On Gamergate

Revolt shills are in full damage control tonight.



you're being facetious

the point is to increase the influence of the alt-right onto the videogame front, forcing their media to spill their spaghetti the same way we've accomplished the MSM going broke for censorship, and consequentially waking people up

what the hell do you propose? Videogames is fucking dead, and it is never, EVER coming back, ever, you understand? You will never play videogames again, you will play nigger-loving simulators, and you will play shekel eaters. You can't go back to your comfty little safespace, that age of innocence is dead. So what do you think? You're just going to keep circlejerking here about the "industry collapse"? How many times can you seriously replay doom?

you want to talk about what's laughable? That's laughable, that the industry will collapse. Its bigger than ever, and increasing.

Bringing liberal bullshit into the mainstream attention where it can easily subsequently be seen as laughable by blue and white collar workers was an overwhelming success. The redpilling that went on from after gamergates start was astounding. I saw people turn on each other like tigers when they were formally amicable over whether or not gaming journalism was okay.

To boot, progressives have been steadily devouring themselves with a mix of double think and turning on gays because gays don't fit into their sexist propaganda. It's become so easy to talk to friends and slowly introduce facts that dispel this bullshit and let them leave them to make their own minds up on the topics.


Just calling it that sounds as retarded as ALTRIGHT


That just off the top of my head, you're a fucking retard m8. I mean, whatever, go fuck around thinking you're accomplishing shit when the majority of fucks still refuse to support things like DevDex and KiA is left to run on its own, I'm sure yer' gonna accomplish a shitload. Not to even mention the retarded infighting between Acid, HQ, the Holla Forums general, and revolt that's only destabilizing the dead-as-shit thing.

Imma enjoy my vidya.
