30 years ago vidya wasn't seen as a profitable industry so those chasing high profits stayed out of it, this isn't the case today.
Developers that care
Xseed have done some stupid things recently. That awful port of Little King's Story or whatever it was called, for example.
If history has taught me anything it's that there are no developers that truly care these days.
For SEGA, you forgot to add that they never C&D fan projects based on their franchises.
SoR doesn't count because they C&D remake since they could lose SoR trademark and they actually let the devs to finish the game and give enough time to people to download it, the game even had plenty of patches
Everything costs a lot of money though.
Life doesn't function like a school class. You need to be smart and find a good structure in order to be successful. Classes structure or pace learning well.
Fair point.
I just don't understand people who pay €60 for a ten hour campaign.
And then you read comments from people who think $15 for Trails in the Sky SC is too much.
Say what you want, but at least CDPR does care to some extent.
They were forced to do so to please the business people, most likely. It was a slap on the wrist though, you can get SoRR anywhere and they never followed up.
Also, consider the fact that Sega released a virtual 90s game room for Steam that allows you to play romhacks with their blessing. If you told this would happen to Sonic Retro a few years ago they would laugh at you.
But yeah, Sega knows that their most fervent fans who are fangamers and romhackers are their greatest asset. Completely opposite to certain other video game company… Because Sega does what Nintendon't, bitches