Deus Ex

Haven't played this for a while, but am going to try and do a run through on Hard with no save-scumming.

Are there any mods that add value that I should get? By add value I mean quality of life improvements like easier augmentation management, rather than spergy, questionable gameplay decisions like respeccing augs or new weapons/ammo placement.

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Is this game worth playing or is it just Holla Forums memeing, because people here recommended dark souls and I hated it.


try swimming

Play it and find out.
don't level up pistols then whine here that you miss all the shots

It's worth a play through, but it does have some serious problems. You may like it, you may hate it. Give it a try, no mods though most of them are terrible

Most mods are rather heavy overhauls. I've yet to find one that was simply an improved version of vanilla.

Now that's some good shit.

Every time I pause it lags for like 10 seconds.

I want to enjoy this game but it's not easy when I have to lag and stare at the wall for a million years while god-knows-what gets loaded.

People do seem to be discussing it an awful lot, I recently played through it again, and tried out some mods

The game has great atmosphere and the gameplay is also great once you get a handle on the controls/toggling your augs and shit.
Some tips:
Swimming becomes IMMENSELY important later on in the game so start upgrading to at least "advanced" asap. You'll thank yourself later. Also regeneration and rebreathers are shit so don't bother with them too much.

That is only in the PC version. In the console version they combined your separate health for your arms/legs/etc into one big health pool, making it pretty OP when used with the regulator.


It's worth a try just as an example of how video games should be made. Sure it's a bit outdated and the skills system is bad but the level design is awesome.

this user tells the truth

Filled with quality of life improvements.
Tweaked/new skills/augs
Customizable HUD and other shit
They also have 8 videos that go through most of the mod

My suspicion is that people are looking at Mankind Divided, shrugging their shoulders, and saying "maybe I'll go try the one everybody said was good instead."
Though I actually have no idea how MD turned out.


Just get GMDX.

Here's a quick trailer showing it off basically, it fixes a mountain of issues and makes more playstyles more viable and it has a completely revamped hardcore difficulty that adds more than enemies with more health and damage.

There are a few bugs that have yet to be fixed in an official release, like the hotel scene with jojo, he reach the rentons now for some reason.

We can't fix objectively bad taste so if you don't like Deus Ex, then you definitely have that.

I just played GMDX, and the fact that it nerfs the prod and dragon sword is enough for me to drop it. It does fix a lot of things, but many of the changes make it a lot less fun

buy and xboxone and Bioshock Infinite remastered. ask reddit when you get stuck on the puzzles.

How? the prod deploys faster and it can mow be modded, I don't recall it being moddable in the original but I barely used it, but even then there are far more non lethal avenues now including stun darts that let you prod at a distance. The dragon sword felt less powerful since my last playthrough but I didn't take a single point in low tech or combat speed which both boost the damage and attack speed of melee weapons, on top of this the dragon's tooth can now be equipped as a secondary weapon and be deployed instantaneously for a melee attack.

I don't agree with your reasons for disliking it but I don't care about changing your mind.

GMDX or maybe Biomod. Also I'm assuming you've played The Nameless Mod which admittedly is a totally different story but still worth playing.

This better be toggle able.

It isn't but it never got in my way.

It isn't, but it's not relevant either. It shouldn't be there considering an augmented agent would have such great stamina that it would be a non issue in-game, and it still doesn't really affect you anyways. It really doesn't even need to be there

Shifter mod is top tier

That probably has more to do with your OS than anything else.

Why don't people like to increase their swimming? That skill is vital to the game.

If you're not interested in it after watching embed related it's probably not the game for you.

No. Even if you fix the glaring flaws (e.g. awarding XP for kills) the mod is still shit.

I don't think there's many areas that are totally inaccessible unless you have swimming upgraded. You'll have Aqualung soon enough anyway and that should sustain most of your underwater adventures without you even taking damage.

Ross needs to git gud, you can taze them unconscious thereby avoiding their explosion.

It's still annoying the first time though. You never expect them to just blow up

I'm almost certain there's a reference to that somewhere before you first meet them on a computer somewhere.

This guy sounds like a colossal faggot, is he an eceleb?

of courshe

It's possible, but i am most certainly not in a hurry to double check. But it might be a datapad, not a computer

Don't be a faggot and get GMDX



I couldn't tell you what it's on but I'm 90% sure I've read about it before you first fight one. DX was always good at that shit.

Please to be stopping now.

I was just playing DE1 together with Human Constipation again to see how they compare. I can safely say that I'll be replaying og DE sooner rather than later and HR probably never since in comparison it feels like a chore. Too many cut-scenes and unskippable animations (take downs, ICARUS), way simpler game mechanics- you have money and exp, in DE1 you have money, exp, augs and upgrades. All separate. DE1 doesn't push one playstyle above others, HR does- if you're not ghosting and knocking people out and hacking shit even though you don't need to you're basically losing exp and money.
And of coarse DE1 has much better music and one liners.

2 is worth playing for the coherent and well-written plot which is really just 1's themes with a different coat of paint. The game itself is consolized garbage, though.

I don't remember exactly where I first saw it, but it's definitely some time before the plane scene.

I hope you know that you have an ID whenever I hover over this idiot's post from the index, but whenever I'm inside the thread you have the regular tor ID. This is a bug right?

It's a feature

Get Kentie's DeusExe.
Use OpenGL.

Why augment? Pure skill run.

knife and explosive only run best run

I know Deus Ex is ugly and has some issues but all of the compatibility issues like the lag Anons are complaining about are generally resolved by Kentie's launcher and not ever playing the Steam version.

Plus GMDX is an overhaul, not a revamp.

pls no

Let me guess you first witnessed Pepe on Facebook, and assumed that's a Facebook thing, and not know that Pepe is an old meme that grew in popularity.

Kill yourself.

My post was in reply to the OP who had already played Deus Ex, but if someone wanted to skip the original release I couldn't care less, that's their choice.

I like how universal Steam description is.

No, it's just time to let go.

user do you have any idea what the hell has been happening to Pepe?

this game is pretty easy on normal
i'm surprised Holla Forums is having so much trouble with it

Let go and find better memes that pepe and feels.

Who is?

let's just skip all the fun stuff and go into the handholding games with no relation

The Nameless Mod isn't what I'd call hand holding.

I'm starting to get the feeling you haven't been around here long.

No, unfortunately you're not. But you all need to let go.

kill yourself.

Nah, go kill yourself.





It's legitimately a good game.

I've tried so many times to play this game but I always stop after getting through the park and into the city. It opens up so much I can't handle it

Just take a walk through the city and immerse you're selve

Explore nigger. EXPLORE.

Calm down my little user, and just wing it the secrets can come later as you play you'll be given different tasks which will take you all over the area.

Ross is really shit at video games holy fuck does this guy write for polygon



You have stale memes and youre a salty faggot

Speaking of the recut videos, did anyone notice the reference in Helio's end?

Play in Realistic difficulty, enemies will die more faster, but so do you, at least it's better a shooting bullet-sponges

I tried deus ex but the fov is locked to 75, I can turn it up in the ini but switching weapons drops it back to 75.
What am I to do?

And thats where this mod lost everything. Dumb as fuck.


GMDX overhauls a lot, but it also makes the gunplay feel so much better at least.

I recommend Deus Ex Human Revolution, better graphics, decent story. 3 ways to play game (hacking, sneaking, killing)

The frog will rise again.

underrated post


The game is pretty fucking broken, are there fixes for it? Could it be because I'm using a launcher that lets me play it in fullhd?

Fuck off coward.

The enemy head hitbox is four squares slightly infront of their heads on each side, this is because the models are actually cylinders this info is vital for head shots and you'll take them out faster this way using the crossbow. There is a sweet spot on the back that auto knocks out enemies with the Baton (except Commandos) and Prod but the Prod is superior to the stick in every way because it stuns on each hit. The crossbow's nonlethal darts does poison damage so if you don't score headshots they'll take damage for a while until the damage stops or they drop.

The AI is stupid though if you're far enough you can just shoot them and wait out their alert then they'll take poison then drop.

Hit them in the back of the head you dummy.

Rereading his post I think he doesn't know about the to-hit chance and that if he doesn't train low-tech a bit he'll have to stand still for a little bit before hitting them. The tighter the crosshairs the higher your chance to hit. Prods get a free hit on the first hit though.

I started a run recently and added this.

Just a straightforward texture pack that fits very well with the art style of the game. Install is easy.

Deus Ex movie when?

For anyone that hasn't done a kill-everyone run, I highly recommend it using GMDX.

The premise is simple: in every single level, if an NPC, regardless of whether its hostile or friendly, is NOT immortal, it must die (although I do make exceptions for bots). GMDX makes the combat more enjoyable, and the game actually becomes more challenging when you play it this way.

I do recommend enabling auto-save, or saving often. I ran into a problem in Hong Kong where Gordon Quick remained hostile no matter how much time passed.

Doing the run also made me realize something: Deus Ex is the only game I can think of where you can kill children.

Hopefully never


Nigger I completed this game for the first time a week ago and later on in the game because I was always at max biocells (although that lowered after I got regeneration) regeneration was consistently a lifesaver in combat and in underwater sections if you go to a stupid spot and run out of o2.

No, swimming is no where near important, you can go through all of the swimming sections with no points in it as I did.

Yeah, you can if you spend an entire clip of the fucking thing, which are pretty rare. It's easier and faster to just shoot them in the head 2 times with a sniper.

Why are weebs so autistic and why can they never comprehend anything that isn't retarded simple gameplay and dumbed down, sonic-tier dialogue jap games?

Did anyone ever go around the broken bridge? You can just jump over it, it's stupid easy.

You need to try being born 5 to 10 years earlier.

Killing yourself might also work.

Yeah. I didn't want to looks like an autist in front of the chink patrol.

what is the best ending guys?


here's a not gay poll instead.

what is wrong with strawpoll?
i get nothing no information when i search it online, can you clear this up?

Only newscum use it.


But you can do that with any poll service.

very informative, thank you user.
so should we then announce the best ending in the thread?
Illuminati reporting in

I recommend kys.

JC is incosistent as a nano augmented agent already.

Prod sucks ass because you have to expend ammunition to land hits, you will always need to carry around a baton just in case you run out of ammunition

Nothing like JC.

what does jc denton actually look like in actual 3d?
does he look like anything in these pictures?

Can't picture him with tumlbr nose


Whilst that nose is actually drawn and not a red button, I also don't get why the red shade is present at all.

Then again, my personal JC Denton is a ginger, because I always found the idea of the savior and next stage of the human spaces being a fucking ginger.

Speaking of cut content, what mods restore some of the unused dialogue, levels, or other cut content?

I made my JC black and named him Tyrone.
Where's your deus now

I'm pretty sure Nihilum has a White House level, dunno if they use the cut assets.

Not many - unlike VtM:B where we both knew the cut content and had it around in the files, for DX most of what we know was that "there was an UNATCO route planned at some point". Also due to the kind of game it is, it isn't as simple as just putting a few extra NPC quests and calling it a day.

To be fair, all JCs look cool in their own way. The voice nails it regardless, although black Paul must wound hilariously off.

"He responds to the code phrase, 'ilon and coppah'."


sound*, even

Huh, I didn't know the lines were in. I like how this even makes sense given what Carter says to you later in the game, when he says "UNATCO isn't perfect, but it's the best we got".

The one on the right is most like JC.

Hopefully not in Unreal 4, keep it simple or keep the project in development for longer than a decade.

GMDX restores a dialogue between some hobos

Talking about GMDX 9.0 was just announced

Stop fucking replying to him, you fucking tards you're the reason he keeps doing it.

Now you see this is exactly what I had in mind, I want what is basically an evil route

No need to remake it, just adding the cut content is enough

Why don't you shut the fuck up and contribute to the thread instead of posting dank epic memes XDDDD and replying to days old posts.

Forget to switch ID's or are you just retarded?

Too bad details on the Unatco route are scant as all fuck, I'm surprised that there hasn't been any effort to add back in cut content like that, and the female JC.

It would be nice to see it in a somewhat more updated engine to open up modding and stuff.


Why would I post here on the clearnet? Why do you keep saging a fucking vidya thread? Kill yourself



So, does tor fully work again?

It's compromised, so it doesn't matter.

Wow that is pretty disappointing. Oh well, one can dream

Bravery is not a function of firepower.

Yeah yeah yeah, I heard that so many times and never has proof been given, although it has been a while, I had at some point read nearly every paper published on tor and very few of them pointed towards a reasonable vector of attack, most that suggested compromise were building upon "this was a successfull attack in the past" so if we can get to that point, we broke tor, not keeping in mind that tor evolved and that many past attacks no longer work at all.

All arrests I have read about have proven connections outside tor, aka, failed opsec by those taken down. And none of those are ever disputed by those on trial, so it seems fair to not doubt that they just failed opsec hard. I know about parallel constructions, but that doesn't mean every case is parallel construction.

But please, do enlighten me and tell me why tor is broken and what evidence exists for ti.

You're gonna burn alright.

Sticks and stones.


faggots gonna fag

Fags gonna need to fag harder than that.

why though

OP, Deus Ex is a great game, although it's noticeably outdated and a few of its gameplay elements are not very good. You should give it a try anyway. Don't go in expecting the greatest game ever made, just a really good and somewhat flawed game.

I guess what they say is true, you really do need to be a soulless bastard to join UNATCO

I've been playing GMDX on Realistic, just got up to Paris. I'm so fucked for ammo lately. I think I should have used Pistols instead of Rifles, because even though I've got a shotgun, AR and sniper rifle I'm still almost always empty.

Changes are pretty great overall, minimal crashes.

I didn't mean that upon hitting the enemy with the prod nothing happens. I meant that I pressed the left mouse button and JC didn't hit the enemy with a prod. It sometimes unfucks itself after I drop the prod on the ground, but not always. I assume it's a bug, that's why I asked.

Mate the crosshairs getting smaller is pretty obvious.

ok, so i started playing it again for the third time and it's of course glorious like always
HOWEVER i found something that bothered me
you see, i tried to take a stealth approach at least for the first part of the game, trying to pass unseen and without killings
so, i made the mission in castle clinton, and i can swear i didn't shoot one bullet, nor have i killed any nsf
so i expected agent navarre to be angry at me and carter to like me, instead the opposite happened
did i do something wrong?
maybe the game counts enemies as dead even if i just knocked them unconscious? or is it just my copy of the game that is bugged?

Anna will chastise you slightly if you knock out all the NSF in castle clinton, if not she'll assume you killed people. Could be a bug though. FYI, from that point on the game will not acknowledge non-lethal approaches. If you knock someone out from this point on it'll be treated the same as if you killed them - of course there are some situations where leaving them conscious will have some effect.

You sure the UNATCO guys + Anna didn't butcher the NSF?

there was one guard in the underground tunnel which i didn't knock out because i could easily pass by without bothering
could that be the reason?

i had all the nsf in the castle knocked unconscious before meeting with navarre outside, i'm sure of that

Strange. Though if you knock Lebedev out with a prod or baton the game treats it as if you killed him so maybe KO = dead in this case too.

could be
next time i'll try making it through without even touching any nsf guard

I thought this was an inevitable result until my fourth playthrough.

It turns out the game checks for your movement through the Castle Clinton courtyard, as well as looking for any combat between Navarre and the NSF.

If you are in the courtyard at any point, the game will assume you took a violent approach even if you don't attack anyone.

If Navarre and the UNATCO troopers get twitchy and start shooting at the NSF, the game again will assume you took a violent approach even if you don't enter the courtyard at this point or engage in hostilities.

The ONLY way to guarantee a pacifist outcome is to use the bolt-hole behind the vending machine to enter the castle's underground section, avoid enemies or take them down non-lethally, find the Ambrosia container, and then "leave via the bolt-hole"

If you use the above method Anna should run to you well away from the Castle and complain that you're too soft on the NSF. Carter will congratulate you on being a good cop when you get back the HQ as well.


I've just gotten to hong kong on my first GMDX run and it has a lot of good changes, and a couple bad ones.
The good: -Enemies have greatly improved AI. This includes things like throwing flares into shadows if they think that you're hiding there, continuing to search for you after opening a door (they didn't in vanilla) and generally searching for you longer. They also now don't all run away after taking a couple hits.
-level changes. Revision did this as well but in a shit way, thinking they had better level designers than the actual dev team which results in changes so major they actually make directions npcs give you inaccurate. In GMDX, these changes are little flavour bits, like the U.N.A.T.C.O. base has a generator out back and a little shed for the repair bot.Also all levels (so far) have many more things to lockpick, but that's a double-edged sword since there's maybe..3? or so more lockpicks to be found than in vanilla.
-The crossbow is now useful for stealth and non-lethal. A headshot with a tranq dart will instantly knock a dude out. The crossbow now also has taser darts and you can light people on fire with the flare darts.
-microfiboral muscle is now a passive aug

The bad- There is now a stealth skill which increases your walk/crouch speed. totally useless.
-Theres now also a stamina mechanic. It is dumb and bad and there's no reason for it to exist. It doesn't even come close to running out unless you're constantly swinging a melee weapon around.
-health and mana potions are far more plentiful
-You can't eat food and drink booze to your hearts content, you get full now. Once you get full, you never get un-full.

forgot to mention GMDX also adds more variety in the characters. some NSF dudes aren't wearing their visors, or just have a balaclava. Some U.N.A.T.C.O. guys dont wear a helmet and mask in the HQ. idk if thats new vision or GMDX but its a great thing

Within the first 4 minutes he's bitching about something in the story that doesn't make sense even though the game explains it like 50 times.

how'd you know my homepage?

I always save a candy bar from the first mission for this reason. If you want navarre to chastise you, the best way is to get the code knockout only two or three guards find the vaccine then leave. You should get the right dialogue, after that it shouldn't matter

These are the things I was worried about. I want a patch with QOL improvements ONLY. I don't want some jumped up modder trying to rebalance/add stuff into the game.

Some of the guards have names I don't recall them having as well, but just after escaping the MJ12 facility, also MJ12 troops will have gas masks and stealth cam, I don't remember them having either in vanille.

Well there is only like 3 different varieties of enemies in terms of difficulty in spite of various weapons they have in vanilla.
It's generally 1. Basic Schmuck you can gas, taze, and 1HKO with a single headshot to the head then
2. MiBs who can be gassed but it takes a while to knock them out but they'll still need to wipe their eyes out and takes forever to taze but you can't kill them up close because the explosion can do serious damage and then finally
3. Commandos who shoots rockets at you with gusto coupled with machine guns and they have a very specific spot you can use the prod on to take them out but is immune to the Baton and are extremely resistant to gas although they take damage I don't thinki they actually react to it at all if I recall and can't be pepper sprayed.

I'd say it's a good move to ease the transition.

But also less useful since you can't stuff yourself endlessly.
You do get unfull but I don't know if it's based on in-game time or what.


no thanks, we don't need more leftist propaganda

So I've made it all the way to the return to the NSF HQ mission in GMDX, and ever since the Lebedev mission, every time i pick up a corpse, i see an error graphic with "do not place" fall and i dont carry a body anymore, also half the equipment and ammo crates i find are empty. I dunno what I fucked up, but it only started since I went to the Airfield

The corpse problem is a bug I believe, as the ammo crates that was the way it was for my whole game. Never thought that maybe it was a mistake

I also forgot to mention the JoJo part of the Ton Hotel is bugged, he spawns but never moves to Sandra and Mr Renton

I never got the picking up bodies bug when playing without DeusExe, the Jojo bug is a known and is fixed in the now never releasing GMDX8.1, you instead have to wait until 9.0 which releases at years end.

gee, you guys must be fun at parties

You probably play video games for fun, faglord.

Which weapons family is usually the best? Rifles? Pistols?

Explosives + GEP Gun = everything dies plus you can use plasma rifles.
Low-Tech + the right Aug makes the prod and dragontooth sword combo even more OP since you can kill Bots effectively too now and the leg aug with speed and jumping enhancements makes it a fun build.
Rifles is the worst because only shotguns and assault rifles are available for that, if I remember it right.
Hacking is a must for your first time through but remember to write that shit down in Notes of the menu so you never need hacking to be above trained when playing the game a second time.
Fuck swimming the one time you'd actually really need it is only once and after that by the next major swimming segment you've got a myriad of options and rebreathers to get around it but environmental training is a good option because the Camos are actually pretty good since the Aug only allows an effective use against one type of enemies so you have to choose.
Lockpicking is unnecessary when you realize you can blow up practically all the locked doors, computers is needed unless you want to be a cheater on your first run.
Pistols is for the nonlethal builds since the crossbow needs all the accuracy boosts it can get.

rifles (sniper and assault rifle specifically) for stealthy lethal, pistols for if you like to have lethal and non-lethal ranged options, low-tech if you're a retard because the best melee weapon kills the toughest enemy in the game in like 4 hits with untrained low tech.

in GMDX 9 they're removing the ability to throw corpses and make them explode using microfiboral muscle

Aww, it was a good way of making john does disappear.

Not in GMDX, there's not enough explosives to go around.

Nor lockpicks. Not by a mile.


I just finished my playthrough of GMDX and this shit is unforgivable. There's a couple situations where optional story things are broken by the mod. I forget the other thing but it pissed me off.

Rifles cover a good range of ability.
1. Assault Rifle (also UMP in GMDX) for small enemies and grenades for bots. Ammo is more common as you progress through the game
2. Sniper rifle for stealth kills from a distance. Get a silencer mod for it
3. Shotgun for general combat, and features a non-lethal ammo type in GMDX

The other weapon classes are generally more specific in their applicability, and you can use the GEP gun reasonably well even without training, so I say fuck it. If you want to go stealth, pistols are pretty great too, but 10mm ammo becomes slightly less common as you progress.

fucking trash game

lmao git gud

Paul, I… I…
I thought you were a GEP gun.



The screen would simply flash from the plasma constantly making it hard to see shit so I just decided to nuke his ass because of how irritating that was


I remember when bait was good.

I was playing DE:MD when I saw that (pic). What happened to her? Why is she fat? Where is her neck?

Because the entire game is sjw crap.

Well I mean there is time delay attacks on secured and monitored networks. So I suppose if your net traffic is being monitored you can potentially set yourself up for capture and if your entry or exit nodes are also easily determined this makes time delay attacks easier by the Nth degree. Also if they control the enter or exit node you're kinda fucked to begin with.

So yeah TOR is compromised to a degree, but I'd say at least 70% of the traffic is "safe" provided your net traffic isn't under constant surveillance and your in an area where TOR is used with relative frequency.

I love how the PC version gives Simmons the plasma gun even though it's a total shit weapon in vanilla Deus ex. In the PS2 version he has a machine gun, and I think maybe another weapon which makes him much harder as he does massive damage if you don't use ways to reduce it. Plasma guns are ass

Well if they gave him a GEP gun he'd be unbeatable.

True enough, my point is the fight with a plasma gun is just annoying

Why the fuck are her eyebrows glued-on cardboard?

Not if you unironically invested in that anti-missle aug

It would have to be coupled with the augmentation that boosts your activated augs, or you would have to put a lot of upgrades into it to make it useful. Most just will not do that

Well the devs underestimated the potency of Plasma guns true.