Youtube going down like the hindenburg

Guess free use was never in their intentions then, honestly makes me think this was the plan from the beginning maybe this was what youtube was leading up to but they couldn't start off as that.

a majority of youtube users are normalfags, and normalfags are oblivious to these issues and just follow what youtube feeds them, which is "advertisement friendly"

i don't think youtube is dumb enough to sink, they just won't care when they kill all their smaller channels

Why hasn't someone other than Jewtube (I actually mean the jewtube site, not youtube) made their own site yet?

I want it to burn.
Then again i'm an arsonist so whatever.

Hmm, yeah you have a honest point, I mean getting rid of retards like pleasediepie and mark, would honestly feel like something really stupid I mean the views honestly don't lie.

If only zippcast were still around

I'd love to have a toast to youtube shooting itself in the foot, but your posts sound like a fucking 13 year old typed them

Hitler used the Hindenburg, do you think he would use youtube?

Smaller channels will just turn into advertiser friendly teasers for their main channel on other sites, I think Vimeo is going to see a huge surge in users.

Larger channels and networks will just fall in line, the content creators bound to them will be censored (basically, anyone under Machinima, etc.)

Youtube will definitely stop making money, start losing money, but google will keep it hooked up to life support forever, hoping it'll make a comeback. Youtube isn't going anywhere.

What's the over-under on anti-white, anti-male videos being flagged as advertiser unfriendly?

Ehh fair enough, honestly it wasn't my best then again I don't think I needed to do so given the context, I mean what else is there to say besides their cutting off their arm at shoulder when their already missing their legs.