The game has great atmosphere and the gameplay is also great once you get a handle on the controls/toggling your augs and shit.
Some tips:
Swimming becomes IMMENSELY important later on in the game so start upgrading to at least "advanced" asap. You'll thank yourself later. Also regeneration and rebreathers are shit so don't bother with them too much.
Deus Ex
That is only in the PC version. In the console version they combined your separate health for your arms/legs/etc into one big health pool, making it pretty OP when used with the regulator.
It's worth a try just as an example of how video games should be made. Sure it's a bit outdated and the skills system is bad but the level design is awesome.
this user tells the truth
Filled with quality of life improvements.
Tweaked/new skills/augs
Customizable HUD and other shit
They also have 8 videos that go through most of the mod
My suspicion is that people are looking at Mankind Divided, shrugging their shoulders, and saying "maybe I'll go try the one everybody said was good instead."
Though I actually have no idea how MD turned out.
Just get GMDX.
Here's a quick trailer showing it off basically, it fixes a mountain of issues and makes more playstyles more viable and it has a completely revamped hardcore difficulty that adds more than enemies with more health and damage.
There are a few bugs that have yet to be fixed in an official release, like the hotel scene with jojo, he reach the rentons now for some reason.
We can't fix objectively bad taste so if you don't like Deus Ex, then you definitely have that.