can't you just frankenstein a handheld with a sbc though? Just attach a gamepad and tape the SBC (in a shell) to it, and attach a screen.
SBC thread
There are a couple of really cheap Orange Pi variants that are as good or better than the Raspberry Pi 2
The major con is that you'll have to wait a couple of weeks for shipping.
Check this out too:
I feel like there's a catch.
You could. It's shit and wouldn't fit in pockets, but you totally could.
There is, driver support. Good luck getting 2D and 3D acceleration outside of proprietary drivers that only work on Android. They can claim it's all open source and works just fine all they want, but Olimex makes similar claims and it's still a bit of a bitch to get everything working. Not to mention you'd need a lot of extra work to get something like gpsp working on it with that specific board.
Codec licenses as well. Pi has the capability to play MPEG-2, but requires a license to acess the hardware for it because the owners of the MPEG license are a bunch of fucking crooks.
Might be other codecs locked up tight but its not worth it, i'd rather buy a junkyard PC that has it right out of the box for the same price.
Never forget. Fuck SJW pi.
I'd like to do vid related, but it seems like a pain in the dick to get it working.
Depends on what you have. That's probably really easy if you have a SJWPi. It's a little more difficult on other boards. But isn't Brutal Doom just a TC wadpack? Just get any source port and you should be good.
I have a rasberry Pi 3 because it was provided for me by my school.
I would say for anyone who would want to do projects and really get into how to interface with the IO and the OS I would look at the source code for some of the programs. It was a lot easier for the rasberry Pi for me because there was documentation everywhere.
Also learn about the method mmap(), that is the magic method that maps the actual IO on the microchip to the virtual memory you get in your program code.
Also I wanted to get the A20 Olinuxino. has anybody gotten that?