4 AM

I don't have images on this computer and I can't be bothered to move to the one with all my stuff on it.

But regardless,
Winter soon lads.

Apathy most likely.

jerk on

Laser reader broke in PS3 today so now I have all these useless games. I'm not replacing it cuz the only ones I ever played was Rock Band sometimes when I'm drunk. It's just my netflix box at this point.

Nice! What ps2 games you playing?

Winter fags need to get out

Get a hooker.

I'm just gonna start with a rassling game. Start out slow.

I hada good day, went to town to book an apointment to check my 'tisms so I can go to the job agency and I've alost finished building my plauge bearers

It'll probably be sooner than later. Either way, how else have you been besides the unending rage user?

There's no need to be a pleb Ritsu.