its special ability, it gives you a couple seconds of invulnerability which makes it possible to go through blockades easily. it's similar to the Bully but with less health and a "press X to not die" button.

Flash: fastest car in the game but with poor turning. it is easy to control by just boosting/drifting around corners. what makes this car not top tier is the fact it has extremely low health. even with maxed stats it's still fragile. you can make fast laps but all it takes is to crash into a Hazard or stray bomb and you're done.

Buster: there are 2 builds for this. the racing build is meant for winning the game, so max out health and regeneration, then save the rest for repairs. this car is slow but sturdy when levelled up. you can hurt and knock people back with bombs, and you can also kill stray low-healths to level up faster. the other build is a purely killing build meant for hunting #1 player, simply put all points into cannon damage.

Piercer: the worst turning in the game. it has no boosts at all but an "instant acceleration" ability which you want to use around corners. it basically plays like a rocket. it can get you out of sticky situations but you could also rocket yourself right into a Hazard, there is no control. if you want a fast car, just get the Flash instead.

Hazard: best body damage in the game, but that's pretty much the only thing it is good for. you have limited boost to ram into others. it has no health regeneration so good luck trying to win 20 laps in this thing. its meant for killing and cockblocking #1 cars.

Ambulamp: very squishy, pretty easy to kill, speed is mediocre. it can heal itself but you'll have to be standing next to a wall and aim correctly, it's harder than it looks like. if you're a healslut and love being a cuck, this is the car for you. an interesting combo is being a pocket medic for a #1 Bully who is being hunted down, or healing Hazards so that they can actually level up and max stats without dying.

what the fuck is this thread
garbage design choices in any case, and encouraging teams or whatever the fuck a 'party' is in a flash game is 100% cancer